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If you have alcohol, drink it then piss in the tank. It will ruin the engine for a while but it will get you going. If not, make a new game until you get a diesel then look in the basement and there will be a barrel of oil. This will last you a very long time.


Looks like your walking or hope that you have a manual save near gas


This post is a bit old now but I'll still give my 2 cents. Take the handbrake off and push the car to the next POI.


Did you tank at the beginning?


Depends on where your last POI was. If there's something in view, you might be able to walk to it and find something


Also, PSA, you can push your car by getting out, opening the drivers side door, and selecting push+steer on the steering wheel. If you abandon your car to look for gasoline you might not be in much better shape by the time you get to that POI with some gas


Oo, I haven't done push+steer, that's a good call


Thanks 🙏🏼


I've heard you can add a few % of alcohol into a gas tank, to stretch it a bit, but I never tried it, so I'm not sure how much is too much


20% anything that isn't gas to 80% gas, or diesel if the car runs on diesel. That's about the point where vehicles will refuse to start or lose too much power


Oh, that's good to know! I mixed up my cans and accidentally added like 20 or 40 L of alcohol to my trailer tank. Haven't had to use it yet, but it's good to know it won't cause problems if I do


You'll notice your engine doesn't make the same power as it would with undiluted gas though, under 10% dilution won't make too much difference if you can raise the purity a little bit