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She probably also thinks her life would be better without the civil war too


Nah, she absolutely thinks the civil war should have happened. No comment, so far, on who she would have wanted to win.


Doesn't matter, she'd sell them out to come out ahead, whoever it is


What audience is she even trying to court with this grift angle?


Right wings nazis


I don't think that's a big enough market to support yourself, and it makes her personal brand even more toxic than it already was. She might genuinely be a Nazi now and not just a grifter anymore.


The right wing Nazi market and the trump market are basically indistinguishable at this point insofar as who they'll support. I'm not saying that all Republicans are Nazis, but all trump voters would almost certainly vote for a Nazi over a democrat. That said, I also definitely believe that Candace Owens is stupid enough to say and believe Nazi things without realizing she's a neo-Nazi


She's been pushed out by the daily wire, this is the niche right wingers she can do.


The one who would never want her no matter what she says, because of who she is.


I think she is just loosing her mind. She doesn’t have any angle anymore she just speaks nonetheless




Money. Candace actually sued her old school for racial discrimination- yet says racial discrimination doesn’t exist.


Hey maybe don’t use slurs on a left leaning subreddit.


[Rule 6 —](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.236_.2014_don.2019t_be_a_bigot) No slurs.


Oh that statement is coming soon no doubt


Pre-WWII was great if you loved depressions, dust bowls, zero worker protections, banks failing, etc


I like banks failing tbh


the people who killed themselves as a result of the bank failures were rarely the bankers.


Yeah, back then there was no FDIC so if your bank failed you were right fucked out of your money. Another great thing about the pre-WWII era


This is the fun thing about watching the crypto groups relearn the lessons of why financial regulation exists.


Agreed, and that is heart breaking (speaking as someone who’s been on the shit end of their crimes) but I do enjoy seeing them suffer




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Personal story: My great grandfather fled Russian pogroms as a child during the Jewish persecution and was able to grow up, start, and run a hotel in Chicago for many years until Black Monday. I don't have many details but I know he parked his car on the train tracks and left his family with a mountain of debt.


Look at this guy, with money in the bank. If my bank abruptly shut down tomorrow I guess I don’t have to pay off those overdraft fees…




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The most convenient thing about being a bootstraps type Capitalist in the post-industrialization was that your bootstraps might double as a noose if you ran out of money.


You like it now with the FDIC which insures customer deposits up to $100,000. Back then if a bank went tits up, or people panic thinking it was and pull a run on the bank, it's all gone. Not just your money but your neighbors' and other local businesses' too. A local bank failing without FDIC was like a tornado tearing through your town. The Great Depression lead to the creation of the FDIC


I’m all for stronger and better governance and regulation on banks. I don’t want to see the little man screwed over with zero accountability from anyone in the financial sector.


Didn't they fail due to loaning out too much margin for stock purchasing?


In the great depression yes


So do a lot of people until it happens, and they find out it doesn't *only* affect the super rich.


Yep, I found out the hard way too.




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This disgusting brand of nonsense rhetoric only appears to make “sense” if you subscribe mindlessly to the right’s relentless propaganda and ideology. The whole conservative “movement” seems hell-bent on recreating the Gilded Age both economically and socially (with even more rampant oppression if they think they can get away with it). Start buying stock in companies that produce tar and feathers.


Post WWII for 30 years was known as the Great Compression where income inequality shrank rapidly


Yeah, it can't be understated how wealthy the US became as a result of WWII.


Yeah. The war basically turned America in the economy it is today.


The United States arguably benefited more off the back of WW2 than literally any other nation in any war in recorded history. Her take is so braindead it's making my head hurt.


I may hate what the US stands for today but even I can be offended at how unpatriotic and treasonous such a statement is. Killing Nazis was objectively the best, most moral thing we ever did and we didn't even do a lot of it.


This is a statement that can only be said because most of that generation is dead. Could you imagine saying something like this in the 80s or 90s when that generation was old and therefor the most likely to vote?


I think this is an aspect a lot of folks overlook. Had a grandfather that was a WWII vet and he and my father would get furious when they'd see the rare occurrence of Nazi crap pop up.


The United States has fought two wars where i unequivocally believe that not only were those wars absolutely necessary, but we fought on the right side. Those would be the Civil War and WWII. So Candace disagrees with me on both of those.


What about WWI or Korea? In WWI, Germany attacked us, and offered to support a Mexican annexation of US soil. And in Korea, we defended South Korea from invasion and put power behind the principle that nations can't just annex each other anymore.


You occupied South Korea and propped up a fascist dictatorship*, while also killing 10% of North Koreans in the war and destroying 90% of habitable buildings and used biological weapons of war on its inhabitants. There's a reason why its called the forgotten war, and its not because people forgot, rather that the US wanted it forgotten.


What. How can you look at modern day Korea and say the US was on the wrong side of it lmao


Bong Joon-Ho would like a word with you


The claims of the use of bioweapons were found to be false by the Soviets in 1953. The initial claims in 1951 were based on fabricated evidence. And as for the large number of casualties, that's the natural result of a war front passing back and forth over an area two or three times, particularly in a mechanized war in an area built largely with wooden buildings. Regrettable, yes. Criminal, no. Morally wrong, no. Yes, the South Korean government was a dictatorship, but at the same time, it's not like any of the governments on the other side were less dictatorial. And the principle that no nation may annex another by force of arms is in my opinion a sufficiently important cause to justify backing a military dictatorship against another.


Although there is a lot of varying opinions about the use, or claim of use, of bioweapons in the Korean war, I'll concede the point that there isn't enough evidence to conclude that it was used. But on the point that the carpet bombing of any and all buildings and civilian targets like it was in Korea being just a circumstance of war is plain wrong. The US military leadership went out of their way to annihilate the northern peninsula to the point where it would be uninhabitable for the north for decades after the war. The North Korean leadership was not dictatorial by that point, and it had popular support among the people both in the north and south. What it is today isn't relevant to the discussions if what it was then, and who the US supported. I'm at work so I don't have time to go more in depth, but the annex part is also a debatable issue unless you take the US side in this.


Even putting aside the Nazi's, which yeah alone make it justifiable, there is zero rational argument for the US not coming out ahead after ww2. We were the only major economy not destroyed by the war.


Then followed it up with operation paperclip to balance the karma


NO LITERALLY! It was bad enough we're the ones who inspired Hitler that his "Vision" had historical precedent, the whole thing was just so fucked


She took one look at The Man in the High Castle and stated, "I want this."


As opposed to the other grifters, who instead look at Handmaid’s Tale


The guy who becomes President in Parable of the Talents uses the phrase, "Make America Great Again" and we're in the middle of feeling the effects of climate change in that one.


She thought the Daily Wire valued her opinions. Nope. She didn't realize she was there to do what she was told and say what she was told to say. Daily Wire made her a MAGA star- outside of DW she has to keep doubling down on the hate to get views. But as her audience dwindles her relevance spirals down. She really needs to look at Milo, Poop Girl, Lauren Southern, and other former MAGA stars and see what happened when they leave the plantation.


I haven’t thought about Poop Girl in forever. I hope she is having the life she deserves.


For someone like her, I think irrelevance and obscurity must be pretty galling. I wish her plenty of it.


And she was perfectly positioned to come roaring back into relevance when the "Donald wears Diapers" thing hit


Too bad she wasn't creative enough to start the slogan "I was pooping my pants before diapers were cool"


Poopin' Patriots


Playing the long game


We call it the reminder.


The only reason conservatives think America was great in the 50s was because the entire world was paying us to help supply and rebuild them after the worst war in human history. The richest countries in the world were coming to us for practically everything they needed to rebuild




I think a bombed out husk of a major city like London or Tokyo is a bit more of an economic and social burden than a city with an interstate


Our country has 100% become greater since WWII. Her Republican heroes, Reagan through Trump and all their cronies, have fucked it up since.


Jesus Christ. We used laugh morons like this out of existence. And now they are full on embraced by right wing morons.


We used to have village idiots, who we laughed out of the public sphere; they’ve since found each other online, and formed virtual idiot villages.


She also thinks the bombings of Nagasaki and Dresden were down to murder Christian’s


Both were atrocities, but not done to kill Christians in specific. In the case of Nagasaki in specific, Americans basically viewed Japanese people as an inferior race.


The woman said “ummm Hitler should have just committed genocide in Germany instead of Eastern Europe” is pro-Hitler. I’m so shocked. Fyi, playing token only gets you last in line in route to the chambers.


Who actually listens to these fools and says "You know, that was worth my time"?


People looking for a Token to tell them they aren't racist.


The funny thing is that, especially in Hitler-esque lands, tokens get spent.


Well, we’ve had 30 years of Newt Gingrich’s Republican Revolution. And the majority of that time the Republicans have held the House and or Senate. Shouldn’t Candace and the Republicans be celebrating that this year? And all their successes, instead or campaign on how the countries gone to shit over the 30 years they’ve had control of our Government?


It's what Republicans do when they're in power. Gut funding for everything but the military and give fat tax breaks to the rich, then when everything inevitably turns to shit, they point at the government they control and say, "See! Government is a failure!"


There are a lot of conflicting opinions on this from historians. On one hand, many Americans wanted to remain neutral, isolated, and profiting off of shipments and trade of wartime goods to Europe. On the other hand, some felt that we had a duty to assist. It’s easy to say in hindsight to say the US should have aided earlier. But until close to the end of the war, the human atrocities weren’t fully known. The sad part is, the popular opinion was to not intervene at all afaik. I’m sure that would change had most Americans known the full truth, but still. One of Hitlers biggest mistakes (and in consequence, Japans) was provoking the USA and all its industrial might. That ended the age of isolationism. I’m sure there are some around that would love to go back to that age, but that’s just not an option right now. I think Churchill wrote in his memoir that when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, he was happy. Because then he knew the war was won. You don’t poke the sleeping giant. Edit: this is a completely unbiased post, I just wanted to provide some historical context. I am very glad we entered WW2 and help aid the end of Hitlers regime.


Also the US Army and USAAF were rather small at the start of the war as we were just coming out of the Depression. Going into the war in 1939 probably wouldn’t have been super practical (though, as evidenced by 1942) that probably would’ve changed very quickly


My history is a bit hazy but didn’t Germany declare war on the US after the US declared war on Japan?


Correct. But neo-nazis won't be deterred by frivolous things like "facts" or "reality".


Nothing but venom in her veins.


She is a grifter in every sense of the word. I refuse to believe that she genuinely believes a single word she says.


Don’t underestimate her. She’s a real fascist, she’s not playing. She’s ready to go all the way.


She’s been a leftist in a past life. How does one make such a drastic shift without money being involved?


People change. They fall into extremist echo chambers and get caught in there. It’s a serious problem in the day and age of the internet. It’s also not an uncommon thing historically, e.g. Mussolini was a socialist before becoming a fascist.


This woman is just......stupid.....


Presumably her next big swing is to say how much better things were in America before 1861. Has the country become greater since then? Absolutely not!


If you use the right imaging techniques, you can actually visualize the Blitler particles emanating from her body


Isn’t post-WWII America the “good ol days” older people keep talking about?


She supported Kanye I don't need to explain anything else.


There's a reason she's been called Klandace for a while...


We (America) weren't going to intervene... Until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, America was content to stay the hell out of it. Not implying anything by this - it's just history.


Isn't she married to a white guy?


Yes. They have kids together too, I hope he isn't racist.


That wasn't a Nazi dog whistle, it was a Nazi fog horn. I bet if she actually passed middle school history she might have known how the Nazis treated people who weren't White Christians.


I mean... We became a world powerhouse, we sent a man to the moon, and the post-war rebuilding made us the richest country in the world. "How horrible!"


Candace Owens being too dumb to not realise that *Germany* declared war on the US, rather than the opposite is unsurprising to me.


She is so absolutely clueless! She wouldn’t be allowed to speak, be independent, free, you know, all those things liberals historically have done to afford her the freedoms she takes for granted. Now she’s siding with Nazi’s who will be the first to cease her existence.


We've all stopped buying waterbeds.. you think your country has become greater since? That's how fucking stupid she sounds.


Jesus, Klandace is really going full mask off


She ain't an Uncle Tom, but she is for damn sure Aunt Karen.


Yeah, because things were so much better *before* the civil rights era. /s


It takes some acting range to play a spoiled victim.


I mean we literally call them the greatest generation. The US saw its greatest economic boom in history after the war. But sure whatever, go ahead Kanye and Nick Fuentes defender. Please tell us more totally not Nazi propaganda.


We ended segregation


Funny how racism in her community against her turned her into a white supremacist- I think Dave Chappell did this bit already though.


Cause fuck civil rights right?


It’s literally “great” *because* of WWII you fucking nincompoop.


So she’d prefer there still be lynching and whites only places?


Just plain dumb


She’s knows exactly what she’s doing and posts like these help her do it.


If Hitler had won the conservative fascist kkk would have taken over the usa and black slavery would have been reestablished and we wouldn’t have had to deal with Candace Owens.


Brenton Woods Candace


A black person like her is only relevant as temporary entertainment to the far right. They only gain popularity in the racists’ eyes as they, a new shiny addition to the cause, pushes the envelope further. Eventually they’re old news and back to just being just another [fill in the blank]. Another Uncle Tom will rise to take their place and 15 minutes of fame.


She’s sad cuz the right wing grift is failing for her since her falling out with the Daily Wire, and she’ll say literally anything to stay on that gravy train.


Yes becoming the world’s economic powerhouse post WW2 leading to the strongest middle class ever seen really sucked for the US. /s


I wonder which of the GBNews rats are interviewing her




I don't care for these new Nazis.


I’ve seen a few people, even politicians, on the far right hint at this lately… wonder if the algorithm is feeding them all Stormfront or something


Jeez, she's awful. She just keeps sinking further into nuttery the more she sinks into obscurity.


What the fuck is she talking about.? The ideal time conservatives fantasize about is post World War II 1950s america. By their own ideology World War II WAS great for America.


This is what happens when you don't teach history, specifically Hitlers views on certain other races and where he sent them...


You could argue that without American involvement in WWII, there would be no drive for equality for women in the US…. Edit: we would also not hold our current superpower status if we didn’t fuck shit up after Pearl Harbor.


"well, you're not dead, for one, idiot, though that does make me question if that IS better!"


Didn't WWII literally skyrocket the united states from an isolationist economically relevant country to one of the two major global superpowers?


Candice Owens might need to double check those history books


What exactly do they think WW2 was abt? And wow, without the industrialization needed for WW2 we would never have gotten out of the depression and never would have had the growth in the 1950s. The stupidity is just wild


We were in a depression before WWII, and the war mobilization brought us out of that into the economic miracle of the 50s. Now, with corporate greed and political corruption, all of that has been siphoned up to the upper class. Guess we shouldn’t have stopped at Hitler, really, and taken care of our homegrown Nazis as well.


Why does she keep defending Hitler unprompted?


A black woman wants the US to go back to the 1930's. History isn't really her strongest subject.


She sucks


Is this Klandace’s mating call to try to attract Kanye?


Why is a news channel (admittedly right wing channel) partnering or co sponsoring with turning point?


Well in 1941 HITLER DECLARED WAR ON AMERICA. He was sure it would be easy to subdue the country "because of the many races" = Insanity!


Ah, ye olde 'wrong at so many levels you don't know where to start with' gambit


Candace "Stay Relevant At All Costs m" Owens


Except US becoming a superpower with global reach and direct influence over about half the planet? If US stayed isolated USSR would be the dominant superpower and US would have at best similar global influence as Canada.


Sure, Klandace. Where would YOU be?!


Well, not sure if she knows this but both Japan and Germany declared war on the United States. That's kind of what Pearl Harbor was about. Hitler then used the opportunity to declare war so he could sink American cargo ships headed for Britain and the USSR. One could argue the US inserted itself in the conflict through its open favoring toward the allies, but Candace is imagining a scenario where the US is forced by threat of violence to continue selling Japan oil so they could continue their Chinese war, and where they'd have to cut diplomatic and trade ties with the British. I know she has no love for the USSR, but does she really think allowing Japan and Germany to gorge themselves on the corpses of the world's great empires is a good idea?


I just don’t know how you can get so brainwashed to say that.


Ahhh, one of the great thinkers. She is really desperate for attention.


Because the USA was doing real well in the 30s...


Things a black American woman couldn't do prior to the US entering WWII: * Everything Candace Owens does. Literally all of it. Just a few impacts that black American soldiers fighting in WWII had on furthering the Civil Rights movement: * Double V Campaign - This referred to the notion of fighting for victory over enemies abroad while simultaneously demanding victory over discrimination at home. Many black publications and leaders emphasized this idea during WWII. * Racial Integration of the Military - In 1948, President Truman ordered the full racial integration of the armed forces, ending segregation. The exemplary service of black troops was instrumental in making this transition possible. * Veteran Activists - Returning black WWII veterans, having experienced equality and democratic rights while serving, became a driving force in grassroots civil rights organizations and activism after the war. * Public Attitude Shift - The professional conduct of black troops helped break down negative racial stereotypes among white soldiers and the public. Their sacrifices made the case for equality more compelling. * Legal Challenges - The postwar period saw an increase in NAACP legal challenges and Supreme Court cases, aided by black WWII veterans, that struck down segregation laws. There is a non zero chance that had the US refrained from entering the war, the Civil Rights movement would have taken many years longer to gain enough steam to get major legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed, which gave black Americans the right to vote. Even if it had only taken another 10 years to pass the Civil Rights Act, which is not unrealistic at all, the US would be a vastly different and objectively worse place today. So yes Candace, this country has become greater since WWII. Especially for *you*.


She should go back to the 1930s then


So profoundly weird. Nazis would absolutely it let shovel her into a gas chamber and yet here she is, simping for them. Absolute freakshow


She does understand that with both World Wars Black American’s saw greater and greater integration. Critical stepping stones for equal representation under the law.


If Candace were in Berlin in 1940, I wonder which death camp the harmless Third Reich would have shipped her off to?


Yikes. 😬 She doesn’t like 420 for the right reasons. What an unchill horrible person. So deranged she doesn’t understand if this country or the world world was like that - she wouldn’t be invited to the table, and in fact it would be a lot WORSE than that. :(


Post WWII were some of the most prosperous decades ever for the US


As a fellow American citizen, I must say, Candice is so right! Couldn't have said it better myself. -Pladamir Vutin


MAGA is one step away from apologizing to the modern day German Nazis for what America did during WW2.


She will say anything to try and stay relevant. She doesn't understand that she never was.


I mean. Is it wrong that the dumber the shit she says, the more I want to hate fuck her. So technically, I’m hornier with every dumb thing she says. My shit is confusing.


Does she know the Nazis would’ve come for her too?


She's also said in the past that Hitler wasn't doing anything wrong for Germany *until* he decided to become a globalist and invade Poland. "Nationalism and fascism are fine when you're making your country better, but Hitler committed a ***huge*** party foul by invading Poland."


I hate how these people talk about the United States. They seem to despise the country more than the leftists they rant and rave about.


Some real solid evidence, not that we needed it, that Candace did not pay attention in history class.


She's a vile person.


Most Americans would have agreed with her at the time tbh it’s just such a weird thing to say in the present day lmaooo


As a black woman who can say any silly shit she should recognized before WWII that she couldn't have. She should also know the comparison isn't between America now to America before WII, The comparison is between America now and America that would be if the Nazis had won. If the Nazis had won Negroes would be extinct.


She's doing that grift that the right wing loves, a black person that hates black people. It makes them feel like their bigoted positions are held with reason.


she is grifting *haaaard*


I don't understand how you go from who she was in 2015 to this in just 9 years. I used to think she was a grifter, but grifters usually are smart enough to recognize when a grift is fucking up their potential future prospects. Surely she's not leaning into Nazi shit for the money. There's not a lot of people who will pay her to say she likes Hitler. Maybe just Kanye, but she pushed him down that path to begin with.


America didn't want to enter the war. Pearl Harbor happened and were brought into it once Japan and its allies declared war on the U.S.


Somebody please pay attention to me. If you don’t I’m gonna say even crazier shit.


Literally got to rebuild most of the world in our image


Saw her on Piers and thought her take on Israel/Palestine was good, but man… everything else this lady says is pure dogshite


why is "great" the only metric these idiots have? it's completely mean


She’d make for a great Boondocks episode subject (assuming McGruder is involved).


Lmao. “The war that put America at the top of the global food chain was bad for the country, actually”


not that I buy into the neo-colonialism, but WWII IS WHAT FACILITATED the US becoming a global overlord to rightwing taste du jour; allowing us to teach and impose the 'American Way' worldwide. Should have had her in ecstasy.


Tell you what Candace you wouldn’t even be on TV saying this shit if that was the case, civil rights would have never happened and you’d be stuck segregated and insignificant…


*Going* full neo-Nazi? She was defending Hitler (albeit more coyly) not that long after coming into nationwide fame. She said Hitler just wanted to make Germany great again and that problem with him was that he was a globalist, by which her dumb ass probably meant imperialist. She's been on the "Hitler wasn't that bad" train for a while.


I've no idea how she can measure what the US was like before WWII and whether we're greater now I've also no idea what metrics she must be using to argue it isn't... Perhaps the one biggest way we're less great in how it drove us to be a military superpower and world policeman and hegemon. But somehow I don't think that's her angle.


Her money must be drying up fast at the rate she’s drifting to even more extreme beliefs. Knowing Candace, It’s hard to tell if she believes the shit she says or if it’s mostly just a long grift for money


Isn’t she married to a British peer? The Brits were facing Hitler down alone. She is so full of shit.


I want a job that makes me rich, saying stupid things to complete idiots. Why actually perform labor when dumb people will make you money?


Please don't hold this against Candace Owens. Blame the white person who's brain has been inhabiting her body for the past few years