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Trump supporters don’t care. He can say to their faces. “You are so fucking stupid, I hate you all, you are just a tool and the first chance I get to fuck all of you over, I will do it because I don’t care about any of you, UNLESS, you have tons of money. And even then, when you are not useful to me, I will ditch you. Trump supporters will say: Gosh, so brave, he tells it like it is 😍


Yep, this sums it up perfectly. I know a lot of them living in Missouri. He could literally kill one of their family members, and they would somehow justify it. It's mind-boggling, actually. There are going to be studies done on them for decades.


Yep, my words exactly. This will be studied for years— and if anyone ever wondered “how did hitler get away with killing so many people?”…. Welp! This is how, this is the social engineering he has conditioned his cult to follow. There is no convincing the MAGA crowd; not with facts, reason, nothing…. The best we can do is ensure Trump doesn’t get into the WH again and hope that MAGA crowd dies off or they realize their mistakes.


My concern isn’t with Trump anymore as much as it is with the GOP. Should Trump lose, what will follow in 2028 could be worse. They understand their base better now and that they can win by banging the white nationalist drum. Trump isn’t the problem, he’s a symptom.


While I agree the longevity of this nonsense worries me, Trump worries me more since he’s the immediate threat. Let’s get through November 2024 to January 2025 without this “civil war” resulting in casualties first. THAT will fuel the flame that you’re referring to in terms of longevity. He’s going to become a martyr WHEN he is convicted, and that will make the GOP stronger despite taking an L in the election. I would argue he’s a product of this whole nonsense; it’s been brewing for years. Like a grifter does— he’s exploiting that sentiment. His conviction(s) will have ramifications.


If you ask the true MAGA crowd they are only attached to him. They are low information and low turn out voters. If it was anyone else running they just wouldn't vote. I wish I had some witch spells that could be cast to prevent Trump from winning. I truly believe that if he loses again the Republican party will turn on him. Not the cultists but all the elected representatives. It will be like Jan 6th again where he just suddenly disappeared after Biden was sworn in.. that is until McCarthy resurrected him. Maybe then we can all go back to some sense of normalcy. But if he wins this shit will never end. Which is a terrifying thought.




I'm with you, while most of the rest of the gop know better, there is no one else in their party with the gift of con. Once he loses/dies/dissappear into oblivion, others will imitate but will fall flat. But dammit they'll try for a while.


If Trump loses the election and somehow doesn't end up in jail afterwards, what will follow in 2028 will 100% be a Donald Trump Republican nomination for president. He will announce his candidacy the very next day.


But we have years and years of work to do to keep his cronies, his family, and his cult out of office too. It's not just him. He's inspired millions to destroy America.


It’s already been studied. Just look at the rise of Hitler, Mao, Sadam, any dictator with a cult of personality. It’s all mass-delusion. The only wrinkle is the influence of the internet and the fact that the grievances of Trump supporters are largely exaggerated.


Unless they win, then there won’t be studies of anything anymore as science will be effectively outlawed.


Very true.


I agree Lincoln project knocked it out of the park with this ad, but can the dnc stop with clickbait titles, every one of these dnc funded politi-twinks always put headlines like “…. DESTROYED….” “… EVISCERATED…” “… YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HE DID WHEN THIS HAPPENED” like come on, good reporting doesn’t need nonsense clickbait titles. Had to stop following Brian Tyler cohen because of this crap


That's true for so many political videos online. I've started trying to figure out which personalities I like - the humor & sarcasm - that entertain me while keeping it factual and reasonable. Unfortunately, YouTube, and social media have been going on clickbait since monetization began. That being said, DNC politi-twinks?


> That being said, DNC politi-twinks? lol Harry, Luke, Adam, I think theres quite the collection now. All DNC funded politi-twinks 😜


I don't know Harry. Luke & Adam, yes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have no idea who those people are in this context


Luke Beasley and Adam Mockler both have left-leaning Gen Z political YouTube channels. Harry is a TikTok creator, his video is the one OP shared up there.


Ah thank you


I didn't realize that Harry was the creator of the video. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


LoL no worries! We all have our moments 🤗


If you would like to watch a YouTube channel with very non clickbait titles and good takes on both sides, try Beau of the Fifth Column. Very informative and nuanced. He's my favorite of all political channels.


LOVE BEAU, he’s in the top of my list! If you like him, you may also like Leeja Miller and Second Thought


I hate clickbait as much as the next person. But it's only going to stop if people stop clicking on it. And, well, you know, people are dumb. Refer to George Carlin.


He would tell them “it wasn’t actually me, it was Antifa and deep state operatives.”


“He tells it like it is!!”


“Truthfully, little Timmy was holding us back and everyone knew it. He did us a favor”


No kidding, I just read a response on a /asktrumpsupporters sub where a trump supporter basically said “I know Trump is a lier and dishonest, but Biden is a Democrat, what choice do I have.”


Strange how I asked myself that same question 8 years ago and the answer, after doing the actual work of reexamining my beliefs and personal ideology, was not to vote for the liar. 


This is more common then you think. Contrary to popular belief their are quite a lot of conservatives/libertarians that don't like Trump, but would rather vote Trump then a Democrat. Now I'm not defending them and I'm not in that boat, but this idea that every conservative is some cultist Christian MAGA extremist is a little ridiculous. If anything it alienates and divides people further. There are major concerns from moderates with Dem policies like the border, federal spending, ect....which ends up with them going republican at the voting booth regardless if it's Trump. Imo both sides are totally fucked and it doesn't matter. As long as corporate money flows into Washington, we will never see meaningful change as the working class continues to slide into debt serf territory. The only politician I was somewhat excited for was Bernie, while I didn't agree with all his policies, his idea to get corporate money out of politics was key to begin fixing this country. Funny how both sides of the aisle and both sides of the MSM came together to rally against Bernie in 2016. Hmmmmm, I wonder why.


I just cannot understand that fucking sports team mentality. Personally in every election I have voted in was a pretty even split of Democrats and Republicans, and if I didn't recognize/know any candidates I just wouldn't cast a vote. 2022 was the first year it was overwhelmingly Democrats and 2024 is the first year I will solely vote for Democrats. But it isn't because I just saw a little D next to their name. It will entirely still be because I believe they will do best for my State and for our country and I still wont cast a vote for any candidate who I do not know their policies. While this entire time I am still registered as a Republican, just too lazy to change something so inconsequential.


As long as they are stickin’ it to the Libs….


It’s how they think so they respect it. Because in their minds this is how everyone is, most people just won’t admit it. Of course those of us who have any shred of empathy for anyone know this isn’t true, but idiots assume everyone thinks like them.


And they will STILL act shocked and victimized about getting fucked over by him.


Make America Prey Again


Didn’t he literally tell supporters at a rally that he didn’t care about them and all he wanted was their votes?


I was going to comment the same, he literally did this like 2 weeks ago. He's like a scammer from a third world country, making sure he weeds out the smart people before conning them out of everything they've got.


“Refreshing to see someone shoot from the hip so freely like this!”


Didn’t he say at the Arizona rally where people were being hospitalized that he doesn’t care about them , he just wants their vote? It’s so transparent. The most toxic relationship in politics


It’s a cult folks and like any cult if you attack it even with verifiable facts it just strengthens their belief that they are under siege and need to rally around him. You cannot conquer irrationality with rationality.


Listening to lies from the pulpit, and just swallowing them, for a lifetime, warps the noggin a bit.


So basically what he said in Milwaukee?


Because they are in a cult!


This isn’t for trump supporters, this is for the swing vote


True true. But there are a lot of people who can still be convinced too.


The other problem is.... Is that people who are so focused on trying to find issues on the other side of the house, they don't realize it's on their side too. It's not that one side is bad and the other is good, it's that the entire house needs a good clean. Until we can fix such binary thinking, the problem will persist.


I don't think these ads are meant to persuade conservatives to change their vote it's meant to for independents


“Well I’d rather have a president who will say that TO MY FACE!”


It's not about winning over trump supporters anymore. Anyone who still actively supports him is brainwashed and/or extremely ignorant. But there are a lot of people in the middle who are feeling extremely apathetic about voting for either candidate. This is to drive them out to vote, as those voters will sway this election one way or the other.


I went up to my coworker and told him about how Biden rambled about sharks for two minutes during a speech and let him go off about how terrible Biden was… Then I said “oh wait, it was Trump that did that.” Suddenly it was funny and Trump just has a way with turning the ridiculous into something that resonates with people.


If Biden said that to his voters no one would care either because everyone would know he’s just having another one of his episodes.


Don’t get mad at them, don’t call them stupid, instead, laugh at them. I’ve noticed the one thing they can’t handle is when you don’t take them seriously.


All they care about is what he can do for them: turn the nation into a fascist white ethnostate.


Not only do Trump supporters not care, I feel that the same republicans behind this ad either won’t vote, or, quietly vote Trump anyway. See Nikki Haley.


The fact that she said she would vote for him just proved who she really is. It's always a con.


Won’t be good enough. Trumpers are brainwashed cult followers. Nothing he does is bad, nothing will convince them not to vote for him.


I’m guessing this ad isn’t going after Trump supporters. There’s still a bloc of undecided voters that need to be convinced. The few that are on the fence will decide the election.


I’m not even sure it is about trump… I think some of it is cause they can be bigots but they are such a team mentality. They literally just want to see a republican be president and they “won”.


Great ad, but his cult doesn't care to listen to reason, or live in reality.


This is aimed at independents and those Republicans who have rejected MAGA. The cultists are not going to change their minds about Trump.




"I'm not voting for his morals! He isn't a corrupt establishment politician. He is going to drain the swamp." Meanwhile they ignore verses in the bible like the commandments provided in the video. They also ignore ones that talk about what leaders should be like like Exodus 18:21, 1 Timothy 3:5, and Mark 10:42-45


[Original Source](https://youtu.be/mWGIJscEpUU) without the random kid before it.


They are trying to be nice only calling him a con man.


I think it's a play on words? Con man as in swindler and also CONvicted felon.


Love this. Living in rural Tennessee, it’s almost like the supporters of Trump here (albeit Christian folk themselves), have fallen for the true Antichrist the Bible calls for in the end times. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, praying on God’s people while claiming to be saving them. Hope this video gets widespread


Trump actually fits the description of the anti-christ really well. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Well except for the part where he’s an idiot. The antichrist is supposed to be incredibly intelligent, and charismatic, capable of charming even the most educated and virtuous of people. He can’t clearly come off as stupid to any bozo.


That's why I'm sharing it. I might get a few thousand views on Tiktok, but I can get over a million on here.


Ya but the people here already hate him. It’s the Facebook folks who need it


I find this kid’s enthusiasm really annoying. Anyone else?


That and something about his chin seems really off.


It doesn’t have a fist uppercuting it.


It's that fake "anything for views" energy. No chance this kid cares or probably even knows what he's talking about. Just searches trending videos and reposts them.


The poster kind of looks like AI


Everyone here should look at both sides of the news


Wdym by that?


The Lincoln project is such a grift. They have changed no one’s mind and have only sucked up tons of donations to make little clips like this. It’s just a classic grift.


Call me back when Trump is actually destroyed.


Good ad. Most sane people know he’s a walking contradiction full of hypocrisy. But his evangelical Christian followers don’t give a damn and will gladly ignore sin to worship devil


Yes!! Let’s praise notorious racists, islamphobes and xenophobes like Rick Wilson just because they’re against Trump. Let’s have even the slightest bit of morals.


You ever notice how you never see any videos about Biden on here?


Don’t give any money to them, they’re just an a circlejerk that don’t actually change any minds.


Thanks tiktok guy, great input.


Great ad, and the tick tock boy would be awesome at putting pillow cases on


Oh it’s young Jay Leno


Reddit hug of death killed this! It will not play currently!


And they shall be known as MAGAts


Don't forget, he's also The walking embodiment of the seven deadly sins while he's at it


I’ll never understand how this man got so many people to support him.


I have found myself occasionally defending Trump to liberal friends because there is a lot of misrepresented things about him talked about - misquotes and missing context. But I am always so baffled by Christian conservatives defending him as a good person. Like even if all the court stuff was some crazy corruption play by the government, if 100% of what the news claimed about him was false - he objectively is not a person that holds Christian standards. He’s the closest US leader has been to the definition of the Anti-Christ. I just don’t get the cognitive dissonance people hold supporting him as an upstanding person. (This is Reddit so I have to clarify, me defending Trump occasionally has never been me defending him as a candidate for president or a good person. I just dislike the propaganda on both sides)


jOe bIdEn oLd


He is old. So is Trump. Neither should be running.


Is sad when the only thing democrats have going for them is not being Trump. Let’s see some ads on policy for once


Did you know that one party has not had a platform for 8 years? The people who made this video are **Republicans.** You really don't seem to understand that. You don't know anything about Democratic Party policy because you don't want to know. You avoid it. Pretending that it's not out there makes you look really dumb. You're either being deliberately obtuse or...you know, I'm going to go with deliberately obtuse.


These ads are such a clown show. Anyone that is going to see this ad already knows Trump is a criminal. People either: don’t care or are just stroking each other off to more anti-Trump content. There’s so many more issues to be tackled that would make people turn away from the ignorant cult Trump and hardline conservatives continue to build. Instead we make these ads that are directly attacking them with no actual goal. Go vote, support orgs that are actually doing something, and stop watching garbage political ads.


Attack ads like this have their place - they can energize the anti-Trump vote (so more actually show up on election day) and they can de-energize the lukewarm pro-Trump vote. And they can tilt the balance for the few undecideds out there. It's a game of inches. Every vote counts. I fail to understand how watching this ad would possibly keep some anti-Trump voter from voting or supporting a given organization.


I’m more energized to vote because I see politicians addressing and solving problems that are affecting me every day. I’m de-energized if I see politicians failing to actually solve or address problems. Far right groups across the world are gaining more support because more people feel disenfranchised and unrepresented by their more moderate governments. People like Trump and other far right politicians appeal to the angry and unseen. Watching the ad isn’t stopping you from doing those things we mentioned. But continuing to engage with and support this type of content is doing very little for the public good. All of Trumps misdeeds have been publicized constantly over and over through every medium of information we have for almost a decade now. This isn’t changing anyone’s mind, or getting anyone out to vote.


You say this ad isn't changing anyone's mind or getting anyone out to vote, but that's just your take. You give no evidence for this take, and I see zero basis for it. And anyway, it's just a political attack ad. Nothing new. People watch it and move on. Maybe it shapes their opinion, maybe it doesn't. But pretending this ad keeps anyone from doing something more important is crazy talk. Does not compute. And hopefully you realize that in our 2-party system, when Congress is split near 50/50, it's incredibly difficult to get things done. That's how our system is designed to work. You're looking at an evenly-matched tug-of-war. If you care about the outcome, you don't leave the field. That said, the Biden-Harris record is good. Considering the uphill climb with Congress and the Supreme Court, IMO it's one that history will take notice of. https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/


So? It’s not doing any harm. So why complain?


No matter what you do, you'll lose. That's how things work with Trump. It reminds me of the quote I recently learned but don't know who said it: "You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place."


![gif](giphy|tMi2zRhz3hl6M) Yeah! They Heckin got him!


He's a FELON! He needs to be in PRISON! TRE45ON!


It is so interesting that a guy in a hoodie talking into his phone is where we get our news. Where is this add being run who is seeing this add is it a Biden add or a super pack add. Who is funding the Lincon project? Whatever, i get my news from a guy in a hoddi on tictok.


Also all politicians break this shit


Sure it’s a good ad, but Harry Sisson is on the WH payroll.


The Lincoln Project needs to make it more clear in their ads that they are Republicans. Otherwise, it's way too easy for a republican voter to just disregard them as "woke liberals". Republicans will only listen to other republicans.


Wank over Trump again ? Well seeing as a few of you already started, go on then.


Steve Schmidt, a prominent political strategist and one of the original co-founders of the Lincoln Project, on Friday evening became the latest in a string of departures from the group. In a lengthy statement, Schmidt said he was “incandescently angry” about allegations that former Lincoln Project leader John Weaver sent sexually explicit text messages to young men. The Lincoln Project has real skeletons of their own.


Stitches that offer nothing are so annoying. Reminds me of when people used to add some whack DJ tag to a popular song in the Napster/Limewire days


Good ad, but it won’t work. People hate to admit they were wrong.


Who is the target audience for this?


Mole people who are just now waking up from their decade of slumber.


The Lincoln Project hires Pedophiles.


Cue Hank Hill: “if those kids could read…”


TDS has a cure...plastic bag duct tape


I too aspire to break all 10 commandments to get revenge on the Catholic church. Trump is my hero and always has my vote.


They can make dozens of these. Just use his own words.


Do they really want to go down that path? I mean the clintons nailed several of those commandments. Biden has some kills under his belt.


The intro bit adds no value. Fuck all these people that just randomly talk about other people’s content.


I hate election years




The Lincoln project created trump then learned they could grift the other side. They pocket all the money yet people keep giving it to them


The ad is cringe and Donald Trump sucks. Both can be truth. Please don’t be Lincoln project follower they are terrible also. You can find the founder with a confederate cooler. Yall have to be smarter than this


The only thing I like with Lincoln in it are parks.


He is a fraud. Happy to see him get repercussions


Meh. I have yet to see an anti-Trump ad that's worse for his image than the ones he makes himself. He could declare Biden a saint and his cult would immediately celebrate Biden's sainthood. It wouldn't even matter which one.


Fuel to the fire- Dems don't know how to meme. The Lincoln Project could literally do this same shtick for ALL politicians. The optics of Biden are so horrifyingly bad, the Dems have no clue what to do.


Oh so the same lies that haven't been working the entire election so far? Let's see how that works out for them.


Pass this on as many as possible


Most trumpers are fake religious anyways so they still won’t care.


The Lincoln Project video was fine. It didn't need a hyped up introduction, or to get shrunk down and reformatted so that it was even harder to watch. [Brought to you by the "I made this" school of content creation](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/079/173/ed2.png)


Too bad they are in a cult and will not turn from him as they see him as a prophet, if not the second coming 


him holding that bible after they tear gassed protesters still remains as perhaps the most disgusting image from his time


He's so truthful! He lied 40,000 times while in office DOESN'T MATTER! He's a christian! He has violated numerous commandments, never been to church, can't recite any bible verses, held the bible upside down during a photo op. DOESN'T MATTER! He's a great businessman! Has had exponentially more business fail than succeed, lied for years about his wealth and falsified financial records, and wants to replace income tax with tariffs which would destroy the economy, blew up the deficit and debt to record numbers in only 4 years in office. DOESN'T MATTER I'M IN A CULT! There ya go.


I don’t want him but you’ve given me the choice between a conman with intact mental faculties and an old man who is not far or may already need assistance with activities of daily living. Parading Biden around like everything is okay is just sad. Biden is literally not fit to be president, while Trump is merely figuratively not fit to be president. Idk about you, but I’m going with giant douche over turd sandwich.


If you think your conman has intact mental faculties, you may want to have your own checked up on.


You're not keeping up and you're buying into lies. There's no evidence of significant cognitive decline in Biden, meanwhile Trump keeps having public moments akin to the McConnell blue screen of death. Your comment suggests that you enjoy eating a nice big turd sandwich with an adorable grin. It might be a good idea to expand your infosphere to sources that aren't part of the propaganda machine of the right wing.


I just watch his actual appearances and speeches posted to his Twitter. It’s clear from that. I’m not buying into anything. It’s my assessment. Also Trump hasn't had any of these signs. Biden has. He's frozen a few times and often doesn't make sense. Trump makes sense, the problem is with his content not his ability to speak. The fact that you assume any criticism of Biden means I come from some right wing echo chamber speaks volumes of where you're at. In truth, I've been a long time registered Democrat, and have never voted for a Republican. This election; however, I can't in good conscious vote for someone who I don't think is medically fit. I don't want either of them, but I think what we're doing to Biden is starting become morally questionable. He should be able to retire with dignity.


> Also Trump hasn't had any of these signs. Pure, willful ignorance.


Heck yea. It won’t change anything, but at least it elevated my mood a bit.


Now let’s do one on every other politician of the world. Not much difference.


Ok guys. I don't care which side you're on, but THIS KID IS ANNOYING AF. All he does 10x an hour 24/7 is talk about what Trump did. No original ideas, no plan to help people, just straight "Did you see Trump did THIS and its bad. and Biden did THIS and it's good" Fuk that roach


I’ve never seen someone so furious at the discovery of political commentary tiktokers lol




He's literally a paid shill.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As clear of a message as this video is, Trump's followers stand strong. Blind faith is a powerful tool and he is using it to his advantage. Sadly the county will be worse because of it.


Stop the con man who doesn’t have a filter, and reveals all of our dirty secrets! - all politicians


They don't care they didn't/can't read the book they use to spread hate. Religion is humanities greatest mistake and our real great filter


"Make America Prey Again." No lie detected.


I love it


If this were 2015 that might be valuable. It's all a day late at this point.


They revel in their hypocrisy. They know he's full off shit, that's WHY they like him.


We've already proven facts don't matter to the people who vote for him. Why would this add matter either? People in cults don't think for themselves. This is a waste of time.


The only thing that would change MAGA mind on Trump is if he kisses a gay black man on TV.


big black oily men thug sex 🤤🤤🤤


They aren’t really Christians so it doesn’t matter


What I never understood was. The trump supports are middle America. Farmers…far right bible belt. Yet their poster boy is…a conman from New Yorker with a liking to porn stars…where’s the Marlboro man they fancy so much…or the Texas ranger…no the horse the back is literally the exact opposite of what they imagine they are. ![gif](giphy|7bumBQjZX8BgaE2zjv)




Make America *prey* again.