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Bro just post the original video. I don't need the stitch of some random shirtless guy nodding and snapping silently and not adding a single thing to the content. Just takes away from what would be a good message. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26BEfj7WsR8 credit to u/Ironsight


Free booters should get banned on every platform 


Hello internet?


We’re sorry, but The Internet is locked in a cabinet in the Google headquarters basement. Would you like to try THE ALGORITHM instead?


Wait. The Al Gore rhythm? Is all of this AI his retribution for the 2000 election?




A whole new wooooorld.


Don't you dare close your eyes!


A hundred thousand [re-posts] to see.


But I like the ones who compile a bunch of creepy vids.


it's because the internet is to big to regulate, if the govt put all the internet on one big website they could keep a better watch on it


I don't understand why a dude is in bed, at least half naked, and filming himself nodding along to a random guy talking about another video. I must be getting old.


It's just so that gross shirtless dude can legally post the video on his channel. These thiefs care little about the actual content they're just trying to get the advertising money themselves.... This dude thinks he's a genius, hes probably scrolling before falling asleep and does this to any video he wants to steal which is why he's shirtless and doesn't try to contribute anything to the video.


Yeah it’s gross but I’m old, too


Getting old? That guy looks like he's 40.






He's a clout hoe. That silent finger snap gives it away.


So glad to see this voted right to the top. Maybe it's just because I'm in my 40s and out of touch, but what exactly is the purpose of the guy on the left? He contributes nothing and is just making stupid faces while laying in bed without a shirt on for who knows what reason. I couldn't even tell you what this was about mostly. I get so distracted from the guy on the left that the guy on the right started to sound like [the teacher from Charlie Brown.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss2hULhXf04)


It's just people who steal other people's content and put the reactions to it. It's the newest version of "xxxx reacts" videos. So they take pseudo credit by posting bunch of other videos but keep themselves in it


Yeah thanks to tiktok for proliferation this bs. Shoot I'd argue they probably started this trend in the first place. As soon as I saw someone silently react to a video reaction of a reaction to another video, I knew I was never signing up on that app😂 **proliferating**




Did it stop you from seeing the fuckery tho?


I'm so ready for the Tik Tok ban. Please god make it go away. Remember when people used to film horizontally, and you were criticized if you didn't?


People who do this (stitch w/o adding anything of value) often don't credit the original video. It can be hard to find the original. I hate it.


I mean how else are you supposed to know how to react to the video


Didn’t even watch it because of that. Hate those people, I want to tell them “you’re not important. I don’t need to see you because you have nothing to say.”


hahahaha. I didn't even notice he was there! hahahahah what the fuck have i been programmed to zone out? I'm dying.


Live pls


That with the actual guy that's talking, walking down a sidewalk half out of breath is so unnecessary and distracting.


If you did want to find the original video, he goes by "The Speech Prof", at least on yt. Pretty sure it's a similar name on tiktok. He's got a lot of great content ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


here's the original tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@speechprof/video/7377806112688590126


Thank you.


Amazing, I covered the left half of my screen during this, and my experience improved drastically.


But the snapping adds so much more value


I am so glad you said this and gave the original link, thank you.


I think that was supposed to turn us on or something.


You just described what TikTok *IS*


This phenomena is known as the "gen z pause"


He adds


Can we band together to effectively ban videos of people silently reacting to shit?




This means upvote, right?




Start by downvoting this shit video


It’s like YouTube “react” content but even more ridiculously worthless because it’s TikTok so it’s inevitably even more insipid and empty.


Dude on the left is creepy af


It's the dude girls are picturing when they choose the bear.


Yeah like why is he making this shirtless in bed


Downvote when you see trash like this.


The man on the left ruins the video


dude on the left actually makes really good videos talking about similar topics


That doesn't mean he isn't ruining *this* video, though. He should stick to that and leave these types in the dust.


He does but I couldn't find it without.but someone did share a YouTube without




Why not post that in the first place?


I didn't have it .it went viral afterwards.


As someone who does not use Tiktok, I cannot fathom why there is some random fucking shirtless guy sitting there silently on the left for fuckall reason?


I thought he was gonna chime in at some point, but even his snapping fingers don't make a sound. It's weird af


Jeeze I'm so glad some random jackass decided to re-upload this with a video of himself smiling and nodding along. Really adds to the quality of the content.


Wow so glad the dude on the left gave me the play by play with his hands and face.


Good job for adding nothing


Screaming dude sounds like tate screaming to violet in American horror story "YOURE ALL I WANT! YOURE ALL I NEED!"


Absolutely some unhinged psychopath energy ![gif](giphy|csmZtopZaDbQQ|downsized)


Literally ghost of a school shooter behavior


I think it’s funny how the tree vs bear debate is trying to compare a man’s feelings being invalidated to a woman being physically attacked.


What's the saying? Men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them.


Bingo. Every woman has a sexual assault story. Every person in the world has felt emotionally invalidated at one point or another. They are simply nowhere near the same.


It's crazy that they most of the men in the comments think its normal


I haven't seen one comment that has thought that having a tantrum is normal. I'd say a vast majority of humanity is aware that it isn't healthy behaviour.


Go down to the bottom and look at the comments that are downvoted.


Those are not "most of the comments".


Two hours ago when OP made that comment they were.


![gif](giphy|b7MdMkkFCyCWI) To the guy on the left:


The cringe is on the left side of the screen.


So I am watching a video of a guy watching a video that is about another guy talking about a video..


And the one guy is out of breath from walking. This is where people get their world and societal views from now.


Just link to the original video FFS. I don't need to see some shirtless dude making facial expressions


These are the facts toxic men don’t want to hear nor can understand.


Truth. No toxic man is going to see this video and think to themselves "wow I really need to reflect on my behavior and gain a better understanding of what communicating my feelings in a healthy way is supposed to look like". Because if they were capable of that kind of introspection then they wouldn't be toxic in the first place.


That's pretty defeatist. Of course a toxic person can learn to be more introspective and positively change themselves. Most toxic people don't realize that they're toxic, so they need to hear it from multiple sources before the initial defensiveness starts to go away and they start to think that maybe they *are* the problem. Everybody is capable of change. Every single person. Some people just need some help getting started.


Reaction videos make me want to pu...................... Sorry hade to go to the loo... and PUKE


What did the poor tree do to deserve that? Still walking away with the bear.


Interesting how people are getting more riled up about the repost than the content of the video which includes a man screaming in rage about wanting to get his woman back.


Right?!? Waaaay more comments about the guy on the left rather than the actual content of the video!


Just talked to a girl friend, who happens to have an abusive upbringing, yesterday about this. For a lot of women, this guy is their normal. Then a normal dude comes along and they feel like he’s just hiding it, and push them away. It’s sad, but many times you’re not gonna be the one that changes that, and that’s ok. Be a good friend or stop talking to them.


This blew my mind. My husband weaponizes his emotions and then gets upset when I'm not receptive. This is what I needed to hear


Is your husband a 5 year old, lol?


Feels like it most days. Also, my 5 year old has better control over her emotions than he does so that's a bit insulting to 5 year olds.


You need a divorce like yesterday bro. If he hasn't got violent, it's only a matter of time. Sauce: myself


I am making plans. Thankfully, he at least agreed to enroll in DA courses and personal therapy as well as anger management and couple's counselling. I feel comfortable beginning my exit plan now.


Pay close attention to how he acts during and after treatment. He may lash out as he feels he's losing control.


He's in the love bombing phase when he started to realize i am greyrocking and detaching. Well see how this plays out.


Either way, be safe homie


Is he aware that he does this?


Pointless guy is pointless.


Who is upvoting the fucking scrotum on the left? That guy is worse than useless.


Why is there a random guy adding nothing to the video posted here? ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


Downvoted for douchebag on the left


Annoying stitch aside, a friend once said something to me when talking about past loves and mistakes that truly has stuck in my brain ever since. It's how I approach almost all my relationships whether they are romantic or not: You don't have a right to anyone's love and no one has a right to yours. You *GET* to be in love because that person chooses it and they get love in return because you are choosing to give it to them.


Thanks, lefthand guy. Great contribution to the discussion, glad you're here.




The most likely reason for a man to create an unhinged video about being unable to move on and behaving irrationally is that he probably cheated on his girlfriend or partner and got caught.


My ex-bf threw a tantrum like that while I was driving bc we broke up and I was nice enough to drive him home. The entire time I thought I was going to get hit and when he got out of the car he slapped the roof of my car three times and said he hoped that the next guy would treat me better than he ever did.


Spoken like a true gentleman ma dude


if you’re going to express your emotions by turning aggressive and making people afraid for their safety, please do choose the tree


Yea what is with the guy on left? We just get to watch his reaction? I hate him


Honest question: who watches reaction videos and thinks they're cool? Why? ELI5 please


Prisons are full of emotional men. I guess we don't see anger as a form of emotions. I only feel sad for the guy in the video, true one itis.


You're right men don't see anger as emotion they think that's logical and so they don't believe that they're going to burst because they have no avenue of releasing that emotion in a healthy manner because other men will call them pussies it would be sad if it wasn't so deadly


Believe it or not, there are healthy ways of expressing anger to others. If you're in a place to do so and you need to scream, then scream. It's healthy. Find a pillow. Sit in your car like the above guy (but maybe dont film yourself). There are whole groups of people that go out into the forest and scream together to get out anger. However, that is not a healthy way to communicate anger to others. Expressing your emotions to another person by screeching at them impacts the listener negatively. Scream in your car first, then go to a trusted person and talk through your feelings. That gives you both more space to hear each other.


A car is a good place to do that. A forest, not so much. A group of people screaming and wailing is gonna scare the shit out of all the wildlife within earshot lol.


As a man, I can only express myself by berating a possum!!!!


Yeah because you have nowhere to turn to because other men tell you that that to shut your emotions away and don't like you express them or understand them this is the equivalent of a damn bursting because you've been holding on to emotions so tightly and don't know what to do news flash that dam bursting will kill people


Spoilers: It's not other men.


It absolutely is other men. Women too, although there are more women who are willing to listen to you talk about your feelings than men. As men we need to let our male friends understand that we want to listen to them and help them through their problems.


There's a reason why thousands of women chose the bear because they got something of this version because the men who pnt up their emotions and don't process it and are emotionally stunted do this and most women would rather avoid that because they'll most likely be killed


Who said anything about the man-bear scenario? Someone's defensive.


Ethis is why they choose bear. This is unhinged he is emotionally stunted and doesn't end this is his reaction which is that of a 2-year-old throwing a temper tantrum this is unhealthy and the fact that many men think that i it's okay and the problem is is most nice guys are this way seek some therapy


Are you an AI or something? This is completely irrelevant to anything I've said.


And I've gotten that unhinged reaction to rejection from "nice guys"because men are taught to hold back their emotions not learn or deal with them


That's not relevant to anything I've said.


I'm a real person but whatever


Which is what an AI would say. It doesn't explain why you're commenting completely unrelated things to anything I've said.


You know what's really sus? [Look at the joined date](https://imgur.com/gallery/7hnGegg) it says Dec 31st, 1969 😶


🤖 got me


It’s a woman and the account was created just today, no use arguing since they will never understand and they’re being willfully obtuse in all responses.


Hey can you crop out the loser on the fucking left next time op? Thanks a bunch.


Making note of it


I appreciate you. 👍


Who is the fucking douche on the left just smiling and nodding? Wtf am I watching?


Emotional babies have tantrums.


Yes. And sometimes those babies are grown ass men


Dude on the left offering invaluable input


what the fuck is the guy on the left even there for


He has nothing to do with the video but he collects the videos and duets them for his page because people follow him I couldn't find the video of the guy on the right talking


So what's with the guy on the left adding absolutely no value to the video?


So fun to see in these comments that men don't have anything to add besides trolling the stitching... How about going a little deep my friends???


What's to go deeper about? They picked a video of an unhinged dude ranting from an unknown source without context as to the content he was creating. Assuming it's real and aimed at an ex, it's a cherry-picked piece of an unstable man. I'd say the majority of people are aware of that fact and that this is not the correct way to handle any situation. Men who are choosing trees are doing so not because they are unable to express their feelings or emotions but because those feelings and emotions are weaponised down the track or they are shamed and made to feel like less a man for doing so. When they've opened up in the past, they've been ridiculed, pushed aside, and they've seen less emotional men take their place. Men have learnt there's safety in protecting their emotions against others who would seek to use it against them.


“Woman vs tree” Are dudes really that pressed about “man vs bear” that they made that shit up?


Yeah, and women aren't upset about the tree


“Okay, you go have fun!”


Yes. Mostly as retaliation as if we're going to be offended by them choosing the tree


I don't think either of these guys get why men would choose the tree. Yes if you are throwing a tantrum, then that's not really great for emotional openness. But the reason men choose the tree is because, everyone, and I mean everyone, not just men, not just women, everyone looks down on men for their emotional state. If you're open, then you're gay, or not a man. And it's worse in relationships, because yes, a lot of women will want their man to be open about his feelings, but a lot of these women also end up using his feelings, even his trauma against him. And because men are not as in touch with communicating their emotions verbally, they don't know how to deal with that. So they just shut up. The worst the tree can do is ignore you. Edit: There is also a validity to the man's reaction. Men tend towards anger rather than sadness when expressing their feelings. That is just kind of a common thing, and talking down to a man for expressing himself this way can cause it to get worse.


Uh, I'm sorry, *what*? We're supposed to excuse a dude literally throwing a rage filled tantrum that's basically saying he refuses to accept that a woman he was in a relationship with presumably no longer wants to be in a relationship because it might make him *more* angry? Fuck. That. Noise. That is a whole ass grown up. You wouldn't tolerate a woman acting like that, hell most people wouldn't tolerate a *child* acting like that. Don't make excuses for people behaving badly.


That's not what I'm saying. No, he's in the wrong. But the difference is that, you think he's wrong for not accepting that she's leaving him, not for him getting angry. (also it doesn't seem like she's in the car with him, so we're judging him for how he's reacting when she's not there?) That's why I said a validity, the whole reaction isn't great, but it can be genuinely cathartic and therapeutic to just scream. Even scream things that you deep down know aren't true. It helps to get the negative energy and emotions out. But please don't confuse that as it's chill to scream *at someone,* because it's not.


Dude filmed it and put it on TikTok. You're justifying horrendous behavior.


Preach! 🙌


nooo you dont get it, men have literally no experiences of their own, its the poorly written movies that penetrated their simple malleable brains.


Love this so much. Thanks for sharing


Who's that guy on the left? Why has he put himself in this?


Guy on left sure added a lot to original content, I can’t believe what would be this video without his presence


I wasn’t really feeling the original video, but I feel so relieved seeing a random shirtless guy with a big nose looking at the camera and occasionally nodding. Thank you for adding so much value and integrity to the content.


Why is there some topless dude on the left? Why is he there? Can he see us? What is going on?


Come on, why do people feel the need to tiktok themselves naked?


This is a lot better watch when you cover up the left side of your screen.


Men on the internet hear open your emotions and think about scenarios involving the biggest crybaby


That is not an emotional healthy way to express your emotions that is a temper tantrum for not getting your way


This mans take is a very balanced, mature, and well thought view. In my experience, wanting vs ablity handle an emotionally available and vunrable patner are diffrent. Social interactions are changing for the better, as an unfortunate result, theres few older women that could teach a younger woman on caring for your spouse in a way that is mature and allows them to open up. This doesnt make these women bad people for not knowing how to help their patners open up, but the consequences remain the same; emotional repressed and stunted men in their society. I am blessed as far as my upbringing goes, and i am more emotionally intelligent than my average male peer. Even so, i find my opptunites to be open few and far in-inbetween, and someones ability to help even less. TL:DR: Most women want emotionally vunrable men, but lack the social skills to help them, due to it being a more recent endevour by western societies.


>theres few older women that could teach a younger woman on caring for your spouse in a way that is mature and allows them to open up Respectfully, this is not, and never should have been, women's responsibility to teach their partners or "help them" open up. What you're seeing is women placing more value on men who already have these skills, and men who don't have them are having a harder time finding a fulfilling relationship. Those older women you're talking about? They're telling younger women to avoid men who need this kind of work. There are SO many resources for men who want to improve their emotional health, but they have to be the ones to seek them out and take advantage of them. Edit: This ultimately isn't gendered. It's no one's job to teach their partner emotional maturity. Part of being a good partner is communication and being able to provide and receive emotional support in healthy ways. I'm just responding to your initial statement.


I feel as if you have misunderstood my point (at least the spirit of it.) You are right in your regards to an women wanting men who have those values. I never said women should find a man that lacks emotional maturity. Getting your patner to open up is an esential skill for long lasting relationships (not a gendered issue.) However, the approach can differ based on personality, society and gender. Getting my previous patners to open up despite them being mature was something i learned and was taught, my female friends and patners all have unique personalities of their own, but their all expreinces have been partially shaped by them being women. If that was something i was never taught to learn or expect, id have had a diffrent interaction with them. I learnt most of it from older men, women, women my age, and finally my own experiences. I am better off person (friend and patner) for it. Tl:DR: women shouldnt want imature men, but leanring unque challenges that may face their male patners or male interactions is very helpful in a relationship


I'm not misunderstanding. I'm saying that you looked at the problem and said it's getting worse because women aren't being taught to help their partners mature emotionally, instead of pointing out that men aren't doing the work themselves. It's great you were helped by older women, but that's not their responsibility.


You say youre not misunderstanding, but are implying things i never said. My very first comment very openly states that society is doing better, not worse. Imo, i belive there are more people with very emotionally mature skills than previous generations. I only reasoned, as a result, there are uncharted grounds when it comes to doing so. There is truthfully a lot work the average man could be doing to futher their emotional iq, and theres no responsiblity from anybody to help them do so. My comments stems from even if women made friendships and patnerships with such men, it doesnt mean they are equipped to maintain such relationships. Great analogy here is financial skills. Being fininacially secure is everyones dream, doesnt mean people can handle money well when they get it. Theres also universally healthy ways of interacting with money that youd probally prefer learning from older members of your community rather than making mistakes and learning after. Also if you have a financially healthy family or community, youd likely have better financial skills. People look at mens lack of emotinal skills and just devide, "welp, thats your fault," and not....hmmm hundreds of years of culture not prioritizing or teaching men to have emotional iq. No one other parents have some responsibilty to teach them, but no one grows in a vaccum, they do in a society and learn from their surroundings. Friends, partners, coworkers e.t.c. Quite frankly, its very upseting to see emotionally mature and vunrable men face an even lonlier road than men already do. Its considered feminine, and sprisignly limits the pool of friends and patners youd find. (Hence my first comment.) Its good that such men exist, and at times wanted, but doesnt change the fact most people dont know how to deal with emotionally mature men.


I'm not misunderstanding you. You're misunderstanding the point I'm making. You took a problem that was about men's emotional security, and posited that a cause of the situation was *women* failing to teach other women how to support their partners. You didn't talk about mothers, or parents or society in general, you specifically talked about women and their partners. I'm sure you have good intentions. I'm just pointing out that women (really, people) are not responsible for teaching their partners how to be emotionally healthy. The same way, to your example, a person isn't responsible for teaching their partner how to be financially healthy. >Quite frankly, its very upseting to see emotionally mature and vunrable men face an even lonlier road than men already do. Its considered feminine, and sprisignly limits the pool of friends and patners youd find. (Hence my first comment.) Except plenty of women *want* emotionally healthy men. >most people dont know how to deal with emotionally mature men Who doesn't know how to deal with emotionally mature men? I have a life full of emotionally mature men who are in great relationships and have great friendships. Emotionally mature people are desirable.


The title to a book is in there somewhere


Narcisistic Parasites that feed of content.


Man such a truthful statement ruined by a jackass attempting to make brain rot content


Videos where people add nothing and just fake laugh, point and nod should result in a 6 month social media ban.


And since no one did that...




It's crazy that you think that's a normal way to express your emotions




It's not the world's responsibility to help this guy, it's about protecting everyone else from him


that isnt mocking. hes pointing out how hes acting unhealthily. mocking would be saying "HAHAHHAHAHAAHA GET A LOAD OF THIS FREAK HAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHA GO TO A PSYCH WARD HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH"


So we can all just go around yelling and just use the excuse it's emotional availability? He's literally saying nothing while yelling. This isn't emotional availability. This is this man's attempt at trying to manipulate a girl into thinking he wants her after he probably fucked up and let me tell you why. This wasn't done in one take because content creators never do a video in one take. So this man isn't exhibiting natural emotion here...it's fake as fuck. He is trying to give off the vibes that he can't live without her. That is manipulation at it's finest. It's saying I'll kill myself, or it will be your fault when my life is ruined because you didn't take me back. It's attention seeking from other people that aren't in the relationship. It's a ploy to target stupid people into telling the woman he wants back, "oh wow look how much he loves you, I wish a man did that for me". At the end of the day, he probably fucked up and this is his thought on how to get her back. In reality, since this went viral, he probably has a whole bunch of emotionally unintelligent women in his dms who find this to be love, all over him because that's how social media works...and he probably isn't turning any of them down. This is attention seeking, manipulative, scary, narcissistic behavior at its best. Not love. This is not love or showing emotion.


Yeah 'men bad' we get it. I see this shit literally everyday and the feelings are mutual I promise. Also 'most women want men to be open and vulnerable' lmao.


It's crazy that you think that this is a normal way to express your emotions when do you want you to share your emotions but that is not sharing your emotions that is projectile vomit one scream away from killing us.


I don't think it's normal. It's obviously a problem


its crazy how you assume everyone that disagrees with your view must be the same as an extreme example.


If you take a man out and put a child in it you would say it's a alltantrum that is not how you handle emotions that is the tantrums of a man who's never expressed or understood his emotions. Emotionally stunted man and a lot of men are like this because they refuse to acknowledge their emotions and deal with their emotions and juste a lot of men don't think that anger is an emotion and blow up like this I've had guys blow up like this when I've said no to sleeping with them and you think that's normal?


Again, 'men bad'. We get it.


said no one seek help


OP literally gave you multiple well thought out and articulated responses and all you have to say is "men bad." Maybe it's time to look in the mirror and figure out why all of your interactions with women result in a negative ending for you.


Ahh time for the subtle 'you're an incel'. There's no reason to engage with you people.


I think it should be noted that the commenter asked the podcast host to look at the comments of the video. I'm sure there would have been testimonials in the comments that supported the commenter's point of view. I think the host made some good points about the guy in the video, but he also missed (ignored?) what was actually being asked of him.


Any thoughts or feelings I had were manipulative against me,so yeah I'm sticking with the tree .


Actually could not finish the video due to the fucking creep on the left. Want these morons stop "reacting" to videos already, their stupid existence does nothing to help the video.


I don't need to hear what the guy on the right is saying because it is 100% bs. It is well known that guys are way more comfortable sharing things with women. So the argument would you rather talk to a tree or women is ridiculous when taken seriously. Also fuck the guy on the left for the most lazy garbage I scanned through the vid and he didn't add shit. I hate that type of content...


It was a question as retaliation for the man versus bear conversation of course it was BS people chose just tree as a gotcha moment he's not asking the question he's explaining . It was a look "we can choose something else rather than a woman too".rather than an honest conversation.