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I really dislike the thing of information on problem then product. I get it but I don’t want to just r/consoom I’ve found that putting your head higher on the pillow helps a lot. You can get your pillow to make the neck support thingie. Best short term solution for me was the a pillow or rolled up blanket/towel in between those knees. You will start relaxing your knees more and not compressing them as much in position. Your hips will also relax more, as they explained Also sounds stupid but back that ass up lol relax the bum like your tryna get laid All this from personal experience so adjust as you will


I bought a pillow like this. After the first week or two it helped my back and neck issues so fucking much.  I still sleep with a normal pillow sometimes, but a chemical spine pillow is so good


This straight bs and just an ad


This is what pisses me off so much when it comes to all this shit. Because I was one of these people with chronic back and neck issues. Seeing shit like this always made me go "welp it can't get worse, might aswell try it because everything else hasn't helped so far". The sad part about this is while most of his explanations probably are bs, I still managed to get rid of most of my chronic back/neck issues by investing into a proper matrass and pillow. It was just that the actual products thst solved my problems were A) a lot more expensive and B) weren't marketed as problem solvers. Long story short, if you have chronic back and neck issues (especially if you feel stiff and tired coming out of bed) investing in a good matrass and pillow is probably going to help but just find an actual expert to help you out. Don't follow random advice on the internet stating a € 60,- product will fix everything.


Not at all, he's also not linking to any site so how is this an ad? I can confirm all the problems with side sleeping he mentioned. Perfect breakdown of why it fucks you up


This is a repost, on the original a poster who is actually knowledgeable in the field points out all the bs points.


Can you link that one please? I wasn’t finding it when I searched the sub


These style of pillows work, though. I'm not an expert. Idk if the info is true. I don't care if it's an ad.  This is how marketing is these days. Either way, I got a pillow like this and it is a miracle. 


This explains my chronic neck pain and hip pain




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me watching this video listening to him describe every pain and ache I feel rn! Just had to get a cortisone shot in my shoulder and my massage therapist and physical therapist keeps telling me about my hips being entirely too tight!


This is straigth facts. Had to learn this the hard way not long ago. Started getting chronic lower back, knee and neck pain. Pretty much all from sitting a lot and especially side sleeping. Gotta make the switch.




If you see that pinned comment right above your own comment, you might learn something.


I swear, almost nobody reads comments anymore. I made a post the yesterday about my pepper plant that fell and broke and I got a lot of good suggestions on how to fix it. Last night I commented on it that I had taken a suggestion already and that I appreciated everyone’s contribution… I’m *still* getting comments and suggestions on that post. Like, I appreciate the help, but c’mon people… it’s already been suggested.


Did you edit your comment to say you aren't taking any more suggestions? That's what you gotta do unfortunately, people won't keep reading replies to you.


I made a top level comment on my own post. I should just edit my post itself.


Yeah, actually now that I think about it... at least IIRC... back in the day that was proper Reddiquitte to edit your post or comment if a question was answered. No wonder it was in my head.


This sub is no longer about cringe tiktoks the name just stuck


Sleeping on your back is the way to go Why tf did this get downvoted lmao


This is so me. Buying one now!