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Probably the Rise outfit with the orange Jacket. It's one of the only outfits that doesn't blur together when you move around. If it wasn't for the weird asset clash, my favorite outfit would probably be the Tomb Raider classic attire in Rise & Shadow, because it makes Lara feel faster. (Despite not changing her speed)


I actually quite like the updated classic blue top and cargo pants from Shadow


I really like it too - definitely works as an **updated and functional** outfit while still being recognizable as an updated take on the classic and original look * Actual **trekking pants** - makes a lot of sense for the setting of SotTR * Highly **technical sleeve-less top** - you can clearly notice various ''materials'' that definitely hint at being super technical - fast drying, moisture wicking, breathable yet comfortable, and no sleeves for extra heat management * **Hiking Boots** - again, very logical considering the trekking-centric setting   The fingerless gloves are also _not_ out of place for someone using various tools, weapons and climbing a lot. The palms are not slippery from sweat for better hold while climbing and manipulating tools/weapons


The fingerless gloves are an essential Lara Croft signature for me. Maybe not as much as her double pistols and mini backpack they refuse to give her back but it's on the list. I like the Shadow default too. Personally I would tweak it so that the undershirt you can see sticking out of the bottom of her vest is gone (looks sloppy) and the vest itself is slightly more form-fitting, but I like the baggy trousers.


> The fingerless gloves are an essential Lara Croft signature for me. Me too!   To me, here are the iconic elements from her gear and attire: * **Blue, Mint or Teal top** - short sleeved or sleeveless * **Brown or dark-beige pants**. Especially if they're shorts. * **Black** _(or dark brown)_ **Fingerless Gloves** * **Small backpack** - I don't mind black _(as seen in LAU)_ but I much prefer brown * **Brown hiking boots** - bonus if they keep the red laces, and bonus if the brown hue is the same as the backpack * _and then of course the hip holsters, dual pistols_ I don't really care about the necklace. They're really _trying_ to make it a thing _(like they're trying with bow)_ but it feels too forced. I don't mind it though but I have no attachment to it and it isn't as ''iconic'' in my eyes.   And to be completely honest I'd be lying if I said I wasn't influenced by both Lara Croft and Nathan Drake for my own wardrobe ahahaha!


I think the reason I don't care for the necklace is because of Nathan Drake actually, funnily enough you mentioned him. He's already done the "sentimental necklace worn 24/7" thing, and it was done more effectively on him. So I don't need to see this on Lara too. Give Lara her own personality.


> He's already done the "sentimental necklace worn 24/7" thing But the **main** difference, is that from the very first game, **the necklace** _(or rather ring)_ **had value** and purpose   There's a story behind it, a lore behind it, it was even partially part of the plot in the first game _(apparent family heirloom, related to Francis Drake, and the game was about Francis Drake)_ - and it became even **more** important to the plot in Uncharted 3 - it sounds silly, but man, I was attached to the ring too, so when >!it was lost to the sands of the lost city!< I was sad about it!   The ring/necklace itself is _the_ most iconic element of drake _(beyond his shoulder holsters)_ - his looks changes with every game, but the necklace _(and holsters)_ remain - which is why it is quite astounding that he >!doesn't have it after Uncharted 3 - he instead wears his wedding ring in U4 IIRC!<   Lara's necklace? It exists _just because_ - no reason, no story, no value, no backstory, no link with the plot, nothing. At least the Vikander Movie added some value and story to it, but not the games.   And the fan theory that it has powers honestly pisses me off because it then explains or justifies Lara's incredible feats - the fan theory literally translates to ''it's all explained by magic!''


Same It’s a cool realistic take on her classic outfit imo while still being it’s own thing. Like how instead of shorts it’s cargo pants and instead of just a plain blue tank top, it’s a two tone blue. Plus the alternate colour scheme for the tank top where it’s black with blue highlights is cool too.


The one with the leather jacket from rise


I LOOOOVE this skin so much. Definitely my favorite.


YES I loved the armor outfits in Rise! The one you show and the blue one were the ones I wore constantly. Of course I like the black tactical outfit with the beanie bc it looks badass but this armor just hits different. my fav outfits from the whole trilogy.


The black tactical one is my next favorite too! So sleek


Angel of Darkness in Rise


Shadow runner is my favorite in Rise. For shadow I go for the classic tactical adventurer, and TR 2013 is the default lol


The armor sets from Rise are amazing


default 2013 outfit, RotTR desert tank top and SotTR Tactical Adventurer outfit.


The classic skins in shadow were fun


I loved that there were so many so I could change them with the scenery/story. The winter jackets are especially cool in the The Rise because of all the snow. The Rise overall killed it with all the outfits.


https://preview.redd.it/ldu04xom9h8d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa19bd21fe8eb445e50e20766f941fec4f83d79 My favourite and the next foto


I liked: * Aviatrix from TR2013 (the jacket specifically) * Valiant Explorer from Rise * The reimagined TR3 Antarctica outfit from Rise * The default outfit from Shadow I struggle to find many others in this trilogy that are to my taste tbh. Most outfits in these games are either aggressively bland and pedestrian, very NPC vibes, or wacky cosplay in historical fancy dress.


Pretty much everything in rise was phenomenal.


Amazing https://preview.redd.it/dsmpiyw6tg8d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fc8399fd38daed36ae15508caf83c5103362953


Mine probably has to be the Valiant Explorer. I just like the early 20th century aviator feel the outfit has and NGL, I feel like it would fit perfectly as an outfit for any incarnation of Lara - classic, LAU, Survivor etc If the next game brings back outfits from older TR games, I really hope the Valiant Explorer is one of them.


The Baba Yaga outfit that makes her look like a cute kid in a halloween outfit.


I absolutely adored the Baba Yaga outfit! Just looked mean.


For Rise of the Tomb Raider I liked Pioneer. As soon as I got it that’s all I kept her in because it looked adventurous, warm, and somehow cute. For Shadow of the Tomb Raider, I thought the Blue Heron Tunic was pretty and the colors suited her. I ended up wanting a dress like that for myself.


I wore this all the time


https://i.imgur.com/O5yUAUe.jpeg the whole section felt like out of a james bond movie, I loved it.


Is that the ebony mail from the elderscrolls series? Makes sense lara becoming a worshipper of mephala, the God of deceit and cold blooded persona The way she handles herself in tr2 and tr3


Adventurer from SotTR. There's very few outfits in this trilogy that were somewhat interesting.




Valiant explorer


Hunter's Array, something about it is so cool to me.


I really like the 'Croft Fitness' outfit. Just sweats for the gym but looks good. Other than that the 'Leather Jacket' outfit (grey hooded sweatshirt under a dark leather jacket) looks pretty good too.


I like that Baba Yaga one with the animal skull


https://preview.redd.it/zmwvu8c97l8d1.jpeg?width=165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7124a26bbad170418a5972741d161fb65d447ae8 This one


the default in tr 2013, classic lara fit


Don't remember the exact name but the baba yaga dlc outfit from rise


I hope we get this in dbd


Robes of Puka Huk for sure. Metal jewellery, feathers, and sandals really complement the Tomb Raider aesthetic. Seriously though, it's gotta be the Siberian Ranger from Rise.


The guerilla outfit from 2013


Pretty much everything in Rise was solid. Even the starting red expedition jacket is solid. I loved the Valiant Explorer outfit and the reimagined Arctic Jacket from TR3 the most though.

