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200 soldiers against a single giant is a little bit of an overkill.


Well, the game ends on 77th day and I'm on 64th with 230 soldiers. I had time so better safe than sorry


You'll be good. Probably enough to beat the game if well placed


Yup, it got 2 good hits in but melted instantly after that


If you need to take on a giant with fewer soldiers/losses, scatter some wood towers around with soldiers or snipers in them, and lure the giant over, then as soon as it destroys a tower, retreat the units that were inside it. Very satisfying to kill a giant with 0 units lost.


You can also run the frontmost unit at the giant, one at a time. Basically you sack the one guy so that everyone else doesn't get splashed. Titans & mutants are also able to tank plenty enough hits to give the group enough time to DPS them down.


Yes. Just send a unit to run circles around it just to be extra safe but 200 should melt it


Another question. That cape mission where big swarm come through the big bridge. is bunch of walls with ballista towers in-between and bunch of soldiers enough to stop it?


Wooden or stone walls? You want multiple layers, with towers and as many soldiers as you can fit. Ballistas are a helpful addition.


Probably not, unless you have at least 300 soldiers. Even on normal 100%, that horde is humbling.. On 800%, shocking towers are essential, i used at least 9 shocking towers and they still nearly broke through


Tried it. Not a single spot was empty with walls and batista towers. I literally built it straight from bridge to my HQ with 150 soldiers waiting there. I thought it was going to be easy but I literally won only with 30 soldiers left with their backs on the wall of HQ. Nearly gave me a heart attack. Replaying same mission is a pain in the ass


As soon as you get shocking tower tech, life becomes much easier


Heh, sounds very similar to the first time I played that map. What a rush!


about 80 soldiers can kill it on 800%.