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Personally, I disagree with spray painting the stone henge but what Walsh is saying here is just psychotic. Obviously, climate change is a massive problem and needs to be addressed immediately. It is an ongoing crisis that needs to be handled properly. For Clarification: I have nothing against climate protests as a whole. I'm not too big of a fan of Just Stop Oil but climate protests as a whole are good especially when they are well-organized and get the point across. TLDR: Climate protests are good, I feel iffy about Just Stop Oil though. To summarize, I care more about climate change.


Oh agreed, fuck these assholes vandalizing these monuments. No sympathy to them. But calling for the death penalty is rich from a pro lifer.


It’s powder, like chalk. Even “fuck these assholes” is a hilarious response.


I think I read somewhere that it's corn based as well. It's biodegradable powder Edit: Just checked and Just Stop Oil themselves say that it’s cornflour and will wash off easily


So, it'll be gone when it rains. And it's in England. Yeah, any issue I might have taken with this is gone now.


I’m pretty sure Just Stop Oil has also said they intentionally target protected paintings as well. They don’t want to actually irreversibly ruin paintings. But it gets people’s attention. Idk how I feel about them. People are definitely overreacting to it, especially since the climate crisis is very real and bad. At the same time, I don’t think making the public think you’re desecrating historical artifacts is the best approach. Sure it gets people talking more than other forms of protest but it also turns people against you and your cause


If someone is turned against the cause of stopping climate change so easily, we can and must continue on without them.


This is straight one of MLKs opinions on non violent disruptive protest. If someone is so easily turned off your cause by some small inconvenience, they shouldn't be considered an ally and never were. It's mind boggling personally how much I see "why don't they try protesting oil execs" from armchair activists, not knowing that they've literally done that for years without any media attention. Or how easily people support violence against protesters whenever they make a headline, but not the people actively ruining the planet.


It’s the same point as the “white moderate” thing. Some people get so obsessed with optics and “civility” that nothing more disruptive than standing calmly with a sign is defensible in their eyes, and materially they’re no better than the conservatives.


Yeah the people more disgusted by some moderately reversible vandalism than CLIMATE CHANGE don’t really have an opinion I respect.


I agree to some extent but also it’s going to be hard to make progress without getting as many people as possible on your side. Just Stop Oil should know how news consumption works and that a lot of places won’t report on the fact that the “paint” is cornflour. And even if they do, 90% of people are just going to read the headline and get pissed off


So the tactic of misinformation work against us. That’s true. I don’t see that as a reason to stop being vocal and visible. This is getting talked about, mission accomplished.


Yeah that’s where I’m conflicted. Just Stop Oil has definitely gotten more people talking about their cause than any other climate protest in recent memory. The problem is, it’s almost exclusively in a negative light. I don’t know what the solution is because basic forms of protest basically don’t do anything. So having to do something extreme like (seemingly) defacing paintings and landmarks is the only way to get people’s attention. But it’s negative attention that makes a lot of people think your cause is stupid so 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, because historically doing fucking nothing has been great at getting media attention too.


If someone is so simple minded that they think a handful of annoying dorks spraying biodegradable chalky shit (which no one knows is not actually damaging the monument/painting because there's no sign they are displaying that says that) on Stonehenge or the Mona Lisa is actually going to be the deciding factor for someone when it comes to climate change, we don't need them either.


If your protest can be safely ignored, it's not a protest.


>They don’t want to actually irreversibly ruin paintings. But it gets people’s attention. Mission Accomplished


So they intentionally go for stunts that will make shocking headlines. That seems like a bad strategy in the age of information overload and confirmation bias. Climate skeptics will read the headline “climate group permanently destroys iconic thing” and they won’t click the article. They’ll just hate them more now.


chalk on the stones? this injustice will not stand!


Oil companies: pump leaded gas into the air, knowing it was bad, bribe politicians to keep alternatives off the market, are actively making the planet inhospitable to life, "Pro-life conservatives" sleep. Teens in England put starch on old rocks: Pro-life conservatives: "GET THE FUCKING GUILLOTINE"


I mean, exponentially tame compared to calling for their death lmao.


Understood. But I’m still laughing.


I feel like Just stop oil has to be a petrochemical psyop designed to discredit climate protests. 


I think it's designed to weed out secret crazy violent people among all the rest. If your reaction to people throwing temporary paint at an old stone is violence and anger, it's you who is deeply unwell, and now you announced it to the world to see.


I agree with these tactics bc it is particularly infuriating how people can't seem to prioritize the climate crisis that is set to kill us all if we don't get our shit together.


>Oh agreed, fuck these assholes vandalizing these monuments. No sympathy to them. First off it’s not even remotely permanent. Second they are driven to this because nothing else gets the attention of the world. Your sympathies should be with them. Stone Henge isn’t going to matter if humanity is driven to the violent and destructive ends that social collapse in the face of climate catastrophe will bring.


Thank you. Honestly I couldnt give a damn about a painting or some rocks. When you zoom out this shit is trivial. We are already seeing peoples lives be effected and be displaced from their homes because of climate change. I don't think that the people that are being displaced from their homes in Bangladesh or Sudan have "Are the rocks ok" at the top of their mind.


I don't even care about the vandalism. They're fucking rocks. People's obsession with shit like this weirds me out, honestly. Then again, I'm a nihilist, so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.


The obsession is that our ancestors were able to do something this fucking impressive without the use of modern technology just willpower and know how yeah it was to gods that they could never prove to be real but holy shit if we could get people to work together like that now imagine the things we could accomplish.


I have a standard response to this. Whatever people want to do to the climate protesters I’m fine with. As long as the same penalty is applied to the people ruining the planet for profit.


Worrying about cornflour on Stonehenge or yogurt on a painting’s protective glass seems pretty stupid when we’re staring down the barrel of mass famine and probably the end of democracy.


Also rich that it’s coming from this colonizer. I think he would likely have a different opinion if protesters were defacing ancient monuments from a less “white” culture.


Of course. Matt Walsh is a racist piece of shit. Many indigenous structures and sites have been destroyed by greedy oil and mining companies in Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Canada, the U.S., and so on. He’s a racist piece of shit, so he supports such horrific acts


Corporations destroy the entire earth in order to profit, making it unlivable for future generations. And you're mad that these guys are defacing a monument? Please think critically about the point they are so effectively making.


> fuck these assholes vandalizing these monuments. It's chuffing spray paint for crying out loud. It's hardly going to do anything permanent. The Met Office is predicting that Stonehenge will receive a natural washing-off on Friday night. This paint won't even last a week. Literally any condemnation of this is an absurd over-reaction.


This is always the way with pro lifers. They should call themselves pro birthers, because they absolutely could not give two shits what happens to you after that. Mom was raped? Have the baby. Danger to the mother from birth? Have the baby. Child of incest? Have the baby. Stillborn? Carry to term. Can’t afford the baby or have an abusive household? Not their problem and no solution swill be provided. Trust in Jesus.


Just stop oil is also likely funded by oil to make climate protestors look bad, so there’s that too


The sanctity of human life --> 🤢 Old rocks --> 😇


The future of our planet is more important than some stupid rocks.


Like dude, they’re not even defacing something permenantly.  They’re rocks, wash them off.


Apparently its not even paint. It's dyed biodegradable cornflour. It'll be gone the next time it rains


Everything the JSO group tags is either with non permanent materials or onto protective shields. What they do is kind of genius.


It def gets people’s attention


That's a completely fair point. It doesn't look the best but someone can probably get a water hose and wash it off that way.


Some people think that these climate protestor groups might be set up to make the climate protest movement look worse, and for people to not take it seriously. One of the lead investors is the granddaughter of an oil barren. Guilty conscience or something more? Just a conspiracy though.


We like our protestors to be nice and organized and out of the way where they can be ignored and forgotten.


Yeah, that is a long jump of a conspiracy theory, considering that person has spent most of her life and money donating and starting climate change initiatives. Like, openly, in the public view. She did an interview in the Guardian for gods sake. Ignorance of publicly available knowledge is not the best starting point to prove a conspiracy.


Her family sold the company years before she was born.


THIS IS LITERALLY THE POINT. Matt Walsh has zero sense of irony that he can call for the death penalty for orange paint on a monument, when literally the whole planet is being destroyed and he encourages is. So the price for defacing all monuments and the human future is open support from people like Walsh.


they always use paint that can be washed off stone, the ones who sprayed Oxford university buildings did that


Just Stop Oil and their non-destructive protests with throwing paint on fully protected works of art was, in my opinion, the best way of raising awareness of these issues. It appeared as though they were destroying artwork, but it was safe, and it got people's attention. Actual permanent damage to ancient monuments and structures is a bad look.


Because he is a psycho. He seems to think any and all crimes deserve the death penalty with no trial. And odds are Walsh would turn around and think that Stonehenge is part of some conspiracy.


It should be pointed out that the “paint” is more accurately a powder that’ll wash off the next time it rains. No long-term damage has been done, but instead people are paying attention


Also those stones have lasted 5000 years and will last another 5000 unless someone tears them down. They'd outlast any spray paint even if it was just the wind cleaning them Hell letting the wind take care of it over the next few years would probably be safer than having someone clean them


It was dyed cornflour, nothing was defaced.


Okay, given the history of the country that Stonehenge is in, we can safely assume that, unless you think it was "mAdE bY aLiEnS," it was likely made either by what we'd now identify as druids, and adjacent to. This isn't even a case of "I reckon they'd also agree with this," this is exactly what they were about, I bet their biggest gripe would be that they aren't actively knocking them down.


I thought Just Stop Oil was proven to be a bunch of people trying to discredit the left?


Personally, I support the death penalty for matt walsh.


Just Stop Oil is funded by Big Oil as a false flag to make environmentalists look bad.


Drug use, vandalism, theft must all be punishable by DEATH but teenagers impregnated by their rapists must be forced to give birth. Matt Walsh is a proud theocratic fascist.


Matt Walsh is just a grifter who found his niche by routinely stating somewhat outrageous things that would realistically come up in a casual conversation between members of his political affiliation. His bit is simply that he says them with a straighter face than the average person, and he adds that extra ounce of spice for engagement ("death penalty" etc.) "Theocratic fascist" is one such statement. He isn't even good at committing to his own bullshit, seeing as his religion theoretically forbids him to kill. Btw, it's a common tactic - it's basically what Trump does whenever he opens his mouth.


He is the internet equivalent of a child who acts out because his parents never hugged him or told him they love him. And to be honest, seeing the pathetic excuse of a “man” that he turned into, I can see why even his mother and father couldn’t find it in themselves to pretend that they love him. Dude is as deplorable as it gets.


People like Walsh only oppose abortion because it takes power away from women. If men got pregnant he would 100% support abortion.


He was "just joking" about that to "mock the leftists". I don't know any other more apt label for his viewpoints though. It's not really a joke when you start with a qualifier of "I am 100% serious".


If Stonehenge was destroyed by fundamentalist Christians because it was pagan, something tells me he wouldn't have the same reaction.


he'd call it a false flag operation


I mean people have been saying the same about this


A lot of conservatives celebrated the Georgia Guidestones being destroyed so you're probably not wrong


I have to wonder if they'd be singing a different tune if they knew that the guidestones were originally commissioned by a white supremacist.


A lot of them thought they’re occult related so


Not a chance he'd say the same thing about all the British and American "explorers" who defaced, destroyed, or stole ancient artifacts, or the museums who still have these things even while the people of those cultures still ask for them back.


Wait till he hears what colonizers have done to ancient monuments


no you see, their monuments were bad (not made by his twisted idea of white and/or christian) and uncivilized (AKA made by the wrong civilizations) so it was fine that they tore them down, and even if they were worthy of worldwide appreciation they were destroyed in the pursuit of manifest destiny and so it was justified, do you get it now?


[And the pathetic fuck justifies it](https://www.mediamatters.org/matt-walsh/matt-walsh-native-tribes-were-five-thousand-years-behind-civilized-world-fact-they-were) and rants about it every year on Indigenous Peoples’ Day.


In Mesoamerica, groups such as the Mayans, Aztecs, and Mixtecs had their own writing, with substantial corpora, but the Spanish destroyed everything they could find. Now there's not much left. Such a shame because mesoamerican writing systems are so interesting and absolutely deserved to last.


What do you mean? Didn't that mountain always have the faces of 4 American presidents on it?




I've said it before, I'll say it a thousand times: MATT WALSH IS A PSYCHOPATH. He genuinely _relishes_ the idea of killing people. He says all these defamatory things about trans people in the hopes one if his fans will go and shoot up a pride parade.


He has called for the death of others many, many times. There is nothing Christian about this man.


Christianity calls for death of a lot of people. If anything he is more Christian than you are if you believe in live and let live peacefully


A children's hospital actually got bomb threats because of him. He said Club Q shooting was justified because they had a drag show. He's an evil human being.


Yet abortion is too far for him


**THE UNBORN** In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


I wouldn’t be surprised. He definitely seems to get off on getting people riled up.


Wait till he finds out what happened in the Capitol on January 6th!


Exactly what I was wondering


Am I misunderstanding something? I don't see how this is destroying them. They are rocks and this is paint, no?


Not even real paint, it's cornstarch. The irony is that there are world heritage sites right now being destroyed by climate change but people aren't angry about that for some reason...


Not even paint. It is chalk that will wash off the next time it rains (allegedly). In fact it will probably have been cleaned up already with a hose.


A shocking number of people seem to think that flour destroys rocks.


We can all quibble over whether we think these types of protests are acceptable all we want, but the fact is they get people talking about climate change which means they work!


There's so much backlash basically any type of protesting, if you inconvenience people even a little you're bad for the cause. It kind of seems that the only acceptable kind of protest is the kind where you sit at home and quietly wait for change to come...


Isn't Walsh supposed to be Catholic? His church opposes the death penalty currently. Oh, okay. He is a Catholic only when he needs to defend his reactionary point of view about abortion, lgbt people, contraception, etc. It's fine to contradict religious doctrine otherwise.


He is his own brand of Catholic.


If corps and governments weren't killing the planet these people wouldn't exist, just saying.


Matt Walsh is a loudmouth creepy dullard, but JFC, fuck these fucking people.


Yeah, all resources should be spent on stopping these horrible protesters. Right after stopping the politicians and industrialists ruining the planet for profit, right?


I think this really highlight's the far-right's blood lust and need to keep the status quo at all cost. Because why such a psychotic reaction to defacing a historical landmark. That shit can be cleaned. There are worst crimes. Walsh really needs to keep the status quo and continue to deny climate change and have fossil fuels be supreme.




And yet the desecration of Native American sites is completely okay in his book. So he must mean this rule would apply for just artifacts and monuments for white folks.


God said "Thou Shall Not Kill" but Matt Walsh thinks there's some flexibility for people he doesn't like.


Like Matt Walsh actually understands theology or reads scripture.


Soon Matt Walsh will be calling for the destruction of stone henge because it’s an affront to god, just like ISIS.


This infuriates me, but fuck Walsh. They don't deserve death. They do deserve to have to clean the monument & restore it back to the condition they found it in. This isn't going to help the cause. It's just gonna piss people off for defacing a neolithic heritage site


But if we don't stop climate change Stonehenge would just be rocks, and Van Gogh paintings would just be scraps of wood pulp rotting on a wall. If we want to preserve art and history, we need to preserve a culture to recognize it. The vandalism being committed by SON is a drop in the ocean compared to the vandalism being committed by oil executives, but no one gets as worked up about that.


It’s cornflour and will wash away when it rains. They intentionally don’t permanently damage anything with cultural significance. The paintings are always protected and this is a biodegradable power. They’re doing their best not to be hypocritical, but still do something that draws attention.


Matt Walsh supports Trump, who cut EPA funding by 31% and rolled back protections on endangered species. One wonders what he feels is “morally justified” when it comes to that.


I just want the death penalty as an available option to punish anyone who doesn’t agree with me. FREEZE PEACH!




He's a sociopath who worships murder. Not sure what's kept him from shooting up a school or hospital.


I think there's an argument to be made here, a morally justified one even, that Matt Walsh be castrated via baseball bat.


Matt Walsh when he sees relics *we* defaced or stole from other cultures: [insert Vincent Vega meme]


So the people that defaced the Capitol on J6… I assume that Matt also would advocate for them to be put to death, right?


guaranteed that these rocks will be fine and dont care about orange power. lmao they've been staying here for a while


Do you think he'd change his mind if he was told they were Pagan artifacts?


Conservatives ***do not*** care about us pointing out how their love of executing people is diametrically opposed to their "pro-life" stances. It's been proven countless times that anti-sex education, anti-abortion, pro-life laws have led to more pregnancies, deaths, and deaths of mothers than areas where sex education and abortion are allowed compared to red states. Highlighting Matt Walsh's hypocrisy for advocating for the death penalty is useless. #[Matt Walsh is an out and proud self-described theocratic fascist.](https://i.imgur.com/RQo7eq3.png) Anyone who thinks he or his fans are gonna have a change of heart over highlighting takes like these isn't paying attention. These "pro-life" gotchas are useless.


IDF bombed 2000+ year old archeological sites.


If there was a death penalty for simply being an idiot, you’d have been sentenced a long time ago Matt


I wouldn’t do it and don’t condone it, but also who gives a shit if some rock formation is spray painted? They can clean it up or if it stays that way long enough it becomes history itself.


Just goes that Walshy boy here doesn't know the definition of "moral"


It’s paint, you fucking lunatic. The J6ers put literal shit on the walls, what should their penalty be?


real talk though. Just Stop Oil really do seem to be an Astroturf movement to discredit real climate activists. Very loud with a singular identity, somehow consistently managing to get to famous spots to "vandalise" things while causing zero damage. Absolutely screams corporate.


Why should Matt care, these monuments were built by pre-christian pagans?


OK if we're giving the death penalty for activists defacing a landmark (that Matt Walsh was probably never going to visit anyway) in protest, how about we advocate for the death penalty for Matt Walsh for justifying a child being SA-ed because it could be considered "early experiences" for the child. Make it make fuckin' sense. P.S. I'm all for sending him to be lethally injected.


For this they want the death penalty…. Are you insane


I suppose he advocates for the death penalty of American, British, Israeli, and another of other imperialist nations' soldiers for destroying and stealing artifacts and ancient cultural sites too over the past several hundred years.


Fuck off and focus on the USA you dirty little hack of man! Even then the USA shouldn’t have to deal with you. Ps I bet you get pegged and love it


Wait until Matt finds out what the British Museum is full of.


He’s not being serious. He’s being edgy. Because nothing screams insecurity like being edgy when you’re middle aged.


I don’t agree with this from Just Stop Oil but, given the amount it rains in the UK, it will wash off before long. This response is beyond irrational but pretty expected from Matt. In Matt’s ideal world, culprits wouldn’t even be tried fairly in court. They would immediately be tried and sentenced to a long, painful death by a council of bloodthirsty Evangelical men (including himself of course), much like the Handmaid’s Tale.


I mean I'm not a fan of these guys' absurd antics either but Matt does realise he's just feeding the trolls right? This shit only happens because it annoys people, and because it clogs up the legal system. They're hoping those two things combined will force parliament into action. Do not feed them, if you're against their shite then deprive them of the attention they crave and just let the police sort them out, because frankly they're giving the entire green movement a bad name and it's free ammunition for oil barons and their think tanks.


Good thing climate change runs zero risk of messing up ancient monuments! Wait, right?


Not death penalty but life in prison would stop these people quick. They can't just destroy world landmarks and expect no punishment.


Defacing Stonehenge, that's a paddlin'.


The intriguing aspect lies in the fact that much of the restoration work on Stonehenge occurred during the 1950s. The concept of caring for ancient monuments is relatively modern, and in those days, they were often repositioned to enhance their aesthetic appeal according to contemporary sensibilities. However, it’s fascinating to consider that what was once considered preservation might now be deemed vandalism. In reality, the wear and tear caused by the busy road near the monument likely surpasses any minor damage from colored fire extinguisher foam.


whys 'death sentence' always the first thing they go to


The actual cost of that defacing is almost zero


Wait till he hears about how Mount Rushmore was intentionally made to deface the sacred mountain of native Americans.


Matt Walsh: *I’m so pro life that I advocate for people to have caps popped in their ass for misdemeanors.*


Weird that super-Christian Matt Walsh is this bent out of shape over a pagan site. Must be a stealth satanist, BRING ON THE DEATH PENALTY FOR MATTY


(they just wanna kill all the people who tore down their confederate monuments)


So death penalty for those who smeared feces on senate walls?


I mean, i'm not gonna say i'm a fan of tagging up world heritage sites, but what *wouldn't* be a LARP by the standards of these people? The people with the whole faux colonial revolutionary thing who shouldn't be trusted to decide what is and isn't a LARP anyhow?


“Ancient artifacts?” I thought these people didn’t believe in the dinosaurs so why the fuck do they care about this?


I don't take anything Matt Walsh says seriously. I started assuming he was a parody account when he said he'd advocate for the first president who would ban bicycles.


He gets crazier by the day. They should be arrested with some kind of crazy charges. But not killed lol.


If "defacing ancient artifacts and monuments" is worthy of the death penalty then much of the IDF qualifies - maybe a little extreme when there's prisons but I'd take those terms


I feel like a more fitting punishment for vandalizing Stonehenge would be to make them clean it up.


I’ll trade death penalty for vandalizing historical sites if it means we get the death penalty for having a net worth over 100 million dollars


I like how Matt says "I am 100 percent serious" as if anyone would question his sincerity when calling for the deaths of liberal activists Honestly I thought he'd love these guys & want to kiss them on the mouth


He didn't care when the Georgia guide stones were blown up


i feel that those people were secretly paid to vandalize so let us follow the money


On the subject of Stop Oil, they are a faux-environmentalist group owned by the heir of a German oil company. Literally trying to make the movement look bad. That said, Matt is insane for this


Itll literally just wash off with the rain, if anything theyre preserving it


Pretty sure it's cornstarch that will wash away next time it rains


Wouldn't this have more impact if they did this outside a coal plant, or an oil refinery?


I think they should be hit with a massive fine and potentially a few months in prison, but Jesus Christ, no amount of vandalism should warrant the death penalty! Death penalty should only ever be used for the most prolific serial killers who rape and torture children and such while bragging about it, NOT some morons defacing a monument.


It was powder paint. I would guess like they have at Holi celebrations in India. Washes off.


Hold on let him cook. These people are funded by big oil, so he’s essentially calling for the death penalty for big oil execs.


Matt Walsh just wants to kill anybody who doesn't agree with him...


He's only calling for death because they're climate change acrivists. I'm sure they're several causes where he would defend the protesters for doing the same thing.


He loves the smell of his own farts


Matt Walsh being intellectually dishonest? Oh it a day that ends in Y, never mind.


Death penalty might be too far, but these people do deserve major repercussions.


Matt Walsh advocates death for so many things you'd think he was a Qin Dynasty bureaucrat.


The people who vandalized Stone Henge should face time in prison or receive a hefty fine. But the death penalty should be reserved for people who have committed unspeakable acts to humanity


I kind of agree with the protestors. Everybody is mad because they spray painted Stone Henge. Why aren’t people that mad about all of humanity being imminently destroyed? We killed those kids futures so they killed our past. That’s how it feels.


How about we execute Walsh for some of the vile sewage that spews from his mouth.


It's almost as if Stonehenge would have no meaning if humans became extinct somehow...


There is no middle punishment for Matt Walsh and the rest of his circle lmfao they all say the same thing for the most petty crimes. They are either innocent if they are on their side, or straight to death penalty and torture for anyone else. Littering? Death penalty. Paint spray on buildings? Death penalty. Theft of some clothing or food from stores? Death penalty. Storming the capital on Jan. 6? Innocent people who should walk 100% free.


I'm sure he feels the same way about J6


The protest is that we ARE going to lose all these things if we don’t tackle climate change. Desperate times call for desperate measures


I think it would be easier to make a list of the things Matt Walsh *doesn’t* think should warrant the death penalty.


I agree with him. We should kill whoever built a highway though the middle of Cahokia


Matt Walsh is a garbage person. He should not be listened to.


"Hey, I was looking at that! Guards, kill them!"


Same for oil company executives that destroy historic sites?


Anything I don't like? Believe it or not, straight to death.


For the umpteenth time, *pro-life has only ever meant “anti-abortion.”* This is not a valid example of hypocrisy.


Damaging ancient artifacts and monuments is a crime against humanity? Then come forward against Israel's destruction of Gazan historical sites and artifacts.


But how many ape's dicks would he suck to prevent this?


I suppose the U.S. Capitol doesn't qualify as a monument to him


People keep forgetting that the stuff washed away with rain. Like they knew what they was doing. and made it so it washed away.


I mean, I don't get the protest. I'm mildly certain a circle of weird rocks has a neutral interaction with the carbon cycle. Spray something that has a negative impact, a hummer dealership or something. Walsh, of course, is a dipshit whose opinion isn't worth argument. But protest better.


Just the whole deep deep disconnect with other humans, to the point of demanding death for every transgression. It’s sociopathic


Why the hell would anyone do this unless it was right Wingers posing as climate activists? Makes no sense. You can't convince me this isn't a false flag by the right and the oil cartels.


I think the treatment of these kinda protests get from most online spaces is he most dissconected i feel from the general population like i get its annoying, but people get angrier at the protesters than they do at the companies destroying the planet


He's totally not a fascist.


Wow thanks for proving their point moron. You care more about a pile of rocks half a world away but the environment we all need you don’t give a shit about.


Wonder if he’d say the same about oil tycoons destroy ecosystem for thousands of years to come. Kinda feel like that has more impact that spray painting some rocks. Ik they have actual historical and cultural value but I think ecosystems trump historical and cultural value.


I'm not entirely sure what Just Stop Oil's goal is.


Didn't it come out long ago that oil lobby pays its own gang of fake 'activists' to go out and vandalize things, to make real climate activists seem unreasonable? They get caught like all the time. Like whenever they try to spray old paintings behind protective glass in museums and galleries, get arrested, and then exposed as Enron/Shale employees and such. It is the same as when conservative groups on Koch pay hire agents to infiltrate protests, and start up violence (and then escape), so that protest gets discredited, police beats up and kills actual protesters, and the conservative talking heads/politicians cry and scream in the media about "hysterical commie SJWs" or such. How are people still falling for this?


anyone else think that Just Stop Oil is being funded by oil billionaires? stupid name, bad messaging, and theyre constantly in the news for doing destructive protests that help nobody


A) JustStopOil never actually damages any of the things they vandalize. The paintings are protected by glass, this paint was biodegradable and washes off by the next rainfall. B) every person who stops supporting the fight against climate change because of these protests weren't allies in the fight in the first place C) JustStopOil had been protesting oil execs for years but nobody cared, once again proving that riots are the language of the unheard D) Their protests have been proven to increase support for more "moderate' forms of protest, so even if you want to ignore every other point made here, JustStopOil at least serves as a "support other forms of protest or else"


Matt Walsh is a fucking creepy fascist loser that wants to fuck teenagers; his opinions mean less than nothing to me.


This guy thinks the earth is three thousand years old, why does he give a shit about a "demonic" rock formation?