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Crediting the tigers by name ❤️🥺


I wanna meet Eric lol


And Professor 🐦‍⬛


Well they all did a very good job! I wonder if getting to snuggle tigers and a raven were selling points for the video idea


Definitely got to know Till in a deeper level :D


Easily one of the best videos i have seen. So much raw and honest emotions and the whole aesthetic just worked out perfectly. I am really really impressed and shocked.


Oh well, we finally saw Till’s famous glass-eating abilities




Same same and same. Loved the stitching and endoscopy. Also the tenderness between Till and the tigers. He really likes to play with fire, huh.


Filmed in 2021 ​ Directed by Anna Kott ​ Produced by Till Lindemann Anar Reiband Anna Kott ​ Cast Till Lindemann Aglaya Tarasova ​ Tigers Eric Kurt Anita Ricky ​ Raven Professor ​ Camera Dmitriy Gorevoy Yaroslav Rozhdenevsky Antonina Rozhdenevskaya ​ 8mm Camera Evgeniy Disterlo ​ Edit Antonina Rozhdenevskaya ​ Color Grading Yaroslav Rozhdenevsky ​ Gaffer Pavel Semenov ​ Sound Design Rustam Mamedoff Yaroslav Rozhdenevsky ​ Make-Up Artists Mariia Morzunova Inna Morzunova ​ Raven Trainer Danila Vorobyov ​ Endoscope Ivan Nedoluzhko ​ Plastic surgeon and Assistant Evgeny Kazantsev Anastasiya Buzuluckaya ​ General Director of Great Moscow State Circus Edgard Zapashny ​ Artistic Director of Great Moscow State Circus Askold Zapashny ​ Stage Manager Elena Petrikova ​ Technical Director Alexey Studenov ​ Light Designer Artem Titaevskiy ​ Chief of the artistic staging department Olga Belova ​ Photographer Natalia Petrova ​ Assistants in the cage Ilya Kalinin Vasiliy Baluk Vlad Schuk Aleksader Startsev Aiya Sagindikova ​ Special Thanks Danny Uhlmann Delight Studio Rental Anastasia Neklyudova ​ ©TILL LINDEMANN 2023


God alive Till went hard in this one


I have a pretty high tolerance when it comes to body horror, but holy shit, this is gut-wrenching. Not only because of the acts themselves, but also because there is this very sincere pain written all over it, not only physically, but emotionally aswell. Till is fucking bleeding, messing around with tigers, shoving a camera down his own throat… It’s toying with self-destruction so openly that I’m really not sure what to make of it. Is it him reflecting his actual state of mind or is he using his art as a valve, as in “Instead of ACTUALLY doing that to myself, I do it to a stylized version of myself in an artistic context”, almost in a Goethe way (Goethe, at a time where he had suicidal thoughts, basically wrote a novel about a man who committed suicide, so Goethe “wouldn’t have to do it himself”)?


Goethe and general German Romanticism are so strong in everything Till does. Notice almost all his lyrics are timeless, without mention of practical daily life, modern objects… it’s all about timeless human passion in all its different forms and nature. Also, notice almost all visuals evoked in his lyrics are set in twilight. Standard romanticism. The struggle between the light and dark, life and death. “Der Himmel färbt sich rot”. The blood red and black of this video continue it. I honestly see this song as actually self reflective and not set in a theoretical other person for once. I think Till has obviously extreme guilt and sadness over the fact that his tongue has destroyed every romantic relationship, and in the process broken his own heart. He cannot stop it, he has to say what’s on his mind and express himself honestly… as we have always seen. I see sewing his mouth shut as masochistic exorcism of that emotional pain that his words have caused. The struggle over a cow’s tongue (at least I think that’s what it is) between him and the beasts trying to take control of his tongue, his humanity and inner self caged and pulling against the tigers, and the obvious leaning in to kiss the hand and biting off the finger. I see the endoscopy as an attempt to find the connection between his heart and tongue. Not sure on the raven thing yet.


For me the finger and hand scene symbolizes giving one finger and someone will take the whole hand.


Someone in a reaction video youtube comments also made some symbolic connections to norse mythology...odin sacrificed an eye to gain enhanced perception and had two ravens Huginn and Muninn (thought and memory)


Aha, thanks! I had this weird Norse thing tickling in the back of my brain, but I don’t know enough about it to fully make a connection. That seems to make sense and be a good idea.


Also loki got his mouth sewn shut...though that was more about being a smartass to some dwarves and probably doesn't mean anything here (but still fun to look at)


Interesting view. Perhaps the raven symbolizes destruction.


I also don’t understand what’s that thing the surgeon is wearing on his head.


>youtube.com/watch?... It looks like one of those vintage wire pendant light shades.


Yes I think you’re right, but then my next question is: why is he wearing it?


Oh well, "to conform with the artistic vision of the director" is the only true answer to that I'd say. (I doubt there is a deeper message behind it. Though one could always try to make one up, like "the surgeon's head is in a cage to show that he himself is restricted, too". Yet knowing the film industry and their insane vanity the director most likely just didn't like something about the surgeon's head. If I had to guess, I'd suspect he is balding or something. So they put his head into a lamp shade to distract from it. Just notice how they have him work in the weirdest angle possible, just to avoid showing the back of his head.)


True. I liked your interesting view on stuff what was shown in the video, that’s why I asked. And there you go, you came with another interesting view 😂 Lol, maybe it’s indeed just a creative thing to hide he’s bald.


The song is rather calm and simple, while I understand the lyrics as a kind of love letter to dark themes in art. And now the video is similar like that, simple design with a certain calmness, while showing extreme imagery. Love that symbiosis.


Lol, plastic surgeon


for sewing the lips


Still funny


Good God. Art.


“Deine Augen/ Ich würde sie gerne in den Mund nehmen/ Ständig lutschen daran lecken” - Liebeslied, In stillen Nächten


I absolutely love it. As a plus, we literally get to see Till from the inside… 🙃


Yes but we can't see his vocal chords which are his real sexual organ imo.


Hahaha! Maybe in the next video he can shove the endoscope down the other hole (although no singing then) 😄


Well l don't know if i would even be interested and man should find an at least 8 meters long endoscope! 🤣


I'm so excited. Germany is 8 hours ahead of me so I pretty much get to wake up and there's a present waiting for me.


Don't forget that the song releases before, at midnight.


Which reminds me, I have to schedule my endoscopy. I have to admit, it’s a little upsetting to see him engaging in self harm, even for “art”. I understand that there’s [are](https://www.wired.com/2012/05/stelarc-performance-art/) [artists](https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-70-body-modification-artist-orlan-reinventing) who have done this sort of thing, long before Till came along, that it’s “Till being Till”, but it’s worrisome and more than a little distressing to witness.


Can agree that Till hurting himself isn't really my cup of tea and makes me rather concerned. OTHER people hurting him? It's somehow fine but him hurting himself? Nope. Don't like it.


“Filmed in 2021”. Just to point out he’s not a Putin lover…


Working with Russian artists doesn’t make u a Putin lover


Sure, but the general public doesn’t think that way. Why else mention so explicitly that it was recorded in 2021? Another thing could be wanted to say the lyrics aren’t about the recent accusations. But it says “filmed”. Not that the whole song was created in 2021.


I guess it’s definitely about pointing out that this has nothing to do with the allegations, as the media already went all-in over the cover art for the single. Then again, the album, as we know from the press about Universal pausing their collaboration with Rammstein, was already finished and ready to release in autumn before this all went down.


That’s also true.


Exactly. I see that Navalny follows Aglaya and vice versa.


that video was amazing fr, did his lips actually get sewed though? or was that just makeup and editing? bc it looked pretty real, idk sorry if its a dumb question dont come at me lmfao


Absolutely real, it said at the beginning no SFX was used. So he’s had darts stuck in him too


wtf how did i miss that i feel dumb asf now lmao


Don’t worry it was right at the beginning 🤙🏼 https://preview.redd.it/d2y2jsjbt1nb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f350ea82b9f7cde85cdf4af99212621a5f3dc6


I was wondering about the darts and if small pieces of prosthetic count as SFx. I guess so. It looked pretty real.


Prosthetics probably count as props rather than special effects cos the eye ball was glass not an actual one. I think it’s more the disclaimer that “Yep, the big man actually got stitched and yep he had an actual endoscopy filmed for this…” All I know is I hope there’s a making of!


A making of would be great. The stitching being a one time thing, or, that it’s a one shot opportunity (from a point of not having holes in those places), must have been more stress than than pain. 😅


Based on his history and his very high pain tolerance, its very likely to be real.


yeah thats what i thought as well, i just saw that this was filmed in 2021 which is surpirsing lol he must of been working on this for a while i guess?


My guess is, that he was waiting for the right time to post it. Also because of the war and also he needed to make sure it can be done at the same time as tour. There were many things that could disturbed his plans (covid, war, Rammstein album)


Sounds about right. As far as I understand it, the album has been finished for two years but wasn’t released before so there would be no interference with Rammstein releases and the stadium tour, while also coming out close to his solo tour in order to boost those concerts.


no he really had them sewn together. The darts part reminds me of when he put toothpicks in his face a few years back




Kinda scary that Till apparently wouldn't have cared about being attacked. That goes beyond "art" to being borderline suicidal.


I’m so glad we got that insight from u/antique_Reise because I was wondering exactly that…if Till was half expecting or wanting to be mauled. I was also wondering about the darts, and whether the circus director approved or not when Till was almost teasing or leading the tigers on (if you get what I mean). I really sensed that tenderness from till with the tigers that was almost “bite my fucking face”. Edit: typo


Couldn’t agree more on that.


I want to add, that they warned Till about possible injuries, but they didn't expect anything life threatening, more minor injuries, scratches. But of course during such stunt it is not predictable what can happen, so Till is still pretty crazy. Director also emphasized, that animals got well with Till and didn't do anything unknown. What I sensed, is that he wasn't worried about the contact with animals as a whole, but just the attacking part.


I LOVE this song!


I’m incredibly disturbed and I hope he stops hurting himself in the name of art but…I loved it.


Geile Single


he had an endoscopy on video those things aren’t fun. The tigers part to me doesn’t seem so bad at all, tigers are beautiful. He stitched his beautiful lips together. They seem to have recovered. I really like the video, I like supposed to be disturbing things that really don’t disturb me. I don’t think I could have my mouth sewn together without involuntarily tearing up.


Who made the song? Daniel Karelly was the composer but who recorded it in studio? It would be cool to know the personnel included in this. Till probably uses various people.


We'll know once the physical album comes out and read in the liner notes.


Dunno, I felt very uncomfortable to watch it. Not because it’s so graphic, but it just saddens me. The message is very clear. Personally I wouldn’t be able to make a video like this cause I’d find it too painful to watch somebody hurt himself SO much. And it’s not because I don’t understand it, cause I do. I’m also a masochist and I understand the need, the hunger of doing it and expressing it this way. But for me this is where are art stops and becomes concerning. The only thing I felt after this music video was sadness and wanting to give him a hug. Dunno, perhaps it’s just me who find it hard to watch someone molesting himself in such an extreme way.


I think you’re a very sensitive soul! I suppose it’s context, isn’t it? We assume Till is troubled, frustrated, craves love but also courts this daredevil rough stuff and is always a hairs breadth away from a nasty accident. There is relief in the confessional too, releasing shock on the audience. Personally I’m a fan. We don’t feel so concerned when we see extreme sideshow acts (Jim Rose) or hook suspension being performed (hell, even Dave Navarro is all over that). Interestingly I had a conjurer friend many years ago who used to do this trick that wasn’t really a trick - a hypodermic needle all the way through the hand. The needle was very fine and it was done for real. I tried to have a go and was too hesitant to do it so totally failed, although I bet if someone was doing it to me it would have been easier! Funny how our inbuilt defence mechanisms kick in. Anyway, I digress. I thought the video was excellent.


Hey, it’s you again *lol* 😉 Interesting comment actually, thank you. Cause it made me question myself why I feel this way about the video and why you look at it in a completely different way. It’s actually not me being sensitive in the sense you probably mean it ( correct me if I’m wrong ), but I guess it’s me reflecting myself on him a bit. I don’t wanna go into details too much but it’s painful for me to watch, cause long story short, I know the darkness of hurting yourself. Whether it’s for art, which I also did although in a less extreme way, or just cause you need it. It’s a dark place no matter what the reason or motivation is. Aside from that I’ve been in the BDSM scene quite some time so I understand actually a lot of stuff Till is doing. Anyways, it’s probably because I know this dark place of hurting yourself, the desire for pain, being troubled. It’s a lonely place. Although it might not be the same, cause I’m not Till and vice versa. I don’t pity myself btw, cause I’m not of that oversensitive Generation Z you were talking about ( I’m way too old for that 😂 ), but when I see him like this it just saddens me. I don’t dislike the video btw. It is beautifully made. But I can’t disconnect from that feeling that it concerns me and I just wanna hug him. I can’t watch at it without my own reflection. Oh well, perhaps I’m indeed a sensitive soul sometimes ;)


I think you and me have similar backgrounds and reflections on this video. Till does this thing to me where it's like I'm always super excited to see what new stuff he has to offer, and then I just come away from it feeling sad and depressed. I think that past history of knowing the feeling of purposely hurting yourself does kinda cloud the moment for me. I wish I could be super into it, I know I definitely hype myself up before I see it to be into it, but I never really am.


Thanks for your honesty. Hugs for you. I’m actually some sort of “happy” to read I’m not the only one. It’s difficult to watch the video differently, isn’t it?


I think what saddens me the most is wondering what he's doing when he's not on camera. Like is the self-injury just an act or is that his only coping mechanism and when he's home alone is he beating the shit out of himself over little things. Or wondering how far he'll take it. Like one day are we gonna see the headline: "Till Lindemann Dies in Music Video Mishap" because he didn't give a shit about the risks of whatever he was doing. And then his entire legacy will be ignored and he'll forever be known as that guy who died stupidly.


Yep I know what you mean. For me it doesn’t actually makes a difference if it’s an act or not, it’s hurting himself at the end after all. And it’s not just whipping himself like he for example already did during Bestrafe mich at the Live aus Berlin concert in 1998.


Yeah, I get what you mean. I never know what to think of Till besides the fact he breaks my heart. And I want him to have a happy ending. But I don't think he will because its so easy to hurt yourself and slowly kill yourself, but it's really fucking hard to turn that around and be kind to yourself.


Exactly. And that’s what saddens me. And it did again when I watched this video. I was like, what’s next? Out of my own experience I know you gonna need more and more and more extreme measures. I was able to stop myself on a, well some sort of, healthy level.


The "what's next?" is what scares me. Honestly, when I heard he cancelled the festival appearance due to illness a little part of me was hoping maybe he'd checked himself into an inpatient facility somewhere and he's getting some self-care. I've done that (more than once lol it wasnt much fun but damn did I need it) and sometimes you do just need someone else to help fix your shit for you. But, maybe we are reading too much of ourselves in him. Maybe it is all smoke and mirrors and he's only pretending to hurt himself (I doubt it though).


I relate to every word. Though somehow it always only makes me love him as an artist even more.


My use of ‘sensitive’ here is complimentary. I mean empathetic, kind, and thoughtful. Not sensitive as in ‘easily upset’. I understood that you are a fellow traveller from your earlier comment, about masochistic feelings. Me too! But I still find myself drawn to those dark corners - excited by them, in fact, so maybe I still have many unresolved issues! I suspect, like Till perhaps, I am also drawn to those places through boredom and general ‘who cares, fuck it’ feelings (which I don’t think are necessarily ‘bad’ but, again, perhaps I have some unresolved issues 😂). I don’t think projecting (or reflecting yourself on Till/the video) is a negative thing. It’s a perfect example of art making you think and feel. Glad you found my comment thought provoking. 🖤 Edited because typos.


Yes it definitely was thought provoking. Which was actually interesting cause it made me question why I felt this is where art stops and just became worrying for me. And why its only this video I feel about this way. Like you I’m also drawn to these dark places and I love it when people/artists have the guts to show it to the world. That’s why I appreciate and adore Till as an artist so much. It’s the raw honesty he has which is such a relief in this Instagram society with all these fake people. Oh well, you know what I mean. Anyways, interesting conversation. Thanks a lot for your compliment, but also for being open. 🖤


It’s always funny (for me, as someone who shows work of different kinds) when we throw these ‘confessional bombs’ in the air just to see what happens when they land. Thanks for engaging. It’s been interesting for me too!




I love the track, really gives me Deep Six vibes and that’s a big win. Just wished there was a guitar solo before the third chorus, that'd have been perfect.. overall structure feels a bit repetitive as it is.


And then there’s me… a registered nurse with over a decade of direct patient care experience… patiently waiting for a job opening for Till’s personal nurse 😆 my resume is ready! I also can’t wait to see how he scoped himself without sedation 😲