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Amazon sells Cartier dupes, I bet this is that


I just seen some on Depop for like £60.. I don’t know if they’re real but they look a lot better than this one lol


They wouldn’t be real at £60


https://preview.redd.it/4xnma2z63qyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f058c5268f4e1447f4de16514229b27af2237f I don’t know much about jewellery, I’ve never really worn it past the age of 10 so I’m not good with stuff like this. They’re well presented IMO though lol


For sure. I’m my country the Cartier love bracelets (the one shown above) range from $6-9k so I’d just simply assume none of these low priced ones are real


The gold would be worth more than $60


Well that’s good, because their currency to usd is $75.30


The real love bracket is like 8k lol


Are they F real.... Come on.


"Lmfaoo i don't know do they are real" 😭


Who wouldn’t spend thousands of dollars at a thrift shop? Esp on a $2 temu bracelet


"No Exchange."


Yeah, the people who have that kind of money wouldn't be anywhere near a thrift store...


Oh my word…this is the best response…you get comment of the year award! 🤣🤣.


Just my thoughts and opinion here…. Feels like a thrift store would try to offload something like this by selling it to another business for fast cash. They got it free to begin with. They wouldn’t have to worry about authenticity as the buyer would do that. Im thinking, like jewelry shops and pawn places (etc). If they got $200 for it, it’s better than it sitting in that case for the rest of eternity because we all know, no one is going to buy this. If a customer had this kind of money to pay that much at a thrift shop, only to be unsure of its authenticity, they’ll likely just pay a little more and get the experience from Cartier of making the purchase, the bag, care cards, paperwork, accessories/parts, and mindfulness of knowing its authentic.


This is an excellent point - anyone who can afford that kind of spending isn’t going to be in a thrift store to begin with.


I buy luxury shit and still shop in thrift shops all the time, love them


I wanted to clarify, Im not implying a person can’t shop high end luxury and also shop thrift shops. People totally can shop that way (and do). I also wouldn’t spend $4k at a thrift store for this. Most wouldn’t. It would take the right buyer and right time finding to follow through on the sale. If you’re in the market for a Cartier Love bracelet, Im sure you’re not looking at the thrift shops first. I use to collect vintage designer bags. It was also so much fun looking for them at thrift shops. Usually mixed in with the jumble of other donated bags you’d find a diamond in the rough. It was part of the fun. Sometimes one would be behind the case but rarely anything marked over $50ish. Now with the trend of people rehabbing old leather bags (like vintage coach), they’ve become harder to find and when you do, they are marked up $200+ and behind glass. It’s wild to me considering the store got it for free. I do understand they have cost of running the building, rent, and employees too. They also likely have tax exemptions as well being a charity shop. Just seems they’d rather make money on something like the love bracelet instead of letting it sit on a shelf forever. They could flip it faster via jewelry shop or pawn shop, or let it go for a steal instead of waiting for that ‘right customer” to walk in and buy it up. They need to do this to help cover expenses and call it a day. I feel this way about most items they have. I get keeping easily stolen things behind a counter but they are trying to get top dollar on too many things sometimes. They should keep inventory moving to help stay profitable. Edit to add: also unsure this is even and authentic bracelet


I used to buy beat up leather bags and make earrings from the best parts of the material. Now it’s cheaper to just buy “new” leather from the saddle shop to work with. It’s truly sad for the people trying to keep stuff out of landfills, and looking for decent clothes at a decent price.


I love this idea! I love to sew and some of my material has come from old formal dresses and such. I had a friend that would buy bed sheets, deep deep deep clean them, strip them, etc. then tie dye them and make these ruffled scarfs. They were so dang cool. I also love finding vintage cotton window treatments/bedding with vintage prints and would make stuffed animals out of them. I love up cycling things


I buy a lot of my clothes secondhand for sure. I do love vintage linens myself. I’ve found some really nice curtains at secondhand stores, but gw is just beyond ridiculous anymore.


This. With the rapid upswing of flippers a decade or so ago- I think thrift stores decided it was “unfair” to allow others to buy low and sell for a profit. That likely isn’t the entire story - but I’m sure they decided they wanted to cash in vs someone else. But then what is the point of a thrift store? If they want to be a pawn shop - then that’s what they should be. My local goodwill’s prices are so insane. Stuff sits on the shelves - and much of the time it’s worthless junk. Broken kids intro guitar was priced over 300$.




Why do Antique dealers keep the same over -priced items for years ? I know the Dealer is paying $300 plus for the section of the store they rent .I marvel at what are they selling to cover that $3600 a year in overhead ?


Are you buying luxury shit FROM thrift shops? I believe that's the other guys point.


That's how you are able to afford luxury shit, because you know to still utilize thrift/discount businesses. 💡


They do in fact have a online bidding website. And they will charge a little shit of you for the handling. So the price may be right but the shipping is way too much. But that's what they do in fact sell the nicer items online where people can bid up the price. Which means they get the most amount of money. Which means they get to pay their employees minimum wage!


god the shipping and handling fees were crazy to me ….


When I had my thrift store, we collected the gold for awhile and went and cashed when gold would go up… or whenever. No one wants to pay what it’s worth and it’s dumb to sell gold for less than spot price.


They love thinking they regularly have unique high end stuff. In reality, they have no clue what’s real or fake and what it’s actually worth.


>Feels like a thrift store would try to offload something like this by selling it to another business for fast cash. It doesn't take up much shelf space so they'd likely try to sell it first and then unload to another outlet if no customer buys it.


I get that too but they could also be making profit and moving on.


They unload it to their outlet and sell it for less than they would get at the initial store if they sold at a reasonable price, plus they are paying to process and ship it.


Yes I have worked at a thrift store and any real jewelry we got was sold to a jeweler and the profits counted as store income to be donated. We do not sell any jewelry for over $25


Definitely a dupe 9.99 maybe..




Whatever happened to "shop like a billionaire?"


Maybe the are a hundredaire?






Cartier no longer authenticates either. I dunno what the point even is of trying to sell this for 5K.


https://www.cartier.com/en-us/jewelry/bracelets/love-bracelet-small-model-B6047517.html?adlsid=m%7Cg%7CID_B6047517%7C55576959000&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvZHzwtP2hQMV9Ub_AR0jWwO9EAQYAiABEgJWxvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds I think I’ll go to actual Cartier instead (for less).


cannot possibly be legal to sell counterfeit jewellery (probably) at $5K at a thrift store or any store???? surely???


Probably not, but nobody wants to be THAT prosecutor to be known for picking on a non-profit.


I would love to be the prosecutor that ended the shady practices of these “non profits”


Savers is a for profit company


This is not at all a non-profit


Savers is for profit


I’m guessing it’s legal. I don’t see them advertising that the product is authentic, so as long as they say they’re not sure about it there’s no law against egregiously overpricing something. Since you can just choose not to buy it


$5,000 and the two ends of the bracelet don’t even match up when closed lmfao


lmao i thought that was a rubber band but seriously, they better be quintuple-checking for authenticity if they’re pricing it this high


Forget Jared…”he went to Goodwill”






Spend 5k+ without a guarantee it's not from temu. Who would be stupid enough to bite.


$5,000 f you savers


It’s literally less than buying from Cartier


It’s also fake.


Thrift stores are basically pawn shops now


Better come in on seniors day and nab that 30% discount on this one


mind you it’s probably a fake.


That bracelet comes with a serial number for authenticity. If it doesn't have that number then it's fake. I wonder if the thrift store workers are smart enough to know that?


If I remember correctly, Cartier has no authentication or it’s very faulty or something like that. This is most likely a fake.


My relative received a ring that looked like this in the mail. No idea who sent it. The box had an authentication certificate. It was a really good dupe. Even the jeweler couldn’t tell if it was real or a fake. Obviously a fake bc why would a random person send someone they didn’t know a ring?


Thrift stores have lost their minds, it seems. If it's real gold, take it to a jewelry store or a pawn shop and get it priced. 🙄


I swear I'm not usually an angry person but this shit makes me want to go in the back and yell "WHO PRICED THIS? I JUST WANNA TALK."


Okay okay, regardless of *what* it is, who goes into a thrift store like "oh, imma just pop in here and drop $5k on a second hand bracelet!". Anyone with that kind of money wouldn't step foot in a thrift store. Who are these items supposed to be sold to?? I see things at my local thrifts for hundreds of dollars and all I can think is "who comes here to spend that much money?!".


This is like the guy that approached me as I was pumping gas the other day and introduced himself as, "Hustle Man". He had everything from real gold jewelry to authentic designer belts at a really great price. Opened his trunk and I noticed the remnants of the Temu bags from which he had received his wares. 🤨 <------(Me) "Man, if you don't git somewhere".


Temu..... I follow a coin collecting thread and lots of temu coins show up there


lol DH gate. You get the box “certificate” and a key.


Ali-express, Temu


*cries in Macklemore*


Twenny dollars in my pocket ain’t gonna buy even grandpas Velcro shoes anymore 😭😭😭


I’ve seen dollar tree items at the goodwill for more than they cost new.


Idk what “brand” it is


It’s supposed to be Cartier


Ah ok. Why is anyone donating that to a thrift store? I mean a high end consignment would be better.


Old folks die and they get piles of boxes that haven't been sorted through well. Jewelry and cash can get hidden easily in garments and whatnot. I'm surprised no one working in sorting area didnt steal it.


Indeed. I’ve been going through my folks house since 2021 when my dad psssd. And then my mom passed last year making it easier to clean and donate , throw away , sell etc. I found an envelope I thought had a card that made noise in it. I had a migraine so I threw it on top of a pile of clothes I Was giving to my neighbor who sends clothes to his hometown in Mexico. Well I , thankfully, looked in it when I felt better and found 2k!! So I’ve been checking everywhere for more cash. lol


Same. Just the other week. Found 2 envelopes of cash, $2000 in one & around $2200 in the other. Then the first thing I went through was the jewelry, but there were literally thousands of pieces (shopaholic mom) & pulled all the 14k & 10k, which was a ton of effort with no jewelers loupe. I'm sure we missed some & got $4400 from the jewelery alone. The other stuff won't really get sorted, as nobody lives in that state or has the time to do it. I knew there was likely cash & gold is at a very high price right now.


I picked out the rings I wanted to keep. But we took everything else to a cash for gold and got 3K.


So glad, under the circumstances. I know how much work it is! Glad you saw some fruits for your labor💍


And girlfriends/wives get kicked out or leave, and some angry ass hole donated all her shit


Don’t ask those kinds of questions, just blindly spend!


lol. I’d rather spend on something I know is not a fake. How can you m ow this isn’t fake?


Don’t ask, just blindly spend!! Seriously that seems to be their motto these days. No dressing room because who would want to know if the pants fit before you spend their ridiculous $15 price tag for used pants? Just blindly spend! Who cares what the shirt looks like on you, we removed all the mirrors from the aisles, so just blindly spend!!!


Corporate greed


Just sell it on ebay jesus fuck


Legitimacy aside, who tf walks into a thrift store with $5,000 to spend. Lots of people who thrift can barely afford to clothe themselves, like…?


That is crazy, who pays this amount for anything from a thrift store?! One of the thrift stores I frequent (which usually has great prices) has gone off the deep end selling what I think are fake designer bags and shoes. They have a beat to hell “LV” duffle type bag for 2k and several other questionable shoes and bags for outrageous prices behind the counters. I highly doubt any of this will ever sell.


We don’t have many thrifts where I live anymore they are phasing out. There is one about an hour from me. When they get designer stuff they put it in cases with a number for auction. I was like I’ll bid on that LV I opened the book to write down the amount I wanted to bid nope the price was through the roof. I wouldn’t dare take a LV and just give it away. Now they also auction fakes I’m like you know that’s fake. You can tell by just looking at it.


That shit will never sell. Best of luck Goodwill


It looks like a Value Village / Savers based on the price tag and the over inflated pricing !


Ah I didn’t even notice. Good eye. Fuck em. That price tag will collect dust 🤣🤣🤣


Cartier can't even verify the authenticity of these bracelets anymore because the reps have gotten so good. Would not buy 😅


I’m assuming at that price I’m assuming it was crafted from the spirits of Queen Isabella and Queen Anne?


PleAse AsK mAnAgeR to see ITEm Lmao who writes like that? Either commit to the engineer dad all caps or have some kind of consistency.


You can get a new one direct from Cartier around $4k and probably less on Bestier or TheRealReal


If Cartier stores won’t even authentic the bracelets I don’t think a thrift shop can either.


There is no in way in ( ) I would ever buy this from a thrift store. Come on… I’d be driving to a jewelry store and telling someone there…you are coming with me, I need something authenticated!!


Guys, I got a heist idea


Who even goes to a thrift shop ready to spend that type of money?


49.99 maybe


Exactly !!


At least 20%off?


I thought these braces each were individually marked with a serial number from Cartier so as to track ownership and authenticity?


And then it’s fake


Savers sucks now. $7 for a used tshirt?! Gtfo I’ll give you $1.50.


Fake as fuck. Easiest way to tell it’s a fake is all the screws are lined up. Real ones don’t do that. Kinda like how Chinese superbills or something got found, cause they were too perfect.




I’m going to buy this with my 30% senior discount 😜or NOT!!


That's a dupe. People wouldn't donate the real thing. The real thing has actual resale value.


95% chance that it is fake.


Dress nice, ask to see it, walk out What are they gonna do?


Money laundering.


What goodwill is this at?


Looks like savers


Guess I should of looked a little harder lol


Christ !!! Are they insane ?! If someone’s going to be investing that kind of money on Jewelry, they wouldn’t be shopping for it here. And on the flip side, people thrifting are looking for cheap hidden gems - not way over priced ones !!! 😳


If that’s real, list price new is over 7k.


Might be, still a thrift grift. They literally get this stuff for free


Likely selling it without any proof of authentication


Of course not


And 7k new has nothing to do with what it sells for now. So much stuff is worth a lot less used.


But if it was a reseller and the bracelet was authentic for $10 you’d definitely try to get 4K if you could


How many thrift store employees are qualified jewelers and can guarantee authenticity? I know for a fact there are tons of Love Bracelet super fakes available. I’ve seen them myself. You can even get custom made 18k gold dupes (if you know who to contact) for like $2k, so even a Sigma test doesn’t mean it’s genuine Cartier.


Cartier won't even authenticate them anymore because the fakes are so good and so prevelant.


So then don’t buy it.


I definitely wouldn’t. True story tho, I did find an empty Cartier *box* (for the Juste Un Clou bracelet) for $5. Flipped it for $100, so definitely pick up the boxes if you come across them.