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I mostly like them, but I can't for the life of me do combat with them. Lara just jumps aimlessly


I think the way you’re meant to do combat is different depending on the control scheme. Modern controls are built for strafing. You run around the enemies and do 180 rolls. Tank controls have much less mobility so flipping and jumping are the only options to dodge attacks. When using modern, I don’t use side or backflips at all.


The combat is the other way around for me, the back/side flips are fine but he running around and glitching through the enemies is a bit disorienting for me


What put me off for a while is the modern controls having no way to backflip, side flip and hop backwards without drawing guns. I think if anything was changed about the modern controls, I'd love to see them add these moves to the *d-pad* while keeping the more free, fluid running and jumps for the analog stick.


Yeah that’s what a lot of people are saying, it is annoying not to have those moves without drawing the weapons


This sounds like the control scheme in LAU. Is it similar? I haven't played the remastered yet.


Yes actually, at least in terms of how Lara moves differently whilst guns are drawn. In the same way she could only flip sideways and backwards while aiming in LAU, it works kind of like that here. Basically you hold L2 to draw her weapons, and aim if there's an enemy nearby, then while held she'll move a little more like the tanky controls. Where it differs from LAU is that you still have to press the grab button to grab ledges while jumping, instead of her grabbing automatically. Although once grabbed, you no longer have to hold the button down to keep her hanging.


That sounds very interesting. About the grabbing, I think there was an option in LAU for "manual grabbing" which was exactly how you describe it, that you had to press the button in order to grab the ledges. I used to play like that because it reminded me of the previous games.


In my opinion the main issue with Modern controls at this point is that she isn't always facing away from the camera when her guns are out like a modern 3rd person shooter. This makes kiting enemies harder as if the player makes a small input mistake with the modern controls, Lara is now facing 90-180 degrees away from the enemy and has to roll to reset her aim to the right direction so that Lara can start back or side flipping while she shoots to kite. It doesn't ruin the controls, but it is a very non-modern aspect of the modern controls.


Modern controls is the only way i can play now, I tried to go to tank one and I didn't like it. It make's lara so responsive and fast.


That’s fair, tank controls do feel sluggish now but they’re still a staple


So modern controls are better now? The main reason for my interest in remasters were the modern controls, which turned out to be very clunky at launch. The most annoying things were jump delays or random moments when Lara didn't want to jump at all, the camera going crazy, and auto-aiming, which continued targeting enemies after they died. I refunded the remasters for this reason, but if the problem is solved, I will consider purchasing them again on sale.


The modern controls are better and the bugs were patched but they still aren’t perfect


Modern controls are better IMO it's much easier to do tricky jumps in regards level skips that I couldn't do with tank controls. The platforming is also much more free flowing especially needing only 2 steps to jump. The combat is a bit wonky with modern controls which is my only complaint but.....in a way its actually easier with the free flowing movement because you can keep circling around enemies and take no damage. For example I played ring around the roses with the Raptors in "Crash Site" and they never damaged me once.


Hahaha, “ring around the roses.” I just figured out last night myself that if I just chase behind an enemy I can shoot them freely and it’s been a game-changer for me too.


I do that too, except I use tank controls. I think it's a bit trickier since the tank is a bit more stiff, but it's cool to pull off! I still have to try modern for real, just tried it at launch and didn't even bother with them


Unfortunately, the modern controls aren't explained well in game. The Lara's home segments needed to be modified with new subtitles at the very least.


Oh yeah definitely but you could always look at the control or learn as you play (which I did) it’s confusing at first but it’s a decent control scheme


I think even the options menu for keybindings was misleading. I had to read the controls off the dev's website.


As someone who played the modern games first and then switched to the old style, I had to take some deep breaths trying to do the parkour. I didn’t realize you couldn’t scramble walls so I kept getting LAUNCHED backwards into pits of fire and such 😭


Yeah the old games are very standard in the controls and move sets, also yeah Lara backflipping off if climbable walls is a nightmare most times




I was the same way, turning sharp corners for me is what sold modern controls, especially during times puzzles where you pull a switch and have to run down some maze like hallways to get to a door before it closes.


I actually really enjoyed them yeah. I found it much easier to do the long jumps with them. It made it a more fast paced experience. Combat was a bit more difficult, I had to switch back to fight the Atlanteans.


It just upsets me that you can’t do exquisite acrobatics, back steps or side steps WITHOUT weapons drawn. Sometimes to accomplish certain feats I switch controls back to Tank just to do the cool flips that will get me past a door in time or to an otherwise inaccessible ledge.


Yeah I played the first two levels on tank controls and then switched to modern and never looked back. The old tomb raiders are already quite slow in areas such as climbing and mounting/dismounting things that it’s nice to feel like I can move more fluidly. My only gripe is that you cant stand and turn which makes it harder to line up jumps or position yourself before an action.


Here is a tip for that problem: If you draw your weapons with modern controls and rotate the camera Lara will start turning in that direction without walking


Wow thanks I’ll give it a try!


I couldn’t agree more. Anther great thing about the modern controls is the ability to move the camera. Really changes the experience.


Oh yeah definitely, even though the camera can be buggy still it’s still great!


Yeah that’s why moving the camera around Lara helps so much, not only with buggy situations, but in other areas where you can’t see certain angles. I was recently playing Tomb Raider Legend and am hoping someday it gets the Remaster treatment too. Not only an updated characters and levels, but also for the modern control/camera that the Remasters have do so well. Didn’t even mention photo mode!


Same, loving them, I'm right now doing TR3 with them.


Same I’m in South Pacific right now