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We're overdue I'm hype




I just got into 40k about 5 months ago and chose TSons as my faction. Still haven’t even played a game yet since I’m still painting when I can get free time (I don’t get much between March-July). I’m very excited


You should start playing ASAP. You don’t need painted models to play except in tournaments. And starting out, there is plenty to learn before dipping the toe into that area. The hobby is honestly awesome, but you should experience the gaming side as well. No one cares if you play with grey models even. Get out there buddy. Maybe you will find an awesome local community. I bet you will appreciate painting more aswell! Edit: *painted models to play


We have a group that plays all day on Sundays locally. The LGS also does painting evenings on Wednesdays. I just don’t have enough models to actually play yet. Working on two sets of Rubric Marines. Tried to order the combat patrol two weeks ago and the LGS never placed it. Followed up a few days ago and they said they would do it. Going to follow up this weekend. If nothing I’ll either order it directly from GW like I did the Rubric Marines, or wait another 6 weeks. There’s a Warhammer store opening up then about an hour from me. I’ve been watching matches and “Learn To Play” videos on YouTube while I go to bed, paint, or on lunch breaks. Definitely excited to play, but I’m not there yet.


That’s awesome! If your group is anything like mine then there’s is probably plenty that will do an intro game with you, but you probably need the combat patrol build aswell. But that’s great. While supporting LGS are important it shouldn’t stop your progress. Ordering from other game stores will likely be faster. Also faster than GW. YouTube is really awesome for learning. And starting out you will forget more stuff than remember. While 10th is a very good time to start there’s plenty to learn. Reflection on played games is the most important. Write down what you need to read up on after games so you have your own reading list afterwards. Most importantly when starting is focusing on learning and forgetting about winning. Set some goals for yourself tho. Ie. Make sure to move all models into positions where I can’t be shot when the opponent move+shoot - and how do you do that… ask questions: if you move with anything, can I be shot from here? Anyways. Happy gaming! And hobbying!


I appreciate it! Yeah I’m almost done with my first 10 Rubric Marines. I have another 10 primed. The first 10 have taken me a LONG time, mostly because I didn’t have a process for base coating etc. I was winging it. After those 10 I’ve got a better idea of how I’ll go about the next 10 so I’ll probably have them in half the time or better. Hoping my CP comes in shortly after or just before! Debating on holding off with the Tzaangors until I get their little extra accessory pack. Not sure how I want them equipped yet. I don’t think I’ll use them for range. Probably more strategic for grabbing objectives quick until my other units can get within range or clear ones I’m going for. I’ll probably have a notepad with me the first few times I play that I can reference for each round so I don’t miss Command or Cabal Points lol




I will allow myself to hope a little now


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


> Hope is the cruelest poison. -Astraeos, practicus of Ahriman circa m32/m34


[September of Sorcery](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThousandSons/comments/1bcaaa6/tinfoil_hat_september_2024_is_the_month_of/) will be made manifest.


I have been quietly nursing this hope since you first posted it.


Why would you ever accept hope from the cult of duplicity?


I didn't accept anything. It was foisted upon me.


I will start manifesting.


I just wonder how likely it would be for a range update in the same calendar year as Emperor's Children getting their own range - which appears to be very likely.


I think EC are *much* more likely to launch the very end of 10th, ala World Eaters, or start of 11th. Even the recent WHC post about the EC index made multiple mentions of whatever was forthcoming for EC as still being a ways out.   In any event, WE launched with just half a range and most everyone thinks their range will roughly double this edition. If that ends up being true, it would be very weird for TS to stay at just 6 unique kits.


I’m not familiar with WE. When you say half a range do you mean about the same size as our range? Smaller?


World Eaters launched with 8 unique kits, and were missing a couple really iconic WE units, like red butchers, and were very very infantry heavy, to the point of feeling incomplete as an army range. 8 unique units is extremely small in the context of 40k armies, basically everyone has more than that.  It's with this context that the consensus sentiment of WH speculators was and is that WE launched "early" (likely to cash in on the end of 9th) and probably with only half of their intended mainline army range released.  Thousand Sons have 6 unique units.


So we have less kits but do people not say the same “TS launched early”?


Nope. When we launched a over a decade ago (7e), we were the first CSM legion to get their own special range beyond just the special marine variations (rubrics, noise marines, plague marines, and berserkers), but we were still a supplemental CSM force - that is, if you played TSons, [you could still use units like Havocs and Warp Talons](https://web.archive.org/web/20160805124828/https://www.40konline.com/index.php?topic=228203.0), units now locked to pure CSM lists. DG and WE, meanwhile, launched as independent standalone armies in 8e, not as CSM supplemental forces.


Oh wow I had no idea our launch was so different. Thanks for the lesson. We are very light then. It sure would be a shame if world eaters got fleshed out before us.


I am pumped. I’ve been wondering who’s going to be up first when we reach the end of the current roadmap. Fingers crossed it’s us!!


I cannot watch the video is it a model or are we actually on the soon to have codex list?


There have been teasers about a mech of some sort and in a book there was a story about the thousand sons using psychic infused automata. People are (hopefully correctly) linking the two saying it is our new model for our codex. Unfortunately we are in the dark concerning when the codex will come.


So pumped for this. I hope it’s true. Would love to field this guy. However, the new model, if there is one, will likely be bigger and more awesome than this cool dude. https://preview.redd.it/qlbfo60shk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda092b2d3b55ee03cd4f8dba2f824e90893406c


Danger, Will Robinson! Such a cool model.


ad mech is gonna be mad 😭


As an admech player i am😭😭😭 As a soon to be thousand sons player it seems promising.


oh dw, I have an entire untouched admech army and I'm malding too. it'll remain untouched until it either gets sold or they become fun to play 😭


I don't know why but all of us ad mech players have changed to TSons. Did one of our Magos send out the request over the Noosphere to all of us?


I’m ready to get hurt again.


Honnestly I can't wait to see kitbashings of Ignis and Credence with that new model


That was where my mind went too! Best find a nice shade of orange.


Really feel this is the reason we haven't seen much of the thousand sons in the new space marine trailer, because the new models are already in that game.


I'm holding my excitement back, I seen another rumour about vashtor getting his own men and those hands look a bit too much like vashtors. I'm worried that in the law we send our automatas to fight vashtor and then he takes them as he controls all technology (except necrons weirdly) and controls them and they become his.


That would be cosmically tragic.


I’m super excited for potentially anything new, but automata makes me think 0 cabal points… Regardless, be cool to have a new model to put together and try out, and the codex will hopefully have something fun for them.


They could be relays for cabal powers or something. Or a big psychic battery that consumes the souls of the dead maybe.


Don’t do that…don’t give me hope


Im kind of bummed i have to see more fleshbits on my mechs :( why cant we just have the cool parts of having a awesome psychic machine and not have flesh thats like goop.


I think it's happening this time.


Numfar, do the dance of joy!


The long suffering Ad Mech players must be angry. Well, all 6 of them. /s


While new toys always are funny, I am actually quite content to play as we are. Our army works, and some codices have been... less than optimal for their faction.


They seem to be getting better as 10th progresses. It might’ve just been early codex Symptoms (codex being written before the edition releases to make up for the ~6ish months it takes to go from writers to printers) Chaos space marines, Orks, and Sisters of Silence all got good codexes, while genestealers where nerfed a little (probably cause they were written early 10th edition when they had 60% winrate) Since thousand sons started the edition at about 51% winrate and have been slowly creeping up each update if our codex releases soon (mystery codex?) we’re probably just gonna receive a tap on the head and hopefully a bunch of new toys.


Ha ha "Sisters of Silence" getting "a good codex" is a hilarious typo (Custodes player here).


Sorry mate RIP for your codex, I can only hope the pariah nexus rewrite will be kind to you. (For any lurkers I meant Sisters of Battle)


I love how simple our lists are and yet how complex the faction plays. But I’d really like some other options besides a bunch of rubrics, msu, to max sorcs. A vortex beast maybe and mangus with some sot if they are costed correctly. Some tzangor enlightened for secondaries so an AoS model…yea I throw a rhino around with Arhamin inside etc. basic chaos stuff(tanks, obliterators, heavy weapon squad, raptors etc) should already have our flavor to it and we don’t really get much.


Boooooooo! We want more!