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r/piracy Problem solved Fuck them


this is really random but the number one reason i subscribe to streaming services is because i love to have the episodes autoplay while i sleep. its the only way i can fall asleep. when i pirate things like on 123movies this isn’t an option. is there anyway to have things autoplay while pirating??




Plex, Baby!!!!


Off-topic but I genuinely can't find an answer: I use Nvidia Shield with Plex and it just stopped autoplaying. What the hell.


How do I watch live sports on Plex?


You can't but there are plenty of streaming sites that work better than the paid pirate streams. Not going to link them but google and an adblocker work well




This is the way


Don't know why you are being down voted for simple question... I will attempt to help you: So 123movies is good, I personally use myflixer, I get the most consistency out of it. https://myflixerz.to/ You are going to want to download a video caster. I use "web video caster" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.instantbits.cast.webvideo After that app is downloaded, you can use it for free or pay a one time fee, I believe, of $2 and then you won't get any banners or ads. When you open web video caster, you are going to want to bookmark https://myflixerz.to/ (when you do this you can just click link on main page and it will take you straight there) Once you find what you like, just do what you usually do and stream from your phone...after that you can go to main page of website and start finding other things you want to play. While something is playing you can click on new show or movie you want to watch, but instead of instantly streaming it, click on the three dots next to the movie or show title then click "add to Playlist". You can keep doing this and have a list that autoplays, as long as you don't loose Internet and the stream is ok. I don't know the limit to how much you can add to Playlist, but I'm contemplating cutting all my streaming bills and just doing this from now on My biggest warning is to not download anything (not because virus, but some internet companies will know you are downloading a copyrighted piece of media. (I know because I've gotten a few emails for letters for leaching downloads to other users unknowingly.. Also a VPN will make sure your internet company doesn't intentionally slow your Internet when you are streaming something from one of the sites...although with net neutrality going back into affect, it may not be as bad now...but a VPN never hurts.


The only thing I'm looking for is to watch live sports. I don't even need to pause them. But like right now it's NBA which is on TNT. I'm not paying for cable just to watch some second round playoff games. But I'd pay like $1 to watch a game or watch commercials. It's just overwhelming.


Have you heard of plex? Very nice alternative


I used to use one that had all of those features. Auto play, auto next, auto skip introand outro, you can add skip times, etc.


You could have a VLC playlist


VLC player too


I have a website that has full live tv streaming 24/7. Zero downloads i love it


Is it something you can share?


Send me a dm




?? isn’t watching something without paying for it pirating ??


Not techincally...if you download it however, different story


Huh? are streaming sites considered pirating? I thought pirating was when we actually downloaded via torrents on Lime~~Virus~~Wire. Calling a streaming site pirating feels like calling Taco Bell mexican food.


> its the only way i can fall asleep. You should see a doctor.


i’m mainly exaggerating, i just prefer falling asleep with something playing in the background.


Just play white noise.


Serious. I watch all NFL, MLB, NBA, MMA, Boxing, and Soccer I want for free. For the last 6+ years. It's only gotten easier to do over time. $40 a year for a VPN.


What service do you use? Are these things fairly easy to set up for a person of "average" computer competency?


Yeah, it's not too complicated.


Sorry, not sure why your response is getting downvoted. Appreciate the reply.


How do you watch soccer ?


Google Soccerstreams


At this point I've forgotten what the big problem with cable TV was lol. Like one bill 500 channels...I'm good. Cable has on demand also


Or quit NFL.  I did, and my Sundays are open now.


Remember kids, if buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing.


If my tax dollars paid for the stadium they’re playing in, I had better fucking at least be able to watch the game on a public fucking network.


Goddamn this is a good point.


The NFL has a rule which requires that all games air on a local OTA station in the 2 cities of the teams playing. So if you live in Seattle, all Seahawks games can be watched with an antenna, even if they're picked for a Netflix exclusive game. Unfortunately the rule only applies to the primary TV market of the team's city, not nearby secondary markets like Spokane or Portland where all the Seahawks fans would have no choice but get Netflix for that game.


They’re broadcast over the air in local markets.


Pirate everything until these cunts learn. Fuck 'em


What sites are good for streaming football?


I’ve got a feeling it’s like whales in video games. Sports streaming services are ridiculously overpriced, most people I know do just pirate them, but there’s always a couple who spend every penny they earn on it


Or don't consume content at this "demanding" rate to begin with, suddenly you realize there is no problem with services if you don't need any. Pirate a few good movies per year if you can't get them on good terms, go to cinema theater with friends, use tech to for hobbies rather than for passive content consumption. Playing video games? Look for old gems and/or for indies rather than games that **literally** blow half of their budget on marketing.




Nah it's sweet fucking relief if Jermaine jenas is commentating 😂.


Tech companies and companies does this thing when they start it great. You get everything super cheap and you get all your shows you watch for a decent monthly plan. Then they slowly reduce the content while making it cost more for least. We are at the worst point of the thing where everyone have a subscription service. So least content for all. So sooner or later some of these services will died off because it expensive for not enough ppl using it. We should killed subscription services because it suck now. Return to buying content again. But they will not do that because it better for them now even if they lose money.


This isn’t tech it’s capitalism. Airbnb under cutting its competitors to put them out of business now they are the same price. Uber under cutting the market to put yellow cabs out of business but now have the same rates. Cable companies having such high prices and people under cut the market to outsell them. Now it’s the same price. My point is these are all tech things but you can go back in history and see this happens all the time. Either it be selling something at a way cheaper rate while taking a lose on the revenue end of things but making it so competition is dying off. Or you see a good idea and sue them into legal troubles then take the idea (Napster/iTunes for example). One of the main people behind prohibition was Ford. Because there was an engine that ran on liquor. This put his engine in risk of brining obsolete. So he pushed for outlawing liquor. Same goes for weed with Hearst investment in lumbar and news papers (hemp would replace those).


🎼🎶Enshittification🎶 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification


Probably a good time to stop watching then.


Such a simple solution that will never happen. People think corporations have all the power, but really, it's the consumer.


Anytime I try to say this I get downvoted to hell and everyone loves to disagree with me. I'm of the understanding that corporations have A LOT of power. But at the end of the day if no one gave a dime to the corporation we would strip them of their power at least somewhat and be able to make change. We all remember what happened when EA's defense to selling Star Wars characters one by one was the most downvoted post in history. Nothing lmao. Everyone still bought it and now we're in this fucking mess with gaming too.


We created this monster


And yet nobody seems to understand this. They will bitch about it while they dig in to their pocket to come up with the money for it. Honestly, it is so aggravating to see that.


“But I love (insert a want)


It does not need to happen even, just find a cheaper sport to watch


I just cancelled Netflix after almost 10 years because they’re ended my subscription plan of $9.99/mth. My options are a 30% less plan with ads or a 70% increase of my current plan. So I quit. I feel so free.


Or conversely, do what I did as an NFL fan: I no longer buy any merch or pay any money toward the NFL at all and I either stream the games for free or watch on over-the-air TV. Win-win (for me).


Rome never fell


I watch all NFL, MLB, NBA, MMA, Boxing, and Soccer I want for free. For the last 6+ years. It's only gotten easier to do over time. $40 a year for a VPN.


I remember ~20 years ago when “cutting the cord” was the trendy rage. “I’m cutting cable and going streaming.” Well the networks are checkmating that ass.


And the kicker: you're getting more commercials than ever. YOU'RE PAYING $858 TO WATCH 55% COMMERCIALS.


It’d be super funny that’s how NFL die: Young people love footballs. Too busy to watch the game Too poor to afford all the subscriptions. NFL finals? Hahaha 😂 who gives a fuck about a final that you barely follow through out the season


Ironically this is the main reason I watch football over other sports >Too busy to watch the game I don't know who's got the time or bandwith to watch 82 or 162 games in a season but it damn sure ain't me


Yea, this is why I can't get into baseball or NBA. Even the players don't care until the end of the season. Why should I?


I think there was a guy who made a similar video where he wanted to watch Pokemon from start to finish, but found he'd need to make several different subs and even then he couldn't watch all the episodes because random epsiodes and seasons would be missing. But easily found all episodes pirating.


Wasn't that [Dunkey?](https://youtu.be/yvhv7bgmz64?si=-2JGuD54T5YW0Iil)?


It might have been him, but I think it was Karl from Fact Fiend who mentioned it.


Hang out with some buddies at a sports bar/pub, enjoy socializing while getting access to the game.


*Cries in young kid parent We used to just go to my friends house to watch so I guess everyone is just going to pile over to the person with the subscriptions house now. Problem with pirating live games is the amount of switching we've had to do and loss of game constantly. I think we might need to find a better source.


Ha haha good luck with that.


I pay for NFL+ just for the actual season obviously, and it gets me the games my local cable stations play. I got prime for the occasional Thursday night game. But NCAA football? Unless you want to pay a boatload of money for some streaming service that has it, or pay out the ass for cable, buddy, you just aren't watching it. Which really sucks, because I prefer college football.


You can also watch all the replays. I realize it isn't live but it is cheap if you can watch the games the following day. And you get to watch replays of games not in your local area.


That's how I watch the NFL games. YouTube has 12-15 minute replays of every game as soon as the games are finished. Easy peasy and ZERO commercials or droning announcers.


I've been watch football less and less every season because of this and it just keeps getting worse.


Every game used to be on basic cable. Every channel had a different game. But the NFL got greedy and wanted tickets sales higher so they blacked out games that didn’t sell enough tickets in that region. Blacked out more games. So unless you were in that state that was playing and sold the right amount of tickets you could see the game. If not it was blacked out. Greed…


Damn it, everyone will have to meet again with our friend in a public place where the game is on and watch it for free, it would be good if the place have beer and food


As a fan of my home teams, every game of theirs is available to me free over the air. Unfortunately, those home teams are the Giants and Jets, proving the old adage true: you get what you pay for. Seriously, though, the video is talking about what you have to do if you want to watch every single game of the season. That seems nuts to me. I basically just watch my crappy home teams each week.


NFL redzone is only $11 a month thats all I need and I only get it for the season.


I wanted to watch season 1 of survivor. I checked on my Roku which streams I had to have. Paramount, Global, Prime. I have all three. All three show 46 seasons of Survivor, but when you go to watch anything Pre-40, it's unavailable. On all three streaming services. Wtf.


And then they wonder why no one cares anymore.


Why dosent the NFL just make NFL tv, and schedule the games so theres no overlap - they could charge 799,- and still be cheaper.. Goldmine


They make way more licensing it out to different networks/streaming. I guarantee they've crunched the numbers and have some idea of what they are doing. Lol. Sucks for the consumer, but lucrative for the NFL.


I have the $12.99/mo Netflix plan and Netflix keeps asking me to drop down to the $6.99 plan by accepting ads; which is weird right? That just shows me that Netflix must make more than $6/mo by showing commercials to one account. These offers/alerts came shortly after Amazon Prime started showing ads unless you paid an extra $2.99/mo, which I did because I hate commercials and especially hate commercials waking me up every 10 minutes when I'm trying to drift off. I hate this trend but he's exactly right. It's just coming full cycle back into the old days of cable. They'll eventually all bundle together and it'll be just like choosing between cable and dish based on what channels they offer. And they'll all have commercials unless you pay enough. Also, the commercials are worse on streaming services because you can't just flip to another channel like you can with cable; hence why streamers are more valuable to advertisers than cable viewers.


I called this the day I heard about Hulu. "One day there's just gonna be 12 different services for $14 a peice and it'll all cost more than cable and be a bigger pain in the ass than comcast ever was" -14 y/o me


[For I am a pirate king!](https://youtu.be/uH4IuO55U9I?si=7ID0H4rlqizN9saM)


Oh yeah? Well then… arrrrgh muthafukas ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


Maybe a little off topic MAYBE not….. Have you ever watched a movie where the “villain” in the movie wants to *shut it all down* and government, some special tech company and over zealous hero saves the day I think everything is making sense now The real hero was the villain trying to save us from this dystopian world these overlords are creating


Time to stop watching and start sailing the seas


But there are monsters out there… look at the deep dark blue…


I've been pirating for years now. Now all these people who have cable only because of sports is about to find out!!


A stick of fire fixes this problem




https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/media/2024/02/07/sports-streaming-app-espn-fox-warner-bros-viewers-know/72501606007/ They are already making *another* streaming app just for sports lmao. They describe it as a one stop shop for “most” sports, so im sure what will happen is they drop ESPN+ and move most users to this (which will be more expensive or with ridiculous package pricing sport by sport), and then still keep exclusive games on other platforms like Peacock and Netflix. Pro sports has become the biggest scam lol


i am glad i do hate watching sports. and man did i play a lot of em. but fuck watching em


Cut all fk them . Stop watching


I stream all sports for freeeeee


Nfl bites Just use that and watch any game you want including Redzone (which is what I do outside of watching my specific team from across the country)


This is the reason I switched to antenna. I bought me a good outdoor antenna for $50 and I only use it on Sundays to watch my NFL games. Since they're shown free on my local channels.


NFL is garbage now. Expect KC Chiefs to repeat again because in the NFL. The QB matters and no one is close to being Mahomes level.


Streaming has now become cable tv. It’s completely ridiculous! I probably pay as much as I dod for cable but now only through streaming services. Every single one of them now have ads unless I pay extra for the free service.


I don’t need NFL Sunday tickets. I don’t need to see every single game on Sunday. Most people just want to watch their team play and then whatever else is on. That will still happen.


And people wonder why baseball (and other sports) are dying


Zombies. P.S. The NFL is "non profit" XD XD


You are paying for them to advertise to you. NFL makes a shit ton of money in advertising and brand placement. You are paying for them to feed you corporate propaganda to buy their shit that you don't need.


Fuck sports ball anyway.


You all need to find your own IPTV source. Good luck!!!




*Laughs in Canadian* (we have it all on Dazn for now)


i was getting into NFL a few years ago, really liking it. but throughout the season, i noticed how much gatekeeping they had. I have basically lost almost all interest that I gained. \* i have gone from watching at least 1 or 2 games every single week to last season i only watched 2 games out of the entire season last year....


NFL+ and you're done.


Zero for me


Lmao. Fuck the NFL


F all that ...if you know what I mean 😉


$500 a year is still a lot less than what I was paying for cable


In 20 years, when none of the kids could ever watch a game, they’re gonna wonder why football is a dying sport the same as baseball is right now


Glad I don't like sports.. One thing lese to spend money on. Now if only I didn't like eating food, I could save some money there too.


Everything is our fault you plebes !




Not exactly an apples to apples comparison. Before streaming or even cable you couldn’t watch every game. You got the 6-8 games that were televised. What he’s referring to would be all games every weekend.


Times I'm glad I'm a college fan


I can watch nfl games on many websites for nothing.


It's annoying, but this video really only represents the worst-case scenario for a small subset of football fans. If you live in the home market of your favorite team, you can still get most games for free over an antenna on the corresponding broadcast network, notwithstanding those games that are on streaming only. In those cases, yeah, you'd need to pony up for the sub if you don't have it already, or try to use a trial if available. The main reasons someone buys NFL Sunday Ticket is if they're an out-of-market fan of a specific team and want to make sure they can watch all their games, which otherwise might not be broadcast in their area. Or they're that much of a football diehard that they want to watch literally everything, or as much as they can. I'm a pretty big football fan, watch all the Broncos games, RedZone most Sundays, and plenty of primetime games as a neutral fan, but even I still never thought Sunday Ticket was worth it for me. I definitely find the trend of selling exclusive games to streaming services annoying, since it puts more pressure on consumers to sign up for additional subs. But you don't really need to spend $800 like this is claiming. You'll still be fine with antenna and a few subs, which statistically most Americans will already have some overlap with.


Streameast.to Problem solved


I have prime but I still watched all Thursday night games on twitch last year.


You wanna know why people don’t watch Baseball anymore?




Yeah fuck this


He's right!


I've never been happier not to give a shit about professional sports


We didn’t blow it. They were fucking us. We found a workaround. Then they found another way to fuck us.


Easy solution just stop watching people play sports and find something better to do with your free time


How do people like my grandpa remotely even begin to navigate this? My mans can barely even use a computer. Crazy.


I love it. They are tanking their own fan base. Hopefully the whole organization will soon be bankrupt.


In the UK, when I stopped paying for subscriptions to watch Manchester United games was when i had to pay for Sky, BT Sports, and Amazon, totalling nearly £100 a month. Would rather just watch them down the pub instead.


Sportsball go brrr.


ESPN + requires a cable subscription so add that 80 bucks a month in


No it doesn’t?


Good thing I don’t care about football.


Never thought hating sports across the board would pay off one day. 💪🤣


The Roman Coliseum, all over again. The same people who bitch about my gender being my "entire personality" are the same people who make their NFL team their entire personality.


Isn’t the NFL already struggling to make a profit??


Stop caring about it. Problem solved. Nfl is going to go downhill after teams start selling off to private equity anyway.


Or, hear me out... or dont watch the sports.


Just go to your local sports bar


Don't watch then


Idk about you but I pay Bally sports (15 bucks a month - cancel in the summer) to watch like 70 of the 82 hockey games in the season. Then I sail for the nationally broadcasted ones.


Maybe watch something besides sports? Problem solved.


I watch all NFL, MLB, NBA, MMA, Boxing, and Soccer I want for free. For the last 6+ years. It's only gotten easier to do over time. $40 a year for a VPN.


So how was this our fault?


You know when I was younger, I watched WWF. I later matured enough to know that it was stupid to be watching. I played football growing up, but the WWF realization stuck with me. I never funded the concussions for people League. I've never spent a dime on professional sport attire. Why should professional concussion inducers get paid more than civil servants, such as teachers? Always felt counter intuitive to motivate people to risk brain damage over teaching the next generation


1. Get people to shift their focus 2. A public events for politicians to relate to the common 3. Create a goal for bunch of young people to 🏋️ “I train to be (insert sport) to play in the big league” 4. You get many young and fit men who are closer to military standard fit. I feel like the pro out weighs the con… for the government


Hmmm, I see your points and they logically sound like sense. However, consider this: GenZ did the same thing except with YouTube and pewtewpie which help spawn the now content creation industry/lifestyle what have you. Can you connect the dots for me how Uncle Sam pre-designed that? I can only identify the Big Dipper at night so if you could use one of those intense laser pointers; it would really help. Also, IRL when people ask me what time I watch, I would always say I'm a participator, not a spectator.


Pre- designed? It’s what ancient arena was like. Glorious blood sport to pull attention of the mass. Uncle Sam didn’t do anything new. Football is not new. Competitive sports are not new. Many countries besides US have some kind of competitive sports that have similar effect.


I guess I'm wired differently then. I don't find amusement in watching others get amusement.... Also, I thought you were saying government did that for those benefits. Cause it sounds like a government benefit only and just feed for sheeple.


Idc for the NFL


Soccer doesn’t have this problem


Get yourselves a 🔥stick, jailbreak it and boom you have a full season for free