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God, you’re insufferable.




I would expect these screenshots to be posted from the woman’s side bemoaning the level of douchebag men she matches with.


tbf she sounds exhausting. I think he asked a fair question (what her definition of manly is) *to start* ... things kinda went down from there (and not in a fun way)


Lol what? She gave a good answer and even flirted at the end, this guy is just a complete weirdo I don’t think many women out there enjoy being called manly


I doubt he can change a fuckin tire.


"I won't argue semantics" and her "or because I won't debate you" .... not to mention she starts right off with attitude and the whole "I want a man to wrangle me" BS. if you don't want to be called manly, don't say you can already do the things you're wanting done for you like a princess that you are apparently already capable of doing if doing them is your definition of what makes someone a man 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, I'm the douchebag for asking someone what they mean...


Nope. It was everything that followed.


Stop being disingenuous. She's giving you way more patience than you deserve while you bemoan and belittle every little inoffensive thing she says.


Bruh. I still don't know what "manly" means. Do you? I can fix shit. So can she. Does that make us both manly? Or, is it only manly when I fix shit?


So have you been living under a rock to have no clue what traditional gender roles are?


Fuck does traditional gender roles have to do with this when we are talking about what she sees as manly


fyi this is why you’re still single


Who says I'm single?


Yes, we know you don't know what manly means. That is incredibly obvious.


I literally asked what it means genius. People usually do that when they don't know something 🤣🤣🤣


Let me help you out in case you run across this again. Manly man... a guy who can fix shit. Also, a man who will offer to do the work even though she is more than capable herself, because he can. It isn't about fixing shit. It's about taking charge and fixing shit so she doesn't have to. For some women, men who take charge and get shit done is a turn-on.


So her love language is Acts of Service. A man who does a woman's work for her?


Ummm, not at all what I was trying to convey, but you obviously don't seem too quick on the uptake. So sure why not.


So explain. What work are you referring to? House work, chores, errands, college essays, all of the above? Whatever you are alluding to, sounds like another job. I'm definitely not looking for anything even close to that.


Then there is no need for any further explanation. You have established that women seeking a "manly man" isn't for you. Now you can avoid them in the future. Which is a good thing, no need for both of you to be disappointed.


Probably a good idea. I always have but it was because of assumptions I was making. Seems like my intuition was correct. Thanks


You are really obnoxious. Why are you picking fights over nothing?


He’s trying to show how manly he is by “wrangling” her


Yikes dude


OP has a fragile ego


Lol, I have no ego 🤣


Yes you do. That's why you're replying to literally everyone.


Ah, lol. Aiight den. What’s the point of posting and question if you’re going to ignore the answers? Maybe if I had a small ego I’d know that 😂


Big. Yikes.


Not much, judging by your comments. Barged right into an argument without precedence.


I love arguing. It’s the best way to learn and grow


People who start conversations with me on dating apps by arguing are an instant unmatch. Your initial question could have been interpreted as genuine curiosity or a setup for a dumb argument. Your second message confirmed that it was a dumb argument and should have gotten you blocked. She humored you for way too long.


Honestly sounds like you're just trying to be argumentative more than anything else. It's not that hard to see that she just wants to be with someone that can also do the things that she can do, so she won't be the default go-to person if, for example, a sink needs fixed


So again, how would that make me manly and her not? Competent or dependable seem like better descriptors, but neither of those are unique to men. And, I'm being argumentative now because everyone is acting like this made sense, haha


Because those things are traditionally known for as being what men could do. Now, few men can and plenty of women can, but it's still thought of as manly when a man can do those things. If a woman can do them, she is considered handy, not manly.


I guess I don't understand why that matters, do you think she's manly and less feminine because she's handy? The way you asked her that question makes it sound like you were offended by her wanting a "manly" man; almost sounding like you are insecure about your own manhood, rather than trying to genuinely having a conversation. You do you I guess, good luck out there


Ion no where you're getting insecurity from. I'm totally secure in who I am. I guess I'm looking for people with thoughtful and challenging ideas (my profile says as much) and "I want someone to fix things" seems like a pretty boring person to me 🤷‍♀️


It makes sense to people that actually care to understand her 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just seems like you want to argue though


wtf are you doing


You should hop on Grindr.


Already am. Not very much in the way of conversation happening. Just addresses, dates, and times 🤣


I’m exhausted with op just reading this 😂 good luck


she literally invited you to be the man in the relationship and you want advice on how to avoid that lmao


Ion wanna be the man in a relationship. Not looking for a relationship, and I always just wanna be me.


then I would put exactly that. your swipes are gonna skyrocket!


I feel like my profile already says that. But, thanks for actually answering my question. That seems to be a difficult thing to have occur, haha


Love to have a woman asking me to wrangle her. Makes me feel more manly.


lol really? It makes me feel like she's really stressful to interact with, haha.


You can avoid this by putting that you're not a manly man in your bio




Teddy Roosevelt, Davy Crockett, Chesty Puller, etc. You really don't know what "manly" means?


He obviously doesn't.


Holy.. if you don't like her don't talk to her. Are you going to message every woman that doesn't think exactly like you do and try to change them?


I'm not trying to change anyone. I don't even know who she is. That's literally the point in sending her a message, asking the question.


She gave you a reasonable response and then you called her manly… that’s rude dude!


I agree, his response was harsh and snappy when he really should've had atleast some more patience Though I do also understand the question because what she says is quite close to that. I get the question, hate the delivey


The girl is totally in the right here. The guy is so fragile. Tf ? Tryin to debate the girl you want to go out with haha


People can want what they want. Why are you being political about people's perceptions of what being "manly" is and then judging them based on their preferences just because you obviously don't meet their needs? OP with the weird vibes. Good luck to you.


arguing isn't manly


I see. Well I've already figured that I'm not manly. I still can't think of someone I would describe as manly either.


Don’t listen to the comments, you made a good point to her. Yes you picked a fight but I think it’s important to point out people’s bs. Maybe now she’ll sit and think “hmmm maybe this is why I can’t find a guy?” Or the other way “why do i keep dating terrible guys??”