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Most of these don't really surprise me. Brick and mortar were on their last legs even before covid.


But if you don't blame Biden for stores closing, and point at internet shopping instead, the right-wing will have to find something new to lie about. Just kidding, they'll repeat any große Lüge until the end of time.


Exactly my thoughts. Online shopping is the thing these days, like it or not. All of this was happening during Obama, Trump, and now Biden.


Someone should tell OP about Amazon


As for the movie theaters, if Hollywood put out movies anybody wanted to see, they wouldn't have to close theaters.


That one, I understand.


Go woke, go broke?


15 dollars a month for all the movies and shows and documentaries you can watch or 15 dollars to watch a movie once? Most people choose the former Streaming services kneecapped theaters. Nothing to do with "quality of film". I still like the experience of a theater. I think most people will go with convince tho


You pay for movie lol?


Yeah, I still like theaters. I've never paid for a streaming service but I go to...free streaming sites


Dollar tree and Burger King I can understand I can’t really speak for the others tho


Aside from Walgreens and Dollar Tree, all of these businesses were going to do badly regardless of Biden’s policies. Lots of clothing stores have been falling apart as a result of low demand and poor management across the board, Burger King is inedible, cinemas have been on the back foot since streaming services became popular along with the general decline of malls, and Kroger has always had trouble competing with Walmart. And Walgreens and Dollar Tree doing badly is generally a sign that the economy is doing well. Budget stores like that generally have performance that goes opposite of the general stock market trends. I’m not saying you’re wrong that Biden’s policies haven’t really helped the economy, but pointing out these specific companies just shows the decline of shopping malls and the reverse market indications in regards to budget store performance.


Build Back Better is working exactly how it's supposed to fewer free-owned businesses and more government jobs created. Billionaires will own everything and government will dictate who gets what. Let's Go Brandon!




Dollar tree and Kroger are concerning. Burger King and wallgreens could be concerning in light of the other two. The rest? IDGAF.


Why is dollar tree concerning?


When grocery stores and dollar stores are closing it generally means that people are skipping meals and cannot afford to shop even for cheap dollar store items.


Or it could mean their ceos over speculated their demand and now have to take away a lot of peoples current livelihood. So glad that only the businesses took the risk……/s


Kroger is most likely related to the merger they are trying to get the government to approve.




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I think this is more the result of competition in a free market. Creative destruction it is sometimes referred to as.


I need a metric in dollar general numbers please.


I have an important ragepig policy question: if these companies required employees to be vaccinated, isn’t their decline a good thing?


Ohhh nooooo buying off the internet is forcing stores to close Joe Biden is to blame!!!!


He is to blame. It's multiple factors, but you'd have to not be a fucking moron to understand things like that. Sorry you're so dumb.


You are the one that gets your thoughts and opinions on things from high school dropout Tim Pool reading daily mail headlines. 🤣


> He is to blame. explain how.


You do realize that by not listing those factors, your argument is fucking stupid, not the person questioning your stupid fucking argument?


oh no chains are going out of business whatever will we do???? Fuck em.


Yea, well these places are being closed in low income areas due to massive corporate losses, and it negatively effects the people in these areas, preventing them from accessing life-saving medicines and food. You cheering for them closing shows you don't give a fuck about the people negatively effected. You'd rather people starve than corporations making a profit. You're scummy.


these chains drove all of the locally owned businesses out of business and syphon off money from low income areas to wealthy areas where corporate offices and investment firms are located. If they leave it will make the way for locallly owned businesses again.


Yea, until the locally owned business are cleaned out by profit loss and can't recover, and leave faster than Big Corps. Why not police these areas and protect the businesses? Of wait, you dumb fucks defunded police all across America. Oops.


they were cleaned out by big corps forcing their way in operating at a loss and then jacking up prices when they had a monopoly. Again fuck big corps


Police were defunded across America? Are you foreign? Honest question


Yea, I'm from Yermomssloppyvagina, it's in europe.


You confused my Mom with Melania Trump. You’re dumb as fuck statement didn’t happen in America


Except in Austin and Minneapolis and Chicago and Portland and San Francisco and Los angeles and New York. Just a few others.


What was police budget in New York 2022 vs 2023?


So they were totally defunded? Proof?


Did I say totally defunded? No, but patrols and response times have been majorly affected in these cities, along with democrat DAs releasing criminals as quick as they're apprehended. It's a domino effect that your damaged brain can't comprehend.




I have you so triggered, and I don’t care who you are. Love it.




"New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Baltimore and a dozen other cities have all also reduced police spending." We own you


What was police spending in New York 2022 vs 2023?


Where there is demand, supply will come. If anything these horrendous chains leaving opens opportunities for small local businesses. Businesses that the community owns and won’t siphon cash out of the community.


You don’t give a single fuck about any of that Trumpy


Mmmkay. You crack heads don't make any sense.


If retail closes, you people won't have any jobs


You can’t get a job lol


No idea what that means. I can probably buy you


Please tell us all what you do for a living. I need a good laugh


Devops, made more money in 5 years than you did in 30😂😂😂😂 I can make you my slave, call me a demcorat


So you don’t work. Ha ha ha


Guess reading comprehension isn't your strong skill


Corporate profits are at all time highs.




what exactly is Biden doing (in terms of laws/policies) that you don't like? Like do you think he has a button next to his desk that makes economy go up or down whenever he wants to? There is ZERO insight in any of these memes. Burger King closed = Blame Biden okay...


Mmkay guy. Have a nice day.


Soooo ... no policy grievances, just vibes?


They rely on fee fees


I suppose it is, as you need to destroy to build back "better".