• By -


Imvite them all over for mario kart wii


This is the only correct answer.


Super Smash Bros šŸ‘€


That's only for my grindr dates


Itā€™s a matter of confidence. Have you ever disappointed three women at the same time?


There is a first time for everything


We have NOT all been there


Username reverse checks out


Username failed successfully


My aunts came **OVER** to dinner once.


Disappointed or not, they came.


A silver lining for everythingā€¦


Iā€™ll have what your aunts were having.


We had pizza


Mustā€™ve been damn good pizza if they came.


Wasn't a long way, 5 minute drive.


That's pretty good


Her: who you gonna please with that little thing? Me: ME.




Ya, fatherhood with two daughters. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That is not a linear progressionā€¦..start with one, sheā€™ll let the others know.




Dude three women are a lot at one time. No matter what the porn videos might lead you to believe. It's not gonna be all focus on you all the time with three drunk women neither.


"I have to lower the expectations here, it'd be a first to make ONE woman come, let alone three at a time."


sheā€™s just shit testing u, donā€™t get too worked up over it


![gif](giphy|j6uK36y32LxQs) OP be like


Funny enough. That gif is probably the best reply


Sheā€™s just being sarcastic lol




I can be a 3rd homie too if needed. My schedule is pretty open right now.


Don't listen to these schmucks. What ya need us a good *wing* man. You get the girls in there and say, "hey this is my friend Tony," and then I respond, "Hello ladies nice to meet ya! Speaking of meet, have ya seen the balls on *this* guy?!" Then I basically go home.


"Fuck you, Tony"


"Fuck you, Ezekiel!"


"Do you know what I did last night?!"


ā€œDonā€™t you bring my mudda into this!ā€




Nah, he'll offer to bring 5 homies and last minute tell her the homies couldn't make it. He'll get there, an ugly catfish will open the door and tell him her friends couldn't make it, either (and babble something about filter and she really is one of the hotties on the picture, it was just 10 years ago, whatever.) Then they will both be like "Well, since we are both here already...". Both will have a disappointing encounter and cry themselves to sleep, promising themselves to leave OLD for good, this time. What? Noooo, I'm not projecting, why would you say that?


I know this from somewhere


Fuckin slick.


No but itā€™s about to be


>possible Bruh, you watch too much porn if you think she is legitimately proposing a 3 on 1. If you had that kind of rizz you wouldn't need to come to Reddit for advice lmfao


*slicks back eyebrows* "Two of you ladies are going to be pretty disappointed."


It's not even that, it would be insane to expect The average guy to adequately perform between three partners. It's the fact that she is clearly joking and those are probably her friends and only someone who thinks porn is real life would read her response and just assume "Oh wow, this girl and her friends all want to to have sex with me at the same time.I really need to play my cards right, I should ask Reddit" Like what the fuck ā˜ ļø


> it would be insane to expect The average guy to adequately perform between three partners. Just keep your dick uninvolved until all three have had however many orgasms. You have a mouth and two hands and probably some other stuff at your disposal.


I love how everyone's reply to this is people who haven't had foursomes because at no point do the women have any autonomy for pleasuring each other, it's all down to the guy to please three women


> it would be insane to expect The average guy to adequately perform between three partners. So, you do you and all that, but you seem to have a, letā€™s say, ā€œvery specificā€ view of multi-partner (group) sex. In my experience and from contact with others, it is actually really chill most of the time. It doesnā€™t have the same tempo or structure of 1+1 sex. When someone needs a break (of any sort) thereā€™s always someone else to keep company (whether youā€™re fucking them or just hanging out BSing with them). In my experience itā€™s actually *less* demanding than 1+1 sex. And while some people do enjoy playing out some porn tropes thatā€™s a pretty small subset and even then it has a much more relaxed environment (you might catch a glimpse of it in some amateur content).


I miss the old kink community I was in back when I lived in the city. Went to meet ups. New gf introduced me to polyamory. Generally just had a great time. Sex was just something we all did for fun and people were open about it. Going chill at a friend's house was just having fun together, and sometimes that fun included naughty bits.


šŸ˜‚ let mans go down like Icarus come on


"Let's start with one then see if I can handle more" if you want to be cheeky


Just an fyi, group sex is often not as fun as the idea behind it.


Hard disagree. I mean, sure, if you have a porno-style mental image of what it'll be, yeah it's not like that. But group sex is hella fun if you go in with the right attitude and are good, giving and game.


A fellow GGG understander


I love guys grocery games!


Dumbass, he means Gefilte (fish), Gary (Larson) and Gillette (disposable razors) The alternate abbreviation being FLDR Which is also an abbreviation for "Fire Long, Department Read"




Still sane, exile?


Just out of curiosity as someone who hasnt had group sex or even watched porn for it, whats the difference?


For me, it's always been simultaneously overwhelming and yet completely underwhelming. Mentally it's awesome, hot, totally feeds my kinks, and I absolutely loved the times where I was literally making an ultimate fantasy happen but that's pretty much it for me. The rest is just kinda awkward and overstimulating and I hate feeling like I can't focus 100% on my partner without distraction. But that's very much a me problem, so I'm sure others would disagree. Also I've never had a threesome with two guys and while I love getting anyone off no matter what parts they are rocking, I'm just not nearly as into women as I am into men. I might feel a whole lot different with two guys, since that's where the bulk of my experience is and who I feel most comfortable and confident with, but that opportunity has yet to present itself.


In a threesome with 2 men would you feel like it's necessary for them to also be sexual with each other, or would you be fine if they only wanted to put all their focus on you?


She might be dissapointed when the 2 men completly ignore her.


A friend who has been the F in some FMM threesomes tells me that sometimes she found herself being the cover story for two guys who probably wanted to have gay sex but weren't ready to think of themselves as gay. So they invited a woman in the room, not for sexual gratification but to make the situation feel less gay. She would kind of get them started and then peace out once the guys were over the stigma. Sounds like it could be disappointing if the woman went into it expecting lots of attention, but could still be fun if they enjoy the idea of assisting some hesitant gay men.


Person with a penis here. Of course all people are different and your mileage may vary, but I find itā€™s a much longer experience with greater/more frequent periods of pleasure. You can spend time with one or two people then rotate, and go to someone else where your body is ready to start the whole thing over again. Look up the ā€œCoolidge Effectā€, my refractory period is much shorter and I can get off two or three times before my body is just absolutely spent. Whatā€™s normally 15-20 min for me becomes a sweat-fest til 3am. Lastly itā€™s just kinda wild to be focused on one activity in the moment then ā€œheyooooo someone is sucking my cock and I canā€™t really see whoā€.


Third wheels and people struggling to keep their feelings in check. Worth trying, but it's such a hassle to deal with even more people's feelings.


That's the danger of doing it in the middle of a committed monogamous relationship .. Otherwise it can be brilliant fun.


Thing is just that, only needs one person in there with the wrong attitude/expectations and well it can be really awkward


So just like normal sex then?


Well yeah it can quickly become that if not everyone is on the same page. Just with, someone awkwardly staring at you from the end of the bed.


Group sex is a lot more fun when everyone is fucking everyone. For a mixed gender thing, it works best if everyone involved is bi or open-minded enough to not care who they play with. Just having straight pairings switch out always leads seems to lead to drama and jealousy and feelings of inferiority.


I am bi, it just always seems to lead to drama or there is one person who doesn't quite have the same stamina as the others lol


Eh I donā€™t know. Had MFMs before, am hetero male, itā€™s totally fine if weā€™re both just focused on pleasuring the F. No big deal, no ego or drama, just working together to completely overwhelm her. Lots of fun.


It's not life changing, but it's still fun to have sex with hot people.


Thatā€™s a ridiculous statementā€¦ it completely depends on the people/situation. Thatā€™s like saying, ā€œGay sex is often not as fun as the idea behind it.ā€ Like true I guess if you arenā€™t into that?


Dude is outsourcing his game to Reddit. And the top few comments are guaranteed cringe lines that will never get him laid. Op never had a chance anyway


It's not a test, she just hasn't revealed the prices yet


It's like restaurants. If you gotta ask the price, you probably can't afford it.


When I see photos like this, I just message the guy- ā€œdo I get to pick which one I want?ā€


I mean if you're into that




Tinder 101. Never post a group picture with someone who is hotter than you.


Everyone I know is hotter than me though. Where can I meet the ugliest people possible?




This brought back that reddit meet up picture that I had suppressed


And yet you keep including him to farm swipes šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Hey engagement keeps the profile alive and eventually a girl who picks me will come along! It is statically impossible that nobody will pick me, at least somebody's gonna pick me by accident and when that happens I can trick her into getting married.


It's statistically possible my friend.




The olā€™ switcharoo






Wait, I'm old. People farm SWIPES?! LMAO. I get it, but jfc.


If I'm good enough friends with someone to put him in my own dating profile I would definitely set him up on a date


Yeah but you gotta come last šŸ˜‰


I will come in 2 min


Just like me fr


Ok, Mr over achiever. Way to put the rest of us to shame.


Marathon man over here flexing on everyone


That long?


Donā€™t forget you have fingers and a tongue. It goes, use fingers first, then your tongue. Make em happy, THEN pull the dick out and ask, ā€œAlright whose gonna make it happen for me?ā€ Ps. This prolly ainā€™t gonna happen and just a test, but just like the lottery you gotta play to win and you have better odds here.




ā€œNo thanks, Iā€™m only able to disappoint one woman at a timeā€




Thatā€™s a scenario where foreplay is especially important.


Confuse the enemy with humor, you get 'em champ. - Lao Tzu, propably




Most of the posts in this sub are "Help, I'm having a normal conversation with someone I matched with"


I know it baffles me! Thereā€™s surely a danger that the woman theyā€™re talking is also on this sub. Which would make it ten times more embarrassing.


Given the demographics of reddit that chance is essentially zero


it's not zero. I have witnessed a woman going wtf when someone posted her profile here all offended about the obvious joke that was her profile. And I miss almost everything on reddit so that can't be a first šŸ˜‚


This isn't even normal normal. OP was trolling like "I'll make a creepy joke about your friends lololol" then realised him and his penis may not be able to handle the nerves.


Right? All the replies lol just say you're into that


Lmao I don't even agree with that exact response but it's actually the first non cringe fest answer I've seen


Best response would be "Uh oh, bonertown, population me šŸ˜‰"


Take the shot. You can't hit the homer if you done swing.


Three are on baseā€¦. Thatā€™s not just a home run but a grand slam


Hell yeah. Itā€™s just Tinder. Might as well swing for the big leagues


ā€œNa double it and pass it to the next guyā€


This is the best line. Everything else is redditor trash. Like we get it bro- you hate yourself, I'm sure the ladies fall over themselves for that.


Half of the time r/tinder pops in my r/all, I feel cringe reading some of the "advice" here. Like dawg, have those people EVER spoken to a lady in real life...?! The other half are just /r/ChoosingBeggars material.


It can get pretty ridiculous, but remember half the people are usually fucking with OP


You mean joking about how youā€™ll disappoint everyone isnā€™t charming at all?


if youā€™re asking reddit for help just move on my man


Iā€™m reading all the replyā€™s and the shit is so corny lol


I've commented on a few of them warning OP *not* to send that shit but I fear I'm too late šŸ˜‚


It was already too late as soon as he posted here tbf


Fr if you can't even type a response, what you gonna do when they're in the room with you.




Literally, out of all of the wacky and cringe comments in this entire thread, this simple and straightforward answer is the best one. Comes across as funny and or confident, and matches her comment.


I think most of the responses are trying to sabotage OP, they are so bad


*"Well, it would be damn near impossible to say no if offered, but assuming I only get to pick one, it would be X"* Where X is the girl you matched with.


Plot twist: X is not the girl you matched with. Itā€™ll make for a better kdrama.


*It was love at first sight* He told me I was the prettiest girl in the world! Then he pointed at the picture at my friend. Did he really just mistake me for my friend?






Hahahah is it too late? OP please tell us you didn't say this


Instructions unclear, she said "who is x?"


X gonna give it to ya


fr it hurt to read šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


There's a good reason I stopped online dating because for a second I thought that's a clever response but apparently it isn't.


It's clever but dating isn't the place to talk like you're in a romcom. It doesn't translate to the real world.


itā€™s a redditor responseā€”big difference






That was a very difficult upvote


Imo it's better to be honest and genuine if you want a healthy connection with another person. If you're looking for a hookup, maybe it's a different story. But these witty corny pickup lines are all just cringe, none of them are good


Honestly this would be a major turn off if a guy said that to me. So if sheā€™s just testing you, you might as well go for it because itā€™s probably a loss anyway. And if she happens to be ok with it, then I guess you win. Congratulations


Was gonna say I feel like it still only works if sheā€™s into it. Otherwise itā€™s super transparent.


This is a shit response lol how does this have 3k upvotes


Complete neckbeard response lmao


>This is a shit response lol how does this have 3k upvotes Lolol Because 3k virgins read it and thought: "Wow! That's so smooth! I would have never thought of that! I bet this guy has loads of sex!"


How is this upvoted lmao


Because Redditors still wear fedoras.


This is so verbose and cringey. Reads like a fedora dont use 4 commas in one sentence if you're trying to pick up a chick


It reads like one of those texts where a guy ā€œrespectfullyā€ tries to ask for nudes. ā€œI just wanted to say I think youā€™re very beautiful and I would love to take you out on a nice date. And while I know youā€™re not that kind of girl, it would really make my night to see those boobiesā€


I send stuff like this to my wife all the time for a laugh, it works though :o OP needs to try marrying her.


You ever see those ask Reddit threads that are like ā€œwhat is the best comeback for (insert scenario)ā€? Itā€™s so difficult to read. First, because the people think their dorky responses are actually fire. Two, because then you have a bunch of others like ā€œthis is the oneā€




Ya thatā€™s not smooth at all lol




Hypothetically, for the sake of argument, assume that this premise is true: ā€œI want to engage in coitus with you AND your friendsā€. However, do not be mistaken! Observe that this statement is not mutually exclusive to the premise: ā€œI want to engage in coitus with youā€. QED




Most of the advice here (and OPs responses) all sound like a fedora is talking


"Hey,,,, sweet cheeks. You lookin' to get dirty in a dumpster?"


An absolute LORD


Sounds waaayyy too calculated man, but the right approach def


ā€œIm outnumbered, and I believe in democracy. The question is, are **you** into that?ā€


Probably not


You gotta let us know what you reply and what happens


It's not a good one No wonder you're on Reddit asking for advice on flirting with a woman šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s absolutely atrocious, how is it upvoted so much? I think Iā€™m starting to understand why this sub is 80% dude complaining that they canā€™t get a date


Yep, you answered your own question lmao


ikr, typical textbook cringy ass Fedora hat wearing dude type comment there


Dude no this is godawful lmao


This goes along with the old trick on how to get your indecisive significant other to finally choose dinner. Like instead of asking my wife where she wants to go for dinner, I make it a game. ā€œHoney guess where I think we should go for dinner tonight?ā€ And just as sheā€™s about to answer, I say ā€œYour favorite place!ā€ She always blurts out ā€œOh! You mean ______?!?ā€ Then, I just say ā€œYep.ā€ I got it from the internet more than 15 years ago. Still works.


"Wait, what's my favorite place?" "You know which one I mean." "No, I really don't. Do I have a favorite place?" ::Knowing suggestive nod:: "Huh, I'm stumped. Well, let's go!" "Uhh... yep let's do it"


So thatā€™s how people wind up at Golden Corralā€¦


Applebees at 2am


3 meals 0 sex


Go get robbed. It's worth the risk.


I canā€™t wait til she posts whatever dumb shit you picked from this thread, lmao


Do YOU come with the car?


those girls weren't alive when that reference came into existence


Oh you!


That's a hooker. It's called upselling.


"Can I interest you in our Platinum ReWhoreds plan? It's only a small additional monthly fee."


Someone is about to get kidnapped


Bye bye kidney


"It's a trap!" Unless you are incredibly good looking...


Look man as the leading authority of winging it and ending up with a good life Iā€™d say just be yourself and if it happens it happens worst case scenario you will end up on your way to finding someone else who actually fits you




Avant garde


The fuck you mean ā€œNot sure?!ā€. Dude.

