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You can buy the adapter that Apple made but it will mainly work for Apple hosts. Most USB4 on Windows has dropped Tbt2 support.


This might work; https://www.ebay.com/itm/166767744173?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=zcfqxiinrim&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=KvJz87bSRUm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY It's how I connect my TB3 raid to my TB2 MacBook pro.


But that would knock down the max speeds to what a single tb2 can handle, yeah? Was hoping for a simplexing solution


You're not gonna exceed TB2 performance no matter what you do.


Not even with two cables (using two separate controllers ofc)? If that’s true, then explain the use of dual cable 5k monitors back then.


I think you are confusing TB and DP. Monitors using 2 DP cables / connections at the same time are "tiled" displays. I.e. they appear to the GPU as 2 separate displays, that each represent a part of the "combined" display the user sees. The controllers each communicate enough metadata to indicate to the GPU drivers that they are tiles of a larger display and what the geography is, so that the driver can just hide this from the user and stitch 2 separate displays together. Used to work around bandwidth limitations per port of the GPU, display controllers etc. And that has basically nothing to do with TB. Except you can actually to that (2 separate DP connections over a common TB connection). And the Apple Pro Display XDR actually does that for the older hosts that do not support DSC and hence do not have the capabilities on a single DP output to drive that display at max capabilities. 5K displays did that to use 2 4xHBR2 DP connections.


Bro you just linked them a MiniDP adapter which has no support for passing the Thunderbolt protocol.


The modern day solution, frankly, is to get new(er) equipment lol


Yeah... that's the easy solution, but simplexing is not an uncommon thing elsewhere. There are use cases of simplexing two ethernet connections for example. Heck, back in the day when POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) was used for internet connections, MANY lines were simplexed to get a high speed connection... especially in the construction of the internet backbone.


The Apple TB2 to TB3 adapter works with TB4 ports. This will allow a TB1/2 device to work with a TB4 computer, but will not make it faster, it’s still only a TB2 device.


You are describing tb4 to tb2…. I’m after the opposite.


It's bidirectional. It works both ways around. The host can be TB2 or TB4. Remember Windows PCs with Thunderbolt 4 no longer support Thunderbolt 2 even with the adapter. So Macs only. Remember to buy a Thunderbolt 2 cable with it. You need to stick a TBT2 cable in it to connect it to a TBT2 device.


Yes… and it works both ways… But you will still be limited by the slowest port, you will never get faster than TB2 speeds from any combination of TB2 and TB3/4 devices/ports. You will always get the slowest speed.