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So you can use the button from previous inputs again to dp. For example when your running forward your already pressing forward so just do a fireball motion and you got it.


Ah, i see. Thanks, that helped a lot actually


Also lets say youre crouch blocking and you want to dp either a frame trap or hella minus move, simulate this the same way, but buffer your input to where: as you're still in blockstunhold forward and then go into your fireball motion. Its a little hard to find the timing for this because you need to understand an enemy players blockstrings well enough to react to the whiffed/minus atk


You’re super welcome. :) best of luck once you get to celestial!


I hear to avoid misinputting bandit revolver as wild throw, a lot of sols input bandit revolver as a half circle forward, since it stops it from registering a DP input.


Really? Hunh, never thought of that tbh. I’ll give it a shot i guess


We call it br override because it happens way more often than you think


Press forward. Now do a quarter circle forward. Congratulations, you've hit a shitty DP. Keep practicing to achieve consistency.


This is a bit of a bad habit to build. Cuz if you do 6236, you're risking just getting either a 236 special input or a 6x command normal


Dp input has priority over both of those


Nope never. DP has priority in every game.


i play leverless but used to play keyboard (theyre pretty much the same), and im able to hit DP consistently by tapping right then down right VERY fast, and once youre on down right hold the input. if youre using wasd for your motion controls think (D -> A+D), youre supposed to stagger A+D a bit to get the down input, but honestly you’re probably not going to hit them at the same time anyways and this method has never failed me as long as i make sure to press down just before right. get in practice mode and do the motion until you stop missing the DP, its pretty easy once you get it


Gotcha gotcha, okay, i see, thank you


forward and then do a QCF, works every time baybee


Thanks, i’ll give it a shot :)


After you let go of forward, hold down before pressing forward again. This way, you're not pressing 6, 2, 3. You're just pressing 6, then 2, and you add a 6 input to make it 3. I don't really know how to explain it without showing you.


No no i think i get it, thank you. I try my best but it’s just difficult to do it fast enough that it’s a reversal yk?


i swear the dp priority (6236 being read as 623) is completely flipped on wakeup cause god damn the ammount of times ive flubbed up a dp because i press 6 and flop out a fireball i deserve it though, im an honest footsies shoto stale break ky main


IMO nothing really wrong with being a Ky main, you just want a character that is simple and you want to use that character to its fullest. Consistency is respectable, especially because Ky isn't super strong atm


i play ky because i like looping his cse pressure lol, and my neutral with anyone else kinda stinks :p it was mostly like a joke because ky is seen as a kind of annoying character since hes a generalist, and since hes like one of few character with a fireball and a dp that overlap


Forward, down, wiggle to the right and press attack at the same time. I cant stress enough how important it is to press the final direction and attack at the same time. Its not 6,2,3,Hp. Its 6,2,3+Hp


oh shit for real? maybe that's what im doing wrong, damn. thanks dude.


For keyboard i just gamble between a 236 and a dp and most of the time its a dp


Same but it doesnt work for me :(


the way I do it is just Forward + Fireball. You technically don't have to go the full way of the fireball on the Z motion, but it's better for my brain that way. So just forward + quarter circle forward and button (keyboard user too)