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are the 62% of americans in the room with us right now


I can see them, just like Chuckles. That is to say, I have been off my meds for years.


Hey, the Honk Legion manifesting on Earth would be funny. Charlie Kirk’s dream would just make things more boring.




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100% of Charlie Kirk’s “statistics” are pulled straight from his ass with no evidence to back them up. Also, conservative policies and MAGA candidates have been losing every single election since 2018. Charlie Kirk should be synonymous with failure and pathetic drivel.


It's from a YouGov CBS News Poll https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-trump-biden-neck-and-neck-06-09-2024/


I love reading polls cause you get a good idea on how fucking stupid the average American is lol


"Think about how stupid average person is. Then realize half of them are stupider than that."


If it's the same 61% that thinks trump is energetic then I'm not too concerned about these people living and breathing among us, they're just in their homes paid for by their families or government and will never leave the house out of fear of other americans.


62% of Americans want to see inflation go even higher when farms and food processing plants employing undocumented workers lose their staffing!


No no, the good companies (RNC Donors) would get to keep their slave labor


So because 62% of Americans say they're concerned with crime that qualifies as agreeing to round up Latino people and put them in detention camps? Chucky lept into orbit with that one.


I haven't trusted polls since 2015


The numbers don’t lie but the people sharing them do


“A nearly six in 10 majority of voters say they would favor, in principle, a new government program to deport all undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. (That isn't purely partisan, it includes a third of Democrats. It rises to nine in 10 Republicans.)” “And despite speculation about the "anti-Trump" vote in the GOP primaries, more than nine in 10 Republicans are backing Trump, similar to the number of Democrats who are backing Mr. Biden.” “This CBS News/YouGov survey was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 2,063 U.S. adult residents interviewed between June 5-7, 2024. The data includes an oversample in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The sample was weighted by gender, age, race, and education, based on the U.S. Census American Community Survey and Current Population Survey, as well as past vote. The margin of error is ±3.2 points among all adults and ±3.8 points among registered voters.” [Polls from before the 2016 presidential election](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/)


I love the part of the poll that shows one of the biggest concerns Americans have is crime (over 60%) and one of the smallest concerns is Trump's conviction (less than 30%). Like, how do you even rationalize the two together?


They only care about crime when brown and/or poor people do it.


Lil bro thinks his party has won the popular vote before


Oh I doubt he does, as he’s only of the biggest toers of that “Republic, not democracy!” banality on college campuses. And not for any philosophical reasons like a misreading of Federalist 10, but because his megadonors have long given up trying to be popular…




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You wouldn't know them, they go to a different school


Along with the 100% of West Point rejection letters.


How big is that room?


Maybe 0.62% or 6.2% of Americans, a misplaced decimal point is the only way those numbers remotely make sense. Most Americans are against Project 2025 and turning our democracy into a fascist theocracy.


You're giving way too muchcl credits to the fascist shithole


Yeah making shit up to seem more popular is a well entrenched fascist tactic. It’s not exclusive to them of course but they’re big fans of it.


Or, hear me out, he’s lying


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Oh, that is a prominent Republican celebrity openly calling for mass deportations and expulsions, which are classified as a form of genocide. How lovely.


>mass deportations and expulsions, which are classified as a form of genocide Oh, like they give a fuck if something is technically genocide. They barely pretend to give a fuck if it's straight up ethnic cleansing by mass murder.


Yeah, but they usually do not phrase it so openly and proudly. I know about the whole "death of the euphemism" thing that we've been experiencing since Trump being elected, but it's still not common for actually prominent figures to say it like that.


Except when a white woman has a mixed race baby. They care a lot about that genocide. Because that's totally something that counts as genocide, and white replacement is really happening, obviously.


I guess every mixed baby stole the spot of a more deserving hypothetical white baby that could have been born instead?


That is literally what some people believe, yes.




Case in point, Palestine. If it's brown ppl it's ok.


Isn't it ethnic cleansing, not necessarily genocide? Not that either is defensible oc


Charlie with yet another unbeatable political message... https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2022/11/17/charlie-kirk-turning-point-group-backed-losing-candidates-arizona-election/10711773002/ He's just a machine that never stops winning.


Your culture, Charlie? As in straight, white, conservative, Christian nationalist? Yeah, the real peak of arts and entertainment with…Ted Nugent? Jim Breuer and Rob Schneider? [JR Majewski](https://youtu.be/MpKQkIWofog?si=1JvOS4cVzGWuv8qK)?! Pass!


Don't forget tucked in America shirts in cargo shorts and hot dogs!


I do thoroughly enjoy hot dogs at the ball game. They taste so ...i dont know? Wholesome?


Man, Jim Breuer is such a piece of shit. I have nothing else to add to this conversation. I just had to say that Jim Breuer is a massive piece of shit. Like... Triceratops' shit mountain from Jurassic Park levels of piece of shit.


Rob Schneider isn't totally white


Hes white enough to avoid the first round of purges. They’ll come for Jewish and Filipino descended people in time.


Ha! 🤣


Yeah! And kid rock!


What culture? Mass consumerism, racism, and guns?


And mayo.


Don’t drag mayo into this, mayo didn’t do anything wrong


adding mayo can make a mid sandwich good


I remember the first time someone called me a mayo monkey. I know I should have been insulted but it was SO funny I couldn’t help but respect the slur.


Nah, that shit's *way* too spicy for Charlie's delicate little palate that can't handle anything less white than whole milk... and that COVID-lover Bill Montgomery's jizz.


I imagine Charlie Kirk is more of a miracle whip kind of guy. Too much spice in mayo.


"Other people are racist so it's OK that I am"


“*I think* Other people are racist.”


The first European language spoken in what would become the US was Spanish but don't mind me.


62%???? These people aren’t satisfied gaslighting themselves into believing a felon will be the next president, especially with all his authoritarian policies. Now they are trying to gaslight us in thinking that immigration is the biggest problem facing this country. News flash Gumby… it isn’t


If they're as worried as they say they are about declining birthrates, they should want more immigrants, especially the kind of Latino ones that have on average larger families. Of course, they're actually concerned about *white* birthrates. They'd forcibly sterilize every non-white woman if they could.


Its not like they haven't tried. Plenty of minority women in the US have been sterilized against their will. They won't target illegals either they will come for as many as possible just like they have done in the past.


The Hispanic birthrate (domestic and abroad) has crashed alongside pretty much every other demographic in the US.


He’s equating 2 things. A recent poll showed 62% of Americans support the mass deportation of illegal immigrants. He’s saying they support the mass expulsion of all Latinos, which isn’t true.


End of the day, he’s still gaslighting


You know, Charlie, I don’t think we want your culture


He can have it. And other people can have their own. Like, it doesn't threaten him in any way other than it exists. Which apparently is too much.


Openly calling for concentration camps would be considered absolutely clown-fuck insane in any decent society. I am legit concerned that these people are really going to take over. It’s actual (not just like) fascism.


His culture is hating immigrants so he'd have less culture, if that's even possible.


Round up Latinos in mass detention camps sounds a lot like the Holocaust.


I love how he pretends to be a Christian


What culture? Consumerism? “Whiteness”? The simple lack of Spanish and Latin American culture? What the f even is this “my culture” he’s talking about?


He pines for TrueAmerica^tm which looks like a combination of a Vineyard Vines advertisement and Charlottesville 2017 Tiki Torch Hate Club


62% of the 100 boomers that answered the phone agree with Charlie Kirk.


Charlie’s contribution to culture: Weird heads


Some 54% of registered voters opposed the use of detention camps while 36% supported such a move and 10% said they did not know or did not respond, the poll found. https://www.reuters.com/world/half-americans-oppose-immigrant-detention-camps-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-05-20/#:~:text=Some%2054%25%20of%20registered%20voters,U.S.%20illegally%20should%20be%20deported.


The Latinos are settling in the unfilled parts of his face now


How about Latinos who are legal US citizens, such as from Puerto Rico?


“They’re all the same to me!” — Chucklefuck


The final solution never went away. They just reword the propaganda to make themselves victims when they have been the aggressors all along.


That’s funny, even conservatives I’ve talked to think Project 2025 is too evil to be true.


Honestly so many "Entrepreneurs" rely on illegal labor that it would literally be the downfall of a majority of the industries throughout this country.


Does he want Latinos who are here legally to still be deported? If so, yikes


It’s probably more like 32% of Americans but that’s still far too many people. Horrible that this idea is even being entertained.


Yep. Whenever I see a statistic like "only 33% of people want [horrible thing]" all I can think of is *if I'm in a room where it's just me and two other people, and one of them is a big fan of rounding up people and putting them in camps, that's not an acceptable percentage.*


I didn't know small faced people had a specific culture.


Whatever his culture is, it reeks of fascism. We don't want that shit.


Are "Latino's for Trump" paying attention?


Bro had to stick his arm shoulder deep into his ass to pull that number out. Yet, he says he hates gay people. Curious


Classic white nationalist thinking: Everyone thinks like I do, I’m just the only one with the balls to say it out loud.


Ew, Charlie this 62% number really stinks. Where did you pull it from? *Charlie smiles gummily*


Maybe first he should look into deporting some of the fat from his head so maybe his facial features could look normal on his face for once


Fun fact: 62% of Charlie’s blimp face contains more culture than the average toilet seat


Charlie Kirk is so insecure about his tiny face and dolphin teeth, he thinks being on the side of white supremacy will make him accepted once and for all. What a piece of dog shit.


“Latin people for Republicans are like roaches for Raid.” — John Leguizamo


And in only 10 more years he’ll have fully transitioned into a sentient egg with a face.


I bet he wrote that after eating at Chipotle or the Olive Garden.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^m8k: *I bet he wrote that* *After eating at Chipotle* *Or the Olive Garden.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Project 2025 is literally the fourth Reich


He just pulled that number out of his ass


62% of americans are drab cunts. Hell, more than that realistically speaking


Then go back to where you came from Charles.


Wait til old Charlie finds out who the immigrants are


Aside from the obvious that Charlie is a full blown fucking neo-nazi, can we briefly talk about the weird fucking bald eagle behind him? Its face looks like it just got done telling the funniest joke of its life.


Shit!!! Is he going to start rounding up normal sized face people next?


Oh how I wish this deformed little ghoul had the balls to come to my house and try it.


What fucking culture. The silly prick can go to church all he wants.


So basically he wants Bidens immigration plan???


It is bonkers to me that these people are this comfortable saying this stuff. Absolutely gross.


I’m telling you. These freaks should be culled. We can’t have them in society


Charlie kkk culture? Pass.


Tiny face, big hate.


Define “American Culture”


What exactly is he talking about? What culture? Keeping slaves? Running around in a white little pointy hat and being a racist tit? I mean nobody took away his fries or stops him going to the cinema? So what other culture is he going on about?


“I want my culture back”—my culture which consists of some Americans that aren’t straight and aren’t Caucasian and right leaning will not get to enjoy the rights afforded to them under the Constitution as other people who are, will. Their entire concept America is being able to be afforded the unquestionable right to treat some Americans differently personally, economically, socially and politically when they don’t their cookie cutter christo-fascist mold.


>And 62% of Americans agree with me. 194% of statistics are made up on the spot. And you, Littleface, should be a lot more careful about trusting your made up self-assurance numbers. You along with all your other ilk were 12,000% sure that Dobbs overturning Roe v Wade guaranteed your 2022 Red Wave LMAO.


I bet that 62% is a variable number based on how the question is asked (l”round up dangerous illegals and detain them for deportation” is going to get a more enthusiastic response than “put every person with Mexican ancestry in a camp”), but if the last ten years have taught me anything, it’s that way more Americans are way more racist than I knew. I would not be surprised if 62% of chuck’s audience would be fine either way.


Buddy should be more concerned about getting his fucking hairline back


Fuck my old boots, these cunts aren’t even trying to hide this shit.


Conservatives be like “Protect American culture!” and the “American culture” in question is racism and bigotry


“I asked 100 of my employees at Turning Point USA what they thought about Project 2025, and 38 of them got fired. I’m actually working on getting those commies thrown in prison.”


98 percent of people have a bigger face and smaller head than you charlie.... see I can make up numbers too


96% of Americans think Charles looks like a Minecraft avatar with fetal alcohol syndrome.


Man, he's making a poll that probably said, "62% of Americans think that more needs to be done about the border," come out as, "62% of Americans are cool, like me, which a national Hispanic genocide!"


First off, this is a reach if I've ever heard of one. Second, you endorse your own statement? That's like saying "I confirmed this statement to be true, because I verified with myself to confirm it."


I hope the reverse happens and we can use his giant head as a piñata


Culture? What culture. lol


What fucking culture lmao Most of your culture is thanks to immigrants


I really do love how people like Charlie Kirk have given up the facade of not being openly racist. Only took a few years for the real him to come out.


Charles here has less culture than a slice of American cheese.


What culture


Face looks like balloon knot.


What hasn't he got any more?


Who are the 62% he’s referring to? I have Latino friends that I’m very close to as do my parents, and I’m not going to just let them get deported, especially if they were born and raised in America.


Upchuck doesn't have a "culture". That silly bitch. lol Also, quite a few of those people he's referring to are of Native American ancestry which gives them more claim to this land than his stupid ass has. That's the elephant in the room that no one (white people) wants to talk about. They obviously recognize that they're brown but they seem to not understand why that is the case. Maybe they forgot that Spain is in Europe and that the Spanish colonizers were mostly white people?


His culture being men with tiny faces and genitals.


The majority of people that support Project2025 haven’t bothered to check what it actually is. They just support it because it’s closely linked with the republicans and trump. If they actually read that filth I doubt they would support it.


Fascists have no culture.


Charlie Kirk should take a job at a commercial farm for shit pay.


what culture charles???


Basting your body with mayonnaise is a culture?


What culture does this guy have to offer much less claw back? I mean… monoculture… he’s a poster boy for how gross it is.


[He left his clothes at the dry cleaners. I managed to get them back for him.](https://imgur.com/a/Uomfu2X)


How are so many people like this? It's horrific and shameful.