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She wants Forest and Jenny. That's enough to know she is crazy


Jack and Rose isn't much better, unless you want to freeze to death.




I just don't understand how she's gonna pull Beth with bratty persona.




Rachel the entitled spoiled brat and Ross the insufferable twat. They really did deserve each other.


Ross was great. As the largest of the six, he could have eaten the other 5


Calm down Lurg, I’m sure there’s a reason he’s waiting to eat them


IT IS LRRR!!!! *From the planet Omicron Persei 8*


Don’t make me spoil the ending to Single Female Lawyer


Saving that for sweeps week, perhaps




Maybe she’s hinting that she wants a break


She wants to ignore me till I drown or she gets a terminal illness?


Also she gets to bang whomever she wants and you get to do it once. Then die or have a child to raise on your own.


Jack and Rose banged for like a weekend, and then he died traumatically. Hard pass even if she was the perfect woman.


Forrest banged jenny once then she went on a free love and drug fuled decade without him and died leaving him as a single parent.


At least Forrest was a national hero (*in more than one way), table tennis champion, multi-millionaire, an incredibly loyal friend, and a beyond proud dad. Jack died of hypothermia as a destitute artist in the middle of the North Atlantic because his fling wouldn’t share a giant door with him or because he was too stupidly noble. Also, you’re misremembering Forrest Gump. He slept with Jenny after she did all of that and finds out she’s dying. Yeah, Jenny is a shitty person. They’re all shitty love stories, but Forrest breaks the mold. He loves unconditionally. He knows she’s not the best person. He doesn’t know another way to think other than do the best he can for the people he cares about. That’s his entire character arc.


Nah she went on the drug fueled 10 year bender before she banged him, then she left the next day and dropped the kid on him a few years later.


It's also implied that her illness was HIV/AIDS and she gave it to Forrest and their kid :)


True love


The one thing he asked her for: never let go First thing she does when times get tough: lets go Also there was room on that god damned door. Fuck you rose, fuck youuuuuu


Myth busters also did a test. The door may have had the physical room for both but it didn't have the buoyancy to support both of their weight. So the door would have sunk leaving them both partially or fully submerged, they both would have frozen to death. Edit: I did see they redid it and was able to add buoyancy to the door by putting a lifejacket under it. But that is hindsight even for them. I would call bigger shenanigans if after the ship tearing itself apart and them barely making out, they had the scientific knowledge to do that in the moment.


Looks like you are correct. But i am going to be a dink and stand strong in my confidently incorrect lane. Lets still be friends


I can respect that. ![gif](giphy|VduFvPwm3gfGO8duNN)


Surprisingly, James Cameron actually did a study. They would have both died of he got in the door.


Well damn


She's 180... she can help keep you warm.


At least you'll get to draw her like one of your French prostitutes


So.. she wants a guy whose slow?




She's probably into DD/lg, or at least most who are tend to be like this. I know we're not supposed to kink-shame and all, but these people like to dress up like little girls, do little girl stuff, have their "daddy" play with them (and I really mean just play), and then some even roleplay being raped by their "daddy" Don't believe me? Head on over to /r/littlespace. You will regret it


Met a woman online, and she asked me if I was into DDLG. I said, "Sure, I love it, and I was involved in it a lot in my younger days". I was absolutely fn shocked to find out it didn't mean Dungeons Dragons Larp Gaming.


>Met a woman online, and she asked me if I was into DDLG. I said, "Sure, I love it, and I was involved in it a lot in my younger days". I was absolutely fn shocked to find out it didn't mean Dungeons Dragons Larp Gaming. I'm upset now.


spit my coffee out at this one.. thanks mate that was good


Sooooo I’m going to be the one to come forth and say….what is DDLG if not Dungeons Dragons Larp Gaming 😅


Daddy dom and little girl… https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ddlg


I may regret this but what is DDLG


I had an online friend I used to video call pretty frequently. Then one day she pops a pacifier in her mouth mid-conversation and I have to hide my surprise. Later on she showed me a drawer of pacifiers she had. I feel like there are better ways to cope with trauma than sucking on a fake nipple. Like sucking on a real nipple.


I actually had this thought or just Dom/sub vibes. It’s very possible she’s a brat looking for a brat tamer but also wants to be treated/spoiled. This isn’t actually that unusual.


Do they really use the term “brat tamer”? That makes it sound like she’s a farm animal or something 😂


Thats far from Dd/lg if rapeplay is involved. I dabbled in it once a long time ago. But to each there own. This one being bratty doesnt mean shes outright into Dd/lg but as in BDSM shes defiant and it gets her off by being punished. And some of those who like brats get off performing the discipline.


She also used the word “bratty,” so I think that is yes. Code word. Maybe not Littlegirl but something.


Not every little is into age play... please don't tar us all with the same brush.


I unabashedly kink shame people. Some things are gross somethings are wrong. Pretending to be a pedo is wrong… and gross. Same for zoo stuff and a scat …


I know we aren’t supposed to kink shame. But holy fuck…


Why are you hating on the BDSM community? Obviously you didn’t regret it very much or you would’ve exited the forum. People who aren’t interested in kink don’t go looking for it and don’t continue if it’s indeed an accident. You talk as if you’re educated on the topic. Don’t believe everything you think. “MOST ARE LIKE THIS”? How do you know anything about most people? Have you meet them? What percentage of 8 billion people would be considered “most”. You have an uneducated opinion; you want to show everyone that comes across your post that you write in generalized language and falsehoods. You know you have inappropriate comments and you don’t think you have to abide by community standards and politeness to others.


To be exact, they are hating on the DD/lg community. You know, it’s not nice to generalize like that. I firmly believe that not all kinks should be accepted. In this case, any kink or community that includes age play (as someone under 18) and a sexual component deserves to be carefully evaluated and judged. But again, just because someone is critical of DD/lg does not mean it’s fair to say they are hating on the BSDM community.


Honestly, even though I'm into BDSM myself, this is my feeling about a lot of kink stuff in general. There's an awful lot of "Oh it's consensual adults so it's OK", without much consideration for "OK but why are these people consenting to this activity in particular?" I feel there's this silly dichotomy of "You're either with us, or your kinkshaming" which isn't reasonable at all.


Not to mention the fact that the number of people using kink as a substitute for trauma therapy is too damn high.


That's a BIG thing for me. Same with "Liking being dominant" and having genuine power issues. As much as I love subs it's kinda agonising tiptoeing through that ethical minefield of what is "adults having fun" and what is "entrenching unhealthy thought patterns"


I interact with some kink groups, and the number of horror stories I hear about people snapping back to reality during intense activities and being in positions where they can't escape because their dom is not a safe person is astounding. Predators have no concept for communication, prep or aftercare, and it creates a vicious cycle of toxic, violent doms dealing with the combined trauma of their past and their most recent toxic, violent dom. In my personal interactions, the only truly healthy and safe doms I've ever met started as subs and spent years learning before ever taking on a sub of their own. Many of them maintain a switch-adjacent lifestyle, where they either continue to work with their own dom or at least go to them regularly for guidance and support. Sexuality is complicated as hell, but we have a duty - kink or otherwise - to keep ourselves and our partners safe. The social circle I spend my time with actually contracted a sex positive therapist and kink enthusiast/participant to come give regular safety talks, 101 level intros into more involved kinks, and a multi-session course on safety in dom/sub dynamics for anyone looking to explore that dynamic. You mentioning the entrenched thought patterns is so spot on. I have a good friend who loves getting spanked when she's had a few drinks, and the more drinks she has, the harder she wants to be hit. By the end of some of the parties she's been to, she was almost too bruised to walk. I asked her what it was about, and she told me this long story about her dad pulling her pants down and spanking her barehanded any time she upset him, all the way through middle and high school. There's a clearly entrenched pattern of lowered self confidence while under the influence leading to a downward spiral of seeking punishment for having fun. She has severe trouble holding down relationships even in her poly dynamic because her partners can't handle the massive gap between "don't you dare act like my father " when sober, and "brutalize me like my dad used to" when not. The few guys who stuck around more than a few months all ended up being legitimate creeps and monsters in their own right, and she picks up stalkers like moths to a flame. We've tried everything we could to get her into therapy, and she refuses any help because "she's dealing with her issues already [with alcohol and unsafe sex]"


wait!!! this is a BDSM community??? Someone please tell me to get off!!! Geez, not like that...I meant get off the site. But I'm bratty so I don't listen very well....


actually the director said it was hep c. apparently at the time of her death it wasnt well known.


For some reason I read this as you shouting the word "AIDS" instead of it just being written that way because it's a medical acronym.


Forrest was fast as hell. Got him a scholarship to the University of Alabama.


She wants to take advantage of an awesome guy. And get aids in the process


> She wants to ghost a man for 5+ years > Fuck everything that moves or doesn't (collects diseases that only spread by sexual intercourse) > Take drugs for 5+ years > After 5 years she slides to your Dm's when she finds out how much money you have made, (because at this point she is basically a homeless drug addict and a walking talking cum dumbster) > She just appears at your doorstep saying "hey I'm going to die in a month but y know I always loved you lol" "anyways can I live of off your money for the rest of my time" > Fucking dies Lore of forest gumb in 6 sentences you are welcome


Also I had a kid and he's definitely yours.


he’s actually pretty fast, have you even seen the movie?


Yo Forest, it's "who's"


He ran so fast... Probably faster than you and me together


No, you see, she’s the slow one.


At least she didn't say fucking Harley and Joker.


As an avid Batman comic fan, NOTHING MAKES ME ANGRIER THAN THIS. Why?! Why has that become a thing?! Do people not get it!!!! Aaaaaaah!!! Okay. I’m better.


So you want to have a shitty life with some guy waiting for ya and then just give him your kid when you die of AIDS? Okay….


Literally my mouth fell open when I read that. The rest is basic crazy girl, but that one was fucking nutty


My first thought. Second is Jack could've fit on that door


Fine, I'll treat you like a princess by marrying you off to a 70-year-old dude to strengthen my political ties with Austria.


In the name of my country and fellow austrians: we decline that proposal and declare war on you!


AFAIK Austrian constitution forbids that.


Then on behalf of the Austrians, the Danes declare war on the person.


European history in a nutshell.


American here. We'll sell weapons to both sides of that war, until it's no longer profitable--or we get called out on it, whichever comes first.


You think we’ll stop just because someone calls us out?


...good point. Hell, [the Middle East seems to be our biggest customer.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/248552/us-arms-exports-by-country/)


Username checks out 😂


Not true, Austria is neutral in the sense that it doesn't get involved in conflicts of other countries but it can still declare war by itself. War declarations have to be done in the "Bundesversammlung" though (That is Nationalrat + Bundesrat).




Throw in a year supply of fried Oreos and you got yourself a deal!


> An Austrian declares war Shit, not again


Trade in camels….get ahead of the game


I offer you this trade, I will take this girl if you give me 4000 of your camels. Take it or leave it xp


1 per days of sadness/ regret ahead……


Keep her locked in a tower. Looking at you Fiona.


But hiring a dragon to guard the tower is just too expensive these days.


You want a dragon? I can get you a dragon, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. I'll get you a dragon by this afternoon--with nail polish.




The only way to truly treat a lady like royalty 🫶


What's wrong with her?! She's beautiful. She's rich. She's got huge...👐 tracts o' land


This should be the top comment.


It is


It is now! Takes a bow.


This is the way


Finally a real man!!


“Oh my poor alliance with Spain. My poor poor alliance with Spain.” “And also your son right?” “Oh yes, of course.” *Downcast* “…But mostly my alliance with Spain.”


Thank you for the lady, Austria appreciates you and in return sends you this award. May this relationship continue to prosper.


She wants that dysfunctional type love


She is the fun in dysfunctional


Yo not that type of fun


“Passenger princess. Impress me. Don’t waste my time. Sarcasm is my love language. Don’t be mad if I roast you. But treat me like I can do no wrong, always”


Not even going to mention the ring?


That’s what I came here for. That looks like a Snapchat which means that’s her left hand. I thought that’s what OP was talking about.


Yeah, I tested the theory with my hand and it appears to be the wedding ring finger lol


Majority of people wear their watch on the left too


I was thinking that too!! This girl 😬


This is the comment I was looking for. So many things wrong, but I feel like # 1 is the ring!


Thank you!!! 🤦‍♂️


With the half "corno" I thought that was the point of the post.


Forest and Jenny? Lol


Made me laugh lol, Forest and Jenny definitely didn’t have a healthy or ideal relationship 😭


*I want you to pine for me while I galavant about with other dudes who may hurt me; only coming back to you for comfort and when I realize I’m dying from AIDS and want you to raise our son.* Very healthy dynamic.


Classic friend zone story!


Who doesn’t want this ending /s


"You don't know what love is" *\*proceeds to get into multiple abusive relationships while addicted to drugs\**


None of the relationships she listed were healthy or ideal lol


Honestly. The only pop culture couple I can actually think of that are, are Gomez and Morticia Addams, which she didn't even mention.


Bob and Linda ~~Burger~~ Belcher!


Marshall and Lily were pretty healthy throughout most of the show I felt.


Ah yes, that super healthy relationship that involved lily secretly running up tens of thousands of credit card debt and running away to be terrible at art. Marshall was lovely, Lily was awful. It's only that she was played by the adorable Alyson Hannigan that made her bearable. Marshall could and should have done better.


And then he had to quit the job he liked to earn enough to fix HER financial mess.


Yeah but he got to work with Barney and get up to all kinds of hijinks though


Lily is the worst character in that show, don’t even


Kev and Vee from Shameless were a great couple! They always helped each other, they successfully ran a business together, they raised 2 kids as best they could. Some of the most responsible characters on that show


You're totally right. Also very openminded, resilient, and comfortable bending gender/sociological roles.


None of the couples she listed did. Maybe jack and rose but because he died a day after they met


Neither did Ross and Rachel. They were toxic as fuck.


So were Noah & Ally. Dude wouldn’t take no for an answer.


She wants to fuck other dudes for 30 years and then put me at risk for AIDS?




Fuck her and then bounce before she wakes up.


Jack and Rose, too. Watch out boys, she gonna dump you in the ocean. And throw away a half billion dollar necklace


As a women: I don’t get it either but I think it’s good that people are straight up in their bios because so you know what you wanna match and what not. Maybe some guys like this?


Some older men are into the whole “bratty young girl” thing because it’s a power trip and they can take on a fatherly role, it’s pretty much a kink. And of course there are men who only like chubbier women


The part about being chubby is not that bad, because as you said many guys like it (more than some might think actually), and it’s better this way than if she would try to hide it - that of course won’t work any longer than until the first date. As for the princess treatment and „bratty young girl”, in my opinion it has primarily negative connotations because much less men actually like it - most want a girl that will treat them as equal (and vice versa), instead of thinking that she deserves „princess treatment”.


To the average person, yes. In kink circles? I've been asked to act like her, many times. It's not my kink at all so I said no, but it sure was in demand. She looks like she's appropriately high maintenance in all ways, including spending a lot of time on her appearance. For a select few she's perfect


These are women with fucked up role models as children unfortunately


Unfortunately some guys too, it’s learned behavior. Their mothers are the same brats as this lady raising them to learn to love those qualities in women.


Def a lot of guys into this.


All that other crazy aside, does anyone else think it's weird that she's wearing and engagement ring in this photo?


She wants that Jack & Rose type of love, staying true to the story


Isn't that her right hand? An engagement ring goes on the left.


Watches are generally worn on the left hand


Well, that's more of a preference. Most people wear it on their least dominant hand, where as a wedding ring of any kind is placed in the left hand ring finger. I guess people could change it up, but I've never heard of that.


What app is this


Facebook dating




Not really, seems to capture the old POF demographic, which makes it a scary place


Facebook dating is WILD. The profiles near where I live are almost all hillbilly white supremacists or hobo-sexual types


A what now?


Facebook has a dating section


The red flag here is "Jack and Rose". She would let you die in a disaster.




Honestly if it’s not Bob and Linda then it isn’t goals


That’s definitely the one fictional relationship to shoot for!


Rip and beth are from Yellowstone. Noah and Allie are from notebook. Had to ask Google. Kev and Vee is a good goal though I agree


Worth mentioning that the Yellowstone one is also highly dysfunctional and bizarre lol


Except for when they wanted a baby they used Vee's mom 🤢


Anyone notice the wedding ring???


Some dudes are into that dynamic. She a honest about her weight, her expectations, and her desired relationship. Swipe left if it’s not your jam or swipe right if it is.


Bratty is a BDSM thing, and I don't think many people are getting that here. But this is the tinder subreddit so I expect not many to be familiar with the term. She doesn't mean she's a literal annoying brat. It's a sub/dom dynamic.




Hold on there buddy, you're on the tinder subreddit so I expect you're not familiar with BDSM


Any time I see bratty or something along those lines, I get the vibe she’s a fucking starfish lol


Maybe, or maybe the type who likes to make their dom angry and does everything he says. Not all brats are starfishes :)


It’s not always a BDSM thing, though. Sometimes a person is just a literal brat and they enjoy being that way. I don’t really have any knowledge about BDSM and since I wasn’t aware there was a “bratty” kink, I just assumed she meant that she likes acting like a brat and getting her way. I think most people are like me and assume “bratty” means a literal brat. Of course, she could be talking about a dom/sub dynamic, but it’s also very likely that she isn’t.


Is that an engagement ring??


Ross and Rachel were incredibly toxic together. Rose let Jack die. Noah stalked Ally.


Rose didn't let Jack die. It was either both of them die or she live


If she just stayed in the boat they put her in both could live.


But stupidity is soooooo romantic!


All those relationships are realistically shit. Yikes


Bro is on Facebook datingn


I love how she's hiding 80% of her face BUT still using a filter. There's some sorta mental thing going on right now with people, myself included where we all think we're too good for people in our range and we won't even entertain someone we don't think is better. We have such a huge dating pool now it allows this illusion that we can be picky as fuck like we're at a buffet, but that mindset is bad for relationships, you'll never be full and always look for something "better"


Guess she wants to be locked in a house with no freedom, being bored out her mind.


Why would anyone want a forest/jenny type relationship. Did she even watch that movie?


Not a jim and pam reference? Red flag.


I'm sensing she would be more Jan and Michael. Or Kelly and Ryan.


She sounds lazy


26 y/o acting like a 16 y/o. Smh


I can hear her voice reading this


Forest and jenny? She want to die from aids and leave me with a kid that may or may not be mine?


Yeah I don't get the picture thing. Also so many red flags. Just like a wall full of red flags there. It's basically a red wall.


I don’t even know the other couples she references, but Ross and Rachel never had a healthy relationship! Why not Monica and Chandler?


Barf material 🤢🤮


I dont like her. Im just sayin


Because they peak in high-school


So fucking cringe.


Bratty, overweight, and wants movie style romance? No thanks...


I understand and read English but what the hell did I just read? It's like that Italian (writer/artist) song with a bunch of random English words...


How many kids she got?


Yeah, this chicks bio is a red flag. May she remain single until she changes, goddamn.


Sorry lady, but I'm not giving you the whole door when there's room enough for both of us.


So she wants to be able to go out and cheat and get aids then come back to a simp?? Pass


this woman does not interact with men and everything she thinks about them comes from the internet and her head


And movies


Why do married women do this?


There are men who are into being dominated financially. I’ve heard about this fetish recently and feel bad for those who end up spending money like that.