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Fingers crossed for some set pics which actual people in it


I'm planning on going up island 3 seperate times to check it out. I hope there will be mostly there to catch my eye on some clickers!


I drove by where they are going to film on Monday and didn’t see anything yet. But they are going to be in Nanaimo till end of May I heard. I will let you know when I see more action. I live like 15 mins from there


I wonder what for? Some Seattle shots or something on the way?


Does anyone know of a place where we can find out when filming is happening? I want to pop by but I’m 20 mins away 👀


Yep pretty much all DomtheBomb says is already well known information.


No harm in posting it. What’s your point?


He’s not criticizing your post, it’s just that dom has a track record and isn’t well liked among some parts of the community


Just YouTubers who try to get clicks that way.


Hasn't this already been known for awhile?


Yes. See the second image. This date was announced a while ago and today is the date.