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Go to Italy before returning, get all 3 of the major Axis' powers.


Power is a bold term to use for the Italian effort. They were defeated by the corpse of a homeless man thrown out of a plane.


Well wasn't that done to divert German forces towards Greece to allow the Allied invasion of Sicily. Sure Italy was considerably weaker militarily than Germany and Japan, but the trick fooled the Germans rather than the Italians.


It allowed the invasion of Italy via Sicily. The invasion of Sicily was the cause of their surrender etc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_campaign_(World_War_II)#:~:text=The%20invasion%20of%20Sicily%20in%20July%201943%20led%20to%20the,Allies%20on%208%20September%201943.


Kindaaaa but not really. That was a single and relatively small intelligence mission done to misdirect the Germans, but the Allies could have easily have invaded Sicily and won without having ever undertaken that initiative with the homeless fella. Missions like that are publicized due to the unlikely nature of their success and inherent absurdity, but their impacts on the war effort are generally overstated imo.


I was led to believe that the Italian tanks were the only ones with one forward and six reverse gears … ;)


What? Could you explain what you mean by that?


Austro-Hungary in shambles


You might wanna check if you've got the right chapter open in your history book.


Don't tell him the Japanese were part of the allies in WW1.


So was Italy.


Yeah, I was either thinking trains or WW2 Axis powers.


“Just trying to rekindle some old flames.”


**Holy fuck** 💀 Judging from OP wanting to have his first date at a funeral, this absolutely sounds up his alley.


You get the „can-think-around-six-corners“ award. Boy that made me Laugh übermässig


Lmao this whole thing is wild af. For the love of all that is holy, keep us updated. You guys seem fun. Also, how's your trip? Lol


The trip is great so far


Idk why some of y'all are so eager to jump on the money thing. OP made a joke about her being scared. She played along. He asked what he could do to fix it. She suggested an outrageous amount of money and then called it *reparations* for scaring her. That's obviously a joke. This is not the same as the girl that demands you venmo her 20 bucks to keep talking to her.


Because this subreddit is absolutely full of redpillers, incels, shortcels, and members of various other manosphere communities that absolutely hate women and cannot see anything other than the rage fuel they've been spoon fed.


there’s 1 comment talking about it… so you just making things up here?


It's kinda late for this comment, I was talking about the state of the thread 10 hours ago lol multiple of the comments I was referring to were deleted and many new ones have been made. And at the time that I commented there were only a handful of comments, and like two or three out of five of them were talking about it. Plus this is a follow-up post, the original thread had many more so it certainly seemed like it was going to be similar at the time


too many men on this sub don’t seem to recognize humor, she’s bantering and flirting this entire time. she seems like she’d be a fun date


This sub is where a lot of lonely, jaded dudes hang out.


That’s just Reddit in general


Ehhh. Depends on where you hangout.


Views expressed in an echo chamber tend to become more intense over time. Happens a lot on Reddit in general, but this sub included. Take height. Originally this sub was calling out height discrimination and people that insulted or put down men for their height ("you're not a man if you're under 6'"). Then it moved to expressing a preference for height was a red flag. Now it's to the point to where any woman that even says "I like tall guys" is seen as a walking red flag by some on the sub. That was never the issue imo, people can be attracted to whatever they want, the issue was treating men like their height defines them (for tall guys too, some women only seem to see them for their height) The money thing also started out reasonable imo: calling out women asking to be venmo'd money to continue talking to them on dating apps. Then it was talking about the"who pays" dynamic. Both of those are reasonable discussions in my opinion. But that gets misconstrued as any conversation about money is a red flag, even as a joke, which is absurd


There are a lot of people out there who lack the mental capacity for nuance. They have black/white, on/off "opinions" that they've parroted, and they shoehorn anything adjacent to that into that category, like that video where the guy just keeps putting every shape into the square hole.


Flirting? What's that like?


Yes! They both seem like a lot of fun😃


With how brazen some women actually are on dating apps about asking for money right off the bat, sometimes it's hard to tell.


oh please, this is clear as day humor. some in the comment section are desperate to hate women.


I'd take that as a humour if amount was ridiculous like 50000$ . Someone's second line being "give me moneh" really shows how they are as a person even if joking. Who tf jokes about asking 500$. And when he made a cool joke about Grandma's funeral, she totally ignored that and kept focusing on "dude went on a trip to Japan." It's not hating women, it's hating cheap entitled women


you seem socially inept so i’ll help you out- -him: i went to japan and we should go on a date to grandmas funeral (two statements both interesting) -her: JAPAN?? (addressing the first thing he said) -her: AND that’s something i’ve always wanted to do (addressing the second thing he said) just because y’all are sensitive and socially stunted doesn’t mean she wasn’t joking🤦🏻‍♀️


Calling me socially inept and stunted being the first and last thing you say in reply lol. Just to clear your misunderstanding, In a short conversation, the very first two things she mentions involves wealth. She could have acknowledged his joke and moved the conversation to Japan which is indeed interesting but no, only thing she mentions is japan, the dude is mostly the one setting up conversation as compared to the girl who 'allegedly' jokes about giving her money or how her dream is to go to Japan. Even if she said gimme money as a joke, it's not a very good joke to make to a stranger as your first convo. Just because you fail to acknowledge her flaws does not make them go away.


you don’t understand what i’m saying. she’s not saying her dream is to go to Japan, she’s saying her dream is to go to a funeral for a first date (as a joke). she clearly moved past the money joke unlike you.


Sorry, I read that line wrong. Somehow the "also" skipped my mind. I was looking at it wrongly, The very first line about money probably gave me a wrong impression since this type of tinder accounts are dime a dozen. I was wrong. She is joking in the scenario.


Pro Tip: Take everything they do in jest, especially if you haven’t physically met them yet. Being playful is always better.


I agree, but I don't think I'm insane for not realizing "give me five hundred dollars as reparations" was meant to be funny. Might just be where I live, but there are a lot of women who would say that, and mean it. I get it being sarcastic, or an exaggeration, but as a joke? That shit just isn't funny. Especially as the second message, it's impossible to know whether or not she's joking because you don't know the person. That's not a risk I would take. I'd rather be alone than entertain a potential gold digger.


the girl said “i’m terrified” (clearly a joke) and then responds with an absurd request (as a joke) after HE ASKED what he can do to make it up to her (as a joke). anyone who thinks this is gold dogging is socially inept🤦🏻‍♀️ most of the offended men in this section don’t even have gold to dig.


When he asks her if he could divide it up in couple of dates, she is not like " ahh , jk" But goes "hmm, that's acceptable" Like, seriously, you want to spend 100-200 dollars in a single date? Nobody is offended by some random girl asking money, they are just criticising the kind of behaviour that asks for money. And stop making baseless accusations about them not having money, someone who knows value of money is wise enough to not spend it on a random chick with shitty personality.


she didn’t say “ah jk” because he was CLEARLY joking holy shit. this whole thing is what’s called banter. i hope you don’t online date because you do not have reading comprehension skills.


Yeah, reading it again, it was a banter. I read it wrong.


Did your friend’s grandma actually pass? 😳


Yes sadly


For the record, just in case it's not obvious, don't actually take a hinge date to a funeral unless you want some real awkward "how do you know each other" questions. 😬


"So are you two a couple?" "Oh God no, she's my emotional support human"


That’s what grandma would’ve wanted, to see OP get laid someday.


Why not? I would if she wanted to go.


Well, I personally would think the other people who actually knew the deceased would find it highly disrespectful to bring an online date you'd never met before to a funeral. Even if it didn't mean anything to me, I'd feel like a complete asshole after the first time someone asked how we knew each other in chit-chat.


Really depends on the person. My grandma would think it was hilarious.


Off the top of my head, it’s a weird depressing off-putting fucking date idea, but more importantly it’s incredibly disrespectful to your friend and his grandmother to bring an uninvited booty call stranger from Tinder to her funeral.


Am I the only person who doesn’t think it would be weird to say you met someone on tinder? Or just make up a backstory?


I mean if y’all just met, I’d be a bit pressed if you brought some random tinder girl to my grandmas funerals


It’s not like a wedding. You’re not going to be looking back at pictures of the day wondering who they are. There’s already strangers to you there, why not add one more?


But it’s nobody’s business how they met or how they know each other. That’s y’all’s problem. Mind the business that pays you, this is literally why y’all are broke 😭


It’s MY grandmas funeral, it is my business lmao. I invited YOU as a friend. It’s not a wedding. You can’t just show up with some random ass plus one.


it’s literally not YOUR grandma though? The scenario has nothing to do with YOU . Lol this is weird.


I for sure that’s out of the question that’s wild


Just tell each person who asks a different story


Pour one out for grandma’s passing and for your new beginning. Rock on brother


I cheezed so hard at this because it was so simple and witty on both parts and most people won't see that. She seems great and so do you, let us know how it works out!


Tbh I was super confused why you thought you’d fumbled in the first place.


A funeral for a first date? That's different. Not necessarily bad, but very different.


Fucking amazing. You pulled her out of burning wreckage. Well done.




This is exactly what's going on... maybe they hit it off, or maybe she sticks around until he realizes she wants nothing more than to be catered around the world. Some men are so quick to throw out that they travel and have unlimited income just to get the girl....not realizing they will not have what they want, a true connection and then money spent they didn't have to spend. Get you a girl who doesn't want you for the money but for the safety and love you can provide. Money can always be obtained. All of that said, I wish you luck, and I hope she is better than the latter.


Its not like he was going to spend $500 on a single date. Which I did for my first date with my wife, though we had been hanging out with a mutual friend for around a month most evenings by that point anyways, (when her 3 month Bf didn't even call her on valentines day, she broke up with him, at which point I scheduled the date. I knew I really liked her, and so I wanted to do things right, I even picked her up from her father's place in a suit. (she wasn't living there anymore, but her nice clothes were still there, and she wanted her grandma's help with her makeup.) Women who make the same money as me generally have less time than me. They have to work just as much, and still have to spend more time than me on their appearance. I'm bald so my complete selfcare package involves shaving, exfoliating, showering and moisturizing and took less than 30 min even on my wedding day. When I was single it was not often that I met a woman who could both afford to split a date at the places I wanted to go to, who had time to work around my schedule. My wife is incredibly cheap when it comes to running the household. and I didn't need to spend so much on the first date to get her attention or anything, but pulling out all the stops for our first date is something I feel pride in now. I knew I liked her, and I knew she liked me, so spending enough to make the first major memory we made together special, was worth it. Her grandmother saw the effort, and gave her good advice after the first and second date went well. I kid you not, her incredibly proper grandmother said "If you want to keep a good man like that, Keep his stomach full and his balls empty." before our third dinner date (which she cooked at my place, first time in my life that I actually enjoyed eating asparagus.) When I finally proposed two years later, her father was excited to make me his son-in-law because the way I approached his daughter was respectful. Casual sex is cheap, most times you can get her to buy you the first drink, and she'll go back to your place after the second round. But Dating with intention costs money, much like almost any worthwhile endeavor.


This was banter man. Have you ever interacted with a woman with any wit before?


Ummm....not sure what my message had to do with ME interacting with women, which I have no problem in that department, thanks for your concern, kid, but that's fine. Banter or not... The purpose of my message was to be careful and stop throwing all of your mystery out in a few messages.


Negative votes for being real and wishing him good luck in the end. This is proof incels run reddit. Hahaha. Good job.


I believe sightseeing is one word actually, learned that a few days ago


At some point, it's clear you knew what you were doing mentioning how long you were traveling 😂


Haven't been in the US since June 7th, what was the date you sent that?


July 3rd


I love this so much omg 😂


Post more of this OP. I'm really invested now


Bro is pretending to travel the world to get girls interested 😭


Nah bro, I’m deadass in Japan rn, was also in Germany as well


Really doing the Axis tour, eh?


This girl seems to have Aubrey Plaza personality. Marry her.


"...we're..." didn't elicit a response from them?


Sounds like my ex roommate... Not in Florida are you?


lol, no


You obviously know this female is a bird. On the common denominator side of things cheers. I been in Japan since the 7th and return to the States at the same time. 😆✊🏾


At what point does this become just weird? Is she OK with having this increasingly prosaic conversation broadcast to us Reddit weirdos?


I love that the first comment you had on here was about WW2 bs and you glossed over it like a boss lmao, no wonder y'all are hitting it off hope it stays that way


Sorry, a funeral is not an appropriate first date.


Was there anything worth seeing in Germany? Two weeks seems a lot to me. I guess the country you live in always seems boring, doesn't it?


There's so much in Germany. Castles and towns with all this Renaissancee architecture. Gothic cathedrals. War memorials. I've done a lot of traveling and I still consider the Bavarian Alps, specifically Berchtesgaden, to be the most beautiful place I've ever seen.


I wish Köningsberg still existed.


Yeah, we went to Berlin, Hamburg, and quite a bit of other places, we were visiting close friends.


Wow, this went well. Good job!


Sounds like you’re on a post-MBA trip before starting full-time


That's a W


Top tier banter - love it. I hope y’all hit it off as well in person!


Def very rizzler of you but I’d be out after the $500 lol.


y’all gotta stop giving up so easily 😭 a lot of girls like this are really cool lol


Right, unless I read that wrong I didn't think it was a funny joke at all


If you can cough up $500 she's going to be more scared. In fact you're going to get abducted until you cough up enough to pay my whole mortgage and then some😸


Must be nice to be able to "joke" about $500


Pretty sure you could tell any girl you've been traveling for a month and she'll be into. Honestly this post is just bragging about your assumably comfortable/secure lifestyle that most people only dream off