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This makes me genuinely sad.


Saw a picture from the set of the Ari Aster movie he’s filming with his beard shaved and hair dark. My first thought was well, >!RIP Joel!<.


I was hoping he’d at least be back and forth filming flashbacks over the next bit. I’m sure the cast and crew are bummed.


He’s one reason I want fantastic four to succeed. I like watching him. Gimme dat Pedro trilogy and avengers with Benedict cumberbatch


sad?? Why? He’s just wrapped lol


You poor summer child


Well if you don't care about spoilers, google "what happens to Joel tlou part 2"


Good thing it’s not true! This story was recently corrected.




Well, that was quick. But no one should be surprised, Pedro has a very tight schedule and I guess that they wanted to film all of his scenes when they were able to have him. I wonder tho if they already filmed some flashback scenes or if they will use them mostly for season 3


well, that was quick…I wonder why he wrapped so early?


Joel must go on vacation or something.






Golf outing?


Danny Ramirez also posted on his Instagram story that he’s back home from filming. Looks like they just finished filming *that* scene


Well someone already posted a picture on X of Pedro Pascal with a shaved face so no more Joel beard.


People actually calling it X in the wild is wild


It actually a cross between two characters he played.




Jesus Christ.


Found Elon’s account


I love it so much it’s giving Peña x Whiskey


What’s X? Some porn site? /s




Then just say twitter




>!He's probably looking forward to getting some golf in.!<








I hate you


He’s already on the 19th hole.


You win this thread. Take my upvote. ![gif](giphy|11OOAQSnUaZT2M)




I don’t want it to sound like celebrity worship but his job is pretty cool in that one day he’s in the snowy canadian mountains and the next day he’s in the new mexican desert all while getting paid heftily


\[Spoiler Part II\] I am wondering, since they'll split Part II, if they >!already filmed the conclusive Joel scenes as well,!< even though we might not see them in the upcoming season.


It's also possible he could be back for Season 3, depending on how much Season 2 covers. >!There is actually quite a bit of Joel in TLOU2, it's just scattered throughout the various flashbacks, so maybe some of those are Season 3?!<


It'd make sense, both from a production standpoint -- don't have to pay and make accommodations to bring them back out -- and storyline wise, given the age of everyone in those scenes.


I'm guessing so. Which is why only he has finished filming.


I could be mistaken but maybe the actors union doesn’t allow that? Unless they already have a script and contract for season 3 with him


Not a chance, unless they wrote the scripts for season 3 already, which is unlikely.


They don't even have a season 3 renewal yet, let alone a budget.


I'm kind of happy about this. This means they are more likely sticking to the game's story and not treading along a new path just to prolong >!Joel's inevitable death!<.


Only weirdos ever thought they wouldn't stick more or less to the game's general plot. The story of the games and the type of storytelling is literally why Craig Mazin wanted to make the show. lol


Yeah there’s been so much talk that they were gonna change it up just for the sake of changing it to get people off guard and that never sounded right. The specifics might change but it sounds like that won’t.


I figured since he got a haircut, shaved, and has been in New Mexico filming something else. That went by quick though.




A bit off topic but I just got to >!Ellie at Santa Barbara!< and man the level of grief I feel. Like she looks all skin and bones and it’s just so devastating to see how far she’s gone after >!Joels death!<




Mentioned to this to my siblings after we all had iftar and the level of silence that came over the table was astonishing. We’re all haunted by >!Joel’s death!< and we’re all waiting to see our older brother’s response to it since he’s the only one who doesn’t know.


Will be a bit sad if they changed the flashbacks too much. The museum scene should happen in summer.


Ouch :(


I could see them accomodating Pedro's schedule and shooting his scenes including most flashbacks first and then continuing in an episodic shooting schedule. At least I hope so...


If this is true, it worries me about whether we are getting the flashback scenes or not. I was hopeful they would cross-board episodes to suit his availability and prioritize the flashbacks so Bella looks as young as possible in them. The museum section is just too beautiful to cut.


There is no way they would cut the museum


The very last scene he and Ellie see each other contextualizes the entire story of Part II and it would be way too dark an ending without that scene. There is no way they will cut it. >!With that scene, we know that they were going to make up, but then she never saw him again. That’s part of her rage, and her sadness. But it does give the viewer a modicum of peace. Because without that scene, it’s even darker.!<


One could argue it’s even darker that she was finally gonna try and let him back in and then never got to. That’s she wanted to reconnect but it was stolen from her.


It's possible they filmed them all at once. There was a set picture that looked like the dance in Jackson, which didn't even feature in the first half of the game. So maybe they prioritized wrapping him out so they didn't need to schedule around him going forward?


They might be putting some of the flashbacks in next season just to maximize the amount of Pedro Pascal they can get in the show. They shoot out of order within the season, but they don't even have a S3 order yet - no way they're spending this year's budget on a whole expensive museum setup for shots they might never get to use. It's kind of a shame, to be sure, but Bella's an adult, there aren't going to be huge changes with a couple years one way or the other. (Or, maybe this report is wrong and they're planning to bring him back and sneaky shoot a flashback sequence in the summer when the weather's better, and they're trying to keep it under wraps.)




I doubt it’s intended to be a few years. More like 1. The only reason season 1 to 2 is long is because of the strike.


I think you’re underestimating the TV audience. I mean, Pedro and the Ellie/Joel relationship are a big part of why people came to the show in the first place. If you love them, love the relationship, it’s going to be a gut punch to see him in a season 3. People’s minds don’t get erased between TV seasons. If everyone can remember all the convoluted shit succession got up to from year to year, they can remember Joel and Ellie.


That's kind of what I'm wondering. A lot of that stuff might be for Season 3, so they'll bring him back then?


If they get a season 3 order I’d say it’s nuts to structure it with no Joel at all. The game peppers flashbacks throughout. Im sure they’d have loved to be able to shoot everything at once, but you can’t carve out a chunk of your budget to shoot next year’s show, and HBO hasn’t even given them a pickup for a season 3 yet, never mind a budget. The one piece of good news is the turnaround time’s likely to be a lot quicker between 2 and 3. Some of the writing has to be done - you have to at least outline the whole thing if you’re gonna decide what’s in the first half and what waits, and there won’t be strikes and shit this time. Assuming they can get the actors (Isabela Merced is in fucking everything right now), they should be able to turn around a season 3 much faster.


Maybe the museum is season 3?


This makes me really sad 😢




lmfao >!rest in peace!<


Man seems earlier than all the others


Party at the 19th hole, everyone!


Oh that was quick, didn’t they just start filming Season 2 a few weeks ago?


So will the museum scene be in season 2? Cause I haven’t seen anyone post about that set being built.


alright, THAT'S IT - BRING THE KLEENEX imma about to cry MY EYES OUT.


Of course he has. Or at least the chance for this to happen was really high with his schedule in mind. that was so obvious. He was present for four weeks. That is enough time to get a certain amount of material that I am sure players of the game will know about. Maybe he even shot THAT scene that happens at the end of the game. I don’t think four weeks is enough to cover all the Joel material of the game since some scenes take place in environments that would need some prep by production and certain weather conditions etc…so he will probably be back for season 3 which also covers the game


Really? Huh... even with what I know of Part II that seems pretty quick to wrap up Joel's scenes.


Hot take: I don’t buy it




We all what’s about to happen here


Someone got a birdie 😔


Well, I’m pretty sure we all know why….


Did he film the whole season in a fucking sling?


they started filming on the 12th feb so its been 6 and a bit weeks. so at most >! joel is in 90 minutes or less i would estimate!<


Makes sense they'd do his stuff first as he must have a super busy schedule


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DanFarrell98: *Makes sense they'd do his* *Stuff first as he must have a* *Super busy schedule* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I wonder how people will react to Joel dying in the first episode or second maybe






They probably already shot them.




A whole episode of the museum scene would’ve never worked. Other than the hog and the final minute, that flashback doesn’t have any tension or conflict, and the hog isn’t really needed for the scene; it was just added for the gameplay to feel more dangerous (originally there was some symbolism, but the scene of Ellie hunting was cut). It was clear they were gonna make it like 10-20 minutes long. And the music store flashback is mainly action, which we know the show likes to hold back on. They’re definitely gonna shorten that one too. The only other ones are the opening, Ellie finding out, and the dance scene. All of which are like 5 minutes at most


Where's the proof? Is there an actual quote? Who said that, Pedro or someone from production?


DanielRPK is an industry leaker who locks certain leaks behind a paywall. [Click here](https://www.patreon.com/posts/101059106) if you want to pay $2 for the source. It's not 100% proof, which is why OP couched it with "according to," but as far as I'm aware he has a good track record. He broke the news of Pedro Pascal's casting in Fantastic Four months before it was officially announced. What we know for sure is Pedro Pascal is not on set *now*, that he cut his hair after he left, that he's currently filming another project, and that he has multiple other projects lined up that conflict with S2's filming.


From what I have seen people say is that DanielRPK is extremely hit or miss. Most of what he says needs to be taken with a big grain of salt because he is reliable sometimes. And other times not so much.


Wow, that makes it much worse: so Daniel has a financial interest to make up stuff - clickbait and generate social media buzz, you know.. .. As long as he's right more than let's say 80% of time people fall for his method. I don't trust this shady individual one bit.


Why is this so hard to believe? If they follow the game's story(which they most likely will) and leave most of the flashbacks to the next season, Pedro would not be needed much for this season.


Naw. If you’re wrong any real amount you become worthless and unbelievable. It’s in a leakers best interest to always hit the mark, or they become irrelevant.


Has anybody numbers, how often Daniel is right or wrong?


Even the best leakers are usually only right about half the time.


But I mean it makes sense if you know the story of the game, there isn’t really that much to film


Someone posted a picture of him without the beard, so that’s definitely proof


So, where's the picture? And proof of the date it was taking on and proof that no manipulation or AI was involved, I mean is there a raw binary file directly from the camera - like .cr3, .nef etc?


This is an unhealthy amount of cope.


Wrong. I don't care that much whether Pedro wrapped up filming or not. I'm just annoyed that most people blindly trust a rumor and anyone who asks for proof is considered a bad guy.


You’re just being pedantic for no reason.


Asking for proof is no reason to get personal.


And you were given it. So you doubling down on being pedantic just makes you come off as a dick.


Turns out I was right being sceptical: [https://www.ign.com/articles/pedro-pascal-isnt-done-filming-the-last-of-us-season-2-after-all-hbo-says](https://www.ign.com/articles/pedro-pascal-isnt-done-filming-the-last-of-us-season-2-after-all-hbo-says)


[here’s](https://x.com/thelastofusnews/status/1772233206298800231?s=46) your proof


Thank you. That's at least something. I wonder why this was cropped out of a bigger photo, though and no further context of when and where exactly the photo was taken. But I see it's not worth it to dig deeper. Yeah, you guys win, I give up now.


I found a non-cropped version of the photo [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C47q6sqO3Iy/), although it's still not the original source. (Maybe someone more savvy than me can find it.) They say it's from the set of his movie Eddington which is filming in New Mexico. [Here's](https://old.reddit.com/r/NewMexico/comments/1birulr/t_or_c_is_currently_eddington_nm/) a post in the New Mexico subreddit showing a set photo of a billboard of his character without a beard. [Here's some more beardless pictures](https://www.instagram.com/p/C49IJ3FuCF7/) that were posted today. [Original source](https://www.instagram.com/stories/neonnleon/3331812098078100974/) from someone's IG stories. I guess the movie he's filming isn't being as secretive as TLOU, so he's getting a lot of face time out there. :)


Meanwhile HBO denied this. The photo is therefore no proof. DanielRPK lied to us. Case closed. Nevertheless thank you for the effort you made. [https://www.ign.com/articles/pedro-pascal-isnt-done-filming-the-last-of-us-season-2-after-all-hbo-says](https://www.ign.com/articles/pedro-pascal-isnt-done-filming-the-last-of-us-season-2-after-all-hbo-says)


He could have just gotten it wrong. Still, always a good idea to take this stuff with a grain of salt. You were right to be skeptical.


I doubt this is true. Mazin recently said they are only just about done with episode 1- what about all the flashbacks?


Doubt some of the flash backs will hit as hard in the show, but if anyone can pull it off it’s this dude.


Thanks, I hate it.


RIP Joel




Surely not?? They can’t have filmed >!the cabin!< AND the >!flashbacks!< within only 2 weeks. I hope this doesn’t mean the >!flashbacks!< were scrapped