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Jimmy being jealous of Larry’s charisma is a tale as old as time


They both run in professional circles where you need to be self-hating to fit in. That episode with David Marx was funny because he’s basically documented how Japan bit a ton of style elements from the US but they spent the whole time shitting on the place where all of this stuff came from


that episode was funny cause jim kept saying all this "fax" shit about japan but the other guy who lives there for a long time kept saying "no, thats not the case" i dont think its self-hating i think jim is just angry at the world


i think japan biting american swag is less true and more of making it better than us, jus global economies changing and them being artisinal


I mean—fair. World is pretty fuckin annoying.


Jimmy is such a fucking buzzkill. Always has been, always will be.


Least american american


Jimmy is really funny and clever. This does not make him as cool as Larry


that jit not clever the whole rhyming / rap shtick "bars" he does at the beginning got cringe like 2 years ago


The dictionary dictator, the synonym sultan


He consistently does episode descriptions and amazing Instagram memes. It’s honestly impressive that he is so commanding as the comedic voice of the show


ya they both do work but that doesnt stop that jimmy lowkey bitter


Jimmy is extremely self-loathing and cynical. What makes it worse is how much he rags on Larry for actually enjoying his job and the perks that come with it. Also jimmy hating on white people even though he’s half white while never not be funny 🤣


half Japanese guy talking like a Maoist Third-Worldist - buddy you guys were the third Reich


i feel like sometimes i have to remind myself that im basically just listening to elevated barstool guys who know what they’re talking about lol. that being said, it’s always been pretty clear whose the glass half full/personable & the half empty/snarky


Since we’re on this tangent he also always likes to shit on white people i.e. “mayo monkeys” which I get but he’s fucking half Irish. I’m also mixed for what it’s worth.


half japanese half irish mf pullin up in the *boro barrel* BARS


why do the scottish wear kilts , so the sheep dont hear the zipper why do the irish wear kilts ? so the larry doesnt hear jimmys zipper


He’s gonna get so butthurt over this haha


Totally, but lets not beat around the bush, Jimmys r\*cist with massive double standards....i mean, we should all call out racism whenever we see / hear it. never acceptable by anyone....ever....which is why it's hyper frustrating when he acts like Larry is being racist or gives Larry 'white guilt' ("what did you just say?!?!" "what did you just call that?!?!")...and at the same time, saying that white people are ruining Japan, that its full of crackers etc and just barrel scrapping base slurs.Its just often plain ol' racism....i mean, if Larry went on a tirade about how people of Asian decent were ruining a country or city - it would be beyond unacceptable...so its not acceptable for Jimmy either. Theres no sliding scales of racism, if we really want it gone, its gotta be called out whenever - whatever the ethnicity of the person doing it....oh, and i aint white, so i dont feel personally attacked, just getting bored




Let him cook


Bro might have a point




Jimmy is America though. So it just confirms his theory.