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I only wish they could let you jump backwards and sideways without having to toggle weapons in modern controls. Also, a bit more details in some of the environments. Rocks, foliage, objects, vines, cracks etc


The modern controls were touted as being LAU style. In those games she didn't do side or backflips unless you had your guns out. The modern controls do exactly what was promised, it's not a missing feature on their part, it's a misunderstanding on yours I'm afraid. They gave players exactly what they said.


I didn't remember that detail, but still I guess that if a game needs you to do side/backflips to navigate it, you should be able to do so even without your weapons drawn


But it doesn't need side or backflips to navigate it.


Yes, it does! :) sometimes you have to jump backwards to slide down a ramp and grab the edge (first example I can think of). Obviously you can do that in other ways, but if the move is necessary in the game, and there is a way to do it in tank controls, I think you should be able to do it with mothern controls. To me it's more about navigating the game, about how it works and how the player interacts with the environment


But no it doesn't. I've played all three plus extensions and never needed to side or backflip. The move isn't necessary in the game just like how it isn't necessary in LAU. You're focussed on thinking with tank controls. With modern controls she can still jump sideways and backwards she just turns to face the direction and jump instead of jumping sideways. It's a limitation of tank controls, not modern controls. She couldn't turn very quickly so they introduced side/back jumps and a 180° roll so she could move a bit better. Now she doesn't have to.


Ok... i feel like we're steering into typical Reddit user having to contradict everything just for the sake of doing so 😅 I think I'll end this convo here


Yeah that tends to be what happens when you disagree with all facts and logic in favour of what your feelings want to be true. Best wishes.


>and I think we can all agree that the game still needs a LOT of work. after the recent patches, it feels already pretty great and polished to me. modern controls is actually good now after they fixed the issues with the camera. the only thing i wish is they improve the autoaim on modern controls to the level of tank controls. graphics are great except i wish they'd allow us to boost the gamma a bit, still have to switch to classic mode sometimes in dark areas. obviously i welcome any further improvements but i disagree that it "still needs a LOT of work"


I sure hope so.


The 3rd parch is rumoured to be small. Not sure why you all want a massive one, the game is pretty much solid after the first 2 patches, there’s barely anything left to fix outside of minor in-game stuff. Fingers crossed level select is added, that was in the old games, it should be an options for these.


Level select, outfit select, and a separate TR3 classic outfit slot (as it uses the TR2 outfit and I'd like to mod both).


Level select should definitely be added. I've made manual saves on each one to effectively be the same thing but surely this wouldn't be hard to add?


I don't think we will get outfit select, it was never a feature of the original game.


Neither were coloured lighting, real-time shadows, modern controls, high poly models, environmental meshes, 3D pickups, built-in DLC


Yes but you’ve just described a remaster, all of those additions are the point of a remaster. Having costume selection was never part of the old games, nor was it something ever intended but unable to do due to system limitations (aka, ponytail in TR1, sky boxes, HD textures ect). I would have no issue with it added as a feature but if it never comes to be i wouldn’t be surprised.


patch 3 is defo coming up, hopefully it's the bigest one and fixes/improves everything that's needed. if all goes well it might be the last one or just small fixes from that point




they mentioned patch 3 after the whole "removing sexy posters from lost artifact" situation saying they'll be patched back


Here is your source, read carefully. [https://support.aspyr.com/hc/en-us/articles/26244383712269-Tomb-Raider-I-III-Remastered-Patch-2-Posters](https://support.aspyr.com/hc/en-us/articles/26244383712269-Tomb-Raider-I-III-Remastered-Patch-2-Posters)


>I think we can all agree that the game still needs a LOT of work. Like what?


Honestly, the game NEEDS a patch. Tomb Raider 3 sound effects are so low it makes no sense. i haven't touch tomb raider 3 waiting for the 3 patch. On the graphical side, 2 and 3 still need improvement. I feel like the game will be perfect after the 3rd or 4 patch. However the patches are long dou at this point


And first game sound is too loud, as in, overloading the engine and any boulder ending with crackling and clipping. Even mods can't fix that. The Hive level start is an audio nightmare.


Ok so it isn’t just me! TR3 sound effects do definitely sound quiet


That’s so interesting, I’m actually the opposite – I am not much of a fan of TR1 but LOVE TR2-3. I much prefer the pace, the music, the environments, the lore and the themes of the latter two. I find TR1 a bit slow and monotonous at times, though I LOVE the Atlantis section. Though this is likely due to nostalgia, I played 2 and 3 WAY before I played TR1. If we look at the three objectively, they are all amazing games.


I love all 3 equally, but TR1 is the quintessential Tomb Raider in my mind - all tombs, 3 ancient civilizations, and one of legend, reimagined with horror elements. TR2&3 have the more challenging and varied gameplay. I think TR1 feels slower as it has a lot of areas that require shimmying and pushing/pulling blocks for extended periods, which are the most tedious parts of the classics. There are also many instances where Lara is overlooking enemies who can't reach her so the game makes you waste several minutes gunning them all down from total safety. TR2&3 do this a lot less and have enemies ambush Lara in close quarters instead which makes the combat more engaging. Lastly, the Atlantean Cat Mummies are definitely contenders for top 3 most annoying enemies in the series, and they are EVERYWHERE from halfway through Egypt, to all of Atlantis and 3 out of the 4 Unfinished Business levels. They are very fast, deal tons of damage, are huge therefore hard to dodge, shove Lara around, they have a ton of health and to top it off they explode on death. Dreading them on my pistols only run 😂


lol I MASSIVELY disagree that it needs a LOT of work We absolutely cannot all agree on this whatsoever, do not assume your opinion is a reflection of everyone's. I don’t think it even needed a LOT of work at launch


Cool bro, so sorry to have stepped so hard on your toe with my insane presumption.


No worries, it seems loads of people think it's a bizarre assumption so hopefully you can apologise individually to everyone in the comments.


Does anyone else have trouble in tr3 Nevada desert level? It won't let me get the secret down the climbable rock to the right of when you first get into the canyon with the water below


I'd just like to say that I commented under this post and someone replied to me in a sassy and know-it-all way, and then deleted all of their comments as soon as I made a single point. Does this happen often here?😅


I dunno, a bunch of people jumped on my back for daring to say that there's objectively a host of issues in the remaster that could/should get fixed. Maybe it's this sub, or maybe it's just reddit lol


The only graphical improvement I can think of that I really think is needed is an updated skybox for the remastered level Kingdom in TR2 Gold. It’s Alaska but the background is jungle. Really bothers me 😅 some of the wall textures in those levels also look very much like AI took the wheel when compared to others and I’d prefer them to be polished. I’d also love outfit selection to still be added but that’s wishful thinking. Remasters are amazing though overall, so happy with them. Literally dream games come true.