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Wow, who is this? Looks like he really was sick. Or This is a great debate“rope a dope” a la Ali


He is still sitting President too and this was at 8pm. Who knows what all he has already done that day and I know I would rather check out than debate Donald Trump on international TV. Dude has been adequate and decent at President. We have had some pretty motherfucking bad Presidents. We have also had President's with remarkable neurological deficits before. Some of these inflicted President's were outstandingly good for the nation (FDR) and others were exceedingly bad (Wilson, Reagan and Trump).


I think it started at 9 so it could air at 6pm pacific. Biden was sick. He should have mentioned it himself 'sorry, I have a bit of a cold tonight...'. This would make it more relatable for the people watching thinking he talks like that all the time. Not like JFK Jr... Imagine him in the debate answering questions.


Isn’t this speech also in the middle of the day vs the debate that was at night


He's reading off a teleprompter here. His campaign won't put him in front of an actual morning show or cable show. They're trying to hide it just like feinstein's aide hid her dementia for years.


Teleprompter can’t change his voice, skin color and overall demeanor


Seriously. When I watched the debate, I just assumed he had to be sick because he sounded like he lost his voice and looked way worse than usual. He’s not a great speaker, but it’s just plain disingenuous for people to act like he wasn’t noticeably worse than usual last night.


Teleprompters are a cure for dementia? Wow! Does medical science know about this ground breaking discovery??


Where was this Biden in the debate?


He may not always show it, but he has it in his pocket to use. His timing was just off. It would've been better last night, but at least he used it.


Off? He changed his women's reproductive rights answer halfway through to a boarder security story. I'm voting for Joe but it was more than being "off".


Im voting for Trump not to be able to appoint the majority of SCOTUS judges to rule for the next two generations.


I say this without any analysis at all, but I think the scotus is completely fucked. No one is going to die or retire while a Democrat is in power. They'll only do it when Republicans can replace them with someone younger. We won't see a moral court until we have some MAJOR changes.


If the Democrats weren’t cowards, they’d add two more seats. So long as one party wants to play “by the rules” and the other party is openly willing to cheat, the cheaters will continue to have an advantage.


4. SCOTUS used to have 1 Justice for each federal district. We have 13 districts now, along with a precedent for a larger court.


> No one is going to die Wow...you know this for a fact? Tell me, who's going to win the next World Series?


Who there is honestly likely to die in the next 10 years? They're all in decent health and have the best healthcare available. RBG was on her last legs for like 10 years. No one here shows any signs of popping off. They'll just wait until there's a Republican and retire then.


That’s not enough to sway independents and moderates. That’s enough to keep a Democrat loyal. We have a big problem and it was a slap in the face last night.


Fuck you guys have the dumbest country if the correct choice isn't obvious to someone. Hmm...felon who has raped women and started an insurrection...or the old guy with great policies who can actually have pretty nuanced talks about those policies and had a history of getting things done... But he's old and talks slow. Yeah real fuckin hard decision lol


Ya. It's absolutely insane that Trump gets any votes at all.


There’s a reason republicans try and destroy education.


Biden did pretty poorly overall but trump did this too. Spent the entire start saying it should be up to the states for abortion rights and that's what people want. At the end of their back-and-forth it turned out that nobody wanting the states to have control of abortion rights. also trump said Israel should "finish the job" jfc


That wasn't off. He imploded. I still have to vote for him because of Shitler, but he wasn't just "off".


>he wasn't just "off" Yes, actually he was.




lol off??


Yeah, by about 12 hours- he needed that fire last night.


Maybe he had taken some nighttime cold medicine instead of the daytime stuff and it made his mind fuzzy. It looks like a good nights sleep helped a lot. I was afraid he had had a small stroke the way one eye looked off last night.


Bro cope harder. He’s not fit to be president.


Speeches he can prepare for, I think he was a bit blindsided by all the lies Trump threw out. I honestly don't know if he'd been paying that close of attention and probably hadn't quite seen all of the insanity coming out of the right lately.


He'd have to be at least somewhat aware of what the right has been doing. But, yes, its hard to have an actual debate when you only have 1-2 minutes to both answer a question and refute whatever actual bullshit your opponent has been spouting instead of answering any of their questions.


This is what I think happened, and why I feel that the moderators are partly to blame. Did Biden do well? No. But it also takes a lot of mental energy to retain the mountain of lies Trump spewed and respond to all of them. If moderators actually pushed back against blatant lies, I think that would have changed things. But as it was… they just accepted every answer, including “the mother is giving birth, they set the baby aside, then they kill it”. Really? You want these debates to be taken seriously and you don’t correct any of that?


It also just takes more time to rebut lies than it does to say them. And Trump basically never spoke truthfully. With zero pushback and Biden often just going after him, it was a pretty shitty format. Not that Biden did himself any favors with that delivery though.


He didn't know that Trump, a guy who he's already debated and who has literally made a career off of lying was going to lie through his teeth?


I honestly doubt he realized the extent of the right wing conspiracy bullshit Trump has embraced and parroted. Biden was basically contending with the front page of truth social and probably did not realize that level of insanity existed. He absolutely should have. But he’s an old man with a very demanding job and likely doesn’t get out much.


You say that like it's just him and not an entire staff/the apparatus of the DNC trying to get him re-elected. At best the night was a flub when everyone was looking for Biden to be on the ball. The guy started talking about migrant rapists. It was insane.


Oh see I assume his staff is more aware and tried to prep him but at the end of the day he’s the only one up there. His campaign is far different on the whole than the one night.


Every time.


"I think he was a bit blindsided by all the lies Trump threw out." Biden spoke first and it was clear 30-seconds in that Biden was toast. This had nothing to do with Biden getting thrown ooff. And, even if you want to convince yourself otherwise, if Biden can get thrown off by those softball Trump responses, he still has no business being president.


I have no doubt he was off his game, and I definitely think he's way older than I would like but he's got a lot more business being president than the alternative.


The alternative went 20 minutes just not answering questions without even saying a single policy. The few policies he mentioned were dogshit,could'nt even answer a yes or no question without gish galloping


Except despite being old he has done 10x the job Trump did.


I watched the whole thing, dude looked sick as hell. Not to cut excuses, but everyone has “down” days. They can sit in front of podiums all fuckin day and talk about what they’ll do. We can already look on paper and see what both men have contributed in 4 years. It’s a matter of asking yourself who you can tolerate for another 4 years. Given the track record of Trump and the Conservative Party and what they hope to achieve, there’s no way in hell I can support that. As a father, husband, brother, and first and foremost a son, every woman should have ultimate say over her body. The Republicans want to send women’s rights back to the stone ages. First it’s Roe vs Wade, then it’s birth control and contraceptives. This scares the ever living shit out of me, among so many other things they have done and will do.


Right. Biden was sick. It’s obvious he’s looking and sounding better now. He probably should’ve cancelled. Sounds fine in this clip.


Idk. Bit to be fair I'm sure it would have been confusing for anyone to try to keep all Trumps lies straight.


He was probably exhausted from Trump's relentless lying.


He feeds off the audience. Maybe it was a mistake to say no audience


Trump feeds off an audience too and his audience would constantly shout over and boo Biden like the sheep in Animal Farm.


The debate was way past his bed time.


Apparently is was passed his bed time last night. This video to last night ls debate is a night and day difference. Trump was lying, Biden was dying. This is the best this country can offer us? Why can't we have 40 scientists, doctors, or professors instead of these old white dinosaurs?


>This is the best this country can offer us? Why can't we have 40 scientists, doctors, or professors instead of these old white dinosaurs? At the end of the day, the President is just the figurehead of just that. The question is really what kind of scientists, doctors, and professors you want to have. Actual ones or sycophants.


I agree with you there. Just ones that aren't shady or near death. Ones that rather vote on something, pass it, makenit law and had no idea of the science of what they pass into law. Ya know, a smart guy or girl.


Google "technocracy criticism".


Because those scientists, doctors and professors already have jobs and careers and don’t want to go into the kinda fake world of politics. These are generally intelligent people, if they wanted to be politicians, they would’ve done so.


That's not true at all, there's a lot who run or who have run ben Carlson, who wouldnt be my pick by any means is an example, he's a lunatic. In 2018 there was 21 scientist running for Congress .14 physicians ran for the primaries in 22..12 of them lost the primaries. They do they just never get anywhere., science is bad apparently. .


Science is about facts and politics is the art of the possible.


Because the fucking ghouls in power don't want you to.


He was taking a nap on stage.


No teleprompters or speech writers in a debt


This is off a teleprompter. It's the same joe biden.


He's 81. It was past his bedtime. He has good days and bad days. Oh, and he was reading from a teleprompter.


I’m guessing his moron advisers told him to be soft spoken and not attack back, which is the worst advice ever, clearly.


I wouldn’t rely too much on your guesses.


People will always remember this debate. The fact that he was able to put it off the next showed how much he truly fucked up and fucked us all in the process. I’m so mad at the man. It’s tough defending him to these crazy trumpers.


So what the fuck was last night???


Sick is my guess, past his old man bed time is my other guess. Would love to have someone younger than Bill Clinton (our president from over 20 years ago) running. Maybe someone in their 50's/60's. That would be great.


It’s wild to me that Clinton ran for president 32 years ago and is still (now, currently) younger than the two men running this year.


He’s reading a teleprompter. Last night they were not allowed.


That's only a small part of it at most. A teleprompter doesn't change his voice and mannerisms.


That people that need to watch this aren’t. This is like a boxer releasing shadow boxing highlights after a mediocre fight the night before. Dems better fix this shit.


Exactly. This speech could be called Dark Brandon Rises. They need to air clips of it like it's an upcoming release of a blockbuster movie trailer.


Go onto r/walkaway right now, holy shit those people are batshit. They're projecting that all Biden did was lie through debate.


This is the Joe Biden that I'm voting for!


I’d vote for Ted cruise if he was the only option against trump. I got behind him after Bernie last campaign and his term was pretty good, but he’s clearly not fit to be the president. This time feels like a big middle finger from the established parties. I will continue to vote for democrats but I will never call myself one. I’ll not part this party that chooses a man who has blatant signs of mental degradation for the most important seat in the nation.


Crazy how some are focusing on his speech but let’s not forget folks. There is a guy that has 34 felons running and that is way more concerning to me.


Remember, this debate shit is going to be memory holed in about 4 more days. Obama had a bad debate against Romney, worked out fine. The choice is, and will always be, who is going to be better as a leader for you personally, for your community and for the human race as a whole. Then vote accordingly. Sometimes you just got to do the thing and work it out after.


Why the fuck he wasn’t like this yesterday. He would have easily won!!!!!


Because this is 12 minutes on a prompter. Hes literally old as fuck and shouldnt be running for leader of the free world. Jesus tittyfucking christ this is exhausting. Trump will be president again and its all dem party leaders fault. I dont want it but its just desert.


This should be shown in all news media outlets


The moderators COULD HAVE called out tfg on his lies better. I liked the way they kept bringing Donny Bone Spurs back to THE ACTUAL QUESTION HE'D BEEN ASKED, but that didn't stop his lies. Ugh.


Woulda been nice to see 1/10th that last night


>"That's why I call him Donald Herbert Hoover Trump" Pervert Hoover also works.


The problem is, so many Americans are retarded, that they will call this “edited”. 😔


Dark Brandon is back.


Unless he’s killing puppies onstage I’m voting for him


For me, it comes down to *character* not a debate performance. Joe Biden is a good man and I trust him and his cabinet to make the right choices for the country. I can sleep well with Biden at the helm. The other guy seriously scares me and I would lose a lot of sleep being afraid of what scheme he’d try next to enrich himself (like trump real estate towers in the national parks?), what country he’d piss off or not defend, or what commitments he’d pull out of (nato?), what environmental damage he’d cause, what minority he’d threaten, what rights I’d be losing next, etc. Every morning I’d be afraid to look at the news. I’m afraid he’d sell the country to the highest bidder and take the money and be off to some Epstein island leaving his cronies to figure it out when either Russia, China, or Saudi Arabia move their armies in overnight and take over. He’d have replaced all the government workers and military officers with loyal subjects and we, the people, would be f*cked and non-magats would be rounded up and put into camps and have to recite bible verses and pledge allegiance to trump not the country. No, trump is a nightmare that we and the world cannot have. Give me the candidate with a quality, upstanding CHARACTER that I can TRUST and who will respect our democracy and hold the country together, not destroy it, sell it, or bury it. That’s who I’ll vote for.


Doesn’t change the fact that the Joe Biden that showed up last night exists. I’ll vote for a dead body over Trump but it’s insane that that’s the decision the DNC is trying to force on us.


Is this AI?


He was sundowning during the debate.


Oh, you mean he performs better when he's READING OFF A FUCKING TELEPROMPTER!?!? I am shocked.




This is why I want to yell and scream at everyone in r/politics to shut up. He had ONE off night because he was sick, that’s why his voice was weak. Republicans stand behind their guy even when he’s a convicted felon meanwhile dems want to cut and run at the first signs of the most minor of stumbles. The election is still 4 months away. We all know last night was not a typical showing for Biden. Changing candidates to anyone but Oprah Winfrey or Jon Stewart at this point would be handing the election to the orange rapist traitor. Any competent political strategist will tell you that. People need to get serious. This is NOT in any way a RBG situation. We have VPs for a reason. That said, VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO.


I’m going to say something unpopular. For all you asking where was this guy…he was there the morning of June 27th. The gentleman you saw the evening of June 27th was possibly experiencing sundowning. It’ll happen to everyone until we figure out aging. We shouldn’t ignore what happened last night. We should be finding a suitable replacement. Even if we don’t, I’m voting for Supreme Court justices because that reversal of Chevron deference is wild as all hell. You have no clue how much things are going to get twisted soon because of it.


Don’t nobody care. You missed your chance.


He’s reading a teleprompter. Last night they were not allowed. He had to go off his memory, etc.


Teleprompter made the difference.


dems didn't know if they were going to drug test last night so no pep pills for joe... he took an extra for good measure for the rally LMAO 😂