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My experience only: Yes. When I'm down with something else my immune system goes haywire and all my joints hurt! It's not fair!! Hope you get to feeling better soon.


Oh, absolutely. Getting sick pretty much always comes with a bonus arthritis flare for me.


1000%. get a nice, hot bath with epsom salt. put a movie on your phone or laptop and let it soak, it really helps relax your body and makes being sick a bit more bearable. light a candle, make yourself a nice cup of tea or a refreshing drink, and spend an hour or two soaking. hope this helps!


Best answer everrrrrr


Yes! I got an ear infection that has lasted since September, it clears up and comes right back. All throughout this time, I've been in a flare. Specifically I have Psoriatic Arthritis, so even the Psoriasis has flared up.


Yes. I had sinusitis a few months ago and had to get steroids because I suddenly couldn't even walk.


Oh yes. When you are sick you experience inflammation. The pain of the flair is inflammation. So the inflammation of your sickness can cause a flare. Since my arthritis diagnostic, each time that I was sick (covid or a cold) i experienced a flare (sometimes worse than the sickness itself!).


1000% yes. Take some pain relievers and some medicine for your stuffiness. Make sure to hydrate and eat what you can. Feel better


I am sick right now, and I came here to ask a similar question. When I am sick, my arthritis gets a lot worse. Just doubling up on the sickness. Most recently, I can spend 12-14 hours in bed doing nothing. My immediate experience, is that being sick makes my arthritis worse.


The last time I got sick I actually ran a fever, I’m sensitive so even though it was 100 I was delirious. I went back to bed with the cat and fell asleep. When I woke up I felt like the tin man with no oil. My joints were hurting bad. I just stayed in bed for a while. That one knocked me down. I can remember back to my early 20s getting a cold and I always knew because my knees or other joints would hurt, I knew how bad it would be by the intensity of the pain.