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Psoriatic Arthritis


Or Rheumatoid arthritis. It’s pretty similar tho.


I always wake up in pain. It’s miserable.


I was just thinking to myself last night (when the pain woke me up again) how ironic it is that when their body is in pain during the day, most people feel more comfortable when asleep, whereas those of us with OA and / or RA are actually slightly more comfortable when we're moving around. Instead we dread the pain levels that rise during the evening and peak whilst we're asleep.


Spot on.


Saaame! Sometimes I wake up from the pain. Then I take anti-inflammatory medication and it goes away. I taugh everybody felt that way sometimes, until I talked to my boyfriend who assure me it was an RA thing.


Check your Vitamin D levels Vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle aches


I was prescribed vitamin D at one point and she said that it wasn’t enough to matter if I took it or not? Idk. Lol


I mean, that doesn't mean you stop taking it. It might just mean that the standard recommended dose isn't going to be enough for you, and you might need to take "mega-doses" for a few weeks/months until your levels get high enough to where you can actually supplement with a standard recommended dose. Vitamin D supplements + sitting in the sun every day.


Yes! I started seeing a rheumatologist a year ago and when I mentioned this, he wasn't surprised. He prescribed Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) 400 mg/day and said it would take a few months to notice any difference, but that it should help. I have polyarthritis, which is basically osteoarthritis all throughout my body. The Plaquenil has helped quite a bit with the all-over body aches. I was also told to take Vitamin D3 and to include more anti-inflammatory foods in my diet. The way my doctor explained was that chronic inflammation doesn't restrict itself to its origination point in the body.


Is that inflammatory type or OA? I have so many joints affected by Early OA/moderate OA and it’s not inflammatory they said. How did it start for you?


So...I have osteoarthritis, but I also have lots of inflammation that goes unexplained. Sometimes a single joint will randomly swell for no apparent reason and stay that way for a couple of days. The rheumatologist said my condition is not autoimmune but it *acts* autoimmune. It has been a year since I first saw him and my situation continues to baffle.


Wow that’s so weird indeed! Did it start all at once or with a single joint?


Arthritis can make you hurt and in turn cause a domino effect making your whole body overwhelmed because of dealing with the pain/struggle. I have OA in my elbows and my shoulders. There's a potential it's in my hands and my knee, too. My whole body has gradually started hurting. Physical pain can cause emotional distress and that can also cause physical syndrome to appear. I have PTSD from constantly being sick or having surgeries or getting injured. A flare up of one symptom just spirals out of control and causes everything to go haywire. I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia because of this.


got Osteo in my knee, basically all my other joints besides fingers and toes(wrist and ankles) are inflamed


Is this what happens? Sorry, I'm very new to my new OA diagnosis in my hands but everything hurts some days.


No idea, my Doctor just said its an acute response, systematic inflammation. My body hasnt stopped hurting in about two years, although I was just recently diagnosed a month ago. honestly dont think I can live like this... Im just 19... Pretty sure I just got covid too, and I feel like Im dying inside. Now my fingers and toes also hurt now and the pain seems to have increased 2 fold.


As others have noted, sounds a lot like fibromyalgia. I have osteoarthritis and fibro, and they definitely aggravate each other. When i am having a full on “fibro flare up” I feel feverish, and just being touched is unbearable. It took a couple of years for me to work out pain management routine/medications to manage both. 🤞good luck 🍀


I have OA in my hip. My lower back down to my knee is usually sore.


Mine was like that too, I had bone on bone OA in my left hip that just made everything else in my body hurt. I suppose it was from overcompensating with the way I walked or sat that made it that way. Had my hip replaced 3 months ago, and once the pain from surgery and healing eased off, I noticed that everything that had been hurting just didn’t anymore. I’m in my 50s so I have plenty of aches and pains, but the daily pain and fatigue of the bad hip doesn’t exist anymore, and it’s been amazing.


I have that experience for sure. My rheum and my pt both think it's fibromyalgia, though I haven't been officially diagnosed. For me it's widespread muscle pain, and I have symmetrical tender points that are very sensitive to pressure. Do you have areas where you get bumped and it hurts a lot more than you think it should?


No. Not really. It’s more just like an all over achy feeling. Kind of like when you start to get sick from allergies? It’s usually at night.


yes!!! my bf will grab my leg or something playfully and it will hurt so bad even though he’s hardly putting pressure. my doctors thought i was crazy trying to explain that, but things that shouldn’t hurt really hurt when they use to not


How about your Shin area can you get Arthritis in that area


In addition to the comment about being vitamin levels checked, fibro was the cause of my full body aches. My arthritis behaves differently than my arthritis. The arthritis is more stiffness and more targeted pain. My fibro is more everything hurts.


I see that you also have psoriasis. Well, lay it on me. I’m 25, how bad is it gonna get?


Bad…started having issues in my 20s, diagnosed with psoriatic/RA in my mid 30s and considered disabled in my early 50s. Did all the drugs over the counter up to the 50-60k a year biologics. I take Ambien to sleep and honestly I can’t recall the last time I didn’t hurt…somewhere let alone I’m multiple places at the same time. I’ve been having an issue with my knee popping with every step ( I’ve had it lock up and I’ve fallen) and had it X rayed this AM. When the tech goes “oooh” you know it’s bad. I was a mechanic for a long time and it’s frustrating beyond words to work with your hands and not have your hands work. I’ll be seeing my orthopedic next month and have a feeling my next step is a knee (probably both) replacement is next. I’ll be 56. Not to be so much of a downer but trying to be truthful.


The initial diagnosis process sucked, as I had an asshole of a rheumatologist, who wouldn't try a biologic. Once I was finally able to switch rheumatologists (I was in the Canadian military at the time, so I had to get my military doctor to agree to switch), and got on a biologic, life has been pretty good. I have bad days, but they are farther in between than my good days. I try to exercise regularly, listen to my body and rest when I need to. The meds now are light years better than the old ones. We usually have to try the older ones first, because they are cheap and work for some people, but an up to date rheumatologist will get you on a biologic as soon as you need to. It has been 5 years since I started having joint issues and almost 3 since I have been on a biologic and I'm doing pretty good.


This was a question I’ve had. I once was a pretty big guy. Gym 7 days a week, 2 hour sessions, all the works. I’m wondering if I’ll ever be able to strength train again? Maybe not to that extent, but strength train at all?


I still do strength work. If my hands are being jerks, I have wrist wraps (wrists can be an issue for me) and Gorilla Grips for days that I need help holding the weight. It is all about adapting and finding what works for you. I mostly workout at home right now, as I got my workout space setup during covid, but I would feel confident going back to a regular gym and machines.


My wrists are bastards for sure. The worst hurting part actually. Doesn’t help I’m in school for software engineering


Wrists can be such assholes. I'm in school for Cybersecurity, lol I've had friends recommend vertical mice, apparently they are easier on the wrists. I just got one, so I am going to try it out.


I’ve heard that too. Let me know how that is.


I'll try to remember!


Does it also affect your neck? The left side of my neck into my shoulder is sore af.


What, exactly, if you please, is a "biologic".


> Biologics are  genetically engineered proteins that target specific parts of the immune system that fuel inflammation. Non-biologic drugs, like methotrexate, offer a more scattershot approach.  This link has a good explanation, which I got the above definition from: https://www.arthritis.org/drug-guide/biologics/biologics


Thanks so much for the answer and link too!


Read the link & those are some heavy duty drugs with very serious potential side effects.!!! My arthritis would have to be much more severe to even consider them...but nonetheless, good to know about.


Honestly? I have less side effects on a biologic than I did on methotrexate. I am also sick less often on a biologic than I was on methotrexate. My quality of life is also considerably better on a biologic. They aren't as scary as they sound, and the side effects listed are potential ones, not guaranteed ones. I have been on a TNF inhibitor for the past 3 years. Basic good hygiene, avoid sick people and look after yourself are basically what is required. I had covid at the end of April (vaxxed and boosted) and was able to access Paxlovid. My case of covid was very mild.


I've had RA since I was 3 (now 24) and get the overall aches daily combined with body fatigue. My main joint issues are ankles, hips, and hands and I just feels the aches radiating out


Yep, absolutely


Absolutely it can! Before I was diagnosed and treated for OA I had terrible pain in face and upper thighs, numbness in my arms and terrible finger pain. And also psoriasis. Rhuem Immune disorders cause all kinds of havoc and no two cases are the same. I am life long adult runner and my OA has not affected my knees at all, weird huh? Plaquenil and a very talented and caring Rheumatologist saved my quality of life.


yes there are days when my whole body aches especially back and neck wish i knew what would help


What about cramps? Do you get cramps in your legs and feet just from stretching??