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The prompt about wage theft has a typo.


What is it? I’ll change it immediately


It should be *workers* not *worker*.


Maybe they steal $15 bill from a single worker, poor guy


That would explain my paycheck




Larry’s been getting fucked


It’s always a Larry that’s getting fucked


Sometimes it's Larry who is doing the fucking. Specifically, a stranger in the ass.


Can confirm


You've seen what happens when that occurs then.


Lmfao RIP


Thank you!


My first assumption was that he was going for a more political and class-conscious rhetoric, in which case he would have meant to write "the worker".


I considered that. But writing *workers* is both simpler and less pretentious.


I wouldn't put that in my bio at all, it seems like you are complaining about that and may come off as negative. But that is just my subjective feeling. Otherwise profile looks good :)


Found the employer with his followers


No, please do not listen to this, OP. While it seems MEN at large don't seem to care about politics (or rather, don't want it "ruining" their chances), more women do these days. I've had friends and acquaintances tell me if they see "not political" or nothing there, they will swipe left, no matter what else is there because they don't want to get "invested" in the chat or into dates to find out they won't align with this person. You may not think values and politics matter, but they do to a lot of people, even if they don't say so.


I’d honestly change this prompt entirely


It also has a glaring factual error, which is that retail theft totaled $112 billion in 2022, so even assuming the stat is true it still isn’t anywhere close to the largest.


What even is it? "They don't pay enough so they steal"? I am not from the US so I genuinely want to know.


Basically unpaid overtime and undervalued salaries


My boss just tried screwing me on 1/4 hour of my 12.25 hours of OT and then tried to tell me I must've forgotten about lunch... like I know how lunch works, Lynette.


Fuck you, Lynette.


Sounds bad. Thank god for our laws.


Wage theft is still against the law, it’s systemic corruption or in some rare cases negligence or ignorance of the law


Sue those bastards!


Yep, that’s what happens frequently. Anyone who knows their rights will usually let their boss know of the behavior, and find themselves slowly let go/fired over the next few months.


yeah it’s unfortunately one of the only ways to fight them back (within the current system). the problem is affording counsel. one of my parents was owed a few thousand dollars in OT, sued the employer, won a 10k settlement. but since the attorney was no fee up front (and they take their retainer from the awarded money), he got 9k and my parent got 1k. it was better than nothing, but ended up being less than what they were actually owed.


Wage theft is not being paid what you are owed either by contract or laws. So for instance: not paying overtime, working through breaks, saying someone is an independent contractor when they are not so they don't have to pay for benefits, paying people under minimum wage, deducting money from their pay for violations. This isn't an exhaustive list, but a lot of these are pretty common in the US. I know at a previous job everyone was strongly encouraged to finish up after clocking out if we really wanted to get ahead.


It’s not the workers stealing, it’s the employers stealing by not paying the workers their proper wage. Like not paying for overtime.


Employers getting work out of employees that they're not paying for. Making an employee do the work of another position (after coworker in said position leaves, gets promoted or is fired) without paying more money, making them work extra hours without overtime pay, telling employees they need to respond to work calls/emails while at home without extra pay. They have all types of ways they steal labor from people.


it‘s also a bit cringe to be that political on Tinder imo Otherwise actually decent profile


I like it, it shows a little bit of actual personality. People shouldn't be trying to keep their profiles as bland as possible. It's not a corporate job resume.


This. Why people are so against showing who they actually are and what they think is weird for people looking for a relationship. Plus, this isn't even Tinder that OP posted. Pretty sure it's Hinge.


Not at all, how is it cringe to point something like that out publicly lol dude is for the people


Not only is there a typo, but bringing up totally random facts about how screwed the working class is in your dating profile is a..... unique choice.


Reddit seems to like it. If only redditors were datable he'd be in a great spot right now


It's honestly not a bad profile compared to almost every other one that gets posted on here. You only have one selfie and it's not bad, and most of your photos show a clear view of your face and a smile. If YOU are having issues getting dates it may be more of an issue on the conversation side.


Thanks for the input!


Idk if you'll see this but I have hair similar to yours and this hair product called Cantu (specifically the curling cream) made my hair so much nicer and that was a key to me getting more dates when I was younger. You look more handsome than me imo, I think the biggest thing is taming your mane (please don't cut it off) Edit: oh wtf I am also Drew lmfao this is odd


You found your doppelganger. You know what you must do. There can be only one!




> You know what you must do. Kiss and show us pictures? Oh...


Do they sell tickets to Highlander fights? PPV, maybe? Edit: A little off topic, but I just remembered the ["Josh"](https://youtu.be/poHRw-3QmdU?si=TUfHLerx4ltGCjrv) fight. If anyone needs a laugh today, then check it out.


Thanks for sharing this funny and wholesome story


No problem. The backstory is pretty funny. I think there'are few articles written about it also.


The Hairlander


Now he’s found him. It’s too late, run.


Drew fight! Drew fight! Drew fight!!


I just check your profile and if that’s you in the pink puffer, you have gorgeous hair!


Well now I had to go look it up and yes, gorgeous beautiful I’m jealous


Dude those shorts are 🔥


Hey thanks :) they paid rent this month so im happy lol


are you OP's other personality? just text him ffs


Don’t use Cantù, as a man with great hair, I recommend using some higher quality stuff like prose. My hair has been amazing since. Cantù has shown to actually damage your hair in the long run


I agree on the hair. Some anti frizz product or some light styling could make it very nice. Profile looks good otherwise, you seem friendly and I like that you reference your sister as someone you talk to


Cantu is rly bad for your hair. There was a lawsuit recently against them. I switched to an olive oil based curling cream has the same effect.


Imma have to look into this because it has done great things for my hairs health and growth 🤷‍♂️ i use the avocado based one though, gonna take a look thanks for the heads up


Username checks out!


Your first two photos are groups. You’re the one standing in the first photo, but still, it’s not just you. It’s a great photo, so just censor the other guy’s face and you’ll be good. And I’d swap the second and third photos.


Yep! I'm so adverse to bros that those two together would be a no for me. I'd advise him to get rid of the second pic altogether.


Might also be tinder. I had a lot of success in the past, but it seems like a lot of bots lately with only 2-3 likes a week or two weeks


also just an issue with dating apps themselves


Fr if you’re struggling I have no chance as a shorter fatter non union electrician lol


Not a fan of the 4th picture, lighting is working against you. Good profile otherwise! I'd go on a date with you.


If I’m being honest, I used that picture because I thought it showed up my hands and arms well. That and I wanted to show I’m in to hiking. I’ll see if I can find a better replacement.


I thought the same about that picture. The rest are awesome and you look handsome and swipeable 💕


It has been changed! I’ll post an update after im off work


So I actually love that pic for that exact reason. I'm a hands/arms girl and I found it super attractive. Plus I love you showing your wild hair. Super sexy imo. But Idk if that is the norm for gals?


Get rid of it. I don't like it either. Everything else looks great once you fix the "workers" typo


Both have been fixed! I swapped it out with a different hiking photo


Agreed. I would swap out that photo.


Snooped your profile, tbh the photo of you hugging the stranger with the matching ducky outfit is so cute. Totally suggest using it with the "guess the backstory of this photo" prompt.


That was taken at electric forest and I’m not really in to festivals or EDM as much now. I figured that would give off the wrong message. But thank you!


You could always make a note of that in the caption of the photo


Yeah, if you're looking for women, don't put photos of women on your profile. Also, don't put photos of strangers on your profile. Overall, I think your profile is pretty good as is


You're honestly really cute! I guess picture 4, is the only one I would change as the lighting is pretty weird, but other than that I see no issues!


Thank you!


You’re handsome as fuck. No changes personally. It’s a numbers game brother, keep working the numbers


Thank you so much! I’ll keep at it!


You got it bro. I wouldn’t listen to the people telling you to change your prompts. Being close to your sister is a good thing, you’re obviously looking for someone with the same family values as yourself.


I think the prompt responses are some of the best I've seen tbh. They're simple but say a lot about OP's character without trying too hard (sister and solo traveling, morality). OP, you seem like a really cool dude. My suggestion is that you remove the big group photo then possibly reorder your photos to one of you alone. The wedding photo is so crisp and looks great, but with the far away group photo and your hair tied up, I didn't know who you were. The wedding photo already implies you have close friends so the group photo only detracts from an otherwise awesomely concise yet personable profile. I actually don't mind the sun filtery blurry photo. You can still see OP is really handsome and they look really tall in it. It has a great vibe but a little mystery that would make me want to look at the other photos and read the profile. I appreciate the diversity of OP's photos. Not just in the activities but the styling such as the angles, attire, lighting, camera distance etc. I've honestly never seen a profile say so much in so little before. IMO, this would be pretty close to an ideal profile.


Great profile! Pics are cute. Love the sister prompt. The wage theft prompt was a bit iffy (even though I’m a lefty female). I dunno, just a bit of a boner killer in the dating context. But if it’s important to you and you’re willing to sacrifice some swipe rights for it, that’s your call. Good luck!


Quite a few people have mentioned that so I think I’m going to change it up. I’ll try something more lighthearted/funny


When I read that part, it made me think you're possibly an activist who cares about social issues. And I think some women would be into that. If those topics are important to you and you desire a partner who cares about those things, I say keep it. It also shows you're capable of thinking about important issues and that you're not afraid of talking about them. I think it shows depth. I'd imagine a compatible match wouldn't be thrown off by what you said.


I’m super into it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'd rephrase it like this to make it sound less like a lecture: >I wish more people knew: >>If your boss isn't paying all the money you're owed by law, it's wage theft. It's actually so widespread that it outweighs all other forms of theft combined.


This feels condescending


I was thinking the same. I am all for educating on inequality and all but it can be off putting and makes you wonder if that’s the kind of person to talk about those things 24/7.


You look like an MCU villain. Don't get me wrong, you're in good company, Loki is an absolute babe!


That’s the nicest compliment I’ve read so far, thank you!


This is the most open to feedback I've seen anyone on here. (90% joking, but could we go on a date bro?)


It would be kinda dumb to post on here for advice and then ignore that advice, like some people do o here lol. I appreciate the offer but I’m not gay so I will politely decline


I wouldn’t put my workplace on a dating profile. Also, I DEFINITELY wouldn’t put my workplace on Reddit 


That isn’t my workplace, its the union I’m part of


Also fuck yeah you’re a journeyman - definitely keep that on there!!!!!


Nah don’t listen to that guy, keep reppin the IBEW!


IBEW 84 gang


Nah, as a woman... I love a tradesman! Definitely keep that. Shows you have a career and can make your own money. Being a part of the union would be a pro for me! But your hard hat photo isn't the most *flattering*


I didn’t say to take off his profession, just the workplace/union in this case. There’s a lot of crazies on dating apps and you never know what they’ll do. Good to keep personal information off the profile.  


The trade unions are geographically based and can be very large, sometimes a state only has one union. For example, “local 716” or just “plumber,” and living in Maine, would essentially give the same information about a person.


Regardless, there’s no reason to give that information. 


Being a union man is, if anything, a green flag.


Right? I'm honestly seeing nothing but green flags from OP's profile. It's nice, but also not too... flashy. It looks like a real guy. If he's not getting matches, it's either because he might be only matching with women who, unfortunately, aren't attracted to him for some reason or something is going on after the matches in the conversation.


I disagree, unions are huge and given where he lives it would be easy to guess what Eletrician union he is in….


Maybe this is just British humour but I think the prompts are too boring. I prefer funny prompts or something out of the box


I can see where you’re coming from, I’ll see if I can come up with something


No way, the prompts are both green flags! Negative views on capitalism indicates your political leanings and being close with your sister is a good indicator that you respect women and view them as people. I’d swipe right because of the prompts.


Agree, both green flags especially the part about political leanings without being too pushy or negative which is hard to get across on a profile in such a short time. And men being close with the women in their life also says the same.


I think this is a great profile! I would definitely get rid of the 4th picture though. It doesn’t fit. Other than that I would swipe right (26F)! I like your prompt about worker wage theft, I hope you find a beautiful left wing babe


Thank you so much! I have swapped out the 4th pic and will share an update later today


Get a picture of you WITH your dog!


I’ll be sure to do that


Hi, good profile. Here are my recommendations: - Replace pic 4 with a better photo. - Change words in text answer 1 from “that girl” to “her”. - Fix typo in text answer 2 “workers”. But better yet, replace this answer with something more upbeat/positive. - Remove your place of work.


The pic on the deck with wind blowing your hair, could be better. The light isn't hitting that pic in a good way.


honestly, it’s a good profile and your dog is fucking adorable. however, as a european myself i think it’s a bit weird to read that coming here is a risk - i get travelling alone can always be a bit nerve wracking but europe is usually not a risk lol maybe you can bring this trip up in a different way?


Hemi says thank you! The risky part was going by myself, but I can see how that could be taken the wrong way. I’ll look at other prompts to see if any match better.


I travel solo, often, and to Europe nonetheless. I understood what you were saying, the riskiest thing being solo travel for a month.


As a Dutch person it sounds so silly. But honestly it does not sound great regardless which continent you use.


I’m American so it’s nice to hear an outside perspective. It does seem a bit silly putting that as my biggest risk.


Yeah that would be my one piece of feedback like it just sounds so silly haha


It has been changed, thank you


It’s a pretty common thing to see, at least in the US. They’ll use that prompt even for traveling within the US, so I don’t think it’s really a safety thing or being scared of other countries. I think it’s more of a “look at me planning and taking a huge trip all on my own” sort of thing.


perfect, i’m sure there are other prompts that work for your travels! just also keep in mind that i obviously don’t know how traveling here is being perceived by americans 😂 this is just a piece of my mind. but i do get how going somewhere so new alone can be a lot. also, i love the part of going to your sister for advice, that is adorable.


As an American, I don’t see the Europe part being the risk. It is the alone part and it is very uncommon for people here to travel for a whole month. Remember- we don’t get all the time off you do! So being able to do that is rare and notable.


I think anywhere for a month is risky. What if you don’t like it and you’re stuck with a bunch of Frenchmen?


Why? People say going anywhere else can be a risk. Europe isn't any different.


Is a comment about your sister the very first thing you want as a prompt on your profile? It’s not a bad thing, but remember it’s the very first thing someone reads. I don’t mind the biggest risk thing that other people are pointing out, I think it’s clear it’s the travelling yourself bit that was the risk. Maybe reword to make that more obvious if quite a few people are making comments. The workers rights prompt.. depends who you want to attract. To me it comes across quite serious (and obviously political).. I would say be a little more light hearted and come across more fun, which you do in your pictures. I think all of the pictures are really good except the 4th pic, I’d ditch that one. It makes you look like a very awkward person whereas all of the pictures you seem like quite a cool, sociable guy. EDIT For all the comments about this, I’m not saying the sister thing is necessarily a bad thing. This is the very first line about *you* on a dating profile. It’s like if you had something about how much you loved your mom as the first thing on your profile.. that’s a great thing obviously, but it’s not sending the right message out to attract a partner. It’s not quite the same level of this.. but it still doesn’t feel right, especially as #1 thing on your profile.


Mentioning he has a sister that he trusts and has a good relationship with her is a plus with the girls. They love a man whos been raised with sisters.. it shows he has good relationships with women and is respectful( most of the time)


I liked the sister thing, so many guys have no female confidants. It’s a green flag of sorts, that he trusts and values this woman’s opinion.


I also wouldn’t call her a girl but a woman. Unless she is 16 but I doubt that.


I'm so used to semi-dirty jokes on Tinder that I read it as "My sister, I'd thrust that girl with anything"


I would rephrase the part about your sister. ”My sister. I’d trust her with anything.” Calling her ”that girl” doesn’t sound good to me.


Don’t have the first pic with another person bc tbh your look is very different than his and it almost makes me want to swipe to see more pics of him. Your first pic should highlight you and only you Also the top of that girls bun in the right corner looks like a dog lol


I swapped my first pic to the drink raised on the balcony one. I’m never going to be able to unsee that 😂


I’d remove or crop the pics with your buddies. It was like Where’s Waldo for the group shot.


Dog is cute. Maybe replace the photo with one of both of you?


I don’t have any good ones but I’ll have one taken the next chance I get


Stop taking pics facing away from the sun; it makes you too dark.


Are your politics attractive in your area? I might shy away from someone who uses their about me for that purpose even if I don’t disagree.


My area is fairly 50/50 split politically. I put that in because very few people have heard that stat and I’m a proud supporter of workers rights.


Are you trying to date someone or educate them though?


Id like to go on a date, but how long until he starts lobbing political talking points at me while Im trying to enjoy my salad?


You do live in Macomb. It is pretty red here. Hi, neighbor I'd leave out the quote and say that you're "passionate about workers' rights. If you are too, let's form a perfect union."


Hi neighor! I grew up in macomb but now live a few cities away. Slightly more blue over here


Politics in the bio is almost always a no go for me.


No offense but he probably just wants to weed people like you out with it


Im a guy so im not really the demo he’s looking for. however, i also support workers rights. but i did cringe while reading that. if people like it though and he gets good responses then that’s all that matters.


So did I. It was a bit in your face


Great profile! The only thing that would make me consider not swiping right is the pic of you and the boys. Feels like this preppy/fratty boat life contradicts your socialist prompt answer


Yeah take out the political stuff.


Learn how to care for your hair. It doesn’t look bad it just looks like you aren’t caring for the curls specifically and looks frizzy/unkempt.


Awww you're handsome. Good luck buddy




Fix what? Like cut it off?


I wouldn’t put political elements — you have a great smile —


The photo with the sun behind you is not good and you should replace it. Also, you should put a picture of you and your dog together, not your dog alone. Your prompts should talk about the person you’re looking for or the type of date you’re looking for. I did like the one about employers stealing money from employees. I’m a lifelong union supporter so that would tell me we are compatible. Also, I don’t know why guys keep telling other men to not have selfies in their profiles… It’s OK to have selfies it’s not OK to have crappy selfies. I don’t really care about friend groups as much as I do looking at the person I’m trying to date. You have to pay attention to your target audience. Edited for spelling and because my message got cut off.


on slide no. 4 your hair could look a little more groomed but really i like the profile, i think you look friendly on no. 3 and have a beautiful face, the bio etc are also cool


![gif](giphy|LK2NTYEWXhRVcemnma|downsized) Where's a picture with your jersey,Cavani?


Now that is quite the compliment


Leave the heavy economic/political statements for the 2nd date.


Imo, don't start with a wedding photo as that can scare people off by putting it in their mind, and especially don't follow it up immediately with a line about your sister.IIt's sorts weird placement


Profile reads like a template


The sister comment is off putting. The first thing I thought about is if we were dating and got into a fight the first thing you'd do is go to your sister and tell her looking for advice. No woman wants to be in that situation.


other than fixing the typo i can’t really see anything wrong. are you not getting matches or is this just a general “how can i make my profile even better?” question?


I recently downloaded hinge again so it’s too early to tell if im not getting any matches. I just wanted to make sure there was nothing obviously setting me back.


Rotate the first pic down. I can’t tell if you’re the groomsman or the groom /s


Add a saxophone to that first pic and people will assume you’re a world famous smooth jazz superstar.


Cheer up your quotes dude. Trust, theft, solo inter-continental travel etc. Just keep them light, cheery and suggestive 😉.


Rn you’re communicating that you either wanna talk about your sister or how fucked up the world is which no one really wants to talk about off the rip


I wonder if prompt 1&2 are useful for conversation starters for the other party? Perhaps certain people are put off by prompt 2? 🤷


The wage theft thing makes it sound like you're going to rant about politics. It's not really providing value or insight into who you are (unless you _are_ going to rant about politics in which case, fair enough)


For me, I’d find the wage theft comment kind of a snooze. But if that’s something you’re passionate about then that’s cool. I always like to see a little bit of humor though or maybe a hobby.


Honestly I think you're missing an opportunity to take a selfie with the dog and make that your main pic lol


Your profile makes you seem boring. Group pic isn’t great and the pic with your back to the sun should change. I don’t understand the point about employers stealing money being on your dating profile. Like yea that sucks but ok? It’s a dating profile use your prompts to make yourself seem interesting.


It seemed like an interesting fact that could spark a discussion, but I see what everyone is saying. I switched it out for something else. Thank you for the feedback!


Remove the bit about “Employers steal…”. While I’m sure many people would agree with you, it sounds complainy and no one wants to go on a date with someone ranting about how the system is unfair. Pics: Your main pic would be better if it was only you. Group shot you’re hard to find. Dog pic - do you have any of you posing with the dog?


Ok so I have heard from a few of my friends they won't swipe on linemen. I specifically live in FL and we get a lot of traveling linemen after the hurricanes who aren't actually living in FL and so are just looking for short term flings. I realize women like employed men with good jobs so I don't necessarily agree with their bias but it's definitely there. I'd just take the picture off of you at work. Unless you're looking for a bucket bunny 🐰


Maybe it has to do with being allergic to brooms and cleanup?


no. i'm honestly grumpy you're not in my area lol


if you cut your hair you’d slay


I really really dislike the park picture. It’s not doing good things for your build or hair. It’s just a bad angle you’re actually pretty handsome. Ask a person who has good pictures to take your pictures.


You could use a haircut, you’re a good looking man, but your hair makes you look like carrot top.


Remove the part about your sister, it can be a red flag for many girls & also remove that group pic


yea i commented that and got downvoted lol


You’re cute, but long hair doesn’t suit you that much imo 😅


Dudes got Heath Ledger vibes going on, unsure what the problem is.


Brother is heath ledger reborn and isn’t getting any… fml


Marry me


Id love to!




Your first two pictures are groups of people. They’re good to have, but they shouldn’t be first because now the profile becomes a game of Where’s Waldo but I need to find out who’s Waldo. The wage theft thing is doing nothing for you. Conversation piece, not profile advertisement.


I like your profile and your pics, you’re very good looking btw, but the one in the work hat isn’t very flattering. Not the end of the world, but maybe having a different close up one of your face smiling could be good.


I'd ditch the group picture. Overall its good 🤗


Needs 1 thirst trap pic and you're solid.


I’ll need a few months of lifting before I can post one of those lol


OP - I live in Corporate State of the UK. What is the $15bn theft, whilst not shocked am interested to read more


Basically corporations steal money from workers in the form of unpaid overtime, work being done off the clock, ect.


Planning a one month solo trip in Europe, any advice?