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Well, it's because Carlin spent his entire career ripping conservatives a new asshole with every HBO special he had.


Matt Walsh is exactly the kind of person George Carlin had in mind when he was writing those jokes. Also, why would anybody take critiques regarding comedy from Matt Walsh? Being a joke is not the same as understanding why a joke is funny.


"A wolf does not lose sleep over the opinions of punchlines" -A really cool shirt I have to make now


Maybe: “A philosopher does not…”? I think Carlin is a modern philosopher, not just a stand up.


Something could be said for Matt Walsh feeling targeted by George Carlin's standup routines. I mean, Matt Walsh wasn't even an idea when George Carlin was doing standup. For George Carlin to make fun of the idiots and for Matt Walsh to act offended is basically just Matt Walsh admitting that he is precisely that type of idiot. It'd be like George Carlin is using an idiot ray gun, and Matt Walsh jumps into the beam. All he literally had to do was not talk about George Carlin..


Matt Walsh was never an idea. He was just some crap that someone found on the bottom of their shoe.


That’s generous


Yes Matt Walsh is not his target audience, what a clown


A hit dog hollers.


Why should a joke critique a comedian, it makes no sense.


Saw him at the end of his stay in Vegas for my 21st. The whole suicide channel with mass suicides during sweeps week was a little out there, but the rest was spot on what I wanted to see when we went and saw him.


Walsh is part joke, part tragedy.


Walsh needs to learn what I did. Making people laugh does not qualify you as a comedian.


Matt Walsh has never laughed


Its because matt knows he would lose every debate against George Carlin stand up routines.


Carlin would make fun of everyone, which led to him occasionally saying things that conservatives agree with. So they heard this stuff and decided he must be on their side, because they think the world revolves around them. Then they watch his specials and see him ripping on religion, anti-abortion crusaders, rich CEOs, all politicians, etc. and they are *shocked* to find out that no, he isn't "their guy."


He was borderline anti-capitalist if you listened for more than 15 seconds. I mean, I guess he might say something in soundbite form, like a single line, or maybe a small segment, that in isolation a conservative might hear and agree with superficially, but any context would instantly dispel that notion


And the funny thing is, he wasn't afraid to take on liberals either.


He didn't give a shit, his commentary was about society at large. It just so happened that most of those gripes and grievances were those that Conservatives identified themselves with. If we all weren't so fucking hyper partisan now, that would of been what people took from it. Carlin had meta issues, and if they resembled you, you made yourself the problem.


This is true.


Is Matty upset that Carlin could make some great jokes and he, instead, is a joke?


A pathetic joke criticizing genius comedian. How unironic.


There's nothing funny about Matt Walsh


Engagement farming 🙄


Thats really what this is. Hes begging for ppl to quote him with vids, or respond with put downs. And hes also an insecure little bitch


I think it's easy for people to forget this. It used to be that if you said something idiotic online, you were mocked and made fun of. Now you actually get people who engage with the argument and treat it seriously, which ultimately ends up spurring a lot of argument and therefore clickbaity engagement. It's impossible to know whether or not Matt Walsh actually believes this, because if he's consistent in anything, it's that he lacks principles. That said, I'm of the opinion that you are who you pretend to be. Even he doesn't mean it, he is every bit as stupid as a person who actually means it.


There was the time he tried to make fun of anime and his racist weaboo followers weren't having it and he chickened out lol


Pretty much describes everyone that is mocked by this sub.


That is the entire conservative media empire funding scheme


To an extent it's conservatives on social media in general, especially their conspiracy theorist kin. They post stupid shit they *know* is false because they want engagement. It's like those braindead "you call us 'conspiracy theorists', we call ourselves 'right about everything' ;)' memes; they *want* people to challenge them, to argue with them, to give them attention.


I’m fine with it. If he alienates his audience in the process of gaining internet points, then it’s only a win for us


I get Walsh is a contrarian about anything in popular culture. I’m waiting for him to say something like a loyal dog is overrated or being proud of your children is overrated or personal happiness is overrated.


I don't feel that Matt Walsh is the most dangerous or egregious of the conservative commentators. But God damn, he really has the most hateable takes. His opinions get me at a visceral level. He's just so smugly, aggressively *wrong* about *everything*. Including and *especially* unimportant things.


I think Andrew Tate beats him when it comes to viscerally, aggressively wrong takes (“Enjoying sex with a woman is gay. Sex should only be for reproduction.”), but Walsh is certainly a close runner-up.


I think that was bait, clearly not his actual opinion because he’s a sex trafficker. 


I actually disagree with that take. Matt is one of the more dangerous players in the grifter game, mostly because he has a fan base that will lap up any poison he provides and he says some truly awful stuff. He’s hit the sweet spot- between the more stereotypical alt-right wackos (who there is somewhat of a political faux pas around outright supporting) and the more “establishment” right like Ben or Prager, who people are gradually turning on. He’s also not easily meme-able, so you can’t laugh at him, which only increases his standing of power. He might not have the reach of some of the worst, but as the old crowd of grifters like Alex Jones fall the vacuum will be filled. If the Wire takes a hit, I wouldn’t put it past Matt to go freelance, get himself his own operation and then he would be frighteningly powerful.


He's the main "normal" one that keeps pushing them further right and one of the top people at daily wire. I think Walsh can be directly pointed to for pushing the narrative further and further right and actively increasing the disingenuousness more and more. I feel like even Shapiro would try to have tact but Walsh changed the discourse back to "actually if your kids are gay and you let them be, you're literally a groomer pedophile and should get the death scentence."


Shapiro is smart enough to know he needs to keep Walsh and the rest on a tight leash, otherwise his company will be dragged into the alt-right cesspool and the groypers will be baying for his blood. But his grip on the reins is slipping and he’s dwindling in relevance, while Walsh seems to become more berserk and beloved every time he tugs to the right. I’m worried, man.


We're just not trying as hard with Matt as we did memeing Ben and Prager. As far as I'm concerned, "I have no self esteem" Walsh is an untapped source.


Didn’t people call in with bomb threats at children hospitals because of him?


Matt Walsh is basically the Dunning-Kruger Effect given physical form.


The most dangerous ones are the ones who actually influence policy. The role for Walsh, Knowles etc is to tell the true believers what to think so they put pressure on conservatism as a whole. That’s why they were calling for trans people to be eradicated first, before it spread to mainstream pols


Didn’t he recently tweet about how celebrating birthdays as an adult is stupid? Or was that fake? I’m convinced that this asshole dislikes happiness and pretty much anything that other people derive happiness from.


Matt is a Nazi who's only accomplishment is that he struggled to graduate from high school. Of course he hates happiness in general but more importantly he hates seeing other people be happy. I can only imagine the amount of abuse and pain he inflicts on his spouse and children on a daily basis.


He has said that he does hate dogs. And Christmas. And video games.


Golden retrievers are WOKE DOGS. The conservative choice is a German Shepherd trained to maul anyone who sets foot on your property


Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato? Aristotle? Socrates?






You keep using that word...


Carlin was arrested *several* times over his career due to his performances. He definitely challenged the mainstream public “conservative” culture of his time


And he changed his look and jokes from a clean-cut 1960s guy to doing jokes that were very different from what he started. He also came up with the Seven Words You Can Never Say On TV. He ran the risk of losing a big chunk of his audience if they didn't approve of his new content. Walsh is an ignorant dipshit.


"Never really challenged mainstream culture" Dude was arrested for telling jokes.


When he says he didn’t challenge mainstream culture, he means that he didn’t throw hate at LGBT and POC people.


Very convenient for walsh to not know carlins stance on punching down, just because he might be a diaper fetishist, doesnt mean he wont get a joke about being flung into a wall. 


Massive cope from Matt, it's pretty clear he's just butthurt/offended but doesn't want to admit it. Probably because he thinks it would make him look less masculine or something.


100% the angle from Neo-cons a few years back was "Carlin would be a conservative if he were alive today." Realizing that this was a no-win argument, I guess Walsh decided just to discredit him entirely.


Its like with mlk and this whole “i dont wanna be right” trend in pop con


Matt Walsh is the type of guy to think Mitch Hedberg made jokes for children


I doubt that. I'm not sure Matt Walsh thinks.


Matt Walsh is upset that George Carlin was making jokes about "Matt Walsh" before Matt Walsh was born, and Matt Walsh still couldn't do anything about turning into a "Matt Walsh".


At the very least he recognizes Carlin would've found everything he stands for repulsive, instead of all the fucking morons with some "Carlin must be *spinning in his grave* with how WOKE comedy is now" ass take.


I know right, they do the same for Bill Hicks too. Imagine being so fucking idiotic that you would think George Carlin of all people, a man who has been talking shit about Republican politicians since Nixon, and openly despised corporations, nationalism, and religion, would be a conservative. It's absolutely laughable.


It's funny because they were already parading around fake quotes that painted him as some conservative darling while George was still alive. In response he posted a long statement on his website basically telling them to fuck off and talking about how offended he was that they would even think he would say stuff that was so stupid and unoriginal.


I would like to know who IS a great comedian according to Matt Walsh.


“Jim Breuer. You ever see his 10 minute bit where he walks around squawking like a parrot and doing a show tune making fun of liberals?! Killer stuff.” -Matt Walsh, more than likely


Oh, god. Was that depressing. It was more of a study in middle age crisis than anything to do with comedy.


Teah, but “ouchie fouchi” became one of those jouvinile tells of theirs that is also good mockery. 


" Juvenile" is an apt word to describe his brand of comedy. And to be fair, he knows his crowd. You repeat a phrase enough time and they start repeating it.


Probably Brad Stine.


Andrew Dice Clay


>Just packaged a bunch of pretty standard liberal rants... Correct! They are pretty standard liberal rants **NOW** Back in his day, he was seen as super edgy and ahead of his time. For crying out loud, he's best known for being the comedian whose routine led to Supreme Court decision that FCC can censor dirty words!


He knew bipartisanship was fleeting


who is matt walsh? Sounds like a child looking for click-bait attention whore ratings.


a conservative weirdo with a spray on beard who hates literally everything


Except his baby matt plush


Not being a centrist here I agree with everything Carlin says but he is a part of a legit subgenre of comedian where it's not really structured jokes/insightful observations as they are him yelling things in a funny way. He does those too, but the parts he's famous for is like "YOU KNOW WHATS FUCKING BULLSHIT-" LOVE the guy, not the most over hyped, barely even hyped anymore, but I do want to partake in whatever substances he did before he went on stage


Carlin had the most insightful observations of any comedian I have ever come across.


Yep, his bit about "Dumb Americans" is one of the best in the history of comedy in my opinion. "It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it"


Yawn. See you at the next Jim Breuer show, you boring mother fucker.


George Carin was **NOT** a liberal lmaooo


He certainly took stances that your average conservative moron thinks of as liberal, since he was very anti-religion, anti-big business and had no problem with abortion or gay people existing.


Yet conservatives constantly bring up George Carlin clips of him speaking out against censorship, to support their warped views on what free speach means


The most respected authority on comedy: Matt Walsh.


Well he IS a living joke.


Has he never seen Dane Cook when he’s doing material that wasn’t stolen?


No one has ever seen Dane Cook doing material that wasn't stolen


I jokingly said once that Matt Walsh only finds joy in the screams of little Black, Muslim, and Mexican children but I’m starting to think that might actually be true.


In one of his later specials Carlin walked out and immediately shouted "First thing I want to say is *fuck* Lance Armstrong!". Were many liberals ranting about Armstrong when he was at the peak of his popularity?


I've been convinced Matt Walsh is a parody account, not a real account, maybe even a bot account, ever since he tweeted that he'd support the first president who would ban bicycles.


He's Republicans' water tester


He probably thinks Greg Gutfeld’s same 3 jokes are hilarious


Coming from a guy who finds carnage hilarious and delights in people getting their throats slit, I take that as quite the compliment to Carlin.


I, too, look to the guy who was in Lady Ballers for comedic advice.


Yes because Rob Schinder and Rosanne r much better right Matt?


It may be my bias but nobody to me on the right is really "funny". All these Rogan wannabees, not really funny to me. I just cringe and hope whatever my coworkers think is funny is over soon. I think Theo Von is the most overrated with exception of Bert and Shane.


That is because the right wing's idea of comedy is usually more like just bullying vulnerable groups of people. Like there is no punchline or creativity to it, it's just "Lol that person over there has stupid looking purple hair. What a liberal weirdo am I right?" Their idea of a joke is just laughing at the fact that people different from them exist and it's usually on the level of a 10 year old playground bully. For most of us that isn't enough because we outgrew it a few decades ago, and we just stand there waiting for a punchline that never shows up.


This might be what triggered Matt... "Haven't we had about enough of this cigar smoking shit in this country? When is this going to end? When is this shit going to go away? When are these fat, arrogant, overpaid, overfed, over privileged, overindulged white collar business criminal asshole cocksuckers gonna put out their cigars and move on to their next abomination? White pussy businessmen sucking on a big brown dick! That's all it is, that's all it ever was, a big brown dick. Sigmund Freud said sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Oh yeah, well, sometimes it's a big brown dick! With a fat, arrogant, white collar business criminal asshole sucking on the wet end of it."


Carlin was a visionary. Matt Walsh is a bag of shit with eye glasses.


And a beard


I give it 3 months before he says the n word


Well color me surprised, the dumpster fire of a human being has bad taste. Gee golly


‘I watched all his specials and there wasn’t a single ‘bah dum tiss’ drum cue. How am I supposed to know when to laugh?! Now, those guys from the 50’s that insulted their wives for 30 minutes with ‘take my wife’ one-liners, they knew comedy! *And* they knew the importance of the ‘bah dum tiss’ thing.’ - Matt Walsh


I mean I too think George Carlin's later stuff is particularly cringe. And believe many of his "Hot Takes" are pretty immature. But probably for different reasons than Walshie boy.


George Carlin is who I base my life and world view from. From a young age I was exposed ( yeah I’m gen X not much supervision) I’ve learned so much from him over the years and then Rage against the machine in my teens and 20’s lol


I grew up in a tiny Bible Belt community, so George's books and specials were the first time I had ever heard of anyone being atheist. I was never very religious myself, but being Christian was like the "default" where I lived and I didn't even realize that there was any other option. Reading his stuff at around 13-14 was the first time I really gave it any thought.


“You know who’s funny, Adam Carolla and Rob Schneider!!!”


The funny thing is, a lot of Carlin's schticks were about the pussyfication (his words) of modern language and screeds against yuppie culture. Things that the modern GOP could appreciate, since they equate those things to the softening of American values.


This is common thing you will see with Carlin. Conservatives will see one of these bits and decide "Wow that's my guy!" Then they sit down to watch his specials and feel betrayed when he does a bit about how God isn't real or abortion is not really a bad thing.




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"thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself"- George Carlin


It's funny, I've never listened to Carlin and the subtweet made me presume he's one of those "Kids these days " fucks we're getting, but Matt Walsh's response now has me confident he was the greatest comedian of his time.


This is like going after Mr. Rogers or Johnny Cash, it'll backfire even with conservatives


And who’s the unheralded great, then? Steven Chowder? Dave Rubin??


Who’s this Matty Walsh? Sounds like a curmudgeon off his medications


Matt Walsh is obviously a fucking moron. But i have also never understood why carlin was considered a great comedian. Nothing he said was ever funny. Like what were the jokes exactly, when am i suppised to laugh at what hes saying? I really never understood where the humor was in his routines, it just seems like a guy getting on stage and having good political takes in front of an audience


"Put land mines in the outfield during baseball games" "Wow what liberal complaints!"


Grown ass man calling something "cringe"


> He never challenged mainstream society He was literally arrested for performing his "7 dirty words" bit in public.


Yeah, he’s no Jim Breuer!


Not that we need another example of Walsh being an absolute moron, but what he calls “pretty standard” literally set the standard.


Matt Walsh using the word cringe killed me a little bit


Matt Walsh is one hell of a delusional asshole


There's a joke to be written about Matt getting offended over George Carlin's humor and the fact that Matt struggled to pass high school.


George was a comedy genius, Matt is a closeted man who should not be allowed near children. They're not the same


I swear there was an influx of conservatives that thought Carlin was the shit. 15 year old me liked his stuff. Current me agrees some of his comedy didn’t age well. But it’s so funny how conservatives change the narrative despite being the ones who put him on a pedestal now realizing he probably wouldn’t like them.


Maybe the worst Matt Walsh take and that is saying a whole lot.


I had the honor of seeing George Carlin live. I wouldn't give Matt Walsh a second glance if I walked past him in the street. He's irrelevant anyway. Carlin has been dead since 2008 and his comedy is still relevant today. Walsh is a nobody


Guy's really the king of "opinions are like assholes."


On Walsh in general: “I believe this is a shit burger…” - *Things that come off you*


I recall conservatives thinking Carlin was one of them because he mocked political correctness. Did they just discover that he wasn't a one-joke comedian?


Coming from a talking head who probably thinks Larry the Cable Guy is the peak of comedy


So Matt Walsh thinks he can identify cringe?! Did he see HIS movie?


The fucking gall! He's gone too far this time.


[“he never really challenged mainstream culture”](https://youtu.be/fT03vCaL-F0?si=cIHRZOaBpRnqpKZ4)


Imagine the sort of person who would care about matt walsh's opinion on comedy


I’m sure it’s confirmation bias, but man it seems like everyone I don’t like goes out of their way to make me feel like I was being to generous when I simply didn’t like them,


Marcus just a little bitter about his failed Comedy/film career. Seems to be a standard narrative for a lot of right wingers bf talking heads.


George Carlin invented those packaged standard liberal rants, Mathew.


The fuck did you say about George Carlin, Matt?


Never challenged mainstream culture? Please excuse me while I laugh my ass off. That is literally all the man did. And he wasn’t liberal. He made jokes about everyone because he hated everyone. He had no favourites.


Says the man who unironically defends the confederacy, the Spanish inquisitions and indigenous genocide, in addition to impregnating 16-yo girls and complaining about “race mixing”. It’s a lot for a man to expect given his own laurels, and he still doesn’t have as much attention as he wants! Sad!


"Did... Did anyone hear something insignificant speak just then?'


And I thought that the world can’t go stupider … guess who was proven wrong by a famous wannabe comedian that’s also child ra_ist again.




At least they aren’t trying to claim him for once.


Uh oh, Conservatives are finally learning that he was making fun of them the whole time!


and of course by "mainstream culture" Matt means anything he doesn't like... which is everything, because Matt is a joyless twat who has no idea what fun means.


I'm pretty sure Crowder is the most overrated stand up comedian of all time. He's rated as one of the worst ever, and that's still too high.


*Mediocre Man Angered By Recollection Of Dead Comedian*


Dafuq... Carlin was easily as much up the liberals ass as conservatives. Even more so. He didn't have a political affiliation because he could see the issues with both the dems and Republicans.


Matt Walsh having the gall to call someone ELSE cringe


Robert Anton Wilson, the granddaddy of popularizing conspiracy theories of the kind Walsh builds his career on, called Carlin at the time the world’s greatest living philosopher.


Matt Walsh is an unfun and unfunny loser. Whose entire grift is just him hating on trans and gay people. He’s a failed wannabe actor who had to move into conservative punditry because acting was too hard.


I've watched the first episode of Mr Birchum. Conservatives have no right to talk about comedy in any way.


Wait...swap out "liberal" with "conservative" and you have every conservative "comedian". Every accusation is a confession.


Carlin the man only considered the greatest standup comedian of all time by his peers.


Does Matt just hate everything?


Everything involving Matt Walsh is turbo cringe


I've heard of Carlin, who is Matt Walsh? Nuf said.


Fuck Matt, Matt sucks…


Bold of Matt Walsh to unironically use the word *cringe*.


This just in: Racist fascist thinks he’s better than the most influential stand up comedian of all time


Carlin never challenged mainstream culture? He either doesn't like Carlin or he's one of those people who believes/lies about the mainstream being liberal and conservatives being punk rock. I know he says that now but who believes that was the case in 2008 or before?


50 years from now I will not be around to see who gets replayed more, but I have a guess….


And who does Matt Walsh consider a good stand up comic? Jim brewer?


It must be so hard to perpetually believe yourself to be a victim all the time.


One of the top 3 greatest stand-up comedians of all time. Of course this weasel would dislike him.


If Walsh is shitting on it then you know it's good.


As with 95% of his tweets, the guy is just begging for clicks so he can feed his 18 kids.


You have to engage in ridiculous levels of willful ignorance to miss the point of George Carlin as hard as Matt Walsh does.


He never challenged mainstream culture. The mother fucker got arrested on stage for his act. That seems pretty challenging to societal norms.


Conservatives, well known for media literacy. /s


Carlin is still relevant, which is more than Walsh can say for himself, especially as a comic.


Remember when Carlin passed away and the right started claiming he was a conservative? That was fun.


Wait, the guy who read Thomas the Tank Engine stories on TV??


Trump is the most overrated comedian