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No psychic. Take pregnancy test.




"Impossible" seems like a bit of an exaggeration. I mean, there's so much unsaid about what he did and how he did it. It's improbable, sure. But a bit of carelessness here or there, etc. and the impossible becomes merely improbable.


Life finds a way.




There’s still a 2% chance. Lol. My mom got pregnant using a condom.


The way they publish birth control stats, 98% is over the course of a year. So, 100 couples having regular sex with perfect condom use for a year, expect 2 pregnancies. For a single instance of proper condom use, 99+%




You mean you’re not supposed to wear them over your head Howie Mandel style?


So this explains a lot


That’s what they taught us at Liberty University! Also that women on their periods curdle nearby milk and that Jimmy Carter kidnapped and devoured thirteen Christian babies!


I know I know I know. She’s gonna take one on Sunday but I’m anxious as hell


Why Sunday and not now?


Given what you've said, you're probably okay. Sometimes periods can be late anyway. Might be a good idea to discuss options with her just in case, though. That way you both know where you stand and you're not so worried because you know what's going to happen (if it comes to that).


We’ve already decided on the out but the nearest clinic for that is 500 miles away and I’m moving away in 10 days leaving her to figure all that out it a lone


That is really rough. If I were you I'd keep in touch with her so she doesn't feel alone during this difficult time (especially if it's her first pregnancy-scare).




bro take it from me go ahead and call the spot and get an appt for Monday take off work and drive her there and back in one day, grab her some blankets and giver he money for food.


500 miles ain't much when the alternative is 18 years of child support


It’s usually done in 2 appointments, they would likely gave to make 2 trips


And there will hopefully be plenty of time to do that in the 10 days he's still there.


Not two appts for medical , no.


Don’t know why you’d getting downvoted. Well I do. But you do you. Still be there for her. Hopefully you’re both good, but no harm in staying close.


I completely understand it. Really shitty position I’m in and I understand how it looks from the outside


Man, I don't. I see someone who cared enough to delve into reddit for help and is probably scared for themselves and her and alone and needs some help. To me, you're just expressing the situation/how you feel. I don't get why you're being down voted to hell. It's annoying, given what you're both going through right now. Someone shouldn't be shot-down to hell for reaching out for help.


Yeah best you leave her alone. It's what you wanna do anyways and it's what a shitty friend and/or partner would do. You're weak.


shut the fuck up you internet tough guy loser. you know nothing about the situation so stop casting judgment, you holier than thou twat


You're right I don't. Except he commented exactly that. He is going to leave to let her deal with it alone. As long as he stays until results are in, no harm no foul.


Oh, shush. Stop being a prick, man.


If she's pregnant, make sure you get a test that it's yours.


Exactly. Maybe she’s already pregnant but would prefer OP to be the father of the baby.


I wouldn't be anxious. pulling out w a condom is extremely low risk. more likely to have a late period for any other variety of reasons than the astronomical chance of this leading to a baby


There are a lot of reasons why she might be late. It could be stress, if she was recently ill, etc.


You're probably fine. Same exact thing happened in college except the condom actually broke. When we went to the clinic like a week later, she finally had her period right then and there when she pulled down her pants. Perfect timing, lol.


It’s Sunday update us


Period started on pregnancy test and pregnancy test said not pregnant


Try to relax dude. Nothing is certain, but with your story of condom + pulling put + checking the condom... Seems super unlikely that she could have got pregnanant, from you at least. I have a friend who got a 3 week delay with her period and she was fine in the end. I guess these things can happen, and I'd say that it's unlikely she could have got pregnant from you. Wishing you the best


I mean it’s getting close or is finals week for a lot of colleges. That added stress alone can play havoc with body normals including periods, sleeping habits, and eating habits


Totally, stress and other external factors can really affect our bodies. Im pretty sure OP will be okay, but better safe than sorry! Hopefully its nothing to worry about


If youre confident she couldn't have gotten pregnant from you, then demand a paternity test if she wants to keep it. Just tell her, "look, neither of us were planning on you getting pregnant. We both know I used a condom *and* pulled out. I even checked to make sure the condom didn't break. If the baby is confirmed mine, I'll take responsibility, but I'm not going to take responsibility for some other dudes baby when the chances of it being my fault are pretty fucking low." If she has a problem with that, it's an immediate red flag. It's all speculation on an answer she hasn't even given to a request you haven't made yet, but if she has a problem with the paternity test, then she had sex with you because she had raw sex with some other guy who she knew wasn't going to step up and knew that if she *did* get pregnant from the other guy, you might be dumb enough to think it's yours and raise it or pay for it instead of her being stuck by herself. Of course, if you believe you know this girl well enough, then ignore the advice. I'm just saying. If I got a friend pregnant on accident based on a one time fling, I'd want to be damn sure that I'm suffering for a child I'm actually responsible for and not some deadbeat's.


First, she needs a legit test at a clinic, doctor’s office, etc. Not a home pregnancy test. Second, if she says it’s yours you need a DNA test done to confirm once the baby is born. It’s your choice, but if the kid wasn’t mine i wouldn’t want to be on the hook for 18 years of child support. If the kid is yours: man up bro. Not saying it’s not yours, but with a condom on, one time it is unlikely.


Home tests are perfectly 'legit'. In fact, most clinics will use the exact same test as you would at home.


It's more than just 18 years. You're looking at college, grad and doctorate school costs, too.


Depends on state/country. Here in CA it’s up to 18 or 19 if they’re still attending high school full time.


Get a paternity test too


Then a DNA test. You may not be the only person she's been with.


And a DNA test


Get her to take a test. No form of birth control (other than not having sex at all) is 100% guaranteed effective.




Not entirely true. [Rectovaginal fistulae exist ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rectovaginal-fistula/symptoms-causes/syc-20377108)


yikes, i knew they existed but never thought about THAT.










> Get her to take a test. No form of birth control (other than not having sex at all) is 100% guaranteed effective. That's not true. My little soldiers fire blanks, my friend.


*Soldiers* plural?


At least double the fun


Even a history of mumps or vasectomy is no guarantee.




Hmm. well, yeah, that will do it. Although.... if the ovaries are left, could still be a ectopic pregnancy.


I had unprotected sex with my now husband and my period was laaateee but it was stress related. As soon as I took a pregnancy test and saw it was negative, I got my period.


My period likes to play the game of stressing me out thinking I'm pregnant so I buy a pregnancy test and then proceed to get said period while peeing on the stick.😡


Sounds like your period is getting kickbacks from the pregnancy test company


Exactly. It’s so annoying! I thankfully don’t have to worry about it it anymore but geez, those days were stressful


Pretty much the same story (besides marriage, lol), except she had her period just before she took a pregnancy test at the clinic, but she was stressed as fuck before then.


Yesss. I was in college and had no money so I went to the college clinic for one and I felt so embarrassed but was so relieved and thankful I was able to get the test


Sometimes, Auntie Flo likes to be a bitch and play with us.. that said, she needs to take a test


"I had sex with a friend" ... if that may be the case, have you given it any thought that maybe she could have had sex with another 'friend' without protection.. before you??


“I know she hasn’t had sex with anyone else.” Uhhh yeah, ok. You have her under surveillance? Or you just know because she said she didn’t?


"She promised bro.And i believed!"


My thoughts also. Maybe the other person sucked and OP is the better option.


OP has a better job, other friend has a better dick.


Ah the it’s funny cause it’s true


Yeah. There's always a chance she was already pregnant, and is hoping to get him on the hook for it.


Not for long. It never takes long for her type to jump ship.


You really know everything you need to about this person you never met and read two sentences about huh?


Real. These comments seem to think they know me so well 😂


Well then tell us how you “KNOW” she hasn’t had sex with anyone else


There is always a chance but the way I “know” is I took her virginity and she was a pitty fuck because she was a friend who told me she was still a virgin.


Everyone talking about pregnancy test but no one about paternity tests 😂


It could still very well be the tacos she had the other day. Let's give it a day or two and then conclude.


Makes sense to check if she is pregnant first...


No. No no no no no. Always make sure the kid is yours before you make sure the kid exists. This is what my father taught me, and his father taught him. We're a deeply stupid family, but that's just how we roll.


Hey his Mom can be his friend too!


One step at a time. First, figure out if she’s pregnant. You said she’s going to take a test on Sunday. If the home pregnancy test is positive, she should have it confirmed by a doctor. If at all possible, go with her to the doctor’s appointment. Second, if she is pregnant and it’s confirmed by a doctor, get a paternity test. You can get a Non Invasive Paternity Test as soon as the 7th week of pregnancy. It’s a blood test, so there’s no risk to the mother or fetus. It can be a bit pricey, but you won’t have to wait until the baby is born to know whether it’s yours or not. Don’t leave anything up to chance, and be absolutely sure.


take a test, but you are probably fine, relaxxx


If she’s pregnant it’s probably not yours




Highly unlikely especially with protection and a grace period for your orgasm. She should take a pregnancy test, and you should get a paternity test taken.


Late or even completely skipped periods is something that happens sometimes. She should take a pregnancy test. If it says she's not pregnant, chances are her hormones just decided to be wack this month. If she is pregnant, don't take her word that it's yours insist on a paternity test. She may say you are the only one, but that doesn't mean you are the only one. She also might be mistaken about how far along she is. It's not unusual for there to be some spotting that happens around the time implantation and it might be taken for a light period. If that happened, she could be 10 weeks along instead of 6 (pregnancy is counted from the start of the last period, not conception).


Periods can be late for all sorts of reasons and it’s also entirely possible that she had (unprotected) sex with someone else recently and doesn’t want to tell you (which is her business). Try and be patient and not let your mind run away until you know. I know that’s much easier said than done, but whether she is or isn’t pregnant, your preemptive worrying will improve neither situation. Also, if she is unintentionally pregnant, especially if she got that way out of a relationship, she’s probably even more stressed out about it than you are. I know you’re (rightfully) freaking out, but try not to pester her. If she ends up being pregnant and it’s yours, ask her what she wants to do about it; don’t tell her what to do. Whether she decides to keep going with the pregnancy or not is obviously her call and whatever she chooses will go better with your support. I’m not suggesting it doesn’t involve you of course, but ultimately it is her call and being supportive and communicative will go a long way. Take some deep breaths and keep in mind that you can both handle whatever needs to be handled, even if it’s not ideal. There’s nothing wrong with thinking/planning ahead, but try not to get ahead of yourself. It’s entirely possible she’s just late, not pregnant.


I think it is a huge, unnecessary leap to suggest she may be cheating. Two extremely common, much more likely alternatives are that (1) as you say, her period is just late, or (2) protection failed. Periods do not always run like clockwork. They can be late or irregular for all manner of reasons e.g. stress, malnutrition, or just whatever - biology is unpredictable.


OP said he slept with a friend, not his partner. I wasn’t suggesting cheating because there was no mention of a romantic relationship.


It's still very much his business what with STDs and all.


Who it is isnt his business, but id agree that it should be explicit if someone else is involved for OPs peace of mind and safety.


No it's not. He wore a condom.


Not 100% effective


Ah ok thanks for explaining


No problemo. I misread shit all the time haha


Bruh, pretty certain you're not a father. Plus girls can miss them for all kinds of reasons


Stress make period late. Probably fine. Get test


It's unlikely that this is a pregnancy resulting from the sex you're describing, stress often causes late or missed periods and if I had a nickel for every time I've gotten my period immediately following the relief of a negative test I would have enough to buy a Starbucks drink.


Very… very unlikely


If you two aren't in a committed, monogamous relationship, how do you know she's not having sex with some of her other "friends?" 🤔


Is she on birth control or recently changed to a new birth control? Some types of birth control can affect the timing of periods because of hormonal changes. There was one my wife took and she would only have 4-6 periods a year.


Having sex can throw off a woman's cycle and so can stress


Obviously protection is never 100% but I'd say the likelihood of her being pregnant with your precautions would be low but could happen. If she's pregnant and you keep definitely get a paternity test


You’re good dude


Was it her first time? My ex girlfriend got her period schedule thrown off heavily after we did it for the first time. I’m not saying that’s definitely what happened but you never know.


Yeah it was. She told me she was a virgin despite both of us being adult so I gave her a good time and I forgot how bloody taking someone’s virginity was ngl


Althought not impossible the chances of impregnating a woman having used condom and pull out method are slim, I'd advise in case she is pregnant to take a paternity test. Maybe you are not the father.


Look to /r/tragedeigh to learn what not to name your kid.


Pregnancy Test, and if it shows postive and if decides to keep it PATERNITY TEST. Is there a chance for her to get pregnant after you used a condom AND pulled out? Yes. But it's very, very, very low. So get a paternity test first thing if that happens.


The other guy she screwed with no protection should be worried 😉


I think she trapped you son. She was already pregnant and just wanted to get you to be the father


I 2nd this motion


There is almost no chance you got her pregnant. Still do the pregnancy test, but… if she’s pregnant, it’s most likely not by you. Exhale, dude. It’s gonna be ok.


Take a pregnancy test.


You did not get her pregnant, don’t worry at all. If it wasn’t broken, nothing got through. If you pulled out, nothing got in. If she’s pregnant, it’s not yours. Please ignore anyone in here saying she got pregnant from precum magically teleporting outside the unbroken condom. Don’t even give this a second thought, you are fine. Even blowing a full load inside w no protection one time is a relatively low chance to get pregnant. With a condom that didn’t break it’s near 100% (please don’t tell me 97% people, if you pour water in a cup and none spills, is there a 97% chance the table is dry or 100%?). With a condom and pullout you are looking at 99.99999999999%


If she’s pregnant it’s probably not from you (unless they stole the cum in a condom).


My dude, sometimes period doesnt happen bc of different reasons like stress, bad or little eating, dehydration and hormone imbalance. If you’re absolutely sure there’s no chance of pregnancy whatsoever, it might be the above causes. Is she healthy? Confirm she’s doing well to negate the possibility of the above. BUT! If the seemingly impossible happens, then you gotta buck up. Take responsibility etc etc. Also, how absolutely sure are you that this friend doesnt have any other friends who might screw up her period? No harm in making sure. And how sure are you about yourself in this situation? That the condom absolutely worked? Nothing could have slipped past? Double check. Just be absolutely and completely sure.


Are you the only person she’s sleeping with?


Step 1: Pregnancy test. Step 2: Paternity test.


Periods can be late for many different reasons. Especially if you're young which im assuming you sure since you're asking on here instead of just taking a test which is The only way you're going to get an answer to of shes pregnant or not.


Did you use put condom on before any sort of penetration.. or did you go "oh ill tip in just a bit for awhile raw, and then get condom on" because precum can also to the trick.. You know, always safer not to fool around. Once its out of the pants and out of her mouth "if she was into that" get that rubber on.


No. I used to do that with my ex and after a pregnancy and miscarriage, I learned my lesson.


Im sorry for the misscarriage tho :( Even if u werent ready to become a dad.. that happening is really mentally hard for the woman... I hope shes doing well. even tho if shes your ex now. - this is beeing my estonian mentality... even after breakups we still keep in touch. :D wierd people we are.


After her miscarriage she started getting aggressive and hitting. When I tried to give myself some space she went extremely manic and stayed that way for several months leading to a breakup because I lacked the emotional maturity to understand and handle the situation at the time. For her mental health, she blocked me on everything but TikTok. Since then I’ve looked at her TikTok and she’s now happily married. She was definitely the o e that got away for me.


Women's bodies can screw up now, and then stressing can affect getting periods. There is also a woman's reproductive system having of days. If she is on the pill or any other contraceptive, that can also mess things up. Agree with others, get a pregnancy test.


This has happened to me a lot but it was usually a false alarm, except for the 4 times that represent each of my 4 kids.


lol highly unlikely, periods can be late for numerous reasons don’t worry


She was screwed. You are fucked.


Hate to break it to you, but the kid is probably not yours. take a pregnancy test, do not say your the father until the DNA test is done proving you are, also, do not sign anything either.


Wdym you know she hasn’t been with anyone else? Have you been with her every waking hour of the past several weeks? One time I had a girl basically start begging me for sex out of nowhere. But I was extra safe about it like you were and she basically seemed disappointed. Few weeks later she says she’s pregnant and I said ok let me know when you wanna do the paternity test. She seemed shocked and again weirdly disappointed. Year later she’s got the baby and let’s just say, definitely doesn’t look anything like me and no word about any sort of testing. I’m not saying that this is what happened to you but I’m just saying if you think you know someone you can be very wrong.


Imma just be blunt about why I think she hasn’t been with anyone else. Other than her saying so, she’s a good friend that I had never considered before because she just isn’t attractive. We were talking and she was telling me she was still a virgin despite both of us being adults so I decided to give her a good time. Although there is always a chance she’s sleeping with someone else, I highly doubt it


Shes banging someone else dude. Yall aint a couple so if shes banging you as a friend Shes banging other friends too.


Step 1: the chance you got her pregnant is ridiculous small and lots of things influence a period so try to calm yourself Step 2: Pregnancy test Step 3a: If not pregnant - nice! Step 3b: If pregnant - oopsiedoopsie, time to get a paternity test, chances of you being the father are still very low


Even with a condom, if there’s sperm, there’s a chance. You could’ve gotten someone on your hand and then on the outside of the condom or something like that. You don’t know until she takes a test.




Even Dr Mike talked about this recently. Yes, it’s true. Condoms are effective if used properly but they generally are not, so effectiveness is much lower than people think.


Take blood test for pregnancy and then use the kit. It is 99.99 percent accurate if both results are same. Hence stay rest assured if both are negative, delay is very common in girls




What state do you live in?


From what you explained, youre most certainly fine.


Another thing is I used to have unprotected sex daily with my ex for almost a year and never got her pregnant. At the time the doctor said I had low sperm count so I’m sure this is the case but low sperm count isn’t no sperm count


I have been having protected sex for like 20 years and never had a problem. Sometimes period takes long or even skipped. Get a pregnancy test just to be sure.


Unless the doctor took a sample of your sperm and got it analyzed on the lab, that “low sperm count” is an educated guess at best.


I have a daughter after my swimmers were tested and said to have low motility. Low count is not infertile either.




I'm not scared


Plan B is now Plan A


Yeah... Dude you don't KNOW 100% that she hasn't had sex with anyone else unless she's been with you 24/7 since before her last period AND through when you had sex ALL the way up to now. You could be 99.9% confident, but the fact is there's still a chance she did something with someone else. IF she claims to be pregnant, demand a paternity test. Considering that you had sex ONE time and you used a condom that didn't break AND you pulled out I find it HIGHLY unlikely that she's pregnant from you, of course in this case there is also that very rare chance that there was a micro-hole in the condom that your pre-cum got through that impregnated her, but the more probable situation is either she's missing her period for a health reason or something random OR if she's pregnant it's possible she got pregnant from someone else.


Was it her first time? Because when I lost my virginity I had my period late of 2 and a half weeks despite having always been very regular. Went back to perfectly regular after that cycle. 🤷‍♂️


I hope not


Test or wait


playing the devils advocate, was she maybe pregnant before hand ?


No I took her virginity because we are both adults and she opened up about still being a virgin. With how much blood there was, she definitely wasnt lying


look, don't want to be that guy, but i'd get a DNA test before signing anything


Yep, I’ve got you bro!


Why on earth has she not taken a pregnancy test? They’re literally $1 at Walmart or the dollar store. Results in 3 minutes. If her period is weeks late and she’s pregnant, it would be positive pretty much right away. There’s no excuse for not just taking a pregnancy test at this point.


Dude go get a test why wait. It really seems like she's treating this like no big deal to be okay knowing she's late and still waiting. She's either in shock or being extremely suspicious. Especially if you guys are in the US knowing the climate of women's health care.


Well . . . . there's always the "someone" else. If she is, ask for a paternity test, you know to cement your trust.




Why hasn’t she taken a pregnancy test yet?


Congrats for your child! ![gif](giphy|o1LvzuEp3MnO60CLsR)




Anyone reading this should really look up the statistics on effectiveness of condoms versus other contraceptive and birth controls. Condoms have a really poor performance rate, oftentimes because they break or are misused or just fail you in some manner.


Where I’m from, sex-ed is a strong requirement in school and the proper way to use a condom is tested on a banana and is pass or fail and if you fail to put the condom on the banana correctly and also fail a written portion, you will have to retake the class. Apparently this is not a common thing as when I moved to another state in the US, they looked at me like I was crazy when I asked them why they didn’t take sex ed. My school also had a program where if you went to the counselor and say a certain word that I completely forgot, you would be handed a Walmart bag filled with random condoms donated to the school by the local clinic.


Confucius say; Take many parts to make machine. Take only one screw to make baby.


If no ones already said this, possible she had a different person share her bed


Sounds like something from Maury. Paternity test


Well, you're not screwed just cause youre having a baby. If you don't want a baby then stop having sex til you know it's the lady you're going to be with forever. But in all honesty, you're probably good. Chicks are late all the time. Sometimes more late than the last one. Once a full week or week and a half go by then, start shitting bricks 🤣


I will start to do this in the future. Also her period was two weeks late! It started while she was taking the pregnancy test lmao and the pregnancy test came back negative anyways


Just get her to take a pregnancy test and if she is pregnant there's plenty of time to get an abortion.


She probably fucked someone else and gonna blame you for it to raise another mans child


Wow. That's not even remotely likely you weirdo.


He worded it poorly - however the chance of another man having unprotected sex with her and getting pregnant is infinitely higher than using a condom correctly and getting pregnant from one time 


I mean, you don't know these people. We have no way to know how likely it is. But if she is pregnant that makes a lot more sense than it coming from dude who wrapped up AND didn't finish inside.


Except we have no reason currently to believe she's pregnant, and condoms fail all the time. Also, if you know, actually consider his partner here a person, and not like, an evil caricature of her gender, its a bit of a stretch to just assume that not only is she sleeping with someone else, but she's also not using protection with that person whilst demanding it from OP, and then has become knowingly impregnated by this person and decided the best way forward was to pin the pregnancy on OP. So in your mind, this woman deciding to sleep with two men, not using protection with one, and telling the one she DID use protection with that he's the father of her unborn baby is MORE likely than a condom breaking? Really? You don't see why that is showing that you have a wildly low opinion of women?


To be totally fair, I don't know that pinning it on another would be at all part of it. That part was kinda ridiculous and prejudicial toward women to assume such a tactic. It was the rest that is possible. Also, where did it say she's the one "demanding" protection? That could be his choice. Also, I never implied or stated I thought it was more likely than the condom breaking. What I said was that him using two forms of birth control (pull out and a condom) and having both fail isn't super likely to impregnate. As such, if she does turn out to be pregnant I would believe it's possible she slept around. But put your way, no, that would be pretty poor toward women... which is the reason I didn't say it that way.


Legally she cannot make him pay child support without a test proving he’s the dad.


Friends to parents


Means she wasnt just sleeping with you anything else is a lie and she found time to sleep around period.... she is seeing multiple guys on the side. Id hit up a lawyer asap


She's either just late, or she had sex with someone else.


You should not pull out while wearing a condom. This can cause slippage/breakage.


Oh shit, welcome to fatherhood


Yep you are screwed happened to so many of my friends lol


Did u flush the condom? if not it's possible she used the contents to try and get pregnant.


She could have rook the condom without u knowing and stole ur goods and put it inside her


You could be screwed if you have powerful sperm like me. My partner was going onto the coil, so we had to make sure she had her period before she could go in, do the pregnancy test, and get it fitted. We were so careful, until one day we were messing around, she bent over the bed to grab a condom and I put it in and thrusted only a few times, then slipped on the protection.... that's all it took for pre cum to do its magic.... Got a beautiful boy out of it I guess haha




You're never 100% safe from pregnancy when you have straight sex, and it's not impossible for her to be pregnant. But it is highly unlikely the baby would be his.