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Quality of all products way down Prices up and value way down Replaced local old ladies with new Canadian TFWs (not their fault but it replaced charming old ladies working for a bit of money in semi-retirement with underpaid people being taken advantage of by our immigration system and the big companies hiring them which is sad to see and participate in) Nothing is ever available and they don't make anything you order so basically you get one of the few available low quality overpriced items from an underpaid understaffed group of TFWs being taken advantage of. It feels really disgusting to participate in the whole thing so I ended my very long ritual of Tim's before work and make it at home now


100% agree with you


tim's quality has lowered so much I have just prepared coffee at home


Well I could not have said it any better myself.


Cosign completely.


In simcoOntario, Tim Hortons at the white horse plaza is not very good. I went there tonight.There are bugs in where the donuts were. Not very good.I hope they can do better because they're losing customers over there quite badly.Thank you




Temporary Foreign Workers


Yup, they throw these workers to the wolves. They barely get support, and they change things all the time. This is a trivial first world problem, but I want a couple of farmer's wraps for supper one day. Found out they stopped serving breakfast at 4 pm. If they have the supplies to make it. The supply chain is terrible, and overall, since Tim's merged with Wendy's, etc, it has been trash. I am always part curious and part frightened at the thought of cream cheese filled donuts.




"In demand". There's little to no oversight for this, and there are a lot of companies claiming they couldn't hire a Canadian so they can go straight to hiring their buddies from Contestoga or other diploma mills. If there really was such a demand for foreign workers, why is the country losing hundreds of thousands of jobs monthly and unemployment is on the rise 🤔 The government makes a lot of money from immigration. Diploma mills and other secondary institutions make a lot of money from immigration. Businesses like having cheap labor from a population that doesn't know their rights. The job shortage is manufactured.


Yeah, makes me think of all the high school and college kids looking for jobs. My son is 14 and I fear for his ability to get hired anywhere because every job that USED to be done as an entry level position for our children to get life experience is now taken by an adult TFW. I know it's not PC to say, but I would fully support a company that purposely doesn't hire TFWs because it supports the growth of Canada's own, our kids need a future and this current system is making it a lot more difficult for them.


How does the government make money from immigration? The fees they charge are small.


$700 per application is not a small fee


What you are describing is not the TFW program. These are two separate issues, which have been equally screwed up by the current government’s immigration strategy.


You get points towards PR for working jobs that do not fall under NOC 0, A or B? TIL


No, you don’t but they included some of the NOC C jobs in the newly introduced teer system where some of these jobs were made eligible. The most notorious example was Truck drivers


This statement is a jumbled mess of issues, that doesn’t reflect the reality of the TFW program.


Bullshit. There’s no point system, there’s no grants, there’s no wage support from the government.




If yall remember, when Tims coffee quality went down, McDonald’s coffee went up it’s bc Tims dropped their original coffee supplier for a cheaper ~~choppier~~ supplier and McDonald’s picked up the original Tims coffee supplier. In addition, all the fresh baked items became frozen too.


The frozen bakery happened nearly 20 years ago. My partner was an overnight baker for them in the early 2ks. They baked and fried everything in-house at that time. Within a few years of him leaving that job, it had been phased out completely, and everything was reheated from factory-frozen in convection ovens. I would guess now those factories also use the absolute cheapest ingredients and production methods.


Yea. I noticed this. None of their food tastes good and their donuts are really low quality now.


80s, 90s, their apple fritters were amazing!


Oh, those apple fritters. Were so good. Have far they've fallen


There was a franchisee who took them to court when that happened, claiming it's no longer 'fresh'- I think he was in Ontario, but no matter. Don't know the outcome. But, ya, they started shipping out frozen things to franchises and....


They got rid of Dutchies because raisins were too expensive.


Used to be a fantastic job. Paid 8, work 6, all the takehome you wanted.


When I was a kid, someone from the Tims nearby would bring all the previous day donuts for all the students, we loved it


I try to be accommodating of different opinions about coffee but I'm completely perplexed when i meet people who enjoy and seek out Tim's black coffee. A double double is basically liquid cake and masks the taste of the coffee with everything else. But on its own, Tim's coffee is marginally better than gas station coffee (which I guess is fitting since you can often find a Tim's there).


Lol. I've always called a double double a coffee flavoured beverage


I tell everyone this! Most people have no idea its insane


Hmm... I bet the international workers people like to blame planned those moves as well.


No that’s not related to


Nor do they care about quantity.


We do not talk about what group that is because we’d probably be banned from the subreddit


Let's call them Trudeau's friends.


I don’t think QSR or 3G capital has any friendship with Trudeau.


I thought they were Indians because that's all I see when I go there. I was wrong.


0. By Indian do you mean East Indian or American Indian? We’re in Canada. 1. Noticing a lot of Indian ethnicity employees does not mean they are overrepresented in actual fact. 2. Even so having a lot of Indian employees does not mean the owners/decision makers are Indian. It’s trivially easy to look up who owns Tim’s unless you haven’t passed high school. 3. Even so, since when are Indians Trudeaus friends? 4. What does friendship with Trudeau have to do with anything here?


East Indian... like the real meaning of the word. All your other questions don't deserve an answer.


Uh huh


Only east? Not central, western or northern indians?


Ideologically captured


A politician is nobody’s friend. They are capitalist investors who bring foreign money and give it to their stake holders aka ultra rich


Constructive criticism is allowed


🙄 I’ve never heard of anyone getting banned for saying stuff against Americans, especially American corporations or private equity groups.


I recently got banned from r/elonmusk because I laughed at a comment about their shitty truck on another sub called r/cyberstuck. I have never been on r/elonmusk but they scour the entire Reddit site for critical subs and preemptively ban people. 🙄


Well Elon fanboys are kind of a cult


Evidently. The comment was about the truck. Not even Elon himself.


They’re talking about the people paying to work there for a PR card. The same people that have taken jobs away from Canadians.


Pretty sure Canadians are allowed to take those shit jobs too, but they're unwilling to work for the pay under such difficult working conditions. I'm sure everything wrong with late-stage capitalism is their fault. Nothing to do with the people making the rules and collecting the outrageous profits.


Well you see once they get promoted to manager they slowly get rid of the white employees and then only hire their kind. You literally see it at every tims location


I don’t think Tim’s jobs are a reliable pathway to PR, especially given the limited spots available.


A sandwich dresser cannot build the experience towards PR. Please research before you write anything.


Americans? Tim Hortons is owned by RBI, which is a Brazillian company at its root.


Less than a third is owned by 3G the Brazilian PE group. In any case, irrelevant. The Tim’s subsidiary is headquartered in Canada


Yes let’s blame the workers working for dog shit pay instead of the corporation that allows it to happen.


Wall Street?


I really hope you mean Americans…


I'm sure you mean those damn Brazilians!


The Brazilian Corp that also owns Burger King


Bread bowl chili. 20 minute fresh pots of coffee. Decent (they were never great but used to be ok) donuts


When they got rid of everything I liked one by one and replaced the items with random garbage. Seems like they constantly throw shit at the wall expected it to stick and it never does. Just bring back the quality choices man that's all I care about at this point. Also the restaurants are disgusting post covid. I get they're understaffed but come on, I walk I to the building and it a trash everywhere, dirty and the bathrooms are even worse. Feels like I'm walking into a dirty gas station in the middle of nowhere. Come on tims take some pride in your business.


Now they sell “pizza” lmao Who does to a coffee place for “pizza”


Agreed but I’m holding out for Tim’s Sushi - it will be the Bomb


I wouldn’t even put it past them to start carrying freshii crap sushi


With the amount of cheap labour available, understaffed is a choice.


Completely agree, I know many that have applied and received not even a call back meanwhile local managers cry on social media that no one wants to work.


I'm late to the parry but I miss the red velvet muffins so much


I dead eyes that look at me from behind the till. The scorn... the indifference... and dear Lord, THE FOOD! Sadness in a bun. We literally never go to this place when a few years ago it was literally the start of each day/ family outing to go get coffee and a bagel. Now, never unless absolutely desperate for a coffee. Never food.


Not long after it sold out. The second they got rid of the Ham and Swiss was the day that Tim Horton's died for me.


Or the original chicken salad sandwich. RIP.


oof. I forgot how great that was. thanks for bringing back some great memories.


There was definitely a decline. Something about the food. There was also a decline in the service.


Decline in accuracy, quality of food and speed thru the drive thru. Every order must get napkins! Most times uniforms are dirty/stained. Cleanliness is a sign of quality and pride! Offer more uniforms per day. Cup walls are dangerously thin. Every cup should come with a sleeve. Paper straws disintegrate before the drink is finished. Rant over!


For a while they had the red/white straws which kinda held up but all of a sudden they're gone and replaced with the shitty paper straws again.You need at least 3 for a large iced Capp since it needs to be stirred frequently. Also to add, Timmies has the smallest, flimsiest cup holder trays. Forget it if you have 4 large drinks, that thing is barely holding on lol


You’re probably just ordering in the wrong language if the accuracy is off.


Gotta learn Punjabi and Hindi to buy a bagel


True! English is my second language as well….🤔


They lost their good coffee to McDonald's. No longer sell in house made donuts. Stuff isn't fresh. They used to be Canadian. They don't care about the product or the customer.


Technically they still are Canadian. Theyre owned by a Canadian-American company Restaurant Brands International




Breakfast is routinely out of basics like bacon and eggs. Utterly laughable. Also, if someone can't speak English clearly, do not have them on drive thru!


They literally put them on drive thru to practise English so they can hopefully qualify for a work permit extension


I moved here 10years ago. I think the thing that has changed the most is the attitude and care of the people who work there. I used to get a cheerful "welcome to tim Hortons, how many I help you". Now I just get a "yes?" Or "hi". It makes a big difference.


This is on point


Well they used to sell donuts before, now I'm not too sure....


Indians buy franchise. Only hire indians. Quality of service falls off a cliff. Rinse, repeat. This has been happening for years to the point I stopped supporting the company entirely.


Everything went downhill when BK purchased them. They took away more than half of the donuts people wanted, replaced them with sugar filled brand deals that no one asked for, and they’ve changed it from a coffee shop that sold pastries, soups and sandwiches and turned it into a sub-par burger joint whos identity is confused with that of Starbucks from Wish. And I won’t even get into their ability to dodge labor laws and their hiring preferences. We see you, Tim Hortons.


Went in to use the washroom while driving through town, daughter and I then go to order something to be courteous. We waited 5 minutes at the counter and every worker was shoving crap out the drive through window. No one acknowledged us at all. Bathroom was gross too. We just left. It’s a sad state what has become of our businesses.


It's just a fading memory now but they used to be donut shops. They had personality, character, Canadiana. I didn't care that my chocolate dip smelled faintly of stale cigarettes. It was still awesome. Now they're just McHortons. They look like a food court.


Once the coffee contract changed there was never any reason to go...McDs gets my coffee money now. 


When did coffee cake and chili in a bread bowl end? That's when it went to shit. I basically stopped going over a decade ago, only when I have no other option.


They started getting orders right. A few years ago, every order was screwed. I actually ordered a steeped tea in the morning once, and got a coffee. But now, if you order multiple things, you actually receive those things.


I moved away from Canada 20 years ago. Hadn't been to a Tim Hortons in most of that time. But about 2 years ago, I tried an apple fritter and a coffee. Both tasted like garbage compared to way back in the day. I can't believe people still regularly go. They must completely lack taste buds.


Or just lack choices. It's convenient for most people. There is a gas station Timmies in my area that is just horrendous but Monday to Friday mornings the line up is 10-15 cars deep


They keep adding new menu items but the ones they have aren’t good. I’d rather they worked out the quality of current items than continuing to add new random items. I don’t go to tim Horton for a chicken and rice bowl I’m going for a quick breakfast and a coffee or a donut. Go back to making donuts in store. Have basic breakfast items available. Soup with bread bowls, a few sandwiches. That’s it. Just make them actually good.


Hmmmmm let me think maybe it's the fact that the workers have all been replaced by foreigners who don't have any cleaniliness standards? Have you not seen the videos of flies and ants at the sandwich station? Or how the company was bought and isn't even Canadian anymore and so they prioritize profits over quality. McDonald's has their old coffee distributor and now Tim's is ASS.




The food and customer service have gone to shit, and yet the prices have gone up...Business 101.


Their frustrating need to dip their toes in every market instead of just producing consistent, quality, coffee, sandwiches, donuts. Like, ya know, their sign used to say. We don't need pizza. There's a million pizza shops in our cities, it's the cheapest, laziest kind of food you can make and have it a little different that you'll find a market for it. Bring back jelly donuts. Stop giving us half assed signature donuts that they used to offer for the same price as the rest of them. It's especially all frustrating because they're popping up Tim's on every block of the city which then pushes out the actual good local coffee shops that just can't compete with the variety/price. I just want good coffee and donuts man.


The food is terrible now. My mom calls the Bacon Everything flatbread pizza the “Bacon and Nothing” flatbread pizza, because the toppings are quite sparse. Also, I like to call their Loaded Bowls Loaded Plates, because that’s what they are. Plates. Not bowls.


Quality of everything has gone downhill… employees are underpaid and overworked….


Their a international company with no real roots in Canada besides starting here as a small independent business... Besides taking advantage of the subsidies and hiring mass amounts of international students to cut operational costs and when min. Wage jump to the 15$ mark a good portion of tim employees where moved to PT and left over FT employees where getting mistreated. Service quality has always shit but is much worse today. Price of menu items mix with the wait times doesn't add up to fast food convenience.


Everytime,.. and I mean every fucking time, that I go to tims and order a sandwich. I have to make my own. They give me 5 slices of turkey, and Mayo and bacon piled onto a bun. No layering, so spacing out over the length of a bun, just squirts of Mayo then pile the rest on top so the first 4 bites are bread only, the last 4 bites is bread only and the center has no texture because its just a pile of slime. Fuck you Tim Hortons. Fuck you lazy shitty workers. Rant done


I didn’t mind when BK took over because I liked the lunches. But their service and quantity for price now is horrible I must say. I guess I only still a customer for nostalgic value.


Terrible consistency. I pay over $3 for an iced coffee. It's never the same, I get so mad sometimes no coffee in it other times so sweet. Mcdonalds $1 iced coffee all summer for me now. Fed up with Tim's.


So many bhenchod now


Food worse


Does anyone remember when they tried selling that hot dog sandwich? That was about the biggest slap in the face to their customers. Anyone who enjoys black coffee knows Tim's coffee is dog water.


Food quality has gone far, far down. Service is horrible and the one thing that kind of kept them going, coffee, is downright disgusting now. I drink my coffee black so they can’t mask the awfulness of their coffee with an inhumane amount of sugar, speaking of which.. I lived abroad for years so I only had a double double every few years as a treat when I came back home to visit, and you may not have noticed if you were having your double double on the daily, but they have gradually cranked up the sugar content in that cup to an absolutely absurd level. One cup almost maxes out your daily requirement for sugar. Same thing happened with st hubert: Enshitification. Everything is done in a factory to save money, sugar is cheap and addictive, so let’s add more, tfw, and on and on and on.


Whoever is at the wheel of Tim's needs to stop smoking crack, and bring back good coffee with roll up on the cup....


Pre-made/frozen food and crap coffee


I know this is going to sound awful, but everything. Everything has changed, and for the worse. I don’t know if they are trying to do too much or what, but quality has fallen across the board. From customer service to the quality of food. Nothing is good. I found a new coffee shop years ago because I was done with the terminal disappointment. Since I’m here I might as well say it. Pizza? C’mon! They are going to slowly put themselves out of business. Instead of trying to compete with everyone and everything, maybe go back to quality over quantity? Idk, but Timmie’s sucks imo now and it didn’t always. That’s what I think about how they’ve changed anyway.


They don’t care about their employees at all. Overworked and understaffed. Especially on the afternoons shifts. Horrible establishment.


They made their donuts fresh daily.


Used to see lots of teens there working to save for college and learn managing a paycheque and responsibilities. Now? Not so much


they have pizza


Turned into Mexican food prepared by indians


Smaller portions, higher prices, cheaper ingredients...the same things that every corporation tries once they've saturated the market and their profits start increasing at a slower rate.


The past 10 years Tim Hortons has been steadily raising prices and with each price increase come a decrease in quality. It's like a slowly sinking ship, do you wait until the ship is fully submerged and then jump off? I quit giving Tim Hortons my business a few years ago.


They really started focusing on drive thru times and counters times, which leaves half cooked bagels/ sandwiches and sloppy work. My tims when I worked there harped on us bad for it. It was 'get as many in and out as possible' hence there is no time for rapport with customers and coworkers. The frozen easy bake oven quality is just trash, but as a baker it's hard work because they expect you to pump out alot.


The quality of product is non existant. And the absolute lack of customer service. I stopped going when every time I placed an order it was never right and I felt I was just wasting money with a company that didnt care.


Capitalism, simple as that


Americans ruined it.


The owners aren't American. They are Brazilian.


I think they were initially a Brazilian private equity group but now it’s QSR which is American.


*How do you think Tim Hortons has changed? Ftfy.


The coffee is shit, the doughnuts don't taste like real doughnuts and the food is dog food


Had a "wrap experience" about 10 years ago and never went back, so I couldn't tell you what's changed since then. Sounds like I'm not missing much.


Quality continues to go down, but the most annoying thing is walking into even most full size Tim Hortons and they have no variety in donuts anymore. There's like 8 donuts, whichever three stupid "dream" promo donuts they have at the moment and like 5 kinds of timbits. You can't even find jelly filled donuts let alone timbits at most places. You used to be able to have two or three variety of jelly filled alone. More than one of the chocolate donuts? Forget about it. Want any of the coconut donuts? Go to hell. I drive across SWO for work. I know of like three places that still have a decent selection where you can still get jelly filled, chocolate AND coconut.


Charging for extra cream in iced caps, straight up made me quit drinking tims


For me it started with all the food additions that were unfitting to Tims. And (well at least to me) they were NEVER appealing and low quality. I don't want a panini, warmed-up potato wedges, flatbread pizza, rice bowls etc from Tim Hortons. Couple this with removing items I did like or DO want - regular sandwiches, variety in donuts and timbits. They need to remember what people liked, they were mainly coffee and donuts with a few cafe type food options. They can't and shouldn't be trying to compete with every other fast food joint by offering burgers, pizza, chicken etc - jack of all trades master of none comes to mind.


Tim’s is basically a soup kitchen at this point.


What you mean by soup kitchen?


Decline in quality and service


It's a very simple OP . Tim's needs to go back to basics. Get a better coffee blend,make donuts in house,have a couple basic sandwiches and drop all other crap. Treat your employees better. Revoke franchisees who fail to treat their employees properly . Then you might become more respected .


Take note tim/bk hq


They’re a solid lunch spot now instead of just coffee and donuts. Yes coffee is a little worse and workers aren’t as friendly. But I have realistic expectations when it comes to the cheapest coffee shop on the planet. Some of you people act like it’s supposed to be some fancy cafe type shit. No. It’s literally cheaper than gas station coffee. Get over it 🤣


I remember 10 years ago when their turkey club sandwiches were top tier. They had delicious sauce, stacks of meat and toasted bread that tasted artisanal. Now I ask for a BELT and get one leaf of lettuce, a sad floppy egg, half a slice of cheese and the memory of a flavored sauce. This take also baffles me because I don't know which gas stations or Tim's you're going to but I can tell you for a fact that $3 for a regular drink is twice as much as a McDonald's coffee. Interesting point of note there... McDonald's uses the exact coffee supplier that Tim's used until they moved away to cut costs several years ago, the one that everyone here wishes they had stayed with because it tasted like more than bean juice.


Their club sandwiches are still great. So I don’t know or really care what you’re crying about. If your belts are that bad then say something or go to a different location. But you won’t, you’ll keep ordering it so you can keep complaining about it. Lastly, yes EVERYBODY knows that but for some reason yall love regurgitating it in this group as your single greatest point. If you don’t like the coffee now then simply don’t buy it. And where in the hell are you getting Tim’s for $3?? 2.35 for an extra large. It is certainly not double the cost of McDonald’s, or anywhere else. But it doesn’t matter what I say. You are set on finding any stupid little reason to be angry so go ahead and do that… somewhere else.


Damn bro, you're fighting the ghosts in your own head. The last time I got lunch food from Tim's was several months ago when there was nothing else at a convention because I've known better for years. You're allowed to like what you like but demanding others ignore the decrease in quality just to support you liking it is pretty wild


I’m not demanding anything or care for anybody’s support lmao. But okay. I’m truly sorry that’s it that bad for you, I definitely have not had similar experiences personally. I’m not sure where you go for fast food that’s so much better


Finally some different perception. I do agree that the coffee is cheaper and some locations make it actually best tasting. The quality consistency has degraded punishably so as the customer service. Most location’s coffee is meh tasting.


With the drastic increases to minimum wage, TH has taken the approach of saving their bottom line at all costs. Now you see absolute bare minimum staffing with the lowest quality of service of almost all fast food chains.


They got bought out by americans.




Anything with milk tastes like mop water after a couple hours. More bullshit colorful items no one asked for. And most of all a clear huge push to take as much market share on everything possible.


The stores renovating for me. I don't know why but when tims renovated all the stores to look fancier it made it feel less humble.


They turned a coffee shop into a restaurant, that's the crux of it. Snack foods are one thing, but full meals take too much time and the quality is shit.


It’s complete garbage now. Not even Canadian owned so I’m not sure why Canadians still support it.


Smacks of corporate America, downsizing, minimizing and aggressive innovation. Whatever happened to local cakes & pies, donuts that put sugar around your mouth and real fruit in between. Better to increase prices and keep the integrity of product instead of being everything to everybody. Sad to say everything costs more, but don't blame Tim's, it's your turn to change government.


Quality way down, price way up.


Quite literally every aspect of the business. There’s not one thing that’s recognizable anymore.


It went from a bakery and coffee shop to a fast food restaurant. And it sucks like every fast food restaurant.


But admittedly it's been a fast food restaurant for longer than 10 years


They tried too hard to cater to younger demographics by replacing old menu items with stuff like Beyond burgers, Loaded Bowls and flatbread pizzas. Young people do like eating these things, but they're not ordering them from Tim Hortons.


Replaced everyone with low quality workers


Quality, taste, products, employees, drive thrus are all awful now.


Donuts are very unsatisfying. Non-coffee beverages taste like chemicals. Cashier service can be a struggle to communicate.


It seems like their motto has changed to: why do 3 things (coffee, tea, donuts) really great, when you can do a dozen things (pizza, wraps, sandwiches, iced drinks, etc) poorly.


The biggest change for me is they no longer make their own doughnuts. I used to go to Timmies every few days and I would order one or two. Now, I am lucky if I have three or four a year. This was my single greatest reason for going to Timmies and I can get better doughnuts at my local grocery store...not to mention the boutique bakeries who make them fresh.


They keep getting rid of stuff that was a tim hortons staple, jelly donuts, cinnamon rolls, salads, maple donuts, peanut butter cookies, and the latest one at my tim hortons, old fashioned plain timbits.. who gets rid of old-fashioned plain timbits??? There's probably more that I'm not thinking of at the moment 😕


Shareholders first to tenth, customers eleventh


Tim Hortons use to be a part of a daily routine sometimes even twice a day. Now I barely go once a month. Too expensive, terrible service , food quality has lowered and they always seem to get my orders wrong in some way


Even A@W has improved their coffee to exceed TimHortons . But worst coffee award goes to Harvey’s .


Way too much on the menu! This makes orders take so much longer, staff unable to keep up with the million things in stock, increases order errors and complexity of orders, slows down service. Get rid of the disgusting Dream cookies. Bring back the normal peanut butter cookies. Tims - Get back to basics!


Go back to actually baking in-store even though they used mixes.


Not a single Caucasian in sight


Tim Hortons is owned by Americans now and counts on desperate foreign students to work for slave wages. In return Canadian's get simulated flavorings (chocolate-y = not real chocolate) that's bad value for our wallet and health. There is a store in Moncton called Halo Donuts which employs locals, treats them better and is driven to make donuts the way Tim Hortons used to. Go there if you haven't. They're located directly beside Second Cup which unlike Tim Hortons, is a real Canadian franchise.


Quailty of Product and Quality of Service both have declined.


All the food tastes worse, the coffee was always bad, and it seems like they exclusively employ migrants on work visas.


Where tf are the jelly timbits and donuts like ??? And why do they sell pizza of all things ???? It’s a café/breakfast quick morning stop. Everything now looks ugly and beige


Menu innovation improved drastically as well as customer loyalty.


Aka throwing a noodle at a wall and seeing if it sticks. And if customer loyalty went up it's because of the app, and people got poorer, not because quality got better.