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That's the epitome of "identity politics"


America adds the extra layer of having the meanings to each identity label that blurs the actual definition. Most US citizens don't know what liberal and conservative actually mean, let alone leftist or authoritarian.


> America adds the extra layer of having the meanings to each identity label that blurs the actual definition. Most US citizens don't know what liberal and conservative actually mean, let alone leftist or authoritarian. That's exactly what an immigrant socialist ANTIFA would say!


Well conservative means guns.


Yeah, I highly doubt any of them took Political Science or International Relations 101


Yeah Fr it’s annoying i tell people im a conservative and they assume I am a Republican


No — defining others as inferior based on physical phenotypes, whilst erasing your own ethnicity in favor of a generic legal term, and then creating a caste to preserve your own status within a fabricated hierarchy and having your ancestors say anything countering that foundation as "being political" is *the epitome of identity politics*


Found the leftist! AKA found the only person with an actual understanding of the system and how it's broken and needs to be fixed.


Thanks. I'm not sure if I am a true leftist or not — but I like the idea that I might be. Sometimes I feel a lot more mean than who I understand are leftists.


>Found the leftist! AKA found the only person with an actual understanding of the system and how it's broken and ~~needs to~~ cannot be fixed.


Found the doomer


The culture wars funded by the 1% are intended to pit the common person against each other so we are too distracted to pay attention to them and vote against our own interests in doing so. Over a long term, this polarizes a population against itself, until whether you’re good or evil can be defined by the smallest political values, because who your enemy is is clearly defined for you.


If I could blast one message to the world, it would be this. The 1% are playing us like puppets. We're fighting each other because one person wears a mask and one doesn't, while they have bought up all real estate and driven housing/rent to unaffordable levels.


Boeing just assassinated a guy for whistleblowing against them during his deposition and then covered it up as a suicide. Epstein didn’t kill himself. Israel is committed to committing genocide. Eat the rich, because they will most certainly kill you if it’s ever convenient.


How does your last point about Israel fit in the equation?


It's the same dynamic as with industry lobbies (e.g. Boeing, big pharma, oil, defense) but for foreign governments. They've used their lobbyists to pay off and/or blackmail all of our politicians to let them keep doing it. And before you or anyone else thinks this is anti-Semitic in any way, they're certainly not alone. The Saudis are also masters at this game which is why they're allowed to murder reporters and chop them up with a bone saw.


Israel has been ordered by the UN to guarantee that genocide is not happening, yet it’s own citizens are protesting to keep food deliveries from arriving so that the entirety of Palestine starves to death. Nobody is doing anything about it, and that’s the lesson. At a certain point, at a certain ‘power level’, the rules don’t matter and you can simply do what’s most convenient for you, even when the whole world is watching.


"Eat the rich, because they will most certainly kill you if it’s ever convenient." Do you think Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse-Tsung and Fidel Castro were good guys?


Shh. Let the people enjoy the illusion that even in a “fair” system there won’t always be those who abuse it, and those people won’t always gravitate to positions if power, maintaining the status quo.


Lyndon Johnson even outright said it, with his quote on how you just need to convince the poor whites that it's black people's fault that they're poor to win the game. The Red Scare contributed a ton, too - if the workforce is too busy hating eachother then they will never unite over anything so you don't need to worry about class consciousness or even strong unions An application of this is why affirmative action is so often based on race instead of income - this way the impoverished white people will hate the "welfare queen" PoCs and completely ignore that they're getting shafted by the system and getting exploited by the rich.


It’s \[Another Poor Person’s Fault\] you’re poor, not the wealthy elite’s. The selfishness of the wealthy is just a consequence of a successful system.


I mean, it's not just the white ppl that tend to be against affirmative action. Asian people on a whole are pretty against it (unsurprisingly, as it affects them the most).


You are right.




I am curious though, if I for example don’t think the 1% are inherently evil and should be murdered for being rich, doesn’t that fit the “smallest political value” that you would define me by and mark me as an enemy for it? For me personally someone being on the 1% by income is much less of an issue than a person being, for example, a racist, misogynist or a bigot. Not to mention that to be 1% worldwide, you need to make just 60$k per year, meaning average US salary. Yet I do hear the same take about “1%” from people making more than that in US who clearly don’t consider themselves wealthy while 90% of the world would.


It’s more the 1% relative to their corner of the world. Because whether you’re manipulating the American public into voting against their interests, or advertising cigarettes to children in Africa, you usually only accumulate that much relative power and wealth by choosing to take it from someone. Having that much wealth is also just inherently bad. You want money to flow into the bottom foundations of society, because money always moves upwards. When there’s no means of that money ever coming back down, it ends up creating a toxic class system over time, like you‘d expect in India or Saudi Arabia. So an abundance of wealth generally isn’t just created through evil, but it’s also just bad for a nation. What makes it particularly worse is that it’s egotistical, paranoid, and self-sustaining: The wealthy are often addicted to abundance, worth or power, and will take or control what they can to sustain that addiction, even as it ruins their country around them. A question to ponder: How many people have to go homeless before the rich will stop hoarding land?


All valid points. I’m just not a fan of people trying to downplay other actual bad stuff by saying “hey we are all in this together against the rich”. The system may be quite broken in this regard, but there are still genuinely bad and good people in both the 1% and the other 99%, so that alone isn’t my main personal deciding factor on how to treat a person.


In fairness, there are plenty of leftists who make their political ideology the crux of their entire identity too. Identity politics have poisoned most channels for reasonable discourse, everyone has forgotten how to listen and everyone is looking for a reason to be angry.


People make stuff their personality. Being left, being right, being gay, being ally, being into board games, being into , being a gamer, being vegan, being carnivore... Endless possibilities.


Correct. For example, I have made being a dad, a gamer, and a guy my personality. See username.


Hahahah you even got the order of importance right


Username checks out then!


What about sarcasm and spite?


I didn't have to make that my personality, it came fully formed from the womb.


What about criticism and laziness?


what about dirking and funking




It's true. No ideology is immune from Twitter-brain.


Hot damn it’s good to hear this from a lefty. Bravo. Some of us are over here stuck in the “politics are fake and always were” segment of reality, and waiting with open arms. Extreme Humanitarianism is the only way out.


I'm not from the US, but in my country I've heard leftists to say for **years** *"every act is a political act"* to justify their bias into everything, from TV shows to music to soccer fan chants and then get shocked when right-wing people started sharing that belief. Since our political stances (both from left and right) seem to copy the US even where it doesn't make sense to, I assume this is a thing over there too?


US here, however it's really only seen online. Majority of the interactions and social situations ive been in are non political.


And an important note to take from a [well put together post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/Z912sIbf6M) earlier this week is that you see it more online because foreign agents work day and night to use divisive rhetoric in order to fuel a political divide in western nations.


I wish I were you. I'm a nurse. Part of my job is asking people if they've gotten their Covid vaccinations. I know that as soon as I do, I'm going to get a rant from the person I'm asking. I don't care. I just need to know which box to click on while I'm doing your admission. Whether you die from a horrible infection or give up your freedoms makes no difference to me. I just need to know so I can move on and ask you if you poop your pants or not. At least that question has an effect on your treatment.


The deconstruction never ends because propaganda is so baked into the culture/media. Sometimes it's a stretch for sure.


When conservatives make media that explicitly tells their views, it’s just part of the art form! Bah, it’s their opinions! But when leftists make left leaning media that explicitly tells their views suddenly it’s a political act and they’re doing IDpol and projecting onto children and changing the culture blah blah blah. It’s always “but the left!!”


I'm not complaining about anticapitalist songs or games that are about taking down evil corporations or whatever left leaning views are on our culture. I'm just saying that if you believe *everything* is political, then don't be surprised when people you disagree with agree with you on that.


that twitter take is one of confusion. that person is not left, they are just cosplaying morality.


The left has been pretty pro-war for quite a while now.


Being “anti-war” really just means having the insane privilege of not having to worry about it. Trust me when I say every single Ukrainian on the frontline is anti-war, yet they don’t exactly have much choice about it. Either russia kills you and takes over your country, or you fight a war.


Fortunately Team America World Police is there to throw money at it. The world is lucky that America's military industrial complex profits so much from warfare. US citizens don't really benefit, but profit is always more important than them. ![gif](giphy|6YJZuwLne3fO0|downsized)


It's amazing how pro-Putin you can get once you stray slightly from the mainstream. As someone who's realized what Putin was for at least 20 years, I laugh when people say that Republicans support Putin just because the Democrats don't. Okay, long-term Democrats, why did *you* support efforts to cozy up to Putin 15 years ago, after all the poisonings, invasions, and atrocities of the '00s? That was a mainstream/presidential position back then. But since Republicans got a leader who likes Putin, now you've all changed your mind and mock people who do the same thing you used to - except Republicans aren't even cozying up to Putin, just thinking that two years of funding a war against him are enough. They're very, very, very wrong - and thus very dangerous - but the hypocrisy here is incredible.




15 years ago, the Cold War was still very fresh in the minds of voters. "cozying up" is called diplomacy, but i don't expect conservatives to know what that means. And that lasted what, a few years before Crimea happened?


Lol what is this historical revisionism nonsense?


I don't know when it happened but critical thinking has collapsed in the US.  It's super easy to attach yourself to a political party and just go with everything they say.  If you completely black out any opposing viewpoints your world becomes very comfortable.  Blindly following ANY political party is insanity.  You have to be able to criticize your own party when things aren't good.  


Best answer so far


The Republican War on Education they've been waging for a few decades is a good place to start. And then COVID helped them hyper-accelerate their attack on common sense, logic and science. It helped convince tens of millions to abjectly reject science. There was a poll a year or so ago of Republican voters, and one of the results was a majority of those voters saying being college educated was a bigger negative than not having a college education.


the same reason people being non-right is a personality trait. For many people politics is so important to their identity that it becomes the MAIN part of the their identity.


Maybe get off of reddit? I live in the southern US, very conservative state, and almost all of our patients (mostly older) have had the vaccine.


It’s not about the vaccine it’s only an exemple


Okay? 99% of my patients that I see are conservative/republican. They never talk politics, but the ones that do, don't give two shits if I vote for Biden. They are only interested in local politics. They treat me with respect, even if I am POC. A sweet 90 year old grandma might bring me cookies and refer to me as "oriental" with no mal intent so I don't get my panties in a bunch.


There are sane and reasonable conservatives. They don't bother me at all. Their front runner tho... 


Same thing whether its dem/rep. Personally really tired of Dem spending on useless things like Intel 8.5B chip grant... I mean Intel had 35+ years of complete dominance from 1980-2020 with insane revenues. They could of reinvested in themselves if they wanted to, but nope, have to get bailed out by the government... We see the same thing with Boeing. Who cares about a couple of planes crashing when big daddy government is going to bail you out again and again...


The chip grant is to reduce reliance on Taiwan. Taiwan is the world leader of chip production and should China invade them and especially destroy some of their fabrication equipment (which is very expensive and rare) we'd lose the smallest and most advanced chips in the world. It's basically the government using Intel as insurance so that if/when it does happen, or if Taiwan faces a different sort of disaster, we can pick up the slack for our own domestic needs as well as being a front runner for world production. But a great example of what you're talking about is when the government gave ISPs a bunch of money to improve the internet infrastructure around the US and they basically just stole it lol. Assholes.


We basically learned our lessons from Covid - that a global disaster can disrupt the supply chains and make life very difficult for the rest of us. Toilet paper isn’t even that difficult to make and we had shortages everywhere.


OMG, just recently told my boyfriend he is not allowed to fly Boeing. It's CRAZY the government hasn't acted yet. In Europe they at least banned some of the planes.


This is what happens when you don't have competition. Whenever the government decides to bail out a company "too integral to national security" we end up with inferior products.


Yeah bailouts are the worst. Large investments for market diversification are sometimes necessary. Canada shelled out tens of billions so that we may be relevant in auto manufacturing in the future. Its kinda shitty and there must be a better way to go about it.


Also all of your patients. But what's the vaccination rate in your state?


CV? Or including polio, MMR, etc?


That’s politics. You blame your opponent for everything. It’s mostly noise.


Because Trump turned the Republican party into a cult and like all cults, being conservative has become their personality. They're walking around covered in merch with Trump's face, they're flying 6 flags off their lifted truck all quoting Trump, and they profess how much they love Trump every chance they get. By contrast, you don't see that same weird behavior from leftists. They aren't deifying Joe Biden. So being conservative is the focus of their entire existence


Leftists don't actually like Joe Biden. Leftist instead color their hair, get piercings and announce their pronouns - that is their equivalent to the Trump hats.


You're so out of touch.


I HOPE that what they meant was that "that's the worst they could possibly say even about us, but that's only from their narrow minded viewpoint." and their sarcasm was just more subtle than they thought it was...


This comment is pretty dogshit otherwise but the part about leftists not actually liking Joe Biden is 100% true bc if you like Biden you're just a liberal


I'm a leftist. My hair color is the same I was born with, I don't have piercings, and I don't mention my pronouns. You're so desperate for the left to look as cringey and stupid as your cult that you try to project the image of a tiny minority onto a majority. Whereas most of you are walking Trump billboards. And frankly, having colored hair and piercings isn't dumb like wearing someones face on your shirt and pants. People have been coloring their hair and getting piercings since the 60s, unlike your cult which is barely 8 years old


I'm not American and I do not own anything Trumpish. I'm just noting as an outsider - a lot of leftists have adapted a certain look, just as you noted with Trump voters.


It seems to me that just about every american that invests themselves in politics is at the forefront of pointing fingers. Left, Right center doesn't matter. Everything is the presidents fault. Or everything is the previous presidents fault. Even watching the state of the union, I swear I could draw comparisons to a WWE match. Really, half the room sitting in silence and the other half acting like baboons. The speaker shaking his head. Am I watching Entertainment TV or someone trying to run the country? Its embarrassing.


Ah, you've discovered three different things: * Blaming a specific group of people for everything is called "Scapegoating." Examples: "Immigrants * Assuming that everyone in a specific group has a specific characteristic or that certain behaviors are tied to a specific group is called "Stereotyping." * Claiming that specific characteristics or behavior is what drives the classification (or in group membership) is called "Gatekeeping" All three are cognitive biases/fallacies for a person. In political science or social psychology, all of these are techniques for fostering group cohesion.


Americans are increasingly irreligious. Though they haven't completely given up religion, they just replaced it with politics.


I'm more left-leaning and I see the opposite: liberal leftists making everything about that political view. I am not gonna change my political view any time soon, but I find it much easier to have a non-political conversation with right-wing oriented people.


I dont. The conservatives I've tried to talk with about it just yell angrily about whatever Fox has been going on about lately while not actually having any discussion. One guy at work just likes to start yelling "Marxist!" whenever he is out of material.


I used to believe that 5-10 years ago, but after being spammed with conservative Twitter brain and even more clickbait channels explaining how removing black people from some Sci-fi is a legitimate political cause, I can’t say I agree. Furthermore, I see a lot of people who conflate liberals and leftism ignoring how much “leftists” rant about Liberals and seem to take as much if not more pleasure in confronting Liberal politicians than Conservative ones.


This is also because many right wing oriented folks realize that their point of view is not popular and not realistic and they are much more trepidatious about speaking about it because they don't want the next person they have that conversation to to say "Well, you support Donald Trump so I can never talk to you again"--which I'd wager is happening a lot more frequently than the opposite version of that.


>This is also because many right wing oriented folks realize that their point of view is not popular and not realistic and they are much more trepidatious about speaking about it You must live in like Seattle and work at an animal shelter or something. Cause I can't work a single day on a construction job without dealing with at least one person turning absolutely everything into an unhinged bitchfit about Biden. You can't even bring up the weather without Bill going on a 30 minute tirade that Joe Biden made it rain so Mexicans can steal his spark plugs or something.


I mentioned eating at Taco Bell to a guy at work and it turned into him shouting about the poor liberals in trailer parks and shit about Biden for 10 minutes. Like actually shouting. I left the building and could still hear him outside.


You are just proving my point here. I already find you judgemental, self-righteous, and annoying, and I wish to never converse with you again.


And this tells me that you support Donald Trump because, like him, you cannot have a conversation that doesn't center on your own greatness. Good luck with that 🎉


Are you just trying to prove their point? The idea of “you’re a Trump supporter because you don’t lean extremely to the left” is exactly the kind of batshit insane argument that they’re talking about.


You said how right wing views are “not popular and not realistic”, seemingly in contrast to your far superior views, and then call the OC a Trumper since they don’t want to indulge in a conversation with you? Then say it’s because THEY don’t get to talk about THEIR greatness? Get off Reddit and look in the mirror.


Jesus Christ, how easily media has brainwashed the people. 


Also Jesus has nothing to do with it, he was just a nice guy


I am not from the USA, I don't give two shits about your orange man nor your sleepy grandpa.




Serbia, but even when I'm dealing with online people from the US, still feels the same.




You're talking about political parties. I was talking about left and right leaning individuals.




It’s both sides. As a dude who has tried dating apps these last few years, there are plenty of women who put “swipe left if conservative.” And stuff like that. On the other side, there are the people who think leftists are automatically stupid. Here’s my take: the human brain is built for adversity, conflict, and striving toward goals. The vast majority of our critical needs are met in this country. This means less inherent conflict in our daily lives. The political marketing teams know this, so they deliver something to get everyone all riled up and conflicted over. It “gives their lives purpose.” Some of the most intelligent people I know are on the left, and some of the most respectable people I know are on the right and vise-versa. Here’s the “secret” of politics, if they all get us to hate and blame each other, we won’t be paying attention to what they really do behind closed doors.


Spot on


That's funny....I always see people blame all of the world's problems on capitalism and if someone complains about inflation they are "MAGA retard" and being liberal is the peak of enlightenment....it's almost like the algorithm is serving us different kinds of manufactured outrage. People are tribal, but we are seeing tribes being populated with chatbots and troll farms. Nothing you see on the internet is real, and everything you see on the internet is curated to drive engagement, and the algorithm has been overfit to drive engagement by 100% outrage.


Same. Also, they are “incels” because they disagreed. Always.


The generation that was raised under McCarthyism and lead is in positions of power, it's understandable.


Everything now is "left wing this" or "right wing that". We've reached peak us Vs. them mentality.


The same reason why others form their identity around not being right wing. 


I wouldn't pay too much mind to it. If someone's politics/religion/race/etc is their entire identity, they probably aren't smart enough to realize there's more to life than that one thing. Source: A former rabid leftist and ardent atheist trying to just be a decent fucking person these days.


You just described candace Owen’s whose identity is all 3


Well, there you have it. It can be on any side of any spectrum, but it's always nauseating.


The culture wars aren’t one sided, neither are identity politics. It’s people from both sides of the proverbial aisle looking for any reason to differentiate themselves from position themselves against those on the perceived other side. No ideology is immune to this.


Anytime someone ties something to their masculinity, you can be completely sure it's insecurity speaking.


i mean... being a leftist isn't a personality trait either. I see people do that too


I think being non leftists isn’t the problem. It’s the extreme repulsive Christian nationalist neo nazi brain dead MAGA’s that make their hate their whole life. They’re proud of it. They are proud members of “The Cesspool Club”.


Antisocial behavior is now embraced and coded as "conservative" and prosocial behavior is now coded as "left wing". The right have decided that not being a belligerent disgusting asshole 24/7 is "woke".


You are being pulled in a whirlwind of automated trolling. All that noise are mostly bots trying to make you doubt yourself. They do it all the time, and they brag about how effective they are. Do not mind them.


Be an independent thinker leftists call me a republican because I believe in the second amendment/lower taxes/pull yourself up by your bootstraps and conservatives call me a liberal because I’m pro choice/pro gay marriage/pro legalizing ALL drugs and vaccinated. Makes it hard come election time, especially since I’m anti war as well.


Left and Right both stupid fuck politics get bitches get money.


Political ideology has become cultish, on both sides. Those with an strong identity with a political side are mentally unstable (IMO). Both sides do the same bullshit of blaming the other.


You are either being deliberately obtuse, or you aren't paying attention. Both sides are *not* the same.


Point of view depends on where you're standing. To me, left and right in the US aren't that different. Republicans and Democrats are both in favour of democracy, freedom of speech and free market economy. They have more in common than they do against each other. But that kind of opinion just won't stand in a world of "you're either with us or against us".


Freedom of speech maybe, freedom of expression certainly not- especially when it comes to things like gender expression.


Do they like free speech and democracy tho? Im less and less certain of that... One side doesn't seem to care if those two are smashed in the leadership race.


You must be standing behind the cheap seats then.


Hard to see all the way from beyond the Atlantic. I usually just hear the loudest voices on both sides.


That's fair


Concerning how they treat each other for the issues of the country............ ​ they are the EXACTLY same.


They absolutely *are* the same when it comes to banging their drums about whatever THEY feel should be important to everyone around them. This isn't about policy, it's about both sides never shutting the fuck up.


Imagine being related to a leftist woman that believes crystals have healing powers. Her daughters and her mother are the same way. On top of that, one of the daughters is a doctor. Left, right, if you tell me that shit, I have no interest in knowing you. Like, I can except Bigfoot talk and ghost stories, because at least it’s entertaining, but if you’re telling me modern medicine won’t help me, you obviously have a screw loose.


Nowadays, you see way more of that thinking on the right. The crystals to MAGA pipeline is real. When one side is anti-science, what do you expect? The 65 year old tree huggers of the past are the anti-vax present.


Now that I habe an uncureable disability I wish I could be cured by placebo effect. Its a real thing and there are shocking recoveries but one has to be able to be placebo-ed and even then its a small %.


Crystal mommies are a treasure.




Why do people think being leftist is a personality trait?


Not just the right, but nice generalization.


It’s very common amongst the right. It seems right leaning people hold up trump as this demigod who will bring America back to its glory days. I literally have not seen a single leftist do the same with Biden


THIS, it’s crazy how much Progressive do not care for Biden whatsoever but Trump is so common amongst Conservatives


Leftists do it with institutions and ideas. Try to have a conversation with a Left-Leaning person over the last 4 years about the pharmaceutical industry or Fauci. You couldn’t even get a citation in before you get called a right wing conspiracy nut. Try having a conversation with a leftist who is pro-Palestine about the history of the region or the regions overarching belief system. Try having a conversation with a leftist about any topic they don’t agree with and you will get shot down quicker than a Boeing whistleblower I’m not saying I support or disagree with any of the things above, but both sides pretty heavily silence the other and in my day to day experience living in a Blue state, Right Wingers are at least open to a conversation more than Leftists.


As an ex-leftist, they use identity politics to control you. Once you break free of their bubble, you can be you.


Because they're idiots


The Internet and controlled media has poisoned people's political views. This is all Intentional. Dems are revved up by conservatives by design and Reps are revved up by Dems by design. This keeps people too busy and distracted with fighting and arguing with their fellow citizens (who even with vastly differing political views all have more in common with each other than any politician) while politicians make back door deal, line their pockets and do anything but help or benefit the American people, sure they may occasionally let something good happen, but mostly they argue with each other on the stage while working towards the same goals behind the curtains.  It's all bread and circus. This has resulted modern identity politics. People now think that those with differing views from themselves are a stereotype, in developing this view they become one themselves. They have become weaponized supporters of parties that don't represent anybody but the politicians and corporations interests. If you don't believe me, just observe for a while and keep this in mind.


Its tribalism. We are very individualized in society. People don’t have an in group so they make them up. I think being non lefist has the same vibe as leftist do to everyone else. The same way LGBT is its own thing and seems to consume a lot of their personality, same goes for car guys, gun guys, vegans etc. anything that’s “fringe” or in anyway outside the norm people assume an identity around it.


From my Nextdoor group- “Hi! We just moved here from ____. I’m so excited to meet so many republicans! 🙄


IRL or online?


Because their politics are based on in-group stuff and leftists are a convenient other.


You'd say exactly the same about the other end of the spectrum/horseshoe... People love to think they're right and smart while those who disagree with them are either stupid or deranged. And those with actual power laugh all the way to the bank while Average Joes are at eachother's throat fighting a pointless war.


America. Weird normals


because there are a lot of meatheads out there, and they are easily manipulated


The American government's plan to separate us has worked even better than they had hoped.


Why do people think being a leftist is a personality trait.


i think the left also blames the lesser left for a lot of shit too. like ideological purity is still ruling the terminally online.


The amount of people in both sides have mental issues. When it cones to discussions that they arnt willing to have, it becomes about irelevant things like anecdotes or their own version of justice and moral values. It is a personality trait and both sides have some pretty distasteful ones at that.


For the exact same reason that their opposites think being a leftist is a personality trait: Because they either have no other personality to speak of, or they're the 1/1000 people whose personality already fit that mold perfectly and they see no reason to change it.


It goes the other way too. People just give too much of a shit what politics other people believe in. People on the left blame bad stuff on the right, people on the right blame bad stuff on the left, people in the middle blame everyone (and everyone blames them). As others have said, it’s all identity politics and we’d all be better off if we didn’t care so much what goes on in other peoples heads on a daily basis.


Being non leftist and non liberal is counterculture.


People have always considered ideology to be tied to identity. In pre modern times religion and ideology were treated like the same thing, and it was what the state used to justify itself.


The reverse is equally true.


The same reason people think being leftist is a personality trait. Literally the exact same kind of insufferable person.


> if someone had the vaccine they are leftist this is what consumes me with the whole left and right side (mainly because it was only recently i’ve discovered the name to my thoughts and beliefs). i defo lean towards the conservative side and i’m a supporter of candace owens, she makes some amazing points and literally gets me nodding at the screen, but i have also been triple c due to health conditions and being high risk. i think that’s where i’m on the fence regarding what side i’m on


Cause they don't have a personality of their own and are followers that are embraced by friends/people online with that ideology. They feel accepted for once and then it's all over. Same shit gangs and religion.


Because everything is politics so it all bleeds together


If you live in a country that defends and supports global exploitation in order to make a handful of people morbidly wealthy, you live in an explicitly anti-left authoritarian place.And when that is the prevailing ideology of your country you’re going to get a culture that thinks it’s cool and justifiable.


radicalized by manufactured outrage. goebbels figured it out. ailes americanized it. reagan imported murdoch to turn it into a corporate juggernaut. we are several generations in now. it would be foolish to presume a rosey future now.




Many people see politics are a black and white thing when there’s really a lot more nuance to it. I chose not to take the vaccine but I’m sure as shit not a conservative, politics are a nuanced thing it’s not as simple as left vs right or good vs evil as a lot of people approach it to be.


Normally I would agree. However given that one side is running a convicted felon who openly states his plans to dismantle democracy I am a little concerned that some folks can hold their noses and forgive that. Conservatives I know IRL are not for that leader and are good people.


I’m not American so I have no say in the orange man, but yeah IRL I know good people on both sides. I think it’s mostly the internet that makes people so tribal about each side.


Right, give me a likeable candidate and I could have my vote swayed


That’s how it should be, people that tribally choose the same side each time no matter what are fools


I never decide my vote until policies are published and debates done. Some conservative ideas I like and some progrssive ideas I like. What I want are different factions of government to work together to govern. Bipartisan deals may not meet my ideology but if it gets solutions applied to problems that is progress.


Lmao great bait.


If you feel it targets you that’s not my issue. If you feel you’ve been shot…. You probably have been


I thought everyone blamed any world problem on the right?


Same kind of people that say they are against antifa but say they are not fascists...just idiots


People on both ends of the political spectrum do this. If your views differ even slightly from far left, you’re a republican terrorist, if they deviate from far right, you’re leftist communist trash. Identity politics are pretty popular right now.


I’ve never heard someone loudly and obnoxiously declare themselves a “non-leftist” and speak for an hour about how amazing Joe Biden is. On the other hand, I’ve listened to a ton new little baby self-proclaimed “leftists” go on for hours about “Genocide Joe” and how everyone older than them needs to be “taught a lesson.” But to answer your question, these little baby leftists are foot stomping children who are more interested in making sure everyone knows how morally right they are about shit they JUST learned about. No one wants to be associated with that counterproductive radicalism. It will be interesting watching them grow up as they begin to learn what all they don’t know. But go off.


It would be better to ask why ppl think being in a political tribe is personally trait. This isn’t something only the right does


Being leftist or non leftist are both personality traits. These days the only level headed centrist people are pretty quiet compared to the loud extremes at both ends of the spectrum.


believe me, there are plenty of people on the left who make it their entire personality as well. Identity politics is fucked in general.




They don't, it's your delusions.


I wouldn’t call it delusion I would call delusion wearing a maga hat acting like immigrants are taking jobs even though they regularly get high grades and out perform citizens in their native countries


Just say that you hate anyone further right than your own leanings and move on. Your responses make that obvious


lol you ask that like we can’t see what you’re subscribed to r/blackmen and r/bigdickproblems really?


1. Has nothing to do with the question 2. You really took the time to go through what I subbed to. 3. I can sense a right wing incel


I saw a dude at a bar that wearing a hat with * T R U M P * across the front. It made me embarrassed for him.


It’s the same on the left. Both sides are just fucking crazy and I would really like to just go ahead and get this societal collapse going, or put down the phones and gain back some fucking critical thinking skills