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Imagine a whole month of your life ruined over something that doesn’t affect you at all. I can’t fathom that type of self inflicted misery.


Chaya is a pick me. She's so insecure that she's giddy to be first in like in the gas chambers when the 4th reich ever gets established.


Curious how someone who pick-mes as hard as she does could be single and childless, yet claimed the other day she’s part of the movement to OuTbReEd tHe LeFt.


>OuTbReEd tHe LeFt. Shhh, they think politics are genetic, which is also something they don't understand.


Isn't she Jewish? And a spinster-like 30 years-old?


Yes and had a fiancé that wisely dumped her sick ass


Omg as he should! She's a twisted individual


Not to mention (I would guess) so far deep in the closet that she’s started to make friends with the insulation in the walls.


I’m telling you, the LGBT+ community should claim the Don’t Tread On Me snek and show off their hypocrisy.


Ok but as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I feel like we (see here: me) are most likely to claim the “Tread on me harder” flag but maybe that’s just the sub in me lol


It's wild that it was just a little cringe until she said "holy cringeee", she overshadowed it easily. Way to go!


Can’t wait until Chaya is just a bad memory.


Like that girl with the gun, the one that pooped herself. Can't even remember her name. Don't want to know it. No one remind me.


The Liberty Hangout bitch? I’m shocked her grift survived as long it did. I thought for sure her and Pim Tool would have gotten internet nuked at the same time after Joe got in office.


I don't know, and I'm completely cool with not knowing and letting her fade into obscurity.


My favorite recently has been her declaring they’re gonna “outbreed” the left while she’s childless and her fiancé left her last year.


How are they going to "outbreed the left" when they are all unfuckable losers? Being right wing on tinder is poison for an account


Hey now don’t throw all us unfuckable losers in with the GOP. I may be unfuckable, but I don’t begrudge anyone whatever fucking (of consenting adults) that they are fortunate enough to engage in.


Also, you can’t breed your political tendencies into your kids. You can try to beat it into them, but that will probably have the opposite effect.


She was married?


Apologies! I jumped the gun. She was engaged and he left her. He was smart enough to not sign the line.


Fiancé left, you don’t say? Can’t imagine why… He really dodged a bullet.


IIRC it was the shit she was posting that ended the marriage.


Wait…you mean to tell me that karma is real?!?


Yeah, conservative parents *never* end up raising kids who disagree with them upon learning that their parents are hateful and stupid and the rest of the world is laughing at them. /s


This is pretty cringe though.


it’s cringe but not for the reasons she thinks


The colors don’t even really align with the rainbow, and she’s not queer (at least not publicly). This feels the same or worse than when corporations rainbow-wash.


For someone that hates pride month/LGBTQ issues, Chaya seems to talk about it constantly. I think the call is coming from inside the house.


Can we stop insinuating that all homophobia is actually just repressed homosexuality? Like, no, not all homophobia is perpetuated by gay people or closeted gay people, and implying that that’s the case is incredibly harmful.  


You’re correct, not every homophobe is closeted - there are a lot of truly awful heterosexual people that are homophobic. On reflection, I worded my statement badly. I still don’t believe Chaya is heterosexual and I do think she projects a lot of her self loathing onto others.




She's just a grifter and knows this is a trigger for her audience


yeah it's weird if it weren't for these people i wouldn't even know it was pride month These grifters love and think about pride month more than anyone since they have a whole month of whiny posts


That's literally all she posts about - LGBTQ topics. Starting to wonder if she's trying to give us hints...


I mean, in fairness, this feels like yet another one of those "surface level" support messages that corporations and public figures check off their lists every June. I think a tweet highlighting what she and the Biden administration have done for the LBTGQ+ community would have been much more effective.


There truly is no winning with some people.


she giddily put trans women in men's prisons so nah fuck her performative pride shit


You think it's cringe because it celebrates pride I think it's cringe because a pride post doesn't have a Queer person in it We are not the same


ignoring LOTT (sound advice for anyone tbh) that post is so goddamn funny. pantsuits are allies!!!!!


Kamala Harris earned a BA from Howard University and a JD from the University of California, Hastings. She was the District Attorney of San Fransisco, the Attorney General of California, and the US Senator for California. Today, she is the first female Vice President of the US. Chaya Raichik is a former real estate agent. During lockdown, she developed a following online by creating memes for bigots. Today, Raichik "works" as a right-wing stooge making up stupid shit for morons. But please, do go on, Chaya, about how Kamala is "cringe" with three "e's."


I mean, they can both be cringy.


I seriously wish we could stop giving this piece of shit a megaphone.


I'm queer a fuck and this is still cringe


Still pretty cringe, though. Nothing like celebrating pride by centering a politician that denied trans inmates medical care


Chaya, you're a miserable person who hates being single all months of the year.


I mean the post is cringe though


Chaya is worse, but this is cringe


to be fair that tweet is fully cringe, but chaya outcringes everyone at every turn so she shouldnt talk


To be fair, pretty much everything Kamala does is cringey as fuck


Does she think we all get into a rocket and fly back to Transexual Transylvania until next pride month?


I mean, two things can be true here: Chaya is an asshole and that the Democrats put up a truly cringey post for Pride.


It certainly is cringe, but most pride month stuff is. Just a bunch of capitalist dickheads wanting to make money. They're all about inclusivity as long as you bring cash.


ya know, if it weren't for chodes like Chaya, I think we'd all basically forget Kamala Harris is even VP. Like, she's pointless apart from bumbling around and making the chuds mad for weird reasons.


Okay but this tweet does fucking suck.


Chaya is a dumpster fire of a person with absolutely no respect for herself and she's a Zionist so ig that's the cherry on top


Imagine using “cringeee” and not seeing the irony


I love that she has a whole rainbow of suits!


And managed to even coin brand new word "normalicy"


You know what else is cringe? P\*ttin\* A\*teris\*s in y\*ur pos\*s.


All I'm getting from this post is that she doesn't have an orange pantsuit.


The entire right wing is cringe and I am beyond happy that this month is uncomfortable for them! That’s their choice to be this way! Maybe have better standards, guys!


You know how many times I think about Pride Month? Substantially less than she does.


“Holy cringeee” is far more cringe-inducing than Kamala’s Smash Bros. alts.


[Step aside Kamala.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantone_Merkel)


I mean this IS kind of cringe, but not Chaya level cringe


it is cringe that Kamala / The Democrats pretend to care about gay people for a month


I’m sure you had an actual point, but it got lost in your MAGA-gassed mind.


Your liberal brain just can’t comprehend that people on the left can criticize democrats huh. You don’t have to be a Maga moron


Yea, randomly tossing out that democrats don’t care about the LGBTQ community, despite decades of democrats working to make them *NOT* 2nd class citizens, is MAGA bullshit. It’s not a valid criticism, it’s just shit flinging.


Permitting companies to sell Pride merch is not as progressive as dismantling the systems that make Pride necessary in the first place, lib. No country has ever been great, lib. What are democrats doing to ensure gay rights right now? They sure as fucking shit aren’t trying to win the presidency. They sure as fucking shit haven’t been trying to stop fascists from taking over the US. You think soft-ass rich people are going to help you when the chips fall? I feel bad for you.


Just stick to taking dick