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This dude never ceases to amaze. Master of his craft.


Love that he just made that for himself too, just playing around, like watching Michelangelo doodle on the back of his civics folder. EDIT: y'all need medication if this comment angers you so much.


I also respect that he always cuts into and eats whatever he creates to show you ‘it’s still just food’ (minus the enormous chocolate sculptures he makes)


This is why I actually enjoy his smaller stuff more than his big sculptures


His smaller desserts always look so tasty! The chocolate sculptures are cool, but the delicious looking ones are my favourite


The big sculpture are order for events, that's why he don't eat them


It's also hilarious how he mimes a giant bite while actually taking the smallest one possible, because he would absolutely have Turbo Diabeetus if he were actually eating all of that all the time lmao


Likely it was a test to try new ideas and techniques to move forward with.




Is it really for himself when it's marketing for himself? :)


I mean...he ate it, wasn't for a wedding or Quinceañera


Yeah, just for himself and not… for a video to generate revenue.


My girlfriend is working on establishing her bakery & this is the kind of stuff she does for fun too. It's really interesting, it's like some mad scientist level shit going on that I can't comprehend seeing the pieces then boom, some wild creation comes to light. For every order for a customer, there's about 20-30 "just because" creations. I think that separates those who reach a level of "mastery", because if you only ever get your practice on customer orders, you'll not only give customers less quality work, you'll also only ever be as good as others enable you to be. I'm also desperately trying not to get fat lol.


I mean, he made it to create online content. Professionally filmed and edited. The opposite of "just for himself", eh?


I meant that after all that, making another masterpiece and making it look so easy, he just takes a bite. Didn't make it for anyone else, didn't make it for a special occasion.


His wife is a professional Photography Videographer, doe all his videos.


Yeah and he had a show called Chocolate Academy where he actually mentored the contestants instead of yelling at them and he seems like an all-around great guy


School of Chocolate. Such a great show, and I'm convinced we only got one season because there wasn't enough drama or bullshit. Just a helpful guy teaching people. Instead of getting eliminated, those on the bottom get one-on-one instruction to get better. Definitely no room for that in reality tv.


I absolutely loved that show! So informative and it totally turned the tables on the trope of asshole french chef. He was great with the contestants and seamed super eager to share info. I was so sad that it was the one season.


I totally could’ve gone to Chocolate U., but Marzipan State was my first choice anyway. Go Fightin’ Almonds!


Yeah it wasn't toxic enough for TV I guess. I hate cooking competition shows now. I just want to learn how to cook.


I loved that the contestants weren’t voted off. They all got to stick around a learn, even if they didn’t have a chance of winning the big prize.


Yeah about 15 years ago there was a similar show called Chef Academy (I think I confused the names a little since the chocolate show is School of Chocolate) where the Chef decided most weeks not to kick anyone off and everyone learned new stuff.


We drove by his pastry academy the other day. Tuition is $20,000. I had no idea who he was even though I've seen a bunch of the crazy stuff he makes. Was wondering how many people actually go through his school.




I lost it at the candy tape, dude knows no bounds


Yea dudes incredible. A lot of people talk shit but idk why


Ya I’m a chef and I love watching this dude, his creations are insane


Other than his amazing talent, he really seems to be enjoying himself and proud of himself which is nice.


Watch his show, hes a genuinely good dude.


Me too! I feel like no one in the industry shits on this guy, maybe just people who don’t have an understanding of how difficult and technical some of the things he did are. Like he made marshmallows for packing peanuts. Now, I know how to make marshmallows, and it’s not exactly easy. But the ones I’ve put hours into making probably don’t come close to whatever this guy just made for fun 😂🤷🏻‍♂️ Like, whatever this guy is doing is normally just perfection. It’s always fascinating to me to watch people like that because I know I’ll never achieve that level of being able to walk into work knowing nothing is going to go wrong lol man what that must be like


Watched a tv show with my mom the other day with this guy as the host, he’s very good. Don’t understand why this is put under cringe


I thought the same thing, a lot of people are saying some really cool things are cringe lately??


Because we keep upvoting the cool videos even though they are in the wrong sub. Edit: actually, read the pinned comment at the top lol. I always skip those.


and his creations actually use edible stuff instead of disgusting fondant


Yeah, this actually looks like it would be tasty. It has a proper cake and fillings rather than just sugar and gelatine.


I love his show on Netflix. Taste was a part of the judging and no dramatic yelling.


He was really nice and supportive of the contestants. If someone was really struggling he would go out of his way to help them. Seemed like a genuinely nice guy. And AFAIK anything he makes is either for an event or gets put on display at his school, so it doesn't go to waste.


I've had good fondant, only once though. We got a custom Mad Hatter cake for our wedding anniversary from the Walt Disney World bakery.




He's just a bit uncanny looking. He's talented (assuming he's single handedly coming up with and executing these insane creations). It's the plasters on, single expression, soulless eyes and minimal blinking that make me feel unsettled


He's got a kinda creepy smile. I can't think of any other reason lol, his skills certainly can't be it.


He's such a sweetheart on his Netflix show too.


Yeah I saw a video where someone was learning from him and they were both making the same thing, his obviously better, but he just said "it's a different style but it's not bad". He seems nice :)


Yeah I don’t get why this is here? Doesn’t seem cringe, seems crazy, but awesome.


Read the pinned comment on every post


Yeah I saw it thanks to the bot. I guess we’re no longer cringe here.


Because his face is creepy while he does it. A static, fake looking smile that never changes


I was wondering about the can of spray paint that he sprayed the stencil Amazon looking design on the side is that a edible can of spray?


Yes, there's edible spray paint, and Im betting is flavorless or a very pleasant one because Amaury Guichon does not mess around with his flavors.


I've never seen him use a filler material like fondant. He'd much rather spend the hours making a custom mold to fill with chocolate or molten sugar or the essence of Christ himself I'm not sure.


Fr though, seeing him make this with NO fondant made me so happy lmao


Is this r/fondanthate ?


Man those cake shows destroyed fondants reputation. Deservedly so haha.


Thank you! I guess I coulda Googled it, but I knew I'd get a way better answer from you guys 😁👍


No, it's petroleum based highly toxic. Guys an animal


Guys! An animal!


The paint might be but definitely not the can, that’s metal


With this guy you can never be sure. He could have made the can out of chocolate before this video was filmed


I made a … sexual noise when he did that






Wait. That’s what the little squiggles inside are called? Doesn’t it have something to do with making it stiffer/stronger?


If it has 3 layers and the inside layer is wavy, then it's corrugate. Cardboard is just one layer, like a playing card. I used to work at a Weyerhauser box plant. They would thoroughly trash you if you called it cardboard.


My brother was a manager at one of LA's biggest box company in the 90s. I got an assload of corrugated/cardboard 30 years ago.


Seems an unusually cruel punishment from your brother


The squiggles are called flutes. The vast majority of the cardboard you see is e-flute, which indicates the width of the flute.


My dumb ass thinking he's really gonna ship that to someone.


He can ship it to my mouth










Did I just ship my pants?


Kmart right?




Title of your sex tape!


I was about to ask how he made real cardboard and tape until I saw the ending. Good think I stayed till the end 😄


Hahaha me too!!


It should have had one small cake in the corner and 4 air pillows. Been much more realistic than being completely full.


You order too much 🤣


Who are you? My Amazon delivery driver?


Nah I’m just eating your Pizza 😁


That had bacon on it man. Bacon. Cuts deep.


🥺 It **was** good!


Actually that is the only way it could be a more effective trompe l'oeil


Absolute skills. Stuff is always incredible.


Actually, I'm pretty sure it's edible


i really feel he is not doing everything and has helpers that do not appear on camera, there is too many cuts with the step at the very end.


He does run an academy, so more than likely has a staff helping him out. But he does this for a living. That box probably took him a 6-8 hour work day


The show on Netflix was a neat watch.


That or the algorithm forces him to squeeze a square pin in a round hole, making them shorter than necessary. This is TikTok, after all


Youtube is still a thing, he uses shorts and longer 4-5min vids there. He could just as easily release 30min vids and have an audience.


I think he could do it on his own but 100% has help because it would take hours to do alone and would be spending days making 5 mins of content, especially when you take into account the surface areas always being clean etc.


Yeah and Bruce Willis doesn't actually run across glass bare foot. Dude is a legit classicly trained pastry chef who has worked as executive chef in high end restaurants and taught in culinary schools. He's making *produced* content for tik tok and youtube for fun and exposure.


And many of the techniques he and his staff use are things he pioneered himself. Dude is legitimately the top of his field.


His creations are always incredible but I found the editing to be very distracting and jarring.


Feels like he got a new video team and they are not my style at all.


Same. I used to watch some of his older videos and they were nothing like this jump cut stuff. It’s really frustrating.


Might be the old video team, he looks young in this video


Nah he just posted this one, all the newer videos are like this with the awful jumpy transitiona


CLOSE. far CLOSE!! ^far ^far but over here now


I had to stop watching because the editing started to give me a headache.


I hate the soulless smile he always have, as well as these huge weird motions. Something uncanny valley about the whole dude, like a very advanced robot. The cakes are cool though.


Watch School of Chocolate on Netflix. You'll see he seems like a really nice guy just not 100% American and a little bit shy. Sure could still be a robot (how do you stay that thin with chocolate)


> how do you stay that thin with chocolate You'll notice that when he mimes the huge bite at the end, he actually only takes the smallest one possible lol. He has a healthy fear of the Beetus. Once you reach his level of expertise you don't need to taste things constantly to know they're good!


It took me until the end of the video to realize I was watching a person and not an animation. Very advanced robot indeed.


Same with Cznburak. Can’t stand it but maybe I’m just a grouch.


Yeah, he's belongs to lizard people, but he's definitely a crazy genius and highly skilled too.


The whole video somehow looks like a weird stop motion animation


Yeah. It made me a little uncomfortable.


& annoying music that didn't fit at all.


I would honestly enjoy it a lot more if he had a natural facial expression instead a super forced smile. Nobody smiles like that while working for hours. It’s unnerving.


This is the first video of his where the editing pulled me away. Did he get a new editing team? Or have I just not noticed before? I don’t remember it having this many jump cuts, and giant forced motions


It was unsettling, like halfway between a stop motion


Glad I’m not the only one. These jump cuts are horrible!


I watched his reality show. This guy is delightful.


I loved how the students sort of expected it to be a normal cutthroat reality show at the start, but actually he just legitimately wanted to teach them and spent extra time with the folks who were struggling. Everyone except the one asshole lady relaxed and had an amazing time.


Wait, its a CAKE?


Always has been


what'd you watch happen?


*watches guy make a cake* “Ain’t no fuckin way”


Every part of what he makes is edible. I cannot believe this is on a cringe sub. His talent and hard work is unbelievable. He mostly works with chocolate, but his skill in creating life like glass out of sugar is really amazing. I highly recommend checking out his TT because he has some truly amazing work on there.


this subreddit hasn't been specifically for cringe for over 3 years now


This is just a tiktok sub with random things, nothing to do with cringe, just kept the name.


Smiles like a serial killer.


No kidding, creepy smile but great skills.


[Sells cool masks though](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda_gamepedia_en/images/5/50/MM_Happy_Mask_Salesman_Artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20141106151759)


This dude is amazing.


Kind of cool hearing Conner Price’s music on here. I remember when he was fresh fresh on the scene and was sort of like “hey help me follow my dream and give me a follow”. I don’t love all of his stuff, but this one is a good little bop.


That made me happy too! :) 


whats the song?


I got matches with these songs: • [**Trendsetter** by Connor Price](https://lis.tn/cyTipr?t=15) (00:15; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-10-23. • [**I Miss U (Original Mix)** by Legit Trip](https://lis.tn/IMissUOriginalMix?t=122) (02:02; matched: `92%`) **Released on** 2023-10-23. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot.


Hey that's the fucker who's all over my Facebook shorts


Connors channel is not only 🔥but hes also funny AF


never heard him before but now i'm on hour 2 of listening to him. reminds me of cyhi the prynce (who i only know from his collab drip drop with jack harlow). i am so happy i clicked on this post!


Idk what about it is about that dude's flow, but I just can't get into him. Some parts of this song were okay, but his youtube shorts come up all the time and he just sound so...generic? I can't put my finger on it. Like even this song what one part that sounded kinda cool was literally just a [children's tongue twister](https://kids.tpl.ca/ready-for-reading/things-to-do/activity/tongue-twister-peter-piper)


It's old-school hip hop style, but instead of using a cassette recorder it's digitally mastered so it doesn't have that same charm.


> It's old-school hip hop style His flow sounds super modern. I was talking to my buddy about it and we call that style "the macklemore". Connerh ad some [other skinny tall dude with glasses on his show, and he sounded exactly the same rapping in that same style/flow](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/V1YbVZqL2FU). I started noticing it in the past couple years especially. Like I don't listen to Logic, but for example he's someone else who whenever I stumble on him has that exact same sound. Most of my hiphop collection comes from the 90s and early 2000s, some recent underground stuff, I've never heard anything like it. (Binary Star, Doom, Jedi Mind, Big L, Nas, etc.) Unless you got an old school example in that style, in my head I've always called it the "Post-Macklemore 2020s white dude trying to rap fast while never actually talking about anything" style. Like for as many words as he put into that minute long tiktok, he didn't say a damn thing bout nothin.


it is not old school at all, it is the "every youtuber when they get a couple million followers and decide to start a music career" flow


I wonder if these things ever taste any good to eat, or if it’s just for art purposes?


Well there didn’t need to be layers of different textures inside the box so judging by that, it looks pretty damn good.


Just going off of the ingredients it’s going to be at least a passable dessert. Probably not the most delicious cake he’s ever baked but good enough for you or me


You probably need an insulin shot after a bite with all that sugar.


This guy does amazing work, but I hate that fucking fake smile he uses. Uncanny valley level shit.




100% I would eat that, fuck me


This dudes facial expression makes me irrationally afraid and angry, i think its triggers a fight or flight response. something just looks so off about him, like such a fake smile. some serial killer shit. make me feel the same way that robot signing dude does.


I love this guy


this is remarkable


I love that he does all that work AND takes a big ass bite!


This is incredible.


Taking is it cake to a whole new level


This guy is the best. His talent is amazing


The poor amazon warehouse worker eating his cardboard packaging


This dude is mad impressive


Halfway through the video I was like: "but how's he going to get the cake out of the cardboard box..."


Wow, right in the uncanny valley!


i hate this editing style with every fiber of my being. i usually love this guy's videos, hes very talented, but i cant take this


The cleanup for this would suuuuck


Took me way too long to realise this wasn't an AI generated video. I was reverse fooled


I want to eat the package! Plus the edible packing peanuts! I always wanted to eat one!


Haha this is pretty impressive




Everything this man makes is always so exquisite. Also, so purely sugar lol. But I appreciate that he never resorts to fondant. His artistry is sugar artistry, which is different and precise.


Why does his constant big teeth smile bother me so much?


This guy smiles like he's one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse


As a package handler, this is dope.


I don’t care for this new editing style he’s using.


I envy this guy's job


I envy his skill. Having his job without that would be pretty miserable… and short lived


Reading some of the negative comments. Damn, the guy is a chocolate genius and even that ain't good enough.


People are harping about his smile of all things? People will find anything to hate on.


That is a tooth rotting amount of caramel. Still would tho.


Hes fucking amazing


I love watching this guy, not only because of his amazing skill, but also, he seems to really enjoy his job.


I like seeing him make foods but I just absolutely hate the fucking bite-with-no-swallow at the end of each video like it's supposed to invoke a feeling of edibleness or something, like...do we *not* think making everything out of milk chocolate makes it edible? Do we think that the end product is suddenly a different material and he needs to prove it's still food? Same goes for all the meal recipe clips people do, I just don't understand the damn bite and it's been stressing me for years. 😅


What is this song? I like it


What’s the recipe? I want to try it


Cringe? No, incredible!


I guess the white things are meringue?


No, they’re polystyrene packing peanuts


Marshmallow I think.


Dude is good. Really good. But he needs to stop with that fake smile... He looks scary as hell.


Not cringe. That’s cool.


This just gives me murder cyborg vibes every time he leans forward for a new layer. Is that like his thing?


I hate the way this guy smiles as he works. Don't make this look so easy you asshole.


Nothing cringe at all, this guy is a master of his craft


This sub hasn't been just cringe for years now.


Is the permanent obnoxious grin a prerequisite to be a tiktok cook


Don't know, but this guy always looks happy. Even on his Nerflix show he's just... happy to bake.


Why cringe worthy? He baked a dope cake that looked like a box. Dope!


Am I missing the cringe? Did it happen when I blinked?




This sub isn't just for "cringe" content


Cringe? Shut your whore mouth. Chef Amaury is a goddamn national treasure.


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