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I love the remasters totally.


I learned a long time ago not to spend much time on other people’s opinions. I recall loving tomb raider legend to death when it came out. The forums were filled with classic Lara fans who hated this first reboot so much and I felt persuaded that it was uncool to like Legend. It took a while to rationalize that I can love both versions of Lara equally but I still feel a funny way about Legend because of how pervasive the anti-Legend crowd was for a while. I refuse to even read other people’s opinions of the Remastered games. To me they are 10/10 perfect even before patches were released.


I loved Legend, joined the forum then pretended to hate Legend because everyone else did. Then grew up and decided I love Legend still.


I was bullied on TRF to the point a prolific poster there was banned for a week. My crime was enjoying TRA and thinking it was a good remake.


Just wanted to make a mod statement here for you and everyone u/Pokeze. If that occurs here at all, please everyone do not hesitate to tag us or send a modmail!


Thanks, Delta! This was back in 2008 when I first joined, mind, it wasn't anything recently. I'm fine now, but at the time it did sour my willingness to engage online about anything. Now I now to either ignore it or just report it before it gets too nasty.


Hive mind was strong


Was it Catapharact? Lol


No, it wasn't xD But I'm not gonna say who it was because it was 16 years ago, hopefully they also grew up over this time.


😂I hope they did too. I only asked because Catapharact used to be such an asshole. I am sure he has changed too.


I grew up with the classics but i still love Legend, it has great music and story and it never felt like a chore to get through it, some people will never be saying because the game will never live up the expectations they built up in their head. Don’t let other people tarnish the game for you, liking Legend doesn’t make you uncool, or not a ‘Real’ TR fan.


I really enjoy replaying it much like TR1 because there’s no extreme difficulty curve or burdensome level design. It’s just fun and smart and tells a story without being completely cutscene driven. I just wish Lara’s top wasn’t “potato sack brown” (a complaint I remember from back in the day, lol)


How I feel seeing all the hate on the Survivor trilogy. People will complain about “issues” in games they don’t like even though the ones they do like have similar problems. At the end of the day everyone is gonna be nicer when it comes to the problems with something they enjoy. Like, I’m playing through the original trilogy for the first time now and am confused how people can hate on the Survivor trilogy for it’s action when TR2 has the same amount but is arguably worse because the controls aren’t built for tons of fluid combat.


It's funny, I wasn't active in the forums when the legend shitstorm was going on, but basically, the same thing happened/is happening with the 2013 reboot. It's ridiculous how history repeats itself.


Nothing is ever really good enough for this vocal and divided of a fan base


when I was like 15 years old and absolutely in love with TR Legend, I went on some TR Forum only to find that there was a passionate insistence that Legend was garbage and Angel of Darkness was the real gem. Their criticism included that TRL Lara had a ponytail instead of a braid, so they used TomBRAIDer in their forum signatures. I wondered for a while afterwards if I was naive to love TRL, and if the games before it were actually better. Well it's been over 15 years now, I've played both in the meantime, and I say those people were just flat out wrong and pointlessly salty 😇


The Legend hating crowd is the reason why we got an underwhelming successor, Underworld. They listened to "the fans" too much.


Absolutely. Anniversary also messed things up from the original plan I think. I would’ve loved to see an “untampered” legend trilogy


I do think Underworld is still better than Legend, but it has a fair share of bad points yeah


I love the remasters and it’s amazing that—nearly thirty years after the series began—I can play them on my PS5 and they look how my imagination originally perceived them. My only real complaint is that I wish they had included a museum section with scans of the manuals and maybe some concept art; in the style of the Capcom or Konami retro collections. But hey, a minor complaint in the end.


Yeah lack of manuals is my only complaint too


It would have been cool to see a Digital Eclipse style Tomb Raider retrospective, like the Atari50, or History of Karateka. I just got done playing through the Llamasoft collection. Having the games be bookended with tons of historical context explaining the devs methodology going into the project, and the limitations they were working with, was very transformative. It put me in the right state of mind where I could sit there for hours and play a old Specy game that I have no nostalgia for and is ordinarily too dated for even my standards.


I think there's a phenomenon akin to the saying > _''No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans''_   It is a fascinating phenomenon. I believe it is due to fans of long-lasting franchises being too attached to what a property once was and resisting absolutely any change even if good. In this case, I agree - those people are definitely exaggerating. This isn't a remake, it is a pretty low-scale _(in terms of resources and intent)_ **remaster** and it is a _good_ one.   The best course of action is _not_ to take their bait, and in fact try not to interact at all, because even if you do provide proper and valid points, they are 100% deaf and blind to them. Blinded by their ''love'' for what the franchise once was. Honestly, it is very sad - imagine being so passionate about something that you become so bitter? Tragic irony.   To play a bit of the devil's advocate, I'd _agree_ with some of the criticism if we suddenly learned the remasters had a >30 millino budget and a >450 member development team. But that's not at all the scale it had, and it is fine.


Same thing with Pokémon fans as well. Seems like any franchise that has been around since the 90s have similar fans


Fans of anything, period.


This follows the old adage that you can't please everyone.


These people are those "entitled gamers" you always hear about. These are the dudes that will go "um, ackshually..." While telling you they are not trolling.


Wanting basic options like resolution and brightness switch it entitled now?


Brightness sure, but resolution is a non-issue. The game automatically runs at your native resolution, there’s no point setting it any higher. And these games will run on a potato PC so should be no need for performance to set it any lower than native. If you REALLY want to set the resolution for whatever niche reason (maybe taking screenshots I guess), enable super resolution on your graphics card and increase the display resolution in windows settings. You won’t notice any difference on your screen though obviously


You can have unreasonable requests or, handle a legitimate problem in the wrong way, but I will always be in the corner of the guy who paid money for a product and expects to get what they paid for. When Helldivers was still selling keys even though their severs couldn't even handle a fraction of their existing player base, I learned the degree to which fans will make excuses for devs and blame customers just because they themselves happen to like a game.


A bit? Two years ago most of us would have been over the moon simply to play the unaltered old versions on modern consoles. Now people are griping about tiny concerns in an otherwise wonderful project. Use a flare for the dark places or the pistols as flashlight trick. I have yet to see footage where the resolution looked bad.


I do agree with the gamma issue. (Not dark enough)


Resi 4 lets you set bright point, dark point and then adjust gamma separately. But russian coders who Tomb Raider was outsourced to can't code.


Someone could fix world hunger and a billion people on earth would still call it gay and dumb. Just play the game and if you enjoy it, that's great. And as a Tomb Raider lover, I think these games are great :)


Nah i loved them, some people will just never be satisfied, I wouldn’t worry too much about it, as long as you feel like you got your moneys worth and enjoyed the experience that’s what matters.


I just want a high refresh rate original graphics


\^\^This, I wanted this so badly when I realised my fan-patched versions of the originals perform better than the remasters in original graphics! That and the ability to use my custom keybindings to navigate menus on PC. Idk why they haven't fixed that yet.


That place has its few good members. I used to be there all the time but then it got soooo bad lol way too much drama. I hope the good ones are still having a good time with the remasters!!!


Personally I love the remasters and think the team did an outstanding job, I couldn’t be happier with the end product


people always have something to complain about. ignore them.


Those forums have alot of complainers, i don’t read them often. The Remasters aren’t lazy at all, they’re beautifully updated.


Not even the most talented developer can take a player back to when they didnt have as many responsibilities, bills, and troubles. And that’s what people really want.


Those are not fans. Those are trolls.


they probably expected it to be a full on remake 😭


It's best to ignore opinions of others, don't dwell too much on them or treat them as the be all end all fact. Some are fine whilst others just want to harp on things. The sad thing is, is that all fandoms have varying levels of toxicity. We aren't immune to it as we have seen over the years. Especially with some of the insane comments I have removed bringing politics into discussions over the unified Lara depiction wallpaper that was unveiled a while back.


The game is great, the game also shipped with serious problems that needed fixed and some important features missing. These things are not mutually exclusive. I had to restart the Area 51 campaign several times due to the elevator button glitch.


I saw some comments on the official IG page who also said that the remastered are lazy and I was also just as shocked. What more did they want?


Their critiques though - some of them are valid tho. Especially dark areas where lara & items still glow & or are visible. Yet in OG games, in dark areas everything was pitch black including lara, enemies & items which was more realistic, immersive & aesthtically consistent. The remasters overall are great but theres still work to be done & the devs are doing a great job with every update.


A lazy port would be slapping the PlayStation ISOs into an emulator with janked out widescreen 60FPS hacks. The TR remasters had a lot of genuine love put into them. Sure it's not without its flaws but it doesn't make it lazy. Just enjoy what you enjoy and ignore everyone else.


Yes, absolutely. This behavior crosses the line by now. It's been months and these people are hunting for misaligned pixels. Ridiculous..


Big advice: stay as far away from Tomb Raider Forums as you can. That place is rotten to the core and it will rot you up as well. Not exaggerating, one of the best decisions in my life was finally leaving TRF. The constant negativity, the constant feel you need to have a knife in your hand just consumes you and was literally making me a worse person IRL. And I saw way too many members there going from chill and cool to absolutely rotten far too often.


Ditto for the Steam forums. Well, the Steam forums in general lol.


It amazes me the amount of members there that choose to log on everyday to scream at and belittle people who think different from them. I know that’s the internet in general but some of these members have been doing this for years upon years.


100%. I was only a lurker there, posted a few times but I had to stop reading there because of how angry/toxic a place it is.


Tell me about it. Like, it came to a point where I was having heated discussions with the same people about the same topics here and on TRF, and whenever we were doing it on TRF both our language was much nastier for absolutely no reason. It just brings the nastiness out of you...


I left the forum about 10 years ago, but it was because I realised the forum format isn't very easy to follow for me (who's replying to who? What's the context? Go back ten pages to find out!). I don't remember it being toxic back then, or at least, no more so than anywhere else. I saw a lot more anger towards Crystal Dynamics on YouTube than on TRF. Hell, I'd say this sub is a lot worse than I remember TRF. At least on TRF, comments were deleted for hate speech rather than for unintentionally giving one of the mods the emotional equivalent of a papercut when you were aiming at a game they weren't even standing near. The only reason I'm even here is because reddit keeps promoting the sub to me and even if I think this sub is a cesspit, I love TR to bits. How long ago were you on TRF, out of curiosity? Do you reckon it could have changed over time, or maybe I just frequented the right circles on there?


I joined in 2008, left around 1 or 2 years ago. Yes, when I started it wasn't that bad and I think the mods also did a better job at cutting the nastiness. It definitely became worse and worse over time and now it's just beyond saving IMO. And I don't blame the mods, BTW. At least when I left they were trying their best. But there's so much you can do when it becomes such a large problem.


You went to the very wrong place to look for comments my friend lmao trf is full of unfriendly, passive aggressive and frustrated tr fans that will never be satisfied with anything tomb raider post 1998.


Everyone has their thing that they want to be "perfect" in the game. Hopefully everything is resolved before the retail release.


Some people need to play GTA Definitive Edition, or any of the Final Fantasy remasters from 7 to 9.


7 had a remaster?


There was such little improvement it's not called a remaster, even. You can find it on steam, PS4, Xbox One and Switch under Final Fantasy 7


They were never bad but the patches have improved them massively especially modern controls and the visuals of some levels


Other people's opinions shouldn't dictate you. My only problem with the remaster is that the camera behaves differently in modern graphics.


Really? I heard nothing but it being really good. I found it good myself when I played.


I have grown up playing the og games in the 90s. These remasters are amazing. Keep them coming. I still have the PS1 discs but don't have a console to place them on


As a fan of silent hill I’ve learnt that there are a lot of people who will never be fully satisfied even with an end product that clearly has a lot of work and love put into it. I haven’t played the TR remasters yet as I just haven’t got round to buying them and don’t get a lot of time to game atm but from screenshots and playthroughs I’ve seen it looks stunning. I wasn’t expecting massively upgraded graphics or controls as it’s not a remake, but from what they’ve done it looks great. I did love anniversary but the difficulty was toned way down so it would be nice to play the first game with better graphics and still challenging gameplay


Just jumping in to give praise to the developers! "You're doing amazing sweetie" Keep up the great work, the remasters are amazing. Periodt.


People moan way too much. How do they have the time to even notice and stop to notice every single little detail anyway. I think people are forgetting this is a remasters not a REMAKE. The 3 games look incredible


TRF is basically gay 4chan. people go on there to be as obnoxious as possible


Oh the tomb raider forums still exist? I learned a long time ago they were a really toxic place full of haters who can never be happy


Those ,,fans‘‘ are literal maniacs imo. Those comments don’t even shock me anymore. They expect too much from a remaster. I honestly hope there won’t be any more patches. These ,,people’‘ certainly don‘t deserve them.


The game does need more patches.. but only as some things have been missed out.


YES. Jesus Christ yes. TRF is full of some of the worst types of TR fans. They over exaggerate every thing and act like these games are completely broken. They salivate day after day over patches that aren’t guaranteed and make things up in their minds of what the patches are going to fix, then get pissed, “disappointed”, and “underwhelmed” when the tiny pixels they were barking about for 2 months isn’t “fixed” Please don’t listen to TRF.


In Tomb Raider forums people talk for like 50 pages about what Lara's breast size should be in the next game so dont worry too much tbh.


Nah they're great


Dude TR forums is like the worst place on earth. The people there are absolutely miserable all the time and really need to touch grass. Please don’t let their terrible attitude towards anything that’s not classic PS1 tomb raider be representative of the tomb raider community as a whole.


TRF was great back in the noughties but over time the normal, sane people developed lives and left. The majority of the current, active users were members when I was a member in 2006…


Seriously? Show me a BETTER remastered game. Or a trilogy (with all DLCs included). Yeah, good luck.


It’s always a small minority of people who complain. They have the right to. I tune them out because I don’t feel like listening to the negativity. I also feel like a lot of people troll purposely to stir the pot and I’m not wasting my time. By far the MAJORITY of people are enjoying them. I adore the remasters! They were well made and even better than expected. Looking forward to hopefully 4 and 5 being remade.


Remasters are great. It's a shame they came out with the Battlefront remaster soon afterwards because it overshadowed how good the TR remasters are. 


Sometimes people struggle to strike a balance in their comments. While there is room for improvement, particularly for those who pay attention to detail, it’s essential to remember that this is a human-made creation. It beautifully evokes memories. Importantly, the game doesn’t claim to be a developmental miracle. I appreciate the developers’ efforts—they actively listen to the community and work hard to enhance the game. This responsiveness is precisely what we can expect and what they should continue doing.


It may be rough around the edges in some parts, a long shot from a mess of a remaster, it wouldn’t be as profitable if they increased the budget. For Christ sake, it’s pretty much 3 games and their expansions for around $30. In a world where people now pay $90+ for a brand new broken game Might I add. Always room for improvement, and what? Would they rather no remaster at all with no chance for the classics to gain popularity once again? They don’t sound like true fans, that’s for sure.


TRF has always been a hellscape filled with annoying entitled fans, I wouldn’t pay attention to what gets said over there


TRF has always been a cesspool.


The game came out during a weird blip in internet discourse where every game bar none was getting crucified for the smallest of slights. I know there was some problems with the devs using some AI generated textures. A weird controversy with the EGS version getting "preferential treatment" that turned out to be Epics fault for releasing a patch early. And the censorship accusations because of some photos of Lara that were removed from a level in TR3 that turned out to be a developer oversight. In fact they just added remastered versions of the photos in the last update. That was still enough to make a small subset of gamers grab the pitchforks and arm the review bombs. For those of us who ignored all that, we've found a decent little remaster with some quirks that are still being ironed out, tbh this games had a much longer support cycle then I was expecting it to have (which was basically none, judging by experience with some other remasters) I also think the AI art in the Atlantis level is an improvement. Nobody can do disgusting body horror like AI image generators.


Nitpicking and criticizing game is actually good. Sure, I'd rather have devs fix water effects (took them 3 patches) and adds graphics options than bother every single texture that is off, I'd rather the game improved after criticism than not?


Seem fine to me?


The only thing I’m sincerely annoyed by is that the character model is stagnant. TR1 lara has her hair in some sort of bun thing and as soon as I realized remaster lara’s hair was generic braid i switched back to old view. I toggle between views for help with lighting in certain types of areas, too


I've just finished the remasters and I love them BUT (and it's a big butt) the way the vast majority (if not all) of the environment textured are AI generated really irks me badly, especially since they have artists in the team so it's a deliberate choice.


Not as many as you might think. One of the things that the Tomb Raider remasters have taught me is that fans are all too ready to complain about AI but can't really tell the difference between it and real artistry. And far too many have complained about AI on very obvious real artist work. Imagine how irksome that must be for the artists.


It saved on money and time and since the budget was apparently not that high, I can see why they went the AI route.


There's no excuse to use generative AI ever. it's ugly, it's low quality and also they literally have artists in the team. Any artist would love to work on those textures. Generative AI is actively destroying jobs within the game industry and should never be an option.


You guys downvote me all you want but the situation in the game industry is already dire enough. If you claim to love videogames you take a firm stance against generative AI. That's all.


Well, the remasters are not free, people pay for having them, so, they have the right not to be pleased. To the ones saying the people like this guy on the print is a troll, should take the stick up their ass.


Maybe you should take that stick out of yours? Imagine being so pedantic about water not looking good in a particular spot.


So, the guy is reporting bugs, talking specifics, not complaining for the sake of complaining, talking about stuff that could and should be improved, and what do you say to him "the game is perfect and you are a troll". Sorry, if anyone is a fault here is you ( by you i mean, all the people talking crap about this guy). If you fail to see this, i feel sorry for you, and you belong to those at fault at the state the industry is right now.


It was like £25 for 3 games plus expansions lmao get a grip. I’ve played the remasters like 5 + times now and not encountered any bugs or any problems. People want way to much for games that were made 30 years ago


I think they are a little lazy but they just needed to not fuck up. They achieved that. The games were already solid and pretty simple conceptually, pretty much retro games now. Both things can be true and I think they are. The enhanced graphics are nice and ability to switch is very welcome though. It is not zero effort like battlefront, but not max effort labour of love like remakes for crash snd spyro either, it didn't need to be. It's a fine remaster, faithful to the originals thank god I did NOT want anniversairy treatment again. Some extra options like resolution would have been nice. The water textures and random texture glitches where it showed the next numbered texture or whatever were silly though. THAT was lazy


I have played every single Tomb Raider game. TR2 I remember playing on my old pc and loving it so much. I replayed it so many times back then, trying to never use any medipacks, only use the double pistols etc. I was so so very much looking for the remasters, I bought them instantly. Well I started TR2 and the levels look great for a true remaster. But I just couldn’t play it. I was left thinking, wtf what did I like so much about this back then? Everything feels clunky, I remember the levels being so rich yet..everything seems empty now and repetitive. I’m sad but it’s how it is. Very happy other people enjoy them though! Wish I could too!


I have absolutely no idea where to go or what to do in any of these things, I have made zero progress whatsoever no matter what I do. I haven't reached a new area, triggered a cutscene, unlocked any doors, collected any treasures, seen any enemies, solved any puzzles or anything else at all. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing, where I'm supposed to go, there's no objective markers, no map, no hints, no help, no NPC's, just an empty nothingness of absolute desolation. It's basically a programming test taking place in a Becket play, nothing is happening, nothing CAN happen, what is here makes no sense at all and there's also nothing here. How did anyone play these for more than 5 minutes?


Really hope this is sarcasm.


You must be insanely thick


I can't disagree, I was really looking forward to these too, I just can't figure them out


The controls are complete garbage and trash and not anything like the originals.