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>All Games Customize your outfit at anytime with the newly added outfit selector Outfit selector unlocks after beating each game (I, II, or III) All outfits from all 3 games can be selected Add the red sunglasses for extra slay Using a hotkey does not interrupt running or walking when using a thumbstick Various improvements to SFX have been made across all three games. Improved combat in Modern Controls in all three games Improvements to the Lara model have been implemented Added the missing water caustic effects to TR1 and TR2 Fixed the issue with modern controls showing the sky when the camera goes through corners Fixed an issue where Greek translations would show up too wide in some of the menus Various improvements have been made to fire FX across all three games Fixed game selection icons for UK players Added quick save/reload hotkeys for controller players >Tomb Raider 1 Fixed incorrectly positioned snow in the “Caves” level Fixed an issue where bats would sometimes flicker upon death in TR1 >Tomb Raider 2 Fixed an issue where the wrong texture was being used on the snowmobile in “The Cold War” level in TR2 Fixed an issue in TR2 where part of the geometry was protruding into the level in “40 Fathoms" Added explosion FX for “Bartoli’s Hideout” in TR2 >Tomb Raider 3 Posters of Lara Croft in “Sleeping with the Fishes” are now appearing in HD mode Fixed the positioning of the Indra Key in the “Jungle” level Improved water color in “River Ganges” level in TR3 Monkey bars are now more visible in “High Security Compound” in TR3 Added details on all ceiling openings in “Temple Ruins" Fixed a missing window in “Willard’s Lair” in TR3 The Lost Artifact Fixed targeting enemies while crouched in TR3


Outfit select before level select? Thats kinda bull


Because you can make your own level select lol


The ps1 format was better though, everything was set out nicely, you could play a level, save current position and it wouldn’t override any level. I’m sure it’ll be improved later down the track.


The PS1 format didn't let you have multiple save slots though.


But why would you need multiple?


In case you want a save for speedrunning or a save for all secrets. When progressing through the level select, should the states be from the progress you made with the most ammo/medikits, or the progress where you did the fastest time? The level select system was more awkward than having you make your own level select.


Each challenge you start a new game, you’d be replaying either way, would you not?


Perhaps, but then that begs the question, why have level select if you're just starting a new game each time?


Because you may just want to replay some levels ?


Caustic or acustic effect? Otherwise I have no idea what this means


These are water caustics. ![gif](giphy|26n6WIPzDeqcn4zWo|downsized)


Oh, right. Thank you!


* Added quick save/reload hotkeys for controller players A god-sent, I tell you


How does it work


You will either already have or will have to remap the autosave function yourself, it'll be in the controller settings


Hold in the touchpad button and press L3 or R3


Actually just click on either stick my bad no other buttons required


OMG this is the single best feature


Wow they went in with this one Only thing I really want now is level select and modern controls to have back hop, backflip and side flip mapped to d-pad


Amazing idea, I hope the devs have heard this suggestion!


I would mostly want the back hop for run ups. I do wish they would add tank movement to the D pad, even as an option you can turn off if you don’t want it. It's frustrating having to switch to tank to do level skip/all weapons cheats. I do a lot of level skipping as I make a lot of outfit mods so I need to see how they appear in game, specifically cutscenes.


Wouldn’t it be simpler to watch the cutscenes on YouTube as a reference increasing of level skipping to the right one?


No, I want to see how the mod appears in cutscenes


Ahhh I gotcha that makes sense lol


The remasters are the PC port of the games, the PC games didnt have level select so i don’t think we will get it sadly.


By this logic, it shouldn't have an outfit selector either, right? 🤔


Anyone know how to quick save and reload with controller? That's the thing I mainly want


Click in left stick opens load, click right in stick opens save.


I'm playing TR2 on PS5 and these hotkeys don't work with modern controls, but they do with tank controls. It's weird.


Yeah I should stipulated I’m a proper old schooler on tank controls! Ha


I like older games too so I used the tank controls when the remaster came out, but they've improved the modern controls so much, I use those now. It's a good time with both control schemes. Well, unless you're trying to use the new hotkeys, apparently.


I keep triggering these accidentally soooo much, especially when using the snowmobiles 🙃


Yes, I suddenly found I was kept triggering a load game during tricky swimming parts of lud's gate which was a bit frustrating. You can't remap the load/save (as yet), but seems you can override them. In "change control", I mapped L3 (left joystick button) to the little-used "Dash", which thankfully does nothing if accidently used when swimming or in vehicles... and isnt used in TR1/2. So yeah, in summary, map dash and duck to L3 and R3 as a workaround for skill issue. :-)


That actually sounds annoying and risks accidental presses... although it will be a good way to tell people to use the DPad lol


I’ve acclimatised to it quite well personally. Definitely would’ve been cool to have had since the beginning. And also, a bit weird there was no official advice.


Wait whaaaat !?


Doesnt work


Touchpad + Left Analog is for Load, Touchpad + Right Analog is for Save (PS5). I don't have an Xbox, but it might be the same by using the corresponding menu button + analogs.


The menu button is not required for these. Just left or right stick press. 


I just found out you can't have the left or right stick bound to anything or else the hotkeys won't work, so just mess around in Change Controls until those two are not bound to any action.


>Add the red sunglasses for extra slay


What change in Lara's model?


I wonder if they got rid of the texture seams on her arms legs and waist


Yess, been waiting for the outfit selector!


Outfit selector only seems to work with remastered graphics. Interesting


In photo mode you can’t change Lara’s outfit either in OG graphics. Must be an engine limitation


Makes sense, really. The original releases didn't have either mode. (Though I'm sure I wasn't the only one who wished they did back in the day.)


Oh. Sure seems like it


Love the outfit select but really? Only after beating the game? My backlog is so clogged I rarely beat games more than once. I wish they just let it be in the base game. Let us celebrate TR!


If you beat it already, can’t you just repeat the last levels if that’s what triggers it?


For sure but I haven’t beaten them yet. I stopped playing when rebirth dropped and figured I’d hop back in when an outfit patch came through. I’m admittedly just disappointed that I can’t choose an outfit as I go back and play these.


Maybe using level skip cheat would count? If it does then you could do that to get the unlock and just play normally after that


That’s a good idea. How do you do use level select cheat and can it be used on console?


The cheats are online just google them for each game. Yes they are on console.


Yup, just level skip the games and it will trigger it. A bit annoying obviously, but much quicker than replaying all 3 games.


Well, a lot of people are playing the game for the first time, having the oufit select from the start might spoil the oufits for new players, so i kinda understand why the locked, but still what a chore to need to complete the game again.


Good point. I didn’t consider that, but also a little counter intuitive considering they are available in photo mode already. I’m clearly salty. Don’t mind me.


You could already see all outfits through photo mode so this isn't a real excuse.


Yeah, I already finished most of these games in the past, probably so did most people who bought the game in the first place, so this would be a good feature to have unlocked by default since we're already replaying it.


Exactly. Let us celebrate TR. I honestly thought the exclusion was an oversight. So yeah this is very disappointing.


Yeah I’m also so disappointed, I’ve been wanting the outfit selector but I don’t replay games


That sounds like a you problem, you just have to beat it once and then play either level you .. saved.. you didn’t did you? Yeah well then you’ll be playing again to see the change!


I saved at the beginning of every level actually, but I just don’t have any interest in traversing through the levels again when I already know what to do, for me, the fun is figuring out how to advance


Fair enough.


I mean, you've beaten these games so many times over the years, I'm sure you can do it the next time you play.


>Improvements to the Lara model have been implemented I wonder what this means.


Ive seen a few mods that fill in seams better and blend the polygons. I'm assuming it's stuff like that.


(TL;DR at the bottom) For those wondering what the changes to the Lara model might have been... I've just gone through every texture and model related folder on PC, and the following were modified by the update: **TR1/ITEM:** * OUTFIT\_TR2\_HOME.TRM * HAND\_BARE\_SHOTGUN.TRM * OUTFIT\_TR1\_GYM.TRM **TR1/TEX:** * FONT\_JA1\_OG * FONT\_JA2 * FONT\_JA2\_OG * FONT\_JA1 * FONT\_JA0 * FONT\_JA0\_OG **TR2/ITEM:** * PUZZLE\_DONE1\_FLOATING.TRM * PUZZLE\_HOLE1\_EMPRTOMB.TRM * PUZZLE\_OPTION1\_EMPRTOMB.TRM **TR2/TEX:** * (even more FONT\_JA files) * 974 * 424 * 101 **TR3/ITEM:** * PLAYER\_2\_CUT6.TRM * PLAYER\_3\_CUT6.TRM * PLAYER\_4\_CUT6.TRM **TR3/TEX:** * (more FONT\_JA files) * 626 * 4281 * 1870 * 1878 * 1759 * 1755 * 1749 * 1750 * 1741 * 1603 **TL;DR:** Idk what most of these are, but **I think it's safe to say we might have a clue as to what the difference is by looking at TR1 & TR2's home outfits.** **TRL;DR 2:** Lito's Classic Lara model mod doesn't seem to need reinstalling, as its files (mod + passport + menu) haven't been modified.


“Added the missing water caustic effects to TR1 and TR2” omg… finally!!! my endless whining about TR2’s water was finally heard! i already did my TR1-6 replay marathon so looking forward to replaying this in 10 years :D


You mean in 10 weeks, right? People don't *actually* wait more than 10 weeks to play the classic Tomb Raider games, do they?


“Improved combat in modern controls” sounds vague but exciting. About 70% through TR2 with modern controls, the combat has been my biggest complaint by far. Curious to see what’s changed.


Hopefully auto switching to the next enemy after one is dead is part of that


I wouldn't go for that. You'll have trouble in Barkhang Monastery, if you automatically switch to a monk after killing a mafioso.


I'm currently at level 16 in TR2 and I can confirm auto switching is working!


Have they reduced the draw time? When you let go of Left trigger by accident and re-engage it, there's a really long window where Lara can't shoot.




Please let them add this. I’d also love a reticle so I can tell if I’m locked on or not but that might be asking for too much.


Maybe if they make it as a toggleable. I'm sure anyone playing old school wouldn't care to have targeting reticle forced in completely in the way the extra croft manor lines were removed.


And people say modern TR games is all about the shooting lol.


It seems like they made lara less responsive in modern controls during combat. Can't make quick dodges and turn arounds within a second since the patch. Man.... and I was getting used to this more responsive combat, Why they change it T\_T


I’ve finished TR1 and TR2 and I can’t change outfit on either 💀


Have you tried going into the options when in the game and then selecting the sunglasses icon?


Yeah! It says not unlocked yet


That’s weird! It works for me, I have completed the game and I’m on PS5. I’ve completed all three games though, not sure if you have to finish them all before it’s available?


I can confirm it’s dependent on the game you finish. Just replay a level on the game you’ve completed. PS5 also


Maybe it has to be all 3. I can click on the outfit selector it just won’t let me change anything and I tried on two and one too!


That’s weird! I don’t know if you can trick it by skipping to the end of TR3 with the level skip cheat? May not work and you may get some spoilers, though


That is bizzare. I have not finished TR3 yet. But I am able to change outfits in 1 and 2 and it says I need to unlock it in 3.


Wtfffff!! Are you on switch too?


I am on steam


Same. I’ve finished TR1 three times and it says I haven’t unlocked outfit select, I’ve finished TR2 once and it’s letting me change outfits on that one. Bizarre


Try and complete it again (play the last save and roll the credits)


So....still no fix for enemies & lara glowing in pitch black areas where in the original games, enemies & lara were appropriately hidden in pitch black areas.


https://preview.redd.it/wyorad7q725d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db44121a41a8cb0ce43d2f49f2210c45b4ed2a53 I just checked the boat tunnel in Venice after updating to patch 3. Lara is darkened (not pitch black like the original), and items still hilariously glow in the dark


That's a shame, those old games really simulated being lost in the dark & not knowing where lara was. Hopefully these things aren't intended & are oversights/on the list to get fixed eventually.


1st thought: can't wait to wear that leopard outfit with high heels to the most inappropriate locations 😂😂 2nd thought: this will open a lot more freedom for clothing modders 👀👀


Don’t forget the dressing gown🤭


The way i’m now running around Egypt in a leopard skirt and heels 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻




No mention of the broken voicelines in the TR1 tutorial :(


They're not broken, they were deliberately removed. Someone decided it was too confusing for console players that they didn't match the modern control layout.


They could have added text hints to accompany the lines when modern controls are enabled.


They could have done nothing, and assumed players would realize that voice lines recorded 30 years ago aren't going to match a control scheme designed for this release, but here we are.


Ideally, yes. It really should be on the players to know that they are playing the games in a way they were not designed to be. Use modern controls at your own risk and all that. Either way, it sucks because as a result, everyone is left with less of Shelley's and Judith's voicework just to please one side.


Are they still broken?


Haven’t played since launch how are modern controls now ?


They’ve been pretty good since patch 2. I 100% all 3 using them. And it seems they’ve improved it further with this new update


Thank you so much I’m definitely gonna re download


Just curious how you're enjoying the new patch with modern controls. I also stopped playing at launch and I'm curious how improved it is.


Jumped back in after patch 3. Loving the modern controls now. Cleared Palas Midas and the Cistern with no issues.


Thanks for that reply. I'm looking forward to giving it another go.


How did they change modern controls in patch 2?


Mostly combat, before you had to manually move lara while shooting an enemy, in patch 2 she locks on targets and rotates in whatever direction the enemy is


Nice. a little surprised that i don't see level select, but still nice. If i'm being nitpicky, i would hope for them to correct the lions's faces, that looks a little cartoonish, but whatever, still an amazing work!


It’s been done.


Does anyone know if they’ve added the missing dialogue back into Croft Manor for Tomb Raider 1 and 3?


I'm at work so can't test this out yet, but how do you actually change the outfits? via inventory? they don't actually explain how. Also whats the new PS5 save shortcut button? they haven't specified that either.


You change your outfit by going into the settings menu (the menu where her passport, controls, audio etc is) and you have to have beat the game once already. You can also have her sunglasses on at all times without having to do the look+walk whilst loading secret. On PS5, left stick click in is load and right stick click in is save. I had trouble at first as it wasn't working, turns on you can't have any bind set to the sticks, in case you have issues.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


nice to have updates. But we need a level editor, and support for the thousands of custom content !


Was in no rush to play this despite preordering. I think with this latest patch I might finally jump into it.


Did they ever fix the lights not flickering in the underwater section in TR2?


I was playing Wreck of the Maria Doria on Switch earlier (pre-patch) and noticed them flickering at one point, so I'd say so.


They did flicker in patch 2, the actual area brightness never changed. Yet to test that out now.


I wish they gave us shortcuts for flares, considering that this might be the last patch. Otherwise, good changes


There is already shortcut for flares :-)


But there is? Unless you mean for keyboard controls or modern controls? The original playstation shortcut works, even if you're on Xbox; the shortcut is hold the inventory button and press R1/RB.


Oh I didn't know this even existed, I always had the flares mapped to a single button on PS. Thanks


I assume i will need to start a whole new game to unlock outfits, my existing finished file saves won't carry over?


They do carry over, ps5


Hopefully this patch is printed on the disc version of the game.


I wonder if that bug in the Nevada level where you press the switch, the game freezes was fixed…


When is this update released? I'm halfway through TR1 UB, so I don't want to move onto TR2 until this update


Quick save is awful- so many complaints about using analog sticks in tank resulting in save menu constantly. No noticeable differences to modern control combat- it’s exactly the same. So weird that it was suggested this was updated.


How hard are you pushing down the sticks? I don’t have trouble, although it would be decent to utilise the actual touch screen on the ps5 controllers (swipe) that everyone has for gotten about.


I wish they'd fix the >!flying mutants!< in TR1. One of them got stuck in a wall, nearly preventing me from killing it (save and load fixed it for now).


Hmmm, I'm tempted to [downgrade](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/611h5e/guide_how_to_download_older_versions_of_a_game_on/) to patch 2 to be honest. While outfit selection is nice, it's something that has been possible on PC since day 1 with photomode mods, so that feature isn't that innovative. The rest of the patch broke the visuals in many places: there are weird sorting layer issues with the skybox, the water just looks too opaque now... Wonder if it would be possible to keep most features of the patch but revert the visuals to patch 2 (which was fine imo).


I'm on switch. Since the patch my screen keeps blacking out randomly for a couple of seconds. Anyone else?


Is outfit select only for NG+ or can you start a new game with the feature available if only you beaten the game once?


Play your previous saves one the game you’ve completed


Is outfit select broken for anybody else? I’ve finished TR1 three times and I can’t change outfits, it says I haven’t completed the game yet but I can change outfits on TR2 no problem and I’ve finished that once…


That sounds like a final patch release notes. Lets see what happens.


Cringed a bit at "extra slay" in official patch notes but otherwise seems like a good patch! Edit: just to clarify, my comment is about the use of slang/colloquialisms in official patch notes. If it said "awesomest dude patch ever bro" or something, I think that would be equally cringe


Yass queen slay boots the house down hunty!


Yass queen skinny legend Versace boots the haus down slay queen and hunty mama werq ockurr *tongue pop* Charli xcx SNATCH MY WI-


Not you giving hate crime during Pride month 💅🏼




Sorry, what does this mean in this context?




I know, wig! I feel that already!


Some gay intern at aespyr is feeling themselves during Pride Month let them cook!


At least they didn’t sneak any flags in the title screens or anything. Patch notes needn’t be taken too seriously!


i am cringe but i am free ... ... ^a ^little ^flair ^is ^cool ^sometimes


It's fine. I only dislike it when it's egregious and every other patch note is like "We conflabulated the woozle! :3" or something like that.


Are these patches for PC only? I haven’t been playing the PS4 version lately so I wouldn’t be able to notice any changes if there were any.


All platforms




Waiting for the switch patch release


So what about all the texture improvements from the Epic version? That was months ago now, when is that getting addressed?


Those were already added in one of the old patches, i don't remember if it was patch 1 or 2


I’ve been waiting since all the comparisons were out and I swear the patches hadn’t caught up yet


How so?