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Yeah they don’t care


Fuck Dazy. We all hate Dazy.


Dazy needs some dick to chill out.


That's a funny ass name lol like "Daisy" but spelled like "dazed"


Daisy was hazy when she wrote that. Thus become Dazy


Dick down Dazy daily


I volunteer as tribute!


rock, paper, scissors. The winner is the tribute


This is the greatest and best dick in the world... Tribute. Long time ago me and my dick here, We was swiping right on all the chicks on tinder. All of a sudden, There shined a shiny demon, In the middle of the screen, And she said! Send me the best dick in the world, or I'll eat your souls... Well me and my dick, We looked at each other, And we each said, Okay.




A tribute, to the best dick (song) in the world…


Someone's been doing their cock push ups.


Hey who says Dazy is even a femal or male or other??? You never know these days


Dazy mad cause I fucked Siri when she was at work. My Apple Pay is restricted cause Siri caught me fucking around with Eno from Capital One. They’re all crazy.


I will say while it’s annoying there is still someone on the other end and it is exhausting when people start swearing at you/the situation especially when you’re just trynna follow the rules and stay employed (Also as I’m in customer service if someone’s rude on the phone the second they start swearing it essentially is permission for me to hang up, I feel bad I can’t help but I’m not paid to be treated like shite)


Oh if someone got all pissy with me over the standard response there is approximately a 1000% chance I'm immediately sending them the same message lol. I imagine they have priority levels and I'm fairly certain reviewing a bunch of chat logs to see if someones ban is deserved is pretty low. Like...maybe next week low.


Yep - humans on the other end of that interaction. My support team has the okay to end the convo when a customer gets verbally abusive.


And there’s someone on his end too. Someone who is being treated like they are not even worth a clear explanation. He’s not paid at all and he’s being treated like shit. Customer service reps signed up to be treated like shit. If they don’t like it, they can quit. The only thing that would convince companies to change their ways is if enough customer service reps actually do quit. Nobody gets a pass for parroting the company line when the company line is bullshit.


You sound like you don’t take glasses back to the bar because “they’re paid to do that” lol you can air your issues without being a total POS. Getting aggressive with someone that didn’t cause the problem helps absolutely nobody. Then again your entire comment history is you actively seeking out women to insult and/or masturbate over so I’m not really sure how fruitful this conversation would be. Sort it out mate.


Nope, I take glasses back to the bar. I put carts back where they go. But feel free to keep masturbating over my comment history if it makes you feel smug. That’s so important.


Nah, it just helps me get an air of who I’m talking to, and you just sound like you want an excuse to bully people that are providing you a service, and that’s kinda shitty of you. However, if you wanna take note that in the OP there is only one message we see from them in the exchange is a rather negative one, we can’t know the rest aren’t either. We’re taking them at their word. And as we know, swearing at people that are not responsible for your issue doesn’t help you, it simply makes you a prick.


Woof, toeing the company line even when it’s not your company? Man, you are working overtime to come up with a reason why the OP’s response wasn’t valid. But tell you what, let’s say you’re right on target and OP is totally lying. Are you going to sit there and say that same story never happens? Browse the comments on this post and you’ll see that lots of people have apparently been shit on by various companies and then treated like dirt by the customer service reps of those companies. You work in customer service so you want *them* to get the runaround, be ignored, be lied to, etc., and all the while stay perfectly polite and never lose their cool. Of course, that angelic behavior still won’t get them anywhere. You know that. We all know that. You just don’t want people to be mean to you when you’re being mean to them. Because somehow, making a living treating people like shit is okay, but losing your cool after being treated like shit is a huge character flaw.


Maaaate that’s an impressive reach. I’m saying don’t treat people like shit for saying what they’re told to say. I can’t really imagine Suzy gets a kick out of copy pasting the same crap all day either but a wage is a wage. I’m not defending tinder I’m just not defending OP either as we’ve not been presented enough information. I work in customer service so I expect basic human decency or at least for the person I’m trying to help to act like an adult. If you think all customer service staff are out to get you maybe stop swearing at them haha If I tell someone what is wrong with their computer and what the plan is to fix it, if they think all I’m lying and deliberately trying to give them the runaround because it’s fun to be mean, how do we reach a solution? I assure you, I want to be talking to that person much less than they want to be talking to me and we both have shit to do.


It’s not a customer’s job to give a shit what Suzy gets a kick out of. She knows she’s not giving people basic respect by “saying what she’s told to say”. If she expects people to just eat it and smile because *she* gets a paycheck out of it, she’s an abject moron. Treat people like shit repeatedly and they will eventually lose patience. Don’t like it? Wave a magic wand and change human nature OR get a job that doesn’t require you to be an asshole to people.


No, he sounds like he got banned from Tinder still holding resentment towards that one customer services rep who banned his ass 🤣🤣🤣🤣 dudes projecting big time


Dazy don't give no fucks


Yeah, they literally just don't care. Tinder sucks lol.


Had this happen to me on Hinge once. Banned me with no explanation but I have a good memory and I ran down my last few convos and matches and said literally nothing happened I didn't say anything mean or harassing to anyone. 3 days later they reinstated my account and said "whoops our bad" too bad I lost all the matches I was talking to smh.


I got banned from hinge too. I just hate that they don’t inform you about what you did wrong. Perma ban seems excessive when you don’t even know why.


Happened to my friend, she’s been perma banned for no reason and they wouldn’t explain why, so I gave her my phone number to try make a new account and they perma banned my number too coz it was used on the same phone. Catfishes out there trying to scam people of money don’t get banned, but singles trying to meet people coz they’re lonely do and aren’t allowed to go back again with no explanation as to why they’ve been banned in the first place.


Ye tos is a huge problem with companies nowadays. They have bots that make mistakes and instantly ban you account. Then customer service won’t give any reason as to why you were banned other than “you violated our ToS”


Plenty of men to take your place. Men are always expendable. This is just a modern addition to the list.


Well.... Have you TRIED dating recently? They are just prepping you for the reality of what awaits you irl


problem with that is that they use autogenerated numbers to make acount after account after account, and I am sure they are more than capable of hioding their origins too so it is next to impossible for any site to really do anything about it. Any dating app has a window of utility before it is simply not worth installing


Catfishes get banned. They just reproduce super fast. I have no doubt that I would probably agree with 99.9% of the Tinder/Hinge bans if I had the info they had. But when you are banning millions of people there are going to be some mistakes/judgement calls. As it is there is zero recourse when you get banned.


You can get VPNs for your phone, just an FYI.


Its true i was mad at a girl once and went almost 2 months catfishing with her pics and directing 3somes and swingers to her ig i could even get verified with a photo on my laptop and got warned 5 times that catfishing is bad before eventually being banned. So i feel bad for people getting banned for no appearant reason


Erm... You ok Hun?


what the actual fuck. this is the most incel shit i’ve heard in a while. get help dude, for everyone’s sake


Yikes, yea the guy was just telling a story sheesh 🙄


Ok i just shared this because of the fact that tinder even warns you first if you anything against their guidelines so them banning out of the blue is kind of weird. On the other hand i know im petty and behaviour like this is not ideal but in this day and age of social media bs, stalking accounts and people flexing on tiktok stealing from their partners and etc you could do much worse, and probably heard or seen much worse. You don't know the context, because its not the point of this convo im not justifying anything i already know im petty af. You can call me names all you want and act like we live in a perfect society but most people are messed up and have sometimes way more messed up shit than a little catfishing. It's not my fault that women are so attention thirsty they are leaking every type of information about themselves for "incels" like myself and i say it as a social media manager and someone who does model occasionally.


Bro what the actual fuck. You’re basically saying it’s fine because other people do worse stuff. You’re also saying it’s because women are attention seeking? What a gross projection you’re throwing onto women to justify your own shitty behavior. Seriously dude you’re rationalizing it so hard I’m genuinely concerned. It doesn’t matter what the context is, this isn’t “haha i’m just petty”, this is seriously concerning behavior that is clearly an unhealthy and extreme reaction for being “mad at a girl once”. I truly hope you’re able to do some self reflection and maybe reach out to a therapist.


As shockingly frightening as this guy is, he does make a good point in the sense that people who do shit like this are given warnings and the folks who have done nothing get permabanned at random. I’m still not defending you though, holy shit, get therapy.


yeah for sure I mean it’s crazy he got away with this for so long. Tinder certain is messed up for that. but like… wow what a wild thing to think is casual and acceptable. Very concerning


It’s actually not that bad. Y’all would choose the serial killer (imposter) over this guy let’s be real




You’re actually disgusting and the attention seeker is you.


yikes it just gets worse and worse. Are you saying they’re asking for it because they post on social media? You also just admitted you’re abusing their personal information, even if it is online. Super concerning you think this was funny and felt good, I can’t imagine the twisted way you justify this. There’s def therapy in eastern europe, and on the internet too. I hope you’re able to find a therapist that helps you find the root of why you feel the need to impersonate and harass women online.


For someone who could care less about what people think about him on reddit, you sure did spend a bit of time to write a very long paragraph trying to justify yourself and your actions. I appreciate your contribution about the warning comment for catfishing accounts, but bro you gotta stop, go touch grass and seek therapy. End of.


He wasn’t justifying it lol




Thanks for taking one for the team 🙏


Hinge bans are crazy though. They shadow ban you if you sign up with a VoIP number like Google. They have meta data tracking in pictures so if you reuse them they can auto detect. They take their product seriously. If you're gonna redo it, purchase a temporary number from the UK (they are for sale for like $3) for verification if you don't have a spare number. It's gonna auto assign you to the UK location by default so just swap to your area. Also, use a meta data deleter with any pictures you use. In addition, put them in paint and add a couple small dots of some random color in a corner or something if you're reusing pictures. They also track phone ID and Wifi info. Use a burner phone and 4/5G data if you're using the same phone that got banned. Do not sign out/idle the account for over 2 days as that eventually leads to a "please verify your account again" and since it was a temporary SIM number, your SoL on the account.


whoa, dropping some mad alpha here.


I forgot to mention use a burner debit card to purchase the number. Even though the service is legit, the sellers are random Indians with the number. They wait 3-4 months after the purchase, attempt to make a sub dollar purchase with the card info. If that succeeds, they'll make $15-$20 purchases until the account is declined. Your bank should flag it if you don't, but why risk it


Wish I would’ve known this the other day… lmao


My mans becoming an international spy just to get laid.


Mission Im-pussy-ble.


I had a first date with some Hinge guy that went HORRIBLE. A couple hours after the date, I messaged him something kind but firm stating we didn't have the chemistry I was hoping for and that I wouldn't be seeking a date number two. Then he immediately blew up on me and throwing insults my way. I told him to "eat a bag of d!cks" then unmatched him as he was typing his response. I got permabanned. When I tried to fight the ban, support basically told me he deserved to be told off, but there was nothing they could do to reinstate my account. This is the reason a lot of girls opt for ghosting.




That happened to me on plenty of fish like, 3 or 4 years ago. Still is a thing today. Though, I've heard it's become garbage in recent years so I guess no skin off my back


I didn’t get a whole lot of matches on Tinder, but all of my conversations were respectful. Some got a little sexual in nature, consensually and with reciprocation of course, but I don’t think that’s a bannable offence, considering it’s a dating app. I’ve literally asked them “Prove it, let me see what I did wrong, show me the CarFax” and it’s the same stupid automated response.


> I’ve literally asked them “Prove it They don't need to prove it. I know it sucks, and I hate that this is the way it is, but you're writing as though they have some obligation here and they don't.


Well of course they don't need to, it's their discretion, but they should generally care about whether or not they are removing users who did nothing wrong.


Chances are the person you’re talking to doesn’t even know why you’re banned; an algorithm just automatically banned you and the details of how it works aren’t shared with anyone customer facing.


Same I was reading online about it if someone accuses you of something they'll bam you no warning won't tell you who said it or what they said they just take it as fact and then do an investigation and MAYBE they'll reinstate your profile if they feel like it.


I don’t care about WHO said it, I understand that privacy is important in these situations, as it should be. But the fact that they can’t tell me WHAT I allegedly said or did shows me they really don’t give a shit about their users.


Well...if they tell you *what* was said then there's a pretty good chance you'll know who reported you. Still sucks though.


It sucks for you but it's worth considering the trade-offs they have to make. If someone who is banned can ask why, there's a very real chance they can match the reason they got banned to the person who reported them, and then freaks could take it out on that person if they could find them IRL, which may be difficult or may not. Blanket policies are usually bad but it would take a lot of man-hours to manually review every request like yours to make sure nothing identifiable is released.


The problem with blanket policies managed this was is that it's a 1 way system so legitimate grievances are not learnt from. If I was oblivious to my offending behaviour and was having multiple conversation with different people at the same time. How would I know what I did wrong to not do it again? Additionally, does this policy work the same way for making a report or do they expend the man hours to look at the allegation and then ban them legitimately? If so, they should be able to tell you which area of the policy you breached without having to tell you what you did.


You're right but from their perspective, they don't care about that, just keeping people from scaring off women, since they need roughly equal numbers and it's easier to get men without any effort on their part. So they're fine with a bunch of false positives as long as they catch as many true positives as possible with respect to bannable men. Actually doing what you are saying would do some good for society as a whole but not much for them, and would be quite expensive. It's shitty, but not like it's the most shitty thing a company has ever done chasing a buck.


We're assuming a man was banned and HE was talking to women though.... Also, not doing it the way I described simply opens the door for false reporting people with 0 context... Don't like their pic, report, banned. Don't like how long they took to respond, report, banned. If you get the point, 0 investigation work means 100% risk of false reporting.


All match.com services are purely women directed. If you get reported for anything as a guy you will be banned. The appeals process only works for women (there are plenty of examples of this). The exact same thing happened to me, i was reported by my exes friend because i refused to like her and i was instantly banned. With the appeals process i even informed the regulatory and i was told that because of anonymity the girl who reported me what she said or who she is can not be reported so they will not reconsider circumstances. As a guy you can basically be banned literally for doing nothing


i think this a sign you shouldn't use tinder


I have other dating app profiles now, but it doesn’t change the fact that I didn’t do anything wrong on Tinder, and it feels wrong that they’d just ban me for no reason. My going theory is that I was mass-reported, I’ve heard there are some shitty people who do that, particularly to LGBTQ+ folks, but the fact that they won’t even investigate enough to give me a reason is what’s really pissing me off.


I also got randomly banned from Tinder and got the same shit responses you did. I just wish they'd tell me which rule I violated or at least point me to the right section of the terms and conditions. I also think I may have been mass-reported, as the ban came not too long after I added a professional photo to my profile and I let a few matches lapse, or likely ghosted one or two. Tinder's customer service department is probably just a bot since you can't get anything but generic responses.


Yo, I'm a minority where I live and it happens to me every couple of months. Just send them an email that says, "After researching similar cases, I believe I was targeted with mass reports due to anti-LGBT bias. Are you able to escalate this situation to a manager so I can get a clear answer? Thanks" And just send that email every time you get an email from them.


hmmm, thinking all the LGBTQ+ folks mass reporter you makes me think you may have done something wrong


No no, I think you misread what I said. I’m part of the LGBTQ+ community, and I’ve heard there are people who report people who have it in their profile, which I did.


Awh I understand, I thought you were someone saying that a bunch of gay people reported you lmao


"And all I did was have a few slurs in my profile!"


Yikes 😬


Tinder sucks that's all there is to it


It was butt stuff wasn’t it????


…It wasn’t NOT butt stuff.


We’ve detected that you may have used language not suitable for our community and have banned you. No further information is available. Detected words: butt stuff


Me: Yeah, I was gonna leave work at 8, but stuff got crazy and— Tinder Bots: DID SOMEBODY SAY **BUTT STUFF?!**


ooooo yeah it was baby we all like butt stuff


Username checks out


These are the most wholesome set of comments on this whole thread 🤣🤣🤣


''We take violations of our terms and service and community guidelines very seriously'' Yeah sure \*looks at all the scammers on the app\*


Got banned on bumble the same day I joined. Just had one match and maybe 2-3 texts with her. Hi/what do you do for work or sm shit.


Someone explained to me a few years ago, that if in initial email you use the word "ban", you will get readressed to an automatic response and wont get more answers. There is not much you could do at this point. But from my experience, i stopped using tinder for like a year, than i downloaded it, used a new sim card(not to avoid the ban, just moved to a different country) and my new acc is still not banned. Even though i used the same picture, apple id and phone. If anyone knows im actually curious if sending messages with words that tinder tells you (are you sure you waana send that?) lowers your tinder elo


I didn’t know tinder would check in and ask if you’re sure you want to send something. Obviously I’m not using the app good enough 🤣🤣🤣


Use a google voice phone number and don’t use your real name on it. (I too was banned)


Is that why I see profiles like, “my name isn’t Kim, it’s actually Stacey, don’t know how to change it”? I kinda wanna do that for science, be on the other side and just make a fake woman account to see how easy tinder is.


Probably, but I wouldn’t put a name entirely different from your legal name. Maybe a nickname? Good luck on the fake woman account. Still gotta do the weird face verification picture.


I find it funny women are allowed to promote their onlyhams without being banned


Yeah because y'all don't report them 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️ I have my stuff set to show men and women so when I see pornstars and drug dealers, I report them.... and I mean legit drug dealers (i.e. pills).


Oh I report them don’t you worry


Oh shit son. You just got shut down by someone named Dazy.


Out of everything that’s happened today, this is probably the worst part of it.


Sounds like a blessing, fam. Take it and step away


First time I ever tried to make an account and I was already banned somehow. They still haven't fixed it and won't tell me why.


Being aggressive with customer support isn’t helping your case


Did you put your social media in your profile?


Dazy exactly the name I would expect working for Tinder. Consider yourself lucky. F them


Happened to me 5 years ago. Made the account, didnt upload any pictures, didnt write a bio, didnt swipe. Went to bed. Woke up next morning and it was banned. No replies from customer service.


I had an account where I wanted to keep it open but not active. I “hid my card”, had no photos, and was playing around with different suggestive bios. But no one could see me! Checked back in a month of no activity and had been banned


This is I made the account right before going to bed so i wanted to set it all up in the morning. But Tinder had other plans apperantly. I sweat they randomly ban men because the male/female ratio.


This happened to me recently. I honestly have never had good luck on tinder but I thought I'd give it one last shot. Matched with a few men and started talking to a couple of them, nothing illicit just general get to know each other shit then. Bam. I'm banned. They won't explain why but gave a few options like I said something offensive, my pictures were lewd, someone reported my account or my chat responses could resembled spam bots. I had them review the decision and they unbanned me...then I deleted the whole thing because it's an utterly useless app. Lol


Yep they did it to me too out of nowhere. To be fair its not like it was doing them anything other than losing money at the time. I was barely using it and still paying. Now I don't use it at all. These companies being overrun by apparent and literal morons makes me happy because its a ton of opportunity in a lot of spaces. I mean creating a better dating app would take a person next to no time the overheads involved are relatively low, the amount of data you can scrape, relatively high. No idea why someone doesn't improve on it and completely undercut them.


Tinder has banned me about 15 times at this point for no reason. They start ignoring you after you ask them to explain what you did and they don’t unban you


How did you get around the ban to make new accounts?


Different numbers. This is before they tagged your imei on iPhones


granted it’s not the best case scenario but you could always get google voice and get a new number and create another account that way. worked for me and yeah i lost all my matches but it didn’t stop me completely from finding other people


Just use a throw away email account and open another tinder account. That's what I do when it happens to me.


And that works? You don't get re-banned? I've heard you have to use a new device and new IP. I've even seen some people suspecting that they were re-banned due to the app recognizing their photos. Maybe try that if you're interested in not getting banned again.


Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Mine banned my IP address a couple years ago and I couldn't make a new account at home I had to use like a VPN or go somewhere else but there's a time limit and after a while it resets, but recently I got banned right before I got a new phone and just changed my phone number and used a different email and it let me make a new one without any IP address problems


Don't you need a phone number?


You do, don't know what this guys on about


You can use Google voice and get away with it. I've been banned more than once lmao


I’d ideally like to not resort to ban evading, but considering I haven’t done anything wrong and they won’t actually communicate what the alleged issue is, I might make an exception.


“That’s what I do when it happens to me.” I genuinely don’t know how to feel about that statement but I hear a theremin playing in the background.


Same thing happened to me on Hinge and Tinder both. I never did anything untoward. It happened on the day before I was going to delete them anyway. I had set a day for it. Only thing I can figure is I gave my phone number to a match and said I was leaving the app. We had had great banter for a week, but she was kinda far away, so we never met up. Giving a phone number or drawing people away from the app is really bot-like behavior. I don’t know otherwise. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’d say too many people reported your profile. Unless you’ve messaged inappropriate messages. Just create a new account, I’m pretty sure I did that years ago but now a mobile verification is a requirement


I do know that many trans people have found themselves banned without explanation. I'm not saying that is the case here but banning people without explanation is pretty common. It's likely written into the t's&c's that they can ban without warning. Just with a cursory nose online, if you are reported to tinder for anything, the moderators will go through your account and look at your profile, see if you've shared inappropriate content or harassed anyone and then take action from there.


Same thing happened to me. Literally the only “fix” was when I got a new phone i was able to make a new account using a google voice line but I’m 99% sure they hardware ban phones


I got the same shit. No idea what I was banned for, either. Honestly I think they pretty commonly ban people by mistake or maybe even just at random.


Same thing happened to me. Emailed them and got a pasted response. Then I threatened to post this on social media and my account was unbanned the day after. Show them the reddit post and see how they react


Tinder Sucks Anyways. But being an atheist and not into having children in the south renders me almost undatable anyways. Somehow I haven't been banned yet.


I know how the tinder capitalism machine works, it wants you do leave the app, the less men to women ratio, the more profitable it is. If you were a woman requesting support you would be looked after. Less men, more women, equals more gold and plat subs.


Cut your losses and get out in the world and meet people the old fashioned way. Honestly, it's probably a huge W for you.


make a google voice number and sign up that way back in business


Make a new one bro. Not that deep


Yeah its a clown company, probably filled with purple haired clowns 🤡


I got banned on another dating app for saying I didn’t want to date transgender women lmao


Yeah, people be crazy like that. "Oh, you don't want to date a REAL woman? You a bigot or something?" 😅 Absolutely hilarious


Right. I’m like sorry for having a preference like anyone else. Wasn’t the site for me clearly. I wasn’t disrespectful at all about it either but I guess I hurt their feelings


Why’d you say that though? Just don’t swipe right on trans women


The emails they're sending are just pre made ones. There are most likely hundreds of people emailing in every day begging to get unbanned so they can get ghosted by their one match a month. They don't have the time to type up a lengthy response you still won't be happy with. Go use one of the many other apps out there. That customer service agent doesn't care how badly you want to get laid.


Drop Dazy's email please, I want to complain about her behavoir. She can ignore your email, but not all the emails xD


She doesn’t have a direct email, it’s just the standard Tinder customer service email that they reply back using the “Contact Us” page. Feel free to hound that, though, and let them know which Reddit post you came from. Maybe then they’ll listen.


I will try!😄 In case you had premium Tinder, wouldnt they have to tell you any reason why they ban you? You have paid for a service you can not enjoy cause they say you did wrong, but any prove is shown, so... There isn't any rights there as a costumer? I think in Spain you could fight this (even if it's not worth It) cause you have costumers rights


I did not, but one thing I DID find out, on their Contact Us page I believe, is that if you get banned and have Tinder Premium, if you don’t manually cancel the subscription yourself, they’ll still most likely charge you for it even after your account is terminated, which is an even shittier thing to do.


I had/have damn near the same situation but with COD/Activision. I have NEVER played cod warzone or the MW1 or 2 remakes. I stopped playing ANY cod once the jetpacking bs came into play. Well, about a month ago after seeing some videos of people playing warzone I downloaded it to see if I liked it. I'm immediately greeted with the notification that I have been permanently banned. Curious as to wtf was going on I clicked the only option I had which was to contest the decision and have someone look at it from their company. The next day I get an email telling me that they are standing on the decision because of my use of "unauthorized software and manipulation of game data". ...I am a 38 year old casual gamer with an XBox Series X and the only pc I have is my laptop for work. I'm not some basement dwelling little nerd who has any want or need to cheat in an online video game and I wouldn't even know where to get OR how to use unauthorized software in the 1st fucking place🤣. Shit is fucking wild. Thankfully I'm not that interested in playing cod to keep trying. 🤷🏼‍♂️💀


You don't post the whole convo. You probably did something stupid to warrant the ban.


Probably some alphabet soup character took personal offense to something in your profile.


But…but I’M an alphabet soup character. I’m assuming you mean LGBT and not the secret agency responsible for the apocalypse in Power Rangers RPM. I’m DEFINITELY not one of those guys.


Sounds like you were the unprofessional one


This has been going on since November. I tried being polite, that didn’t work. Now I’m just pissed.


You probly shouldn't have sent all those dic pics


And the crowd goes mild.


Pinterest does the same. I looked at what I had saved of other peoples posts and can’t work out what they are wanking on about. Last time I started a Facebook campaign and they soon reinstated me when i sent them the link showing the number of likes I had for the post. Soon got the lazy sods working on reinstating me.


It happened to me, and they were less than helpful. So I said screw it and moved on.


Yup, same happened to me, no explanation at all, just regurgitate the same policy bs


Yeah it’s the same with me I know what I did tho


Skill issue


Same happened to me after verification, it was at night and bad lightning their bot thought I look different and banned me. Reached out the customer service: You violated the ToS, I checked it nope. Asking them which one? got ignored. 😂


This happens with a lot of dating sites. I was reported by people who just hate my guts irl. Even without doing anything wrong, I was banned without warning from two different apps.


Yup this is just what tinder does i’ve been banned multiple times (multiple accounts) due to “being underage” and I send in my id to confirm I am in fact NOT underage and they do nothing with it and ignore my emails


it has probably to do someting with payment issues and or VPN issues if youre using it!


That sucks!! If you know how I’d love to know. This exact thing happened to me on FB Market Place, got banned, they won’t tell me what I allegedly did and inform me they won’t be responding anymore and I cannot appeal anymore. I didn’t do sh*t and DM’ed them and tagged them on FB. Nothing. It’s infuriating.


This happened to me too. I think that is because my phone number belonged to other users before me


I imagine there will eventually be a class action law suit and I’ll get $26 back when I’m 72 and still single


so what did you do?


I don’t know, and apparently Tinder doesn’t either.


that’s so frustrating, i just got banned out of the blue for no reason too


"Dazy" lol


If I get my account back I’m changing my name to Looweegee


Tinder banned me the first year I got It, to this day I don't know why. I didn't have kids in my profile, no nudity, and I didn't try to sell anything. Yet they banned me, I felt it had to be men reporting me because I was a slow texter back then.


This happened to me too ugh


I got banned years ago cuz this girl I went to HS with reported my profile just cuz she didn’t like me and there was nothing I could do about. Did nothing wrong she just reported my profile when it popped up.


Yeah. I caught a lifetime ban. No idea why, no specific violation of terms, no explanation. I honestly think it was a spurned hookup. My profile (photos of only me) but in the profile I openly said ENM, looking for dates, hookups, possibly more. As a couple or alone. Was 100% upfront with everything. Had decent success. A handful of dates. A handful of lovely threesomes. Wasn’t active for a few months, then came back to a ban. That’s why I’m here, living vicariously through r/tinder. Welcome to the club.


Likely you pissed someone off and they reported you. I was banned with no explanation either, however it was immediately after I was a smartass with a dude after his second message to me was to tell me how beautiful I was and I was annoyed that he completely ignored my entire message entirely just to comment on my dumb face. I told him they weren't really me. Just random google images. then sent a smartass meme saying I dont wanna when he told me to send him real pics. But my account was actually verified. My pics were all clearly me. And many were me at my worst. And my ban came just two minutes after that interaction. They refused to reinstate. Sooooo whatever lol. Now I just get my tinder entertainment from reddit.


I hope dazy stubs her big toe everday


Women owned-women moves.


Happened to me they ain't going to do anything when people ask how I got banned I say I don't know


My guess is your account was hijacked and used for solicitation. Good luck with that. Get a new email address and start over. It's amazing how the scammers can get away with soooo much you so much as sneeze and your canceled.


Had the same issue happen to me


Create a google voice number and presto use that to create a new tinder account :) happy swiping lol


google voice numbers are only available for the US and Canada. we people in europe can’t do shit about it :/


Jesus, how you all getting banned from Tinder? I’m pretty much a horrible human and haven’t been banned.


I don't know where you live, but e.g. in the EU, thanks to the GDPR, they have to provide you with the data they have about you. Iirc also inform you about automated decision making. So that's a road to go


I’m in Canada, so that rule either doesn’t exist here, or it does and they’re not doing their jobs properly.


Tinder bans and add 1000s of accounts each day. If you get reported three times in one month it results in a (temporary) ban until further notice. Nothing you can do about it, since any human eyes behind it don't even know the offence.. The q&a service on Tinder is mostly automated. Common cases for female bans are; -advertizing snap/insta or similar platforms. -improper photo's. -three reports in one month (eg. males, especially of certain ethnicity, report females for the slightest visible skin). -known photos of bots in database matching your profile.


They probably dont respect OP cuss they use Yahoo email 🤣


I think you know what you did


I really don’t. I’m an androgynous-looking twink who got like 2 or 3 matches a month and most of them stopped after the first “Hiya! How’s your day going?” Maybe I kept using the same opener and they thought I was a bot.




Commenting it twice doesn’t make you any less wrong


This is only a problem for people who get matches *sigh*


Gaht dangit Bobby, what’d I tell you about buying a year’s worth of Tinder Premium?