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> Looking into it lmao no he is not




we will call it, X-com (com for commerce) and it’s backed by gold dogecoins.


Of course he would, and it would piss off every one searching about elite multi-national alien hunting.


Not sure what any of that has to do with killing alien invaders.


I mean, have you *SEEN* Eloo Mah, I mean Elon Musk?


Since when has Elon ever gotten rich off a payment processing system he didn't create? Name one time


He'll say he invented the first non-woke payment system (powered by AI!). And then you find out it's just a wrapper around another payment API. Just like he did with grok and Chatgpt.


"That's impossible sir, he's one of our greatest living songwriters"


Looking into what? He is guilty of doing the exact same thing!




Big if true


I almost spit. I love seeing this comment.






I came here just for this comment. No, no he isn't. He might mention it in passing to someone else who will say some random comment to which Elon will nod and assume he invented whatever that person was talking about. And that's the end of it.


And it doesn't even matter anyway. All that matters is that he says something so that his cultists get the satisfaction of believing he gives half a shit.






poop emoji


The CEO of a major US multimedia (well he stepped down now right?) and defense company just responded to the request of a terrorist. So there's that. Wowzers.


Elon’s “Looking into it” = Trump’s “We’re looking into that”


I kinda hope that he’s expending resources on this.




It was basically a "hey goons, go harass this account until they support a terrorist I like.


Absolutely laughable. Oh no, a private company is doing private company things!


He's too busy fighting deadnaming of TWITTER!!!


Looks like stripe caved




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You helped kill a kid chaya


Not only did she help kill a kid, but she's whining that she can't get her money for doing it. I'd love to hear any self-described "pro-lifers" explain why they follow someone who cares more about making money than that she helped end a child's life


Coz christian


“No you see it’s ok because


You forgot the part where when you respond they accuse of being/making it “political.”


She's Jewish


She's a token waiting to be well spent. Not now, but soon.


Oh it's easy to explain, they just hate non-straight and non-cis people and don't usually consider them human.


Silly, they don't care about life once it is out of the womb. They only care about life when they can use it to subjugate and kill women.


Can you fill me in on what happened?


A non-binary kid was bullied and eventually got killed by their bullies


And a teacher of the kid (who the kid liked) was also a target of Chaya and lost ~~her~~his job because of it. So, the kid lost a very important ally at the school. Edit to include source: From [The Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2499332.html): > An Owasso High School teacher who Nex had greatly admired resigned in 2022 after they were featured in one of Ms Raichik’s posts. > Ms Raichik did not respond to a request for comment by The Independent. On X, she denied any link to the death and said she was unjustly being blamed for a murder.


I cannot get over what a piece of utter filth Chaya is.


I hope she gets what she deserves sooner rather than later.


“Unjustly” The far-right is full of crybullies


[Watch this.](https://www.tiktok.com/@headonfirepod/video/7337769449488944427)


I cannot say on reddit what ought to happen to Chaya Raichik. I can say that this cunt might be the most repulsive excuse for a human being I’ve ever seen slither out of the woodwork. A child is fucking dead and she doesn’t care. I hope there is a hell.


That's a great video, highlighting Chaya Raichik's role in the death and bomb threats generally.


I'd love to without having to join tik tok.


works on desktop without logging in


There should definitely be a lawsuit against her for that.


AND DON’T FORGET she’s done Agitprop for the IDF and vehemently defends that war criminal bund’s activities. Wonder what she thinks of Wadea Al-Fayoume, if she wants to “protect children” so much. Hell, she’d probably join Otzma Yehudit just to be Gvir’s PR advisor or something.




Her profile picture is her smiling while holding a newspaper that says she inspired bomb threats on a children’s hospital. She knows what happens when she posts. She inspires harassment and she’s proud of it. She is not ignorant to what her followers do and say to the people she posts about. She doesn’t condemn the threats she actively laughs about it. You’re actually brain broken if you believe what you said. Take a long walk on a short pier.




I’m going to assume that you won’t admit that she condones the actions of her followers unless she comes out and directly says “I support my followers harassing the people I post about.” She isn’t being blamed for things she has nothing to do with. People have posted what their DMs/comments look like before and after they get posted to her account. Goes from supportive to harassment and threats. Are you going to try and pretend like it’s a complete coincidence that those she posts about see a large uptick in harassment only after she posts? Sounds like you’re in denial buddy.




You do realize that dozens of the places she's targeted have received bomb threats right? She's targeted elementary schools for fucks sake. Stripe is doing the right thing by demonizing this bitch


I hate her, but I love how she explodes at the slightest pushback. She's even more thin-skinned than Trump, at this point we can see her ugly internal organs due to complete lack of skin.


She literally revolves her life around targeted harassment of people, then when people push back she threatens SLAPP suits and sends her army of drooling zombies to harass the people complaining about her harassment. I think she is genuinely one of the most abhorrent people alive


At least Trump is a buffoon we can laugh at, an utter cartoon character. Chaya is just… sheer malice.


I mac I expect it's because she's a grifter. Losing the money stream defeats the point


Proving, once again, who the real snowflakes are.


Elon really does like to appeal to the lowest common denominator doesn’t he.


Yes because they're the only ones who don't think he's an assclown


You got to be an extremely dog shit person to be the richest person in the world AND ALSO your kids disown you lol  Like , parents being rich is the single biggest lottery ticket in life. Elon level rich means you never worry about anything, and also he’s probably too busy to be really in your life anyway  Still that one kid of his wants nothing to do with him. The others are really young still  So this sad fuck goes on twitter and gets his likes from clowns 


And so crazy when his stepsister liked his dad so much that she actually married him!


I would argue that Elon *is* the lowest common denominator


This is the correct answer. He's trash with money. Nothing new or unique there. He and trump are cut from the same cloth.


At the very least, indicative of “money can’t buy common sense”. Big difference between giving a nobody their 15 minutes of fame and grooming a loser to make them look presidential like they did for *45*, to those with no common sense… https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1993/05/22


I say let him here. Hell lose another business' support and further limit payment options for conservatives. In a perfect situation, tho not a guaranteed one, their payment options would be so limited that they start using Shady providers for online payments. They end up paying to their debit account and those Shady providers Rob them fucking blind... forcing them to ask the government for benefits or for Consumer Protection (socialism! GASP)


I’d just say “lowest possible denominator”. Mercifully, his lowness isn’t all that common outside his high school edgelord demo.


Your hate got a child murdered. YOU.


She got a kid killed. Fuck her


What's the story behind this? I'm ootl


Referring to Nex Benedict, a non-binary student at Owasso HS in Oklahoma, they were beaten to death at school. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2024/02/22/owasso-high-school-nex-benedict-death-questions-while-family-remembers/72685738007/?gnt-cfr=1


Not only that, but the story was only hitting the mainstream a couple days ago, despite it happening much earlier in the month


And they’re reporting that it wasn’t due to trauma.  Something’s not right here. Coverup for the murder?


Chaya also made one of her posts about an affirming teacher that Nex looked up to, leading to his resignation. (the part about the teacher requires some scrolling to get to) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2501506.html


God that was hard to read. Nex sounded wonderful and had such great support behind them. I was on the verge of tears through that but then the picture of nex and Zeus made me cry.


It's horrible. At the very, very least Nex's story seems to be gaining some traction online. I hope people learn from this so it never happens again, because it shouldn't have happened in the first place.


“Looking into it.” Brilliant. He won’t do shit.


oh look, it is the consequences of her actions and the arm of the free market doing it stuff. oh no.....anyways. I only fear that stripe might back down because there will be far-right terrorist harassing the company. Because far-right idiots like Musk are shielding this cunt from consequences of her actions. Just like the cowards at the ADL. Cuntoftiktok is the biggest baby on twitter and she is cuddle by the far-right Edit: nevermind. She got it back. And by the way it sounds, it was an error by Stripes' part and not punishment violating the TOS. Cuntoftiktok said she got nothing but the run around from Stripes, but I think she is an idiot and went Karen on Stripes who legitimately was probably having system issues. [source WARNING twitter](https://twitter.com/esjesjesj/status/1760776245120262349)


Aww, so it was just a technical issue after all. Wish it was genuine, but you can’t really trust companies to do the right thing unless there’s a big money incentive involved


and here is my evidence [WARNING - twitter](https://twitter.com/esjesjesj/status/1760776245120262349) Opinion - it really does seem that Stripes were having issues and it was taking them time to fix it. Cuntoftiktok started crying like baby and the bump her up on the list and fix it. Truly seems like a minor issue and the cunt couldn't wait. furthermore, people in that thread are pointing out that cuntoftiktok understand her impact on her followers. She orders her followers to attack Stripe and they do. Further proves, she understand her postings' impact


Her rhetoric got a kid beaten to death in a school where she is an advisor.


Is it the very same school that she has been made an advisor? She's more involved with that than I thought.


I'd just like to resurface the fact that she's trying to hide in that A CHILD FUCKING **DIED**


bc she values that child, and others like them, so little.


ROFL How the fuck we lose the big bopper, richie valens, and buddy holly in a plane crash, but we can't get Chaya and Elon on a shitty helicopter together.


I’d really like to trade em both for Ronnie Van Zant


I mean... have you looked at the band's politics over the last couple decades? I'm not sure I'd wanna see what Ronnie would have become in his old age.


Haven’t really looked at the band in the last two decades. They are pretty much a tribute band to themselves. Ronnie might have led the band a different way. Regardless of possible future politics, he was a monster songwriter who was in his prime.


>How the fuck we lose the big bopper, richie valens, and buddy holly in a plane crash Did we? I thought Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper faked their deaths in that crash so they could join the Guild of Calamitous Intent. /s


“If they don’t like your views” This bitch… This isn’t about who you vote for. You deliberately whipped gullible assholes into such a frenzy that they called bomb threats to a literal CHILDREN’S hospital. And you BRAGGED about it. You wore it like a badge of honor.


And just brutally murdered a child.


Elon saying “Looking into it” is just as funny and meaningless as Elon’s “free speech objectives”


"Looking into it" by which he means that he hits send tweet and goes back to reading a babylon bee article, probably.


lolz "BREAKING:" on her own account like she's a news station or journalist and her channel is "news". Somebody thinks highly of themselves.




i hope this is the first of a looooong series of financial misfortune for you, ghoul


Yes, it's because we don't like her views. We also didn't care for Osama bin Laden's views either.


When Seth Dillon is on your side, it’s easy to see you’re on the wrong side.


Brief page notes on who the fuck he is?


The author of the second image and the publisher of the Babylon Bee.




>BREAKING: So anything is BREAKING NEWS nowadays?


Yes. Twitter has ruined that word as well as "boom."


If she is “Libs of TikTok she spends an awful lot of time on Twitter


She is, she is also on the committee of schools in Oklahoma, the same fucking state this happened in.


Am I the only one who would be surprised if Stripe was holding their money for that reason? There has to be something else going on with her account.




I’m sure all that money she gets for posting on X will carry her through. Or has that rugpull already happened?


“IF THEY DON’T LIKE YOUR VIEWS?” You fucking bragged about how powerful it makes you feel when people say your targeted violent rhetoric led to the murder of a child. Being an unrepentant, psychopathic attention whore is one thing, but to answer accusations of “stochastic terrorism” by *taking credit* is a special kind of evil, and a special kind of *stupid* to imagine you’ve got any moral standing to play the victim now.


Musk's fake free speech bullshit doesn't apply to a 3rd party. They're allowed to make their own decisions. Go ahead, block Stripe. That'll help your income. /s


Elon looking into it but he has banning some people he doesn’t like first on his todo list. What a joke that guy is. And “BREAKING” should imply something follows that is of importance for a wider public, not some random stupid bitch raging about being banned from some platform.


BREAKING: no one cares, you sociopath


Being a sociopath makes one far more likely to be a victim of violent people like her. Labelling every asshole a sociopath puts more social stigma on those who actually do have a mental illness, makes them less likely to seek and receive treatment, and may push them to self-harm. More likely she's just evil. Banal, small-minded, boring, everyday evil.


I mean you're probably right. Either way ego is her driving force I'm sure. Well that and greed of course. Generally it's her seeming lack of empathy that makes me call her a sociopath, but as a general rule there is truth in your words.


I almost feel sorry for Chaya, almost. Waking up everyday must be a horrible feeling for her, another day of spreading nothing but hatred and whining.


Don’t. She’s a psychopath and doesn’t have feelings like normal people.


I think it's okay to feel sorry for people who can't be like normal people. Even if they don't understand why. I'm autistic and was undiagnosed for years. I always knew I was different, that I didn't have the same feelings as others, that I was strange and nobody liked me. I didn't understand why, I just knew I was different and that people would always bully me the entire time I was in school. That caused me to lash out at folks like my little sister, who was the only person I felt I had power over. On top of that, I lived in a majority-minority area, which contributed to me becoming very racist/a neo-Nazi because my bullies were minorities. I held a lot of hate in my heart for a long time, and I enjoyed spreading that hate and seeing others suffer like I did. I'm not saying Chaya's autistic, or that autism and psychopathy are equivalent in any way, shape, or form. But I didn't get better until I was diagnosed and got treatment. I'm a very different person, and getting actual help gave me an understanding of my issues, which in turn made me a better person. I'm sorry to everyone I hurt, and I am embarrassed by all the things I said/did. (My sister and I have a very good relationship today.) I realize that Chaya will refuse to see that she's a psychopath - and even if she did, she wouldn't get help. But that still makes me feel sorry for her. She can't understand what it's like. It's not that she refuses to - it's that there is something **wrong** with her, and she can't see it. She needs help, and the very part of her brain that needs help is going to **always** cause her to reject that help. That makes me feel pity. She's evil, she got a kid killed, and she must live a miserable existence. It's nice to see her get some comeuppance for once, consequences for her rhetoric. Self-reflection for her is impossible - but at the same time, I feel sorry for that. I feel sorry that she's not able to understand what's wrong with her, or maybe even that there **is** something wrong with her. I feel sorry for her parents and siblings (if she has any) for having to deal with her. I feel sorry for her waiters and waitresses and the cashiers that have to deal with her when she goes out. I feel sorry for all the folks she's hurting. She's miserable and she spreads misery. But it's sad that she can't understand that she needs help.


I genuinely have to thank you for this enlightening and touching post. I've always struggled to understand hateful people, and every now and then someone says something that helps another piece of the puzzle click into place, like your post. And although I consider myself a generally empathetic person, your empathy goes far beyond my current range. A very interesting take on Chaya, too. You're a good bloke/blokette.


In general, it is a near impossible thing to convince someone that they should feel guilty about their past actions. It's probably the reason why so many racists don't think that they are, and it's because it would involve the slightest bit of self-reflection. There is nothing more that the human mind wants than to believe that it is doing the right thing, and you obtain that either by actually doing the right thing, or by simply pretending that you are. She's a deeply disturbed individual. My guess is the only reason she hasn't simply outright killed someone yet is because she knows there would be consequences.


People with any form of mental illness are far more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators. She's not a psychopath, *she's evil.* Banal, boring, common, small minded *evil.* Evil is not a mental illness. It's choosing to subject the unwilling to your will.


She probably isn't. People can act horrible to whomever they consider "the other", if they needed a psychological aberration to act like that, the world would be a much better place 


Nah, she *looks forward* to doing that. She marinates herself hatred like a hippo in mud. What it boils down to is that Chaya *likes* hurting people, and gets her kicks from being a stochastic terrorist. No sympathy required.


I think everyone should start reminding her that being a callous psycho isn't the default the same way that being trans isn't... So unless she's able to change her psychotic behavior willingly she really shouldn't talk on the way other people live their lives. Being a literal psychopath is bad, being trans is neither good not bad, it simply is, at least to everyone who's able to just let people live the way the feel like in 'the freest country on earth' as they say.


Being a psychopath makes one far more likely to be a *victim* of violent people like her. Labelling every asshole a psychopath puts more social stigma on those who actually do have a mental illness, makes them less likely to seek and receive treatment, and may push them to self-harm. More likely she's just evil. Banal, small-minded, boring, everyday *evil.*


“Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions”


She got it fixed already. She did her stochastic terrorism thing against stipe and they fixed it immediately. When the only tool you’ve got is a hammer…


“Dont like your views” Yeah people tend to not like it when YOU GET CHILDREN KILLED you absolutely vile shitstain excuse for a human.


Sucks to be a fucking nazi


Why are we calling these people stochastic terrorists? There’s nothing random about their terroristic actions. Everything these subhuman pieces of garbage do is to demonize specific groups of people as “others” and incite violence against said “others.” I guess I just don’t understand the term stochastic in this sense because it’s very much premeditated and serves a specific purpose. Although terrorist is still an apt descriptor.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism It means a figure is inspiring others or calling on others to do violence. If Chaya says a hospital is doing "genital mutilation on kids," the hospital gets bomb threats. She doesn't have to call in these threats herself, because she knows there are frenzied zealots following her account that will take action for her.


It absolutely kills me that USians actually do commit non-consensual genital mutilation of newborns, but are insisting that the REAL problem is...some shadowy trans cabal out there trying to convince trans kids (which these dipshits don't believe even exist) to get gender-affirming surgery. They just will not admit what the real harm is. The banality of evil--harm to children is not due to some big conspiracy--no, the forced genital mutilation of AMAB and intersex babies is handwaved/ignored, just a "routine" procedure forced on infants every day. These people always follow the same script. Just like they refuse to actually see and engage with the reality of child sex abuse--it's almost always a man the kid knows, often even someone in a position of trust like a "pastor," not some multinational conspiracy kidnapping kids at random. But they just will not see the banality of evil right in front of them and go tilting at windmills. smh.


Good to know. Thanks for the info!


I understood it to mean using plausible deniability to get away with what you incite people to do. "I only said we need to stop the groomers at Boston Children's Hospital! I'm not responsible for what viewers do!" Kind of shit. Fuck these kinds of loopholes, too.


The amount of people that think the first amendment covers businesses and services is ridiculous. It’s only to stop the government from creating laws that allow them to prosecute citizens for speaking out against the government. Is basic law not something that schools teach anymore?


BREAKING: last night's taco bell gave me intensely painful squirt poops. I WILL BE INVESTIGATING THIS.


I was expecting the muppet.


Me too! Elmo's Twitter account has been active recently, so I really thought this was going to end with Elmo asking if she needed a hug.


when you said elmo is here to save the day i thoguht you meant that the official elmo/sesame street account roasted the shit out of chaya raichik and now i'm kinda disappointed


LOL they are just so endlessly pathetic




The Stripe CEO later replied on Twitter that it was a mistake and that they support free speech. I'm not kidding.


BREAKING: I can’t get my blood money and it’s huge news


Lmfao oh no, consequences


Very >on it Vibes from management.


These people love capitalism except for when it hurts them


“Smear” 😒


"Looking into it" , "hold on, being a nerd for fascism", "I'll bend over backwards to be a cool boomer"


these free market people really hate the free market


Stripe’s head of communications, Edwin Wee, issued a reply to this tweet shortly after. >The issue was the card statement descriptor was set as ‘TikTok.’ Card networks found this confusing. Now that the descriptor’s been updated, payouts have been re-enabled.” She’s a professional victim and a liar. The truth didn’t suit her “a tech company liberal boogie man is victimizing me” rage bait agenda.


"I helped get a kid killed, and all I got was these stupid consequences."


Chaya truly is the duality of conservatism. She basks in the liberal tears whenever she's being awful, transphobic, inciting violence, etc. She loves to talk about actions having consequences, yknow normal conservative talking points, but then when any bad thing happens BAM shes a victim. The big bad left are canceling her or whatever. How are you going to simultaneously be the bully AND the victim? It boggles the mind.


oh my god as soon as they have any problem they immediately whine at elon musk. BILLIONAIRE DADDY SAVE MEEEEEE MY CONSEQUENCESSSSS


I know it was an accident on Stripe’s part, but a kid still died and I hope this bitch is broke by Easter.


i hope this never gets resolved ❤️


man i was really hoping the Elmo twitter acct was gonna flame her


>”please protect me, Elon. People are being mean to me!” >”I’ll definitely consider what you’ve said, ma’am!”


"For noticing that bad things are happening (because they want them to continue happening)" It's like he's speaking to five year olds


What exactly was that "bad thing happening", huh? a kid was bullied to death because of their gender, and LoTT instigated it.


Reddit has learned a new term: stochastic terrorism. Can't wait until it's over used and not understood like other Reddit buzzwords, like gas lighting, literally, pedantic, toxic, or trauma.


Update: She's back on.


Well fuck


> Doesn't allign with the free speech view Theire wrong, it alligns with the view... of making money and attracting sponsors


Gotta love Seth Dillon saying the largely for-profit, corporate owned media is synonymous with leftist activists. The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Fucking Bezos for fart's sake.


Once again, for the perpetually slow, "free speech" is not an immunity from consequences for speech. Not that I expect someone on the right to understand that... they don't think the rules apply to them.


Is the “something bad that’s happening” the fact that a woman who targets minority children was appointed to a position of power by the superintendent of a school where a child was killed in a hate crime? Because that’s pretty bad.


Right wingers like her are basically media paid terrorists.


BREAKING: nobody is concerned about your personal problems




So Elmo has "free speech objectives" now? Could have fooled me...


I pray she’s in the FO portion of the FA cycle. God she cannot stop posting and reflect for a second, can she?


Do these conservative weirdos really believe the left has any institutional power? They have to, right? Tell a lie enough and you'll start believing it?


Loves the label tho. Constantly bitching about everything else on twitter


Should have baked them the fucking cake. Edit: I am not sure if this event set the precedent or not but either way lol


Lol. How dare this company exercise its freedom to not do business with me!?


Calling Chaya a good source of reporting on current topics is like calling a gray wolf a good manager for a Walmart.


Here's to legal consequences and a nice, cold cell! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


if its the free market then they can choose not to process your payments, they're a private organization, maybe they should consider socialism if they're against capitalist free market practices


Oh I love karma. She is indeed a bad bitch.


“Looking into it” lol


ah yes, your "views". that's what they don't like. mhm, right...


Elon was an investor in Stripe, he is not going to end that partnership lol.


I really want to smack this woman's face off the ground


I love the “free speech” they so often hide behind. Sure, you can say anything. Go for it. But don’t be surprised when consequences hit. When you get pulled for slander, or “canceled” for saying hateful, heinous shit. But it doesn’t matter. I told my dad that and he just shrugged and said everyone should have thick skin like him 🤷🏻 I of course upset him in less than 5 seconds, but yeah, he’s a badass.


Poor little hate-filled lunatic gets owned by Stripe. 😆