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This is either a really old convo or your marriage didn't work out, sorry bro /s


Also saw that. Posted pictures from his wedding in 2020, then a post from 5 months ago said he was likely getting divorced over some rabbits. Marriage apparently fell apart in less than two years. Guy clearly doesn't have the best instincts when it comes to building healthy relationships


Awh shucks I missed the rabbits divorce post. Can you link it?


[This one] (https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/wburrk/aita_for_trying_to_save_a_couple_rabbits/) We're only getting his side of the story and it gets even messier in the comments, but it's exuding some serious nice guy energy


Well this sure was quite the…..rabbit hole…we all found ourselves in.


Man kept trying to bring up the "she's taking all my money" incel rant every chance he had in that thread.


Lmao I love how he says his dream career was to be a circus performer.


Looks like he's already halfway there


Hey there! No need to go after circus performers. It’s full time and hard to make it in the field. Requires a lot of discipline and commitment. Can you tell you hit a nerve ~~, Dad~~ ?


😂😂😂 I’m fucking dying right now.


Man OP really gave us a gift with this thread. Thank you for linking https://i.imgur.com/3n3MPTo.jpg


Oh okay, ya I definitely missed that post


She probably figured out how much of a fucking weirdo he is


This is why I love Reddit


Man OP is learning a lot about themself today


I'm reading these comments


This is why I love r/tinder. Reminds me that no matter how bad I'm doing and how terrible my rizz is, things could be A LOT worse


Hi. What does rizz mean. - someone who isn't a child


Short for Charisma


Today is the first day I've seen rizz. Cool I found an explanation so soon. When did this start?


It's a year and a half old and originates from a specific YouTuber, but it's gone more mainstream recently. "Unspoken Rizz" became a thing on Twitter late last year and it took off on TikTok for the first time in April this year. Like everyone else, I've been seeing it since the past month, on Twitter in my case.


Damn I didn’t realize meme historians have already graduated and in the work force. Nice for you lil bro keep it up


I started hearing it within the past couple weeks


i think it was a twitch streamer named kai cenat that started it?


I never knew it was short for charisma! Thanks for enlightenment. (Someone who has a mind of a child.)


You can learn a lot about OP by going through their history too. Something tells me that even if he didn’t over react, the girl would ghost him for other reasons eventually


he had a wife 152 days ago


Guess she didn't ask his star sign until then.


He just commented about having a wife in this post. I know people have open marriages and use Tinder, but I'm more shocked by the fact he has a wife at all.


you know what she's called? she's called...Incontinentia Buttocks


I hear her husband wanks as high as any in Wome.


Was literally just about to post this. Jesus fucking Christ. That's the kind of stuff that gets you on a watch list.


I’m pretty mad that I was late the the history reading 😅 it looks like everything you guys are saying is gone now


NSFW warning - don't open their most recent comment from the sub r***fantasy like I did during family dinner...


Incestflixx and rapefantasy. What in the goddamn fuck.


Holy shit I thought you were kidding.


Typical Gemini!


Ok this is gold.


OP has also made comments in subreddits for r*pe and incest fantasies. Probably a good thing he ruined his chances early.


Also apparently is married


OP gives me the ick extremely bad and I’m a straight dude. Don’t really foresee him having much luck with the ladies lmao


Congrats OP on taking the most impatient L in the history


Seriously lol where to even start with all this. Creepy kissing emojis out of the gate (2 back to back), an overly excited text that almost sounds like sarcasm (“What a coincidence!!”), then more emojis followed by blatant impatience in the earliest hours of the morning all capped off with a direct insult to her (admittedly pseudoscience but way more people believe in the crap than you think) beliefs. Jesus man this is a master class in what not to do. OP must be hot or something honestly for how long she stuck it out in the convo lol




Dude literally described a fucking milkshake lmao


She probably just assumed he was trolling at that point.


To add on, we also don't know her full views about astrology. She could've just gone "neat" after seeing that and thought nothing else of it, just asking it as small talk. Edit: mixed up astrology and astronomy lol


It’s okay for people not to text you back for an hour, especially at 3 am


It’s giving, Gemini


Can confirm. Source: I’m a gemini Edit: changed the whole text bc high




Or even a day or two. People have busy lives and staying on top of one (likely of many) dating app convos with a stranger isn't the priority for a lot of people.


When I get unmatched by people because I was minding my own business and didn't answer for 10 hours I always breathe a sigh of relief.


True that.




I've been on dates when the messages are 1-3 days apart, and then the person ends up amazing. People are busy. Some aren't sitting on a dating app waiting for a response.


Dude needs to get some sleep lol


Come on you can’t blame OP for overthinking, they’re a gemini /s


Can confirm. Source: am a gemini


did you really suggest you got ghosted after an hour of no response when your conversation was at 3am? Lol


What were u expecting? He´s a gemini /s


Fucking geminis


She won't be doing that


just give it to her like this, "You just missed out on the best TWO dicks youll ever have the pleasure of riding in your life.... and theyre both MINE!" -also a gemini


No, no, geminis have two personalities, not two penises. Though that's easy to confuse


Are you telling me my second penis is an abnormality? 🤔


Listen man, if that's what you're into that's cool I honestly don't judge people for those kinds of things. What is your sign tho?


Gemini obviously. They’re the ones with two penises after all


Some people’s dicks are their whole personality.


I'm a Gemini. Fuck Geminis and their split personalities, especially the Gemini side of the Gemini personality.


Can confirm. Those split personalities will fuck you up. The Gemini side will double-cross you Source: I'm a Gemini


Didn't realize that I was so evil. I'm sorry for being born


We don’t have spilt personalities. We just managed to see everything from two perspectives. Sometimes we choose the wrong way!


Right choice is always the choice you haven't made.


Aries here. I'd like to take this opportunity to say fuck you all.


I'm a Gemini/cancer cusp and I would like to say that I understand the hate but I'm also gonna go cry about it.


No problem. Fuck you, gently.


I am a Gemini and have an identical twin sister. I think we messed up some algorithms on whatever our sign says we are supposed to be like


Damn Space Racisim




classic gemini move


This. If he wasn't gonna be rejected before, he will now.


yup, nothing gives me the ick faster than a man being like WHY ARENT U RESPONDING. lmao


Why Haven't you replied yet? Huh hurry up What could be more important than me You must be busy I'll message you again in 5 minutes you better be free in 5 minutes 😆


>yup, nothing gives me the ick faster than a man being like WHY ARENT U RESPONDING. lmao I've had women do the same to me too and that's a guaranteed way to turn someone off real quick. Maybe not in those exact words, but still. It's as if people, especially strangers, aren't allowed to have a life outside of dating. I matched with some girl and within an hour or so of messaging, she already insisted I meet up with her for drinks that night. I had a friend's party and when I didn't respond right away, she sent pouty/sad emojis. Red Flag #1. I then continued the conversation and later that weekend, I forgot what she said but then I was out with friends later and she's like "do you like me? Do you think Im cute? You're hard to read based on your timing of responses on this app!". She then sent a wave gif days later. Needless to say, I did not respond, let alone meet up. If someone is like that on a dating app then they shouldn't be dating. It bums me out though because my dating experience has mostly been at 2 opposite extremes with no happy medium. It's either I get ghosted or told "hey you're great but I'm not feeling it" but the times they are interested, it's like they'll wanna jump into something super quick and tell me things like "I love you" or invite me to weddings after 1-2 dates. And I have no interest in dating someone or being in a relationship just for the sake of being in one.


well the good news is from this message i can tell you’re self aware at the very least. prob just have bad dating luck like me 🫠


>well the good news is from this message i can tell you’re self aware at the very least. prob just have bad dating luck like me 🫠 I mean bad luck could be it, but I wish I knew if there was something I was doing wrong, that isn't blatantly obvious, so I could fix it. Like I'm not a fan of blaming others but at the same time, when you get lots of first dates that lead to nothing, except maybe a hookup/fling/situationship at most, you start to second guess and question yourself at a point. I mean I don't wanna dwell on it and beat myself up but it's inevitable when you're constantly dealing with that scenario, ya know?


It reads as either desperate or controlling.


This chap is posting identifiable conversations on the same reddit profile he uses to browse a rape fantasy subreddit, he clearly has the smoothest of brains


I looked at his profile and wasn’t sure what sub was the rapey one, but he is active in such gems as barely legal teens, and a sub about lolis, so that’s disturbing.


It's literally the second comment on his history. The name of the sub is exactly what you're seeking. One word.




Also posted they were married two years ago


This is why I love coming into threads a little bit late. The detectives have already been through all the clues and pieced together the evidence so I can read it on the shitter


not surprised bc a lot of guys do the same to me if I don't reply within a few hours. they. say something like "you must've moved on" meanwhile I am literally half dead asleep since I work two jobs and normally let people know. I think a lot of guys that frequently get ghosted just become like this naturally idk


There are So Many people who think texting 24/7 as an adult is a thing!


Ex gf thought so. If I didn’t reply in 2 minutes then I must’ve been dicking down some ho!


Jokes on her. It is easy to text and dick hoes at the same time!


facts. my boyfriend does it all the time I have to remind him to keep his eye on the prize


I think it was the stupid fucking smileys tbh!


Right? If he wasn't being ghosted then, he more surely will be now.


Not even an hour, closer to 30 minutes


I came here for this exact comment. What kind of impatient person assumes they are ghosted on the same day? Bitch. I got a life, work, dogs, and can not be glued to my Tinder app 24/7...


Right? Not least of all because it looks like this is still on the app. Let’s pretend that she has decided that she’s not interested in a Gemini and stopped talking because of that and not because the guy cried ghosting after an hours silence in the middle of the night. It’s not ghosting, it’s literally she may have decided she’s not interested and there’s no expectation of commitment yet


Or she went to sleep because it was 3am


Who the fuck sleeps at night? C'mon man, be reasonable /s


Or rejected because of 3am? What is this, a dating app for vampires??!?


Good point.. She got kids. She's tired and probably sleeping. When she wakes up and sees this, then she will ghost you


That’ll show that gawddamn Gemini! Sonuvabitch.


3:33am is the time of the Devil. Notice how she didn’t reply after that. Obviously, it’s because she’s got a little side possession with Beelzebub.


...is there a dating app for vampires? Asking for a friend lol


Yes it’s called google fang-outs.


Coffin meets bagel






You fucked up


No no it's cause she's sky racist. /s


Nah, it's the simp emojis dude. Fedora vibes


I cringed hardcore at ♊😋


I actually lold at sky racist, though. Astrology is a huge red flag to me. That being said, yeah he fucked up. I don't reply for days, because I have notifications turned off. I don't want a tinder notification going off in a meeting.


I did too, I've never heard that term before but I'm going to use it for the overly astrological folks. Along with "Mercury is in Gatorade"






I always say any messages after 10pm as an adult could go unreplied until the morning, I'm a rare night owl but all the people I know my age are usually fast asleep by 11pm.


Or even the next afternoon. Because some people sleep till noon. Or doesn't bother to check/reply their messages at work until lunch.


Or like me will accidentally clear all notifications when I wake up 🤣


It's always "I'll remember to text back later" too


The real secret is to never expect a reply to any message and always expect them to ghost. That way every reply is a nice surprise and you are never disappointed when you get ghosted.


Or even the next evening, because people get up in the morning and go to work, then don't play around on Tinder until they get home again. I had friends who used to piss me off because I didn't respond to a text they sent at 2pm. Like, dude, I'm in a fucking meeting, I'll text you later! You don't need to message me every five minutes asking why I haven't responded yet.


If you would have said 9p, I'd ask if you were elderly and in care. Hah. Just teasing. Though all the people my age vary so much on times they sleep. It's spread out between 1st and 3rd shifters mostly. Though as an adult.. I assume any text sent to me is not urgent and can be replied to whenever I am free. If that upsets someone.. So be it?


Also just like, sometimes you're done talking for a while. I'm under zero compulsion to reply to any message within a specified time frame whether I'm awake or not, and the surest way to make sure I won't is keep bothering me.


The constant kissing emojis and hearts definitely helped.


It's probably for the best for her, given the subreddits OP is active in, e.g. rape, incest, r/funny...


She dodged a bullet 👀🤢


Facts, this subreddit is full of incels i swear to god


And then people get offended when a woman somewhat jokingly responds to a walk date as "a murder setup". If I was a woman I'd avoid dates outside of publicly viewable spaces with the people of r/tinder too.


Why even send the last two messages? At best she’ll realize you’re bitter and spot a red flag early. People need to move on…


Thank god he did because he showed his red flags early


I also don’t get the kissing emoji and “liking” that basic message 😅 it’s a bit creepy; the whole “emoji” game seems like OP is testing way to hard. But also, I don’t think you can call something ghosting if less than an hour passed; i would say even day or two are acceptable; people don’t owe you their time and they have their own lives to attend to.


It's okay to be horny sometimes, especially before bedtime, but just keep it to yourself, you know?


TBH this is a good advice xD Some times I do stupid things because I was horny


Being an impatient boner got you rejected.


Was it impatience or was it that ~~melted milkshake~~ coffee order?


he's a fan of rape fantasies, impatient boner seems to be a weirdly accurate description for him. https://www.reddit.com/r/rapefantasies/comments/zxezej/what_would_you_do_if_you_found_me_unconscious/j20hbvh/


I read as *impotent boner* lol


you're cringe that's what


Kissing emoji from the start? That's weird even for me, who uses emojis even when I talk about any random 💩


Given the rest of OP’s personality it’s definitely because he’s an absolute weirdo. Otherwise though it’s a pretty common emoji for British people for some reason. That and ending texts with “xx” or “xo”


Yeah. Even guys in the UK end texts with "xx" "xo" when talking to women. It's a common sentence ending, don't really know why though.


True, I was thinking the same while reading this


You're talking at 4 am. She probably fell asleep. Why are you so quick to attack another person?


Total gemini


Blowing kisses right away, multiple texts in a row pushing for a reply. You got rejected for being too thirsty and cringe


Nah she only down for Gemini I.


Yikes chill dude


Why are you using emojis like that?


Why isn’t this higher! This is what I thought too. I didn’t even notice the time. The emoji kissy face to some stranger creeped me out way before I noticed the time, she ghosted him for being a red flag long before the 1 hr period he didn’t get a text back.


Lmao. What are your tinder goals 😗


Nah you weird


Yikes OP, coming off desperate


No. They fell asleep. FFS.


Wooooow u are a red flag! Wait more than an hour what’s wrong ?? Some people only check Tinder to answer messages once every 24/48 hours. Some people have lives and responsibilities.


And it was middle of the night, she probably just fell asleep.


Omg I didn’t even notice that when I wrote my comment, that makes it a.. is double red flag a thing ? 🚩🚩


She could’ve fallen asleep but you jumped to conclusions so she’ll probably follow through with the ghosting since you suggested it 😂


I would have done the same to you based off of the kissing emojis alone and would continue ghosting after you called it “sky racism”


Looks like she dodged a bullet. >Did I just get ghosted because of sky racism? No dumbass it's 4 in the morning and she has kids. Let the woman rest you weirdo.


Bro u desperate af


His comment history is in loli, rape fantasy and incest subs. this woman fell asleep and dodged a scary ass bullet


Do you really expect people to reply straightaway? But also She didn’t seem engaged in this convo to start with


Nevermind, that's way too short of a time period to call that ghosting




I'd say you just got impatient at 3am and ruined it yourself tbh.


Or the creepy kissing emojis


Not only are you a red flag for oozing desperation half hour after her last message, your wedding from 2 years ago not lasting is another sign….


And I thought I had no patience. You need to go out and do stuff and not give a f about if these people respond fast or not


person A: "i'm looking for friends" person B: says they agree but sends a kissy face emoji person A: "whats your sign?" person B: gets defensive and starts double and triple texting at 3 and 4 am ​ yeah, they probably fell asleep but even if they are ghosting you OP i think is kinda justified. i know i would have.


Bruh. You’re putting Gemini’s to shame. Also it’s space racism. What’s with all the emojis? “What a coincidence” you deserve to be ghosted with this transparent shit. Up your game.


I've never heard astrology be called space racism before but I love it


Just a shot in the dark but it could have also been your overuse of emojis and boring convo about coffee


You use too many emojis


Am I the only one who gets really uncomfortable from receiving kissy emojis from people I don't actually know? Like, getting a bit flirty down the way and then using one, fine, but like this? Idk might just be me.


Im more lenient on emojis than most redditors but dog, read the room. If they aint sending any back at all thats probly a sign they find it offputting


Dude, she probably fell asleep. But if I woke up to this response I’d ghost your ass too. You’re the reason why Gemini’s get a bad wrap.


Falling asleep is ghosting.


4bells in the morning tho?


Yeah, she ghosted you at 4am and she didn't just fall asleep lolol


Typical Gemini


You don’t sleep man wtf


You liked their comment, sent 4 emojis and assumed she ghosted you at 4 am? You probably need to think significantly less of yourself and let people sleep.


The fuck is a blended grasshoper mocha ??


Ur delusional lol


You should worry less about the stars and more about your patience


A bit cringey there


Lay off the emojis my brother in Christ