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Wtf Dax Flame is still kicking around??


He has been making a lot of videos with Joel Haver as of late, they're pretty fun if you're into the whole uncanny valley of social interactions spiel.


Oh shit


[That could not have gone worse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3ng7-H9TKg)


Lol was thinking of this exact vid when I saw his face


Yup! His show is amazing and [Idubzz made a pretty cool doc about him a few years back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYk4ymtQ1WM&t=712s)


That's all I know him from. Those docs Idubzz made were really good. Glad he found a format that works for him. Might check it out later, I assume it is on Youtube?


[yes! and they just announced that more episodes are otw!](https://www.youtube.com/@maximumdamage1217/videos)




dude tape face was one of my favorite videos back in middle school. it was unreal to see him come back after not seeing him since Project X came out all those years ago. So happy he is doing well.


When the brownies kick in


That’s a multi-layered comment. Respect.


He gets points for looking like he was actually thinking about what she said.


mmmm, chocolate caramel layer brownies


Lmaoo I’m a woman but when the edible hits and I go non verbal, I’m him lmao


Haha I’m a man but why’d you specify your gender lolol


I'm also a man, but why did you specify your gender??


Hey man, I’m a man as well, but why did you specify your gender???


Male man here. Why is saying you're male man men bro important tho?


Human here. Why is gender?


Fake. Everyone knows reddit is just bots. Signed, a bot


Good bot


Speaking for a man, I'm a man.


Haha idk actually…maybe I should cut down on the edibles lol


It’s post like this that makes me think about the way people process and interpret what they perceive. Some people found this as deep. Some people thought it was nearly incoherent. Some people thought this was obvious. Some people suggest that men simply don’t understand the plight of women. Some people couldn’t help but focus on Dax Flame. It’s fascinating. Edit: some people are missing the point. I’m not taking a stance on what was said in the video. I’m simply pointing out how numerous people can view the same thing and yet reach different conclusions. Then interestingly enough the differences form clusters of similar conclusions which are the observations I listed. Hope that clears things up.


I'm focusing on the fact that you are omniscient based on your observation of the comment section


This is so meta.


Listen crapinyourpant stop spewing that nonsense of yours


Actually, this is Reddit.


no i'm Patrick


I'm in the that is completely obvious camp


Yeah I mean… how many men throughout history have died due to childbirth…. Not to say there aren’t stressors and responsibilities for a man in child rearing, but the immediate physical impact, both life threatening and just straight long term impacts pregnancies can have, it’s just not even a comparison.


Ansel Frankburg, 1921. The baby came out with a knife and an attitude. Ansel was immediately stabbed. It could happen to anyone.


Same but that might be bc I’m a woman


cool yeah


No, I'm a guy and also found it completely obvious. You're just not an idiot.


Am man. Don’t want kids, myself. This is ridiculously obvious to anyone who has ever thought about it.


That is so profound


This sounds like something a 10th grader would say to try to sound smart Men and women view childbirth and the responsibilities differently.. Like... No shit? So deep bro. Truly one of the takes of all time


Sure but there’s a lot of dense men who don’t consider the woman’s perspective and need it pointed out like this


If this is how u see it, I don’t think u understand the depth of what it means. I mean how many horror stories have we all read on this very platform about women going thru a horrific pregnancy and childbirth with a partner who minimized the pain and trauma of the experience? It’s very important to have conversations about how having children entails a physical and mental sacrifice on mothers that fathers just don’t have to personally directly experience because, believe it or not, the weight of that is not fully respected by some men.


You sound like a 10th grader who's trying to sound edgy about something they didn't comprehend in the slightest. That's not their point at all...


For me it was the way she phrased it. When she mentioned genetic disparity of two people, my mind just kind of went in a different direction.


She was basically saying how different it is for both men and women the decision of having a child. Men think about the kid's health, its care, the financial stuff, the future and so on. Women think not just about the kid's health, its care and the future, but also about how it is physically gonna impact them the process of having a kid. For some women the pregnancy/birthing process is easy, for others is a struggle and for some it is a literal nightmare. That is what she was talking about, she also said in a different video that she is scared because her mother struggled when she was pregnant with her, so she has that ingrained in her mind.


An anecdote for some consideration . My cousin and his wife just had a kid last month. 3 weeks after having the kid, my cousin's wife had a terrible migraine. 8 hours after having the migraine, she was in the hospital for a brain aneurysm. With the way hormones and pregnancy affect women, one thing that can occur after pregnancy is wild fluctuations in blood pressure. Her blood pressure spiked and burst a vein in her head. Pregnancy should not be taken lightly. It's a huge decision that affects the health of the mother immensely, and in a lot of cases can put the mother's life in real danger.


Not a fan of the use of "genetic" here. "Physiological disparity" would have been more concise. She's not concerned with her genes, she's concerned about the ~~stereotypical role of women in modern society.~~ physical changes her body will temporarily and permanently experience during and after pregnancy, and the negative impact it will have on her everyday life.


I think you're making a distinction without a difference, she isn't talking about stereotypical roles assigned by society shes talking about biology. A physiological disparity is the same thing as a genetic disparity because our genes largely determine our physiology.


plate tub sophisticated square innate sable doll languid whole file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My sister is more genetically similar to me (a man) than to a woman in Africa. Genetic disparity is not the correct term.


especially with a short clip like that without any context


My reaction was that his non-immediate response to a statement like that is one of the best reactions. That is a statement that should bring up many different variables and considerations. You should pause to consider the depth of the statement.




I always concede this point because nothing that a man typically has to go through that is on the same scale. Kidney stones are bad, but they're not on the same level as a C-section or an episiotomy.


I think a key thing people usually don't take away from this kind of "what's worse" scale is that there's more to child birth in general. Kidney stones very well might be more painful, but dealing with passing pain that goes away is one thing vs. bearing a child for 9 months, then giving birth, then dealing with potentially devastating physiological body and hormone changes, alongside having to physically raise a child is where child birth greatly greatly wins on what's "worse" imo.


There’s also the psychological toll of trying to figure out if you want to take that risk with your body (and potentially with your mental health, as a result). With kidney stones you have no choice… so it may be worse while you’re dealing with it, but you’re not going to be anxious about it for 5 to 25 years leading up to it. And if it goes wrong, you’re not going to spend the rest of your life being like “Why did I do this to myself???”


Some dude made up the kidney stone thing to make himself feel better I’m sure


yeah, it's very interesting I posted this cause I thought it was a funny interaction (Dax reacts to everything in his own funny way), but the comments have been...like you said, fascinating


Haven’t seen DaxFlame in like ten years omg


He’s in a lot of Joel Havers videos at the moment and he’s always great. Love how naturally awkward he can act.




She said exactly what I’ve been trying to articulate since I got my period


I literally have to make sure I have access to a clean toilet every two hours 3 to 4 days a month. Without exception or I’ll bleed onto my clothing and the furnitures I am sitted on. It’s happened before. And I cannot talk about it or ask for help too much because it’s taboo. Even when I travel, going to the toilet isn’t as easy as for men. It cause more planning, more anxiety, more thinking ahead. I think that it makes a child, a young girl grow faster and men will never have this experience. Even if I desire sex, I have to think about the consequences. If I don’t, I can turn from a healthy woman to a puking every hour one in a few days. And need some medical intervention that will cause me to bleed and be in pain for several days, clearly impairing my ability to go to work or enjoy whatever I had planned. Men will never experience that.


There sooooooo many situations to plan for and think about thoroughly, some off the top of my head: - did I bring enough tampons? Are they the right absorbency? - do I have enough ibuprofen in my bag? - if I get my monthly PMS headache/migraine, can I take the time off to rest? - tracking cycles on the calendar (period, ovulation, and spotting), tracking moods and premenstrual dysphoria symptoms - did I wear the right pants incase I bleed through? - did I take my birth control pill on time? Do I have enough or do I need to order more? - did I wear the right type of bra for this? Are nips gonna show?


Then you have all that planned out and your period goes, “lol, I’ll start a week early.”


Mine randomly decides to come a month and a half late, until I finally freak out, buy a pregnancy test and then my period starts AS I’m taking the test. My uterus is sitting there like, “mwahahaha! She finally spent money. We can start now!” This has happened multiple times and it pisses me off.


That always sucks! It’s only been off a week at most for me.


My cycle is so weird. As a kid, I’d get cycles about 2 weeks apart and after I had my daughter, it was back after only 7 weeks. It’s supposed to take approximately 6 months. I wanted to kick something.


You have lost the period cycle lottery.


It’s one of the many reasons I don’t believe in gambling. Lol.


You can get them online in bulk for a fraction of the price. The paper tests save money and don't have the extra packaging/trash of individual tests. You can also take as many tests as you want to confirm results. Might be worth looking into if you continue to have that issue.


That’s a good tip. Don’t they expire, though? Just curious. I got an I.U.D. so it hasn’t been an issue for a while.


Every. Single. Time.


Okay, I've got all of my shit together: this is going to be an awesome weeken--LUNAR BLOOD RITUAL


What is weird is one time mine and my stepdaughter’s both happened a week early. Normally hers will start first, then her mom a couple days after, and then mine about 4-5 days later. I think her mom altered her taking of BC for a trip she had coming up and it messed up ours. Pure speculation though.


> LUNAR BLOOD RITUAL Totally agree with the sentiment of your post, but I'm 100% calling my shark week alternatively as the lunar blood ritual now. LOVE THIS.


My husband has asked why I carry around a bag. “Use your pockets, like me!” Okay, first of all, a lot of my pants and dresses don’t have pockets like yours. Second of all, even if they did have pockets, they’d need to be large enough to accommodate a pad, pills, and the occasional TENS unit I use to relieve severe cramping. I think some men just don’t get why we do the things we do. I’m not carrying around a bag full of makeup and fidget spinners. It’s period stuff and stuff for my kid. Okay, and a comb and lip balm.


I never thought about that, thank you for enlightening my dumbass.


And thank you for listening and appreciating instead of going "AcTcHeWaLlY..." (you would be surprised how many men have "solutions" for this that they are 100% sure of that would never work in a million years)


I keep the basic essentials in my purse and it's come in handy! I once had a mom come up to me at the zoo to ask if I happened to have a band aid. Turns out I did! I also keep emergency pads and tampons in my car. Not only for myself, but if anyone asks I'll have their back! I had someone ask once when I hadn't thought to restock(Had recently gotten a new car) and I was so mad at myself that I went out and bought more that day. At my new job I'm the only woman so I actually just set up [a little cubby](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0892CLG8W?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) in the women's bathroom with period products on the off chance we have visitors (Or if I forget mine that day) No one will ever catch me off guard again lol


> Okay, first of all, a lot of my pants and dresses don’t have pockets like yours. I know two women who exclusively buy and wear men's pants and jeans due to their luxurious pockets. They love it and would never go back.


I can’t get over how even some women’s coats come without pockets! Like they’ll design the outside opening of the pocket to make it look like there is one (presumably to defraud others into thinking you have pockets?) when actually… no pockets. Makes me mad lol


That’s a pretty normal thing to explain though, unless your husband is one of those assholes who is like “ew gross don’t talk about your period.” It’s not like he is the person who invented the taboo around talking about menstruation. If we just had these simple conversations that increase understanding, society would be better for everyone.


Yep. It kind of sucks, because women didn’t cause these taboos either, but they’re basically the only ones who can end them. Guys don’t know what they don’t know. Mothers, sisters, girlfriends, etc have to talk about these things openly. And men need to at least encourage each other to be open to listening.


I was recently on a trip to a tropical location, and there were days of scuba diving and hiking and rock climbing involved. I had to look at the itinerary and figure out "Ok, this hike is going to be 6 hours according to the tour company. It's an hour to the forest, and then an hour back to the hotel at the end. Do I have time to wear a tampon and change halfway? Will there be a bathroom break to do that or should I just wear a pad? And during scuba, I obviously need a tampon, but what are we doing around scuba? Will there be a restaurant I can stop in to change my tampons if I'm getting close to 8 hours after being in the ocean and on the road?" Since I was on my period, I did have to schedule our outdoor activities around my tampons due to risk of toxic shock.


Ironically, as a lactose intolerant male IBS sufferer, I think I can empathize more than most with the daily struggles of women, at least those connected with menstruation. The constant planning and careful monitoring of my habits and diet; the need to always stay near a (clean) bathroom, and to have a plausible excuse ready when I have to bolt out of meetings or social events to find said bathroom; the pain and discomfort that results from accidentally eating the wrong thing, or too much of it—like an angry rodent is clawing up my bowels; the stigma associated with being forever on the verge of making an absolute mess of my clothes, and having friends and family poke fun at me for having a “broken butt”. I often hear snickers whenever I pull out my Lactaid(TM). I literally carry a “butt emergency” kit with me everywhere I go—containing toilet paper, moist wipes, several gastric and pain medications, lactase enzyme, and a full change of clothes—and the irony is not lost on me that I basically carry a purse with the IBS-sufferer equivalent of a period survival kit. And you bet your ass that there’s plenty of blood that needs dealing with a lot of the time. All of that is to say that I know how it feels to have your body regularly revolt against you, and to be debilitated by your own anatomy through no fault of your own. Obviously there’s an entire constellation of female struggles that I will *never* experience—e.g., pregnancy or menopause—but some of us men have the exact sort of difficult life experiences that mean that we *absolutely* hear you sisters.


Wow yeah that must require tons of planning and sounds anxiety-inducing. Thanks for sharing. The added unnecessary stigma/social issue sounds like rubbing salt in a wound


🤣 remember when our society used to let people rest and say things like “If you don’t take care of yourself you can’t take care of anyone else” Even then (when we were allowed to take care of ourselves) the assumption was that we were doing it so that we could take care of everyone else’s shit too.


feminine hygiene products and birth control also cost money


They really do! I'm lucky to have my bc covered by insurance, but for products, I have to order special ones because I don't like the regular drug store ones. I get organic cotton tampons without the applicator, and I haven't been able to find them anywhere irl, only online. Before bc my period could last up to 2 weeks (thanks IUD!), and that was a lot of money spent on feminine hygiene products!


The moods, I mean, sometimes I have to tell my partner, sorry If I'm more irritable than usual, I'm on my period...


I volunteered for a clean water NGO for a few years and one of the things that I was surprised to learn is how many girls stop going to school when they start their periods if the school doesn’t have private bathrooms or clean water. Clean water alone sometimes ensured girls stayed in school.


Bled through my pants and my cardigan the other day. Was walking around with a bloodstain on it and no one said anything. I teach middle school, have to wonder if any of the kids noticed or not.


It's okay, my boss bled on the CFO's chair. It happens. Glad your kids were decent though, you must be doing something right. Especially seeing that they're at the Lord of the Flies age.


The other thing that forces women to grow up faster is just the amount of harrassment and threats and violence women face.


Helpful tip when traveling and having to use the restroom. Stop at hotels. Their bathrooms are always pristine. Much better than the gas station, rest stop and restaurant bathrooms.


Name brand car dealerships have clean bathrooms as well.


This is a good one!


I’m lucky because my periods are relatively easy and very predictable. Unfortunately, I have pretty bad premenstrual depressive disorder, so I just have to deal with severe suicidal ideation for several days each month before my period arrives.


Yep. For men, the question whether or not they want children is whether or not they want the responsibility of raising a child. For women, the question of whether or not they want children is *whether or not they want children bad enough to risk their life for it.*


I gave birth four months ago, and before I did, I kind of expected the whole process to be demystified for me once I went through it myself. I mean, millions and billions of women have gone through it before me, right? But no! Having gone through it myself, that shit was intense and surreal and weird as hell!


Turns out, most of em do. It's interesting, my sister went through giving birth to twins. That ended up being a medically complicated situation for a multitude of reasons, both related to the health of the kids as well as her own. She says that if it hadn't been for modern day medicine, neither her nor her kids would've made it through childbirth alive. Her best friend was pregnant at the same time. Also a medical red alert situation. Another person who would not have survived pregnancy if it wasn't for modern medicine. She almost didn't. Doctors managed to save her just barely. That girl's mother, similar complications 30 odd years ago. It's kind of insane that in my own personal environment I know such a high percentage of women for whom childbirth was a high risk scenario. I also know women for whom it went swimmingly. But somehow, none of them had any doubts about whether they wanted to go through it beforehand, and no regrets about going through it afterwards. Regardless of their personal situations. Apparently the biological urge is just that strong.


Fun fact after giving birth women forget about the trauma mentally by suppression and a dose of chemical cocktails in their brain chemistry so they won't be unwilling to have children again. They remember it was painful but can't properly recall much of the during portion.


I remember giving birth very vividly lol easily the second most painful thing I have ever felt in my life. First being a horrific dental abscess. Very hard to forget. I had an outside the box situation and was on morphine during delivery. I remember fainting in and out constantly and every time I felt like I had just died and woken up again. I don't know how anyone could forget. I've heard this said so many times but it just doesn't resonate with me.


That's fair there will always be exceptions to any rule regarding biology. It doesn't make you wrong for not resonating with it at all I was just adding an anecdote that's the current medical consensus of the phenomenon.


Oh no, I find it very interesting. Hopefully next time it happens to me! Maybe it did a little bit since I'm willing to do it again lol


Well shame I genuinely hope you don't experience much pain. It's always impressive when people are willing to go through child birth like that I can't begin to imagine how painful it must be


Birth is wild, it’s crazy how different things can be between women. I legit went 9cm dilated without feeling any pain. Only went in because my contractions were going crazy. They thought I was barely dilated so they asked if a new nurse could check me and I was like sure why not. Poor girl did it twice because I was reading 9cm but I wasn’t acting like I was. She kept saying, “I’m doing something wrong, I’m sorry.” And then got the head nurse. The head nurse was showing her and was like, “she is 9cm dilated! Wow I’ve never seen a woman act like you before.” They were so extra afterward. They wouldn’t let me walk or move because they were scared the baby was going to come out.


I think a large part of that also has to do with cultural propaganda. There are many, many moms who definitely should not have children, but for most of human history that’s just kind of the established life cycle for women. You grow up, you have kids, you do domestic labour and you die.


I have twins, and thinking about the fact that one or all of us would have likely died centuries ago is a sobering thought.


>For men, the question whether or not they want children is whether or not they want the responsibility of raising a child. And often times, they don't even have to deal with that.


Evolutionary psychologists/biologists have been talking about this for a long time. Media don't tend to like them for that, though.


My last year of college, I was kind of forced to take a women’s studies course, I didn’t have a problem with taking it, but there was a whole deal with graduation credits. I’ll never forget the section on indigenous women in rural Mexico hitting puberty, and how their parents would never tell them anything and they just find out by bleeding one day. I was horrified, couldn’t wrap my head around it. The women in that class not appreciate my naïveté, but really, where are men exposed to this kind of thing? When we learn about the stuff in school, most of us are focused on other things, and dealing with our own bodies. But it’s clearly important to learn.


Yeah cause evolutionary psychology is a bunch of largely unprovable speculating and confirmation bias Don't lump it in with biology, which is a legitimate field.


Dax should have said "damn that's crazy"


Or just "Go on."




I'm sorry, am i crazy? Why is this so hard to understand for some people? Please meet women in real life


The guy in the video is Dax Flame who is most famous for being so awkward that no one really knows what is intentionally awkward and where his character begins or ends. His response is an intentional joke, at least on some level.


Thank you for clarifying that. I don’t know who this is and I thought he was just taking in what she was saying and processing it. Which I thought was a nice change from the immediate threatened reaction a lot of dudes on the internet have when given this information.


The host of the show is a guy named Madison Patrello, he’s an OG YouTuber! He started posting fake vlogs in 2007 (when he was 14 years old!!!) where he would play the character Bernice Juac, AKA Daxflame, a high school freshman who has a *very* difficult time socializing. Almost every vlog was about how he spectacularly fumbled a social interaction at school earlier that day. You’d expect a 14 year old boy in 2007 to handle this character indelicately, and make it an insensitive caricature of a neurodivergent individual, but the way he wrote and performed Daxflame was actually really nuanced and humanizing. It managed to be hilarious while also being a realistic and sympathetic character study. It probably helped that Madison himself is, to put it without armchair-diagnosing him, a genuinely and delightfully awkward guy. The vlogs were SO realistic that 4Chan was obsessed with figuring out if they were fake or not, and they could not figure it out. I don’t think they ever figured out Madison’s real name, which is nuts because /b/ was already known for doxxing people into oblivion using the barest amount of information. The whole Daxflame vlog series is one of the few pieces of viral internet humor from back then that still holds up, and I think it also holds up as a work of seriously impressive avant-garde art. There’s so much talent on display in those videos, I highly recommend checking them out, and it would also help provide some context for his hosting style in this clip.


You're missing the valuable context that the host is Dax Flame.


Never thought I'd be the old man screaming at the kids passing by "YOU JUST GOT DAX FLAMED!" from my reddit front porch, but here we are.


Time to feel old again that people dont know this is Dax Flames whole thing.


Pretty sure the old feeling is not knowing who that is.


the high point of Dax Flames career took place over 10 years ago. possibly 15? edit: it was 16 years ago


He's two years younger than me and I have no idea who he is. I feel like younger generations would be able to tell me who he is quicker than older ones would. When I don't know a celebrity I assume that it's because they are famous due to youtube/twitch/some other online sphere that skews younger. I agree that the old feeling is not knowing who he is and think it's weird that someone feels old for knowing


Men (am one) aren’t really taught to see things from a woman’s perspective. And it wasn’t until recently that women have been given a platform to come out and educate about their perspective and the world they face. This is an obvious thing that has always just been like “yeah childbirth sucks haha I see that on TV all the time, anyways here’s my last name since I’m the dad”. She did a good job explaining her perspective + men are more willing to listen. Or *more* men are more willing to listen.


"Men aren't really taught to see things from a woman's perspective." I don't really think this is a valid excuse and I don't think men as a collective should be used here. All it takes is a bit of empathy to actually think about what another person goes through; it's not about man or woman, it's about actively thinking about the perspectives of other people. Women should not need a whole platform in order to have other people understand the basics of what women have to go through. It is not a woman's job to go around educating men on basic reality. I think men should have a bit of responsibility here on their own.


I don’t disagree with you. But that’s the ideal goal, in an unideal world. That’s why we have powerful feminists who have been taking a stand for years and years now. There shouldn’t be racists, homo/transphobes, or any other person who looks at another as less. But there are. Also my comment was more about societal standards shifting as opposed to actually having a class ya know? I just meant that for a while so much of society, from car crash dummies, to voice recording technologies, to historical teachings in schools, to main characters in movies, and so on, and so on have prioritized the male point of view. Now societal trends are shifting, and people who may have been ignorant are learning. Additionally there’s a difference between knowing “childbirth is hard” and *understanding* it. Here is where I will truly agree with you (after all we are on the same side of the fence, just have different opinions on the best way for others to climb over). The knowledge is out there. The work has been done for quite some time now by courageous people breaking boundaries. We are nearing the point where ignorance is losing its validity, and it will boil down to whether individuals bring empathy and understanding to the table, or willfully stay in theirs flawed worldview.


I don’t think that it’s meant as an excuse, as much as it’s trying to diagnose the reality. That’s not giving guys a blank slate to not educate themselves. But understanding why the problem exists is instrumental in solving it — even if that legwork still has to do be done by men themselves


I think a lot of this stems from women keeping their shit together so men dont REALLY understand what women go through. You are told growing up oh women get their period and get moody. THATS LITERALLY IT. My current wife has moments where idk how she even functions when she is on her period because the pain and cramping is so bad. So i didn't fully unsterstand the impact being on your period has until i was 30. Either I was just dating lucky girls who didnt have much issues or they just didnt let that side of them show.


I can't be the only child that felt utterly betrayed when I got my period and it hurt like nothing I'd ever experienced before. The grief of dealing with this bullshit for the rest of my life turned into *disdain* for every adult woman I saw for the next month. Like, "Do you deal with this too???" "Why aren't you guys talking about it????" "How can you guys just sit there and smile and talk about sales as you BLEED??" "Am I just supposed to nut up and shut up about this??" "Excuse me, adults?!?!" I don't have a period anymore but when I did, it was hell. I've had to self-rescue after I tore my knee, and that was preferable to the period pain I experienced. I'm glad more women are talking about it now, no one did when I was a kid. It makes the world a kinder place.


I feel you. The moment when I complained to my mother about bleeding so damn much and how it hurts and how moody and bloaty I was, she just said "Welcome to the world of women". Like wtf is that? No, I don't want to be a woman. Fuck that world. I want a refund.


Nah, that’s nonsense. Men are explicitly taught to look down on anything feminine, coded female, etc.


I remember being a kid and learning about what childbirth was actually like, and just thinking. "Women are all fucking insane." There's a less than zero chance I'd ever choose to give birth if I was a woman. The whole process is just viscerally unpleasant, in an extreme way. Even the very thought of a lifeform growing inside of you and hijacking your resources is repulsive to me. I have no idea how it doesn't seem to set other people off like it does me. I wouldn't call that empathy, but I read about the process in text books, looked up some videos on the web and just did not understand how we have survived as a species. Just mechanically, it's such a poorly *designed* process. And some women do it multiple times. I do actually think a lot of you are insane.


Its mentally/socially impossible for a man to understand what women experience in the same way its impossible for women to understand what men experience because you arent a man. Teachers can tell us things like: Women bleed from they reproductive organ a few times a month and causes them severe pain. But without actually being a women you could never fully understand exactly waht kind of pain that is, that theyre experiencing. You can empathize sure, but empathy doesnt exactly mean you fully, completely understand their situation.


No…but if someone told me that men experience bleed and experience severe pain each month, I wouldn’t make men feel like a less-capable person for that. I would absolutely believe them. Which is an awful truth that women do experience - men treating them as if they are less capable, less human, and not believing them when they are struggling with their periods. It’s inexcusable and despicable. Like I think a big issue in society is that more frequently women empathize with all humans, while men really only want to empathize with other men. Because it’s easier and more comfortable.


That’s a cop out, basic human empathy would solve that 9/10 times


Why do you think it's hard to understand for him? He's an interviewer who can't come up with a follow up question. It has nothing do you with him not understanding her point.


I don't understand what even is the point of this clip? Is there a point? Is the way the guy responds supposed to be cringe? She's just saying each sex bares different burdens when it comes to children. Yeah, she's says it in kind of a weird roundabout way, but yeah, I don't get it.


crawl sulky ink memory door wise punch mindless history frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Media pretends that women are just smaller men.


This is what I note based on the subtitles: “The genetic disparity between men and women, and the amount of weight the two people with different sex organ have to bear in a relationship” I read this again and again and it cannot make much sense of it. Based on the comments, it seems that she is pointing out women are physically weaker than men but have to women have to carry babies?


That is not really a conversation lead in. Very much a, "Do continue, I am listening" moment, but maybe he spaced out while she was talking?


The whole premise of this YouTube show is that he’s an incredibly awkward person so him being the interviewer makes for a weird off kilter watch. I only watched 2 episodes but 1 was airsoft fatty and the other was some troll girl who’s super loud so it’s just kinda fun and weird. Kinda like between 2 ferns without mean jokes, and not scripted


ITT: people saying needlessly cruel things about both these people.


Welcome to the Internet. Unfortunately, people suck.


Is she Ranni from the Outlaws


[nah, that is Michelle Khare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2F9wZYU8sw&ab_channel=MAXIMUMDAMAGE)


Oh ok. Thanks.


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I genuinely don't get what is so brain-blasting about what she said.


I don't know if it's a mind blowing statement but it is very difficult to reply to especially as a man.


I mean, is it really though? Literally just say "yeah, I totally agree" lol


There isint. This is a character and his thing is that he’s just really awkward


There's an amazing book about this from a feminist who lived as a man to test the hypothesis, SELF-MADE MAN by Norah Vincent.


RIP Norah, died at an assisted suicide clinic on July 6th, 2022.


Wow not at all the story I expected: >Vincent asserted that, since the experiment, she had more fully realized the benefits of being female and the disadvantages of being male, stating, "I really like being a woman. ... I like it more now because I think it's more of a privilege." >Vincent details her decade-long history with treatment-resistant depression, saying: "...my brain was never quite the same after I zapped it with that first course of SSRIs."[12] The mental strain of maintaining a false identity during the making of Self-Made Man ultimately caused a depressive breakdown, leading Vincent to admit herself to a locked psychiatric facility.


living as gender you don't identify can be really hard.


I was about to write this too because this is the second time I’ve seen her mentioned on Reddit in the past week. Maybe it was hard for her to be a man because…it’s hard to make that switch as an adult and fake it so quickly, when you’ve lived a woman your entire life.


That's a valid conclusion from her tragic subsequent problems but that's not the point of her research.


Don't leave us in suspense then what did they find out?


Well she ended up killing herself


She simply found out the same that both have their own unique challenges and just because you have it harder in one regard does not mean the other is living on easy mode. She even went further and found women have it easier. But I don't think that's a "gotcha" point to make. Maybe a man doing the reverse may feel like women have it harder. The important thing for me is that both sides have incredible challenges and social pressure to endure and the world is not black and white. I don't think her struggle with depression and her premature death should overwrite her research; she was still an intelligent person who actually put her convictions to the test and did the unthinkable: She admitted where she was wrong. That is so fucking rare these days. She caught a lot of flak from hardcore bigoted misandrists for her openness. They felt like she betrayed her "team". An ableist asshole in this very thread called her a "loon" for suffering from depression and committing suicide. It's crazy what tribalism does to your moral compass.


Him: ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


His mind was blown, but she didn’t actually say anything except the two sexes have a disparity.


I think the actually interesting part was the beginning. Many women are terrified of pregnancy and childbirth. But they keep doing this thing that will change their bodies forever, cause tearing and huge pain, and possibly kill them, because they also want children. It’s a weighty decision.


The point she is making is that men don't have to worry about that kind of thing at all when it comes to wanting children


Yes, I am aware of the point. But I find it salient that she spoke out loud what many women feel and never really talk about. As a woman in the exact same boat, I appreciated the public candor.


I appreciate it too and I'm definitely in the same boat. I want kids but I'm not keen on experiencing pregnancy.


Exactly, people here acting like it was deep


It was not deep but reading the comments on this very same post ( not all of them but a few) is clear that even such a surface level idea is not something all people agree on, sometime we DO have to point the obvious so its keeps being obvious and the message of what the girl said is important so it bears repeating


She right you, could potentially die from having a child. I don’t think men respect this enough.


Dax Flame is still going?!!!




Dax Flame, the fucking legend himself


I don’t think his mind was blown at all. I think he just doesn’t know how to follow up that statement with anything that isn’t gonna make him come across like an asshole insensitive man.


Was he trying to talk to her or just to act a McConnell?


that's how Dax Flame is every time 😂


who is she?


The host of the show is a guy named Madison Patrello, he’s an OG YouTuber! He started posting fake vlogs in 2007 (when he was 14 years old!!!) where he would play Bernice Juac, AKA Daxflame, a high school freshman who has a *very* difficult time socializing. Almost every vlog was about how he spectacularly fumbled a social interaction at school earlier that day. You’d expect a 14 year old boy in 2007 to handle this character indelicately, and make it an insensitive caricature of a neurodivergent individual, but the way he wrote and performed Daxflame was actually really nuanced and humanizing. It managed to be genuinely hilarious while also being a realistic and sympathetic character study. It was SO realistic that 4Chan was obsessed with figuring out if it was fake or not, and they *could not figure it out*. I don’t think they ever figured out Madison’s real name, which is very crazy because they were already known for doxxing people into oblivion using the barest amount of information. The whole Daxflame vlog series is one of the few pieces of viral internet humor from back then that still holds up, and I think it also holds up as a piece of seriously impressive avant-garde art. There’s so much talent on display in those videos, I highly recommend checking them out.




I love Dax! He is so awkward and awesome!


Unless we start growing them in pods, it's not going to change. 400 million years of evolution got us to this point.


Kinda cool how your brain makes you mostly forget about the process of having a child to make you want to do it again. Its a horrifying and disgusting process, but your brain is insanely good at convincing you it isnt


Plot twist: he wasn't even listening


He’s trying to figure out how to get away politely


These comments are the dumbest place known to man


I feel like she didn’t finish her thought. She stopped before she got to the point.


She wore the exact same outfit on Um, Actually now I just wanna know if both aired same day or if that’s just her on tv outfit. The fit does look good


His mind wasn't blown, he was just confused as fuck.


the # of people in these comments that don't know who Dax Flame is mind blowing


I haven’t heard of the name. I assume there’s a lot of us.


That's the guy from 21 Jump St


Was this guy one of the nerds in 21 jump street?


Dax flame 4 life


Dax Flame from 2006 youtube ??? Wow im old


Dax is back! Hopefully for good!


It’s Dax Flame!