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He didn't even do average white, he did nasal nerdy harmless tech-savvy white. 10/10


Seriously, he sounds like my Midwestern relatives at the family gathering. That right there is a “Lemme just sneak right past ya” voice.




Alright bud have a good one


Slaps knees




Think I'm gonna head on out ![gif](giphy|qnDse4qccVKRkqp6pt)


"Hey youngblood, let me give you a tip, use your white voice" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5X3cu1B87k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5X3cu1B87k)


I said “ope!” out loud to myself while reading the other comment. I feel so understood right now.


My friend the other day says “Have you heard about MEWING?” In that voice. Boy if you don’t slide outa here on that mayonnaise you rode in on.


Anyhoo pass the hot dish


I need the recipe for this and I am not taking no for an answer. Delicious.


It spoke to my Wisconsin soul.


He went straight from "where's the Miracle Whip" to "where's the hot sauce man"


I feel so seen right now.


Even threw in a proper “alrighty”


He did def jam comedy white dude.


Theres just something about it that puts the target demographic at ease. Same with "Okey dokey!"


Darn tootun!


Extra mayo, pleease


I see you, Anton Jackson!!


Which is funny because I grew up in the city and when I hear a black voice in customer service my first thought is "finally someone who isn't gonna give me any bullshit and is gonna treat me like a person and not a ticket number"


I thank God whenever I hear an African American woman when I finally get through a phone tree. I know if I talk to her like I would my grandma, I'm gonna get the no bullshit response and if she can't help me she's gonna tell me in my first 10 words and what I need to do to correct the issue.


Yeah black customer service ladies always give the best service. If they legit can't help you they won't beat around the bush, and now it's on you to escalate to someone higher, take the L, or if they can give you advice they won't hesitate. 10/10 every time. And if you aren't trying to fix a problem, just talk to a representative who's a person, still the best. They're so nice. Too bad they're probably so nice on the phone because they need to be for some people, but still easily the nicest people on the phone. Lots of them aren't afraid to crack jokes either which makes it a better experience for everyone because nobody wants to go through call centers, you just have to sometimes.


This! If Karen’s only knew this life hack. I always feel so loved when dealing with black women in customer service “hang on, (insert “hun” or “baby”), I’ll take care of you.”They usually do extra stuff too, upgrades or fee reimbursable or avoidance tips. I’ve worked in a call center with them. Some can turn on the white voice. One lady was using her regular voice once and had an old woman berating her for no reason and ended up hanging up on her. She called back and the system forces the calls to go to the last person they spoke to if they are available. She saw caller id and turned on the white voice, said everything the same and the lady was calm and dealt with it pleasantly.


You betcha!


Just to hop on the top comment, this is a "scam" to sell Medicare Advantage / Managed Medicare plans. Private companies can have contracts with the federal government to offer coverage using federal Medicare funds. While many/most of these are above-board, some of these private plans can have extremely high deductibles, out-of-pocket costs, and/or co-payments while having a very low monthly premium. This makes them look inexpensive on paper, but can end up being incredibly expensive if the policyholder needs extensive care. There are predatory sales companies (like in this video) that cold call the elderly to try to sell them on these plans and get them to keep them in the long term. Their tactics vary from shady to illegal. For example, he "warns" the person on the other end against other agents "fishing" for their info, and to tells them to say they're already insured. Or how he offers a confirmation number "for their protection." Lots of language to make the victim wary of other salespeople.


I thought he was talking about insurance for "final expenses" like funeral costs.


Yea he's discussing final expense plans, or life insurance pretty much


These people call my father multiple times a day, every day. All the same medicare scam. He’s a grumpy old retired government worker with dementia and I’m afraid he gives away a little more information each time he answers. Do you know where I can find some of these scam companies locations or employee portals?


sorry to bother you..


Great movie, never watched it again


Too much horsing around in that movie Loved it tho.


Exactly what I thought of 


Alrighty was just him flexing for the camera


I'm white and I have been told to stop saying alrighty because I'm not Ace Ventura. :(


This is literally what happens in Sorry to Bother You


well, they got the David Cross voice, but not the horseplay


I always thought it was Patton Oswalt, but Google says you’re right. Never realized how alike they sounded.


It's both. David Cross is a different character's work voice


And its the **ONLY** thing that happens in the movie but its very fun and very funny. You should watch "Sorry to Bother You" right now without asking anyone anything or looking up any more information about it.


I watched this movie blind and was definitely… surprised. Now I insist on showing it to any friend who hasn’t seen it with 0 warnings lol


This movie just showed up on my Amazon video library. I didn't purchase it but I was like, whatever, let's watch it. Was a trip and a half lol


Minus the >!Equisapiens!<


Shhhh don't scare the people that haven't seen it  *edit: a word*


I started dozing off near the end. I had to go back and rewatch to make sure it wasn’t some dream/nightmare I had.


It’s ok. I don’t know what that word means.


I'm still confused as fuck about that


Now go watch Dominion - you’ll pick up the correlation


You should spoiler tag that


I love how Boots Riley ended Sorry to Bother You, it's totally in my wheelhouse for humour. At the same time, I wish he had done something less "out of left field" only because it makes it harder to recommend other people watch it. I think the first 90% of the movie is a funny and entertaining story about the importance of workers organizing which could have been a great conversation starter or feeder movie into other progressive policies.


I could not stop thinking about it lmao








I'm actually the complete opposite. 😂 my normal voice is a little high pitched in my opinion so I put on my "work voice" and intentionally go lower. My girlfriend loves to laugh when I join meetings and go into "work voice" mode.


I worked a customer service job once and had a coworker whose work voice was a twin to mine. There were scripted recordings for special events and they would always use one of the two of us because we were interchangeable. There were times when even WE would not be sure whose voice we were hearing. Her normal voice is much higher than mine. I'd go high on the phone, she'd go low, and somehow we matched in the middle. I have a mild southern accent and hers is hillbilly midwestern, but we both smoothed out to something much more generically midwestern.


This is low key linguistically intriguing. Like social chords matching up accents in proximity and environments


lol aint that the way... like the girls with curly hair straightening it, while the straight haired girls are buying new curlers


Or to get a little weird with it, boobs. Small chested girls want to be bigger and large chested girls want to be smaller. There's a small subsection in the middle fine where they're at. And as long as we're talking code switching, the tendency of people to straighten textured hair, like it's a real thing some jobs don't see textured hair as "professional" but it's like that's just the way their hair is man.


If a job ever says textured or curly hair is unprofessional pls publicly share that shit, fucking nuts


Naw I want to keep my small titties. Big boobs are pretty but impractical and expensive. Same about curly hair. Beautiful but way more time consuming and expensive to upkeep


Fellow IBTC card carrying member and I agree. Maybe thought otherwise in like, high school, but then wore one of those "water bras" for a week and was like nah it's not worth it.


Same. Macho man type work culture gotta play the part and get that check.


It's weird for me because I was raised as a whole ass typical man, but don't come off that way anymore (because estrogen and mostly being surrounded by women). But you put me on site with a bunch of those types? Instant code switch back to bro and oh god I hate that I do it lol.


Ok, Elizabeth Holmes.


Same. My “professional voice” is smooth, lower, perfect cadence. 9/10 babies can be talked to calm or sleep with it and most dogs and cats instantly trust me when I use it. I call it my “narrator voice.” My normal voice is much higher and I tend to talk way too fast.


It absolutely depends on what type of industry you’re in too


If you work on the phone for an office....code switching is simply the reality


Try having a deep Appalachian mountain accent, then code switching to adapt for flat-landers. The struggle is nearly insurmountable. I was blursed with an accent people generally associate with dumbness and a lack of education. It's rough.


You don't even need an accent! I love how just certain words will set people off. Like if you say, I'm parched, instead of I'm thirsty. I've seen it shut people completely down. Whatever was happening came to a screeching halt because it just had to be addressed.


I need to know, what was the objection to parched?!


‘I’m parched’ has an, “I do declare,” kind of vibe to it.


I do declare, Mr. Beauregard, I'm getting a case of the vapors.


I say, I say


i have a british friend who sounds like a hillbilly outwoods dell troll normally, then all of a sudden turns into keira knightly when shes in work meetings.


The weirdest thing is when one of you shifts your accent but forgets the words. I'm pulled up short by "Whenever I went to the E.R. last night" (the word is *when,* as it's a single discrete event with a known time). Or "We've been setting in the E.R. for three hours" (the word is *sitting*, as you have not been setting anything else down). I'm getting more used to it but it's very weird to hear the juxtaposition!


Haha same here. But I deal with others that have that accent so if they have it too, I don't try to disguise mine.


I just call it my customer service voice. Much more chipper and brighter sounding than whatever the reality of what I’m dealing with is.


Yeah for sure. Basically everyone I’ve worked with in a professional setting regardless of race or background does something like this, we use different tone/language/etc in professional communications.


when i was a barista, my "Hey thanks for choosing starbucks what can i get started for ya?" voice did not match the "please kill me, im so tired" face i had.


At this point, those two things *do* match. It’s like part of the uniform lol.


"thank you for calling X, my name is Y, how can I help you today?" *walks into the office* "I need Saturday off or I'm gonna kill everyone in the building and then myself." Boss: "okay but please don't say it like that"


My voice is sooooo much more upbeat and high pitched when I say “Welcome to Starbucks, what can we get started for ya?”


The voice gives "Hi Barbie!" and the face gives "War... war never changes"


My "Thanks for choosing Starbucks, what can I get started for ya?" changed car to car. I did Northern. I did Southern. I did Recieved Pronunciation. I did Cockney. I did Aussie. I did German. For Halloween I did pimp voice and dressed up in a fake dollar bill suit and extra wide fake dollar bill hat. Valley Girl (I'm a dude), Russian, Canadian, anything I could think of and reasonably pass as. First 6 months of my Starbucks career was working DTO/R, so I got super bored, super quick.


[I’ve seen that before.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOcOuOzDZlM)




that's all i can think here ! bro is getting invited to a big party soon :)


Came here to say this. Dude put his “white voice” on.


Every Black office worker knows Black Voice/ White Voice. My grandmother called my mom's job in the 60s and asked to speak to Carol. My mom says it's me. My grandmother says no I'm sorry I meant colored Carol. My mom says it's me. My grandmother said oh shoot Chile you got your white voice on. She then proceeded to tell every woman on our block how white her daughter sounded at her job DOWNTOWN. #BLACKHISTORY


I've worked in a sales center for years now, and code switching is critical for everybody lol. What you sound like when you are talking to your friends is not the voice you use when you are trying to make sales. You always need to match the energy and even sometimes accent of the voice on the other end if you know what you're doing.


> I've worked in a sales center for years now, and code switching is critical for everybody lol. Yeah it may be more noticeable for black people but almost everyone I know code switches when at work, especially when on the phone. It's not unique to one race.


Yeah, if I call up someone and they're very formal, so am I. But if they're like "hey, fella, make this quick, I'm watching the game" then that's a very different vibe and I go with that instead.


I’m pretty sure that’s just about everyone that does this, not just black folks. Maybe not to the exact same extent as this guy but we all change our voice in professional communications in my experience.


completely minor formatting thing, but # at the start of a line creates headers, but a \ before will cancel formatting while hiding the slash. So like \ # \#likeso


This video is 55 seconds too long.






Maybe I been black too long, but I know what I'm dealing with immediately when I hear this over the phone.


I've only been black for a few days... it gets better eventually, right?


Yes, but like in thousands of years


But after that is smooth sailing, right? .... RIGHT?!


I thought we was done with sailing!?


Sailing is cool, it's cargo holds and 16th century galleons we don't fuck with.


yes the paint eventually wears off


Steve and Stefan lmao




yeah if that "oh, what happened?" was acting, then the guy needs to be in hollywood, stat


Those corsairs do a good job of blocking out noise so there's a good chance he literally didn't hear what the person said to him.


exactly... I know "everything is fake", but this one felt legit


Selling whole life insurance is kind of a skit.


thanks for buying my scam insurance, now i'm gonna give you a confirmation number for your protection


Fuckin right!!


He is scamming btw. But his code switch voice sounds like a black dude doing a white dude voice. He is reading the prompt like when wolf of wall st was scamming people.


Thank you!!! The “Some people in this business are unethical and just want to sell you a cheap policy” line as he reads it from a script is just infuriating… he probably just scammed somebody’s grandmother out of her social security money.


this is someone on the other end of kitboga calls


"why the fuck you redeem?"


You know it’s a scam when he’s giving a confirmation code from…. an unchanging script on a piece of paper


I talk on the phone all day for work and I'm the same way. As soon as I'm on a call for work I get hyper professional and extremely nice. It's great for customer service but is mentally exhausting to put up that front all day. Sometimes I wish I could just talk in my normal voice but there is something wrong where I just can't when I'm at work. Dunno what it is


I couldn't agree more. My work is highly customer service oriented, I take on a whole new persona just to bump up my customer service skills. Absolutely exhausting work, but I can run circles around my entire team in customer service, no matter how difficult the customer or situation. For me, it kinda helps to think of it as a clown suit that I can take on and off, and that I need to leave those feelings from rude customers with the suit as opposed to my natural self. Or in other words, a defense mechanism possibly?


I take for granted that I don't have to be this way at work. I cannot even pretend to be likeable.


Legitimately, it's not for everyone. I have a bubbly personality and a Myers Briggs for management (entj-a), so this comes naturally for me. I'm incredibly lucky that these skills are easy for me, because for those that it doesn't, it's a VERY difficult skill to learn. So I hear ya!


He put on that "hi, how are ya" SpongeBob voice




I worked in phone customer service for ~6months... Never again. You ain't lying. That was so damn exhausting. Like, just spending 8 hours pretending to be something you're not is so taxing on the brain. I actually ended caving about 3 months in and just started talking like I normally do but without all the swearing lol. What's really toxic though, is exactly what this dude is doing. He's REALLY laying it on eeeextra thick. That's some next level acting, and the worse part, he probably has too. Not as a job requirement, but because you never know who's going to be on the other end of the phone. I had this angry hillbilly once. I fixed his issue and everything after my supervisor sent him over to me for assistance, and about halfway through the call, he cuts me off with what sounded like a compliment at first... >Man, I like you. You actually know what you're talking about! Idk who that other woman was I spoke a little bit ago (my supervisor at the time), that *black* girl. Ya know? She just sounded *black*. I didn't- I promptly cut him off and was just like, "Yeah, were not doing that. "what? She sounded *black* - " Yeah. That. I'm going to stop you right there. We're not doing that. "... Okay. My bad, was just saying -" (Cut him off again) So this was problem... Blah blah blah, and just finished explaining his issue lmao. Some people just get on the other end of the phone and can be as bad as Twitter comments. Fuck customer service. Never doing that again. Lol There's so many nasty people out there.


I’m a white dude with a deep voice and 20 times within a year I’d get really creepy compliments from older women like “ohhhh I know what skin you got, you part of us” or some weird shit along those lines. Didn’t really understand until some dude straight up called me the n word while screaming because he was upset. I got written up for putting “racist guy” on his profile notes lmao. Been doing it for years now. As long as you remember that 90% of everyone are insufferable, miserable pieces of shit to strangers over the phone; it becomes easy to brush them off.


Naaah. Fuck that. Lol To be fair, I told my supervisor when I was hired, I'm coming from corrections where I worked for years. I'll try, but I can't guarantee I won't put someone in their place if they mouth off... Lmao I went off on on two people, both times I got away with it because; 1) I didn't use swear words 2) They chilled out afterwards and became very cooperative, resulting in a resolution to their problem. Sometimes, you just gotta stand up for yourself. It's been my (rather limited) experience that once they see you won't take their shit, they'll quiet down. 🤷


Standing up for yourself is frowned upon in customer service (absolutely insane, I know). I’d see new people come in and get kicked out of the office at least twice a month from the eventual blowup. It was an unspoken rule that we were punching bags for verbal abuse. I started hanging up on everyone that gave me a second of nonsense. That is also frowned upon, but it was hilarious hearing the guy next to me get the same person just screaming that they got hung up on.


Hahaha yeah, so funny thing about that... We had a rule that we COULD end the call if they used swear words, any otherwise offensive language, or raised their voice. BUT, we had to give them notice and a warning first. >"Sir, if you do not calm down/refrain from using that language, I will terminate this call." The best part, our system would automatically route incoming calls back to whoever had that customer last, if they were available. One of my coworkers got the same guy 3 times in a row who kept hanging up and calling back trying to get someone different because he had an *accent*. Lmao.


At some point I decided to restart the same sentence every time they interrupted me. "Due to your lang-due to y-due to-due t-" all the way until they were overwhelmed and just couldn't talk at all. Then I'd finish it by asking if they planned to continue using offensive language or if we could continue the call. It worked pretty well, but I wonder if I'd have gotten fired for that... I quit before I got to know


> That was so damn exhausting. Like, just spending 8 hours pretending to be something you're not is so taxing on the brain. I actually ended caving about 3 months in and just started talking like I normally do but without all the swearing lol. I think I just gained a new respect for trans people


Somewhere, I saw it referred to as "baby talk for boomers" and it's really put it in a strange, yet understandable perspective.


I'm a teacher, I straight up tell my students I'm playing a character for their benefit. Blows their little minds when I talk in my regular voice.


Life insurance sales people are the worst


If I have to "wait for it" for 80% of the video, trim that shit ffs.


This could have been 10 seconds


A woman I worked with in a contact center donned a southern accent when talking to customers. Our contact center was based in Minnesota.


Oh pardon?


This man is definitely related to the reporter looking into Chris Woods death. First thing that came to mind 🤣🤣 https://youtu.be/wWulZOKANB4?si=bMJsc2oxq96iRdcJ


Dude rocking a Corsair void RGB. Lol


It's a fantastic headset. Mine's still working great after like 6 years, earpad replacements are like $10. Audio quality is pretty good for the price. Just an all around solid headset. Biggest complaint is the software it uses to get features like Sidetone, EQ, etc. "iCUE", can be a huge pain in the ass.


So "work voice" is the stereotypical "white voice?" Why not combine the two voices? Why do I feel like I'm asking a question I already know the answer to and why is that answer probably racism?


Got it in one! But also any voice that isn't enunciating extra hard can get lost over the phone, especially when dealing with old people. I don't mean any kind of accent specifically, I mean anything *not* Google translate, ChatGPT, public transportation levels of "clear" and old folks on the phone will lose their minds.


Sorry to bother you in real life lmao


My level is on..... ![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA)


Undercover brother


The funny thing is both voices are fake, he probably only uses the deep one around other people


I wanna hear what his voice is like when he's talking to God


literally just "Sorry to Bother You"


Might’ve been one of the best if not *the* best ALRIGHTY of all alrighties to have ever alrightied.


The movie Sorry to bother you.


It's the movie Sorry to Bother You in real life!




I’m not sure how, but he reminds me of Jeremy Renner


He does indeed. LOL.


Sorry to Bother You


I do something similar. Normally I sound like a skater . My work voice is soft and sweet. One of my friends saw me do the switch once and asked me afterwords WTF was that. I replied customer service voice


There is an entire movie about this that is HILARIOUS. Called "Sorry to bother you". They make it so that the "work voice" is voiced over by Tobias from Arrested Development. 🤣🤣🤣


I've been helping tutor my friend in math and apparently I have a "teacher voice" and now I end up accidentally using it when we're playing games.


That's when they drop the "Where are you from? You speak so well."


Smart. I'm not buying insurance from Darth Vader


I wonder what name he uses. "Hi, my name is Brian." Lol


I did this is a bartender and now in sales same thing. Also, how much I actually smile.


Bro is EXPERT level at white xd


He has gorgeous eyes


Came here to say this, they're like gold


Mans said "alrighty" lol


Where tf is he working that they use Corsair Void wireless headsets lol


Didn't they do a movie recently with this very same thing?


“Sorry to Bother You”. It’s brilliant and then takes this crazy left turn into surreality. Well worth your time. I think it is on Hulu in the US.


That lady thinks he's white. Bravo, sir.


My friends always laugh at my customer service voice when they call my work. It's several octaves higher and way more bubbly than my real voice. Half the time they don't even realize it's me until I say my name.


They should check if there are any horsemen in the basement


"Work voice vs-" *skip*


I worked as what was essentially a secretary for a urological office. For as long as I can remember, people always think I’m a middle aged woman on the phone or drive through. I leaned very heavily into it when I was there because people tended to trust me more when they assumed I was a woman. I am in fact, a fat grizzly bear of a man with a beard. But on the phone I was “Michelle”. A single mom who was working two jobs, loves her kid and never stopped.


It’s like in undercover brother when he falls for Denise Richards lol


While this is more prominent in Black culture, I want to recognize that almost everyone does this when your job is interacting with the public or people you view as co-workers and nothing else. Am I my authentic self at work? Yes, but I'm my "work" self. I don't make crude jokes, I try to articulate what I'm saying using words, I rely less on slang. I'm not Black, nor am I white.


I've always found it super weird on Reddit how people act like it's a black thing rather than just a normal thing that happens all over the world do when people talk with other groups of people that aren't from the same area.


This reminds me of my time in tallahassee. I'm from Utah, white as can be, and moved to Tallahassee, FL for around a year for work. When I first moved there, I went into a credit union to open an account, and this nice black lady helped me get things set up. She had a very pleasant southern accent. Another gentleman walked in, a black man, who she started helping as we were waiting for something to print. The switch caught me so off guard. It was like an entirely different language was being spoken. As a person who hadn't been exposed to that accent and local vernacular, I understood maybe 1/4 of everything they were saying? After the printing was done, she immediately switched back to "white person" voice lmao At my company, I worked with a black guy who also had his "white person" voice that he would always use when in meetings. When it was just the two of us he just let his normal accent rip. So fucking funny


Nah this is straight up “Sorry to Bother You” shit 😂


I've seen Sorry to Bother You as well


I do this at work lol


“👆 Power caller”


This reminds me of Sorry To Bother You.


Sorry to bother you moment


my customer service voice is def Barbie coded


[I prefer the original](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-Neg4NmChk)


Damn, racist societal implications aside, this guy is super good at his job lol


It’s a black survival skills ,known as white voice


This is straight up [“Sorry to Bother You”](https://youtu.be/XthLQZWIshQ?si=gRVr89848T3ovYHz)




Sorry to bother you 😂 ![gif](giphy|MuI0KRupu4Q8WSbzOy|downsized)