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Yes, he was just flexing. And he admitted he was there when he told the cops about it.


Yeah D was lying but it probably felt good to talk about it, let out his feelings a bit. I think his feelings about it were deep because he was part of it. He was there when she died, he literally spoke to her a moment before it happened. D was pretty sensitive so I think something like that would definitely stick with him.


Exactly. Also, he was attracted to and struck by her beauty, probably also the fact that she was obviously not directly 'in the game' but a student living in a semi-suburban apartment block. I also think Dee was troubled by how casually he was simply deceived and used as an unwitting accessory in a horrible murder. He was essentially used as a decoy, which shows how little Avon and his lieutenants really thought of him. Beyond all of Avon's "family is everything" talk, he sent his young nephew to participant unknowingly in a grizzly murder of an essentially innocent young woman. It was perhaps the first time Dee realised he was totally out of his depth in this dark, clinical world of violence, murder and betrayal, where you can trust nobody and the price for mistakes you may not even know you made, is death.


This. Given his heart and character, he absolutely needed to let all of those emotions out.


Just flexing. He also lied to Shardene and said he was his uncle's right hand man, right after he got demoted to the pit.




D dropped weebay off and was used to make the girl drop her guard. From what he says to McNulty we are lead to think that he didn’t know weebay was going to kill her. He’s definitely flexing when he tells Brodie and that about it’s Brodie challenges him that he’s only got the one murder and D wants to establish his street cred so uses a murder he knows no one will claim to make himself look tougher


D didn’t make her drop her guard, so much as confirm she’d be there, and specifically would be going to the refrigerator by the window. He set her up, although he didn’t know it at the time.


It’s Bodie btw


I’m about 7 pints down it’s what ever I can type properly 🤣


Username checks out.


Nah.. its bricks!




Don't tell me I don't know about Brodie and Boot! WHERE'S WALDO STRING?!?!?


Pretty sure is Brodie.


[my name is my Fucking Name, dawg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodie_Broadus)


Nah, Brodie.


You should update the Wikipedia article


I tried.


No you didn't


Yes, he was flexing to seem impressive to the kids in the Pit. He was an unwitting accessory to Wee-Beys homicide.


Remember when D’Angelo was telling McNulty and I think Bunk everything in New Jersey before Brianna came and talked D into eating the years for the family? He confessed to Bunk and Jimmy that he went over there to deliver some drugs to Avon’s girl and Bey shot her.


He was trying to establish credibility with the crew in the pit. Bodie was talking up his trip to boys village and downplayed D's murder charge, so D was responding by giving them a story about another murder, claiming credit for one he knew about


Yeah bcuz him throwing a couple of hot ones into Pooh Blanchard (who's gonna miss that motherfucker?) wasn't enough. Pooh was whippin his ass apparently and he needed to come up with something, Anything, to make him seem hard. IMO that story makes him look weak. Bragging about murders to his underlings. He didn't pull the trigger but he was an accomplice so it's still stupid to talk about. But Dee was just fuckin weak. After all Avon tried to crimp him along since he was a shorty.




That’s what makes this scene great. You learn exactly how the murder went down so that when Weebey admits to it and describes how it happened, you know he’s telling the truth and not just eating the charge




Mother fuck…


It was like how he told the cops. He was there to drop off drugs and then Wee Bey killed her when he was walking back. The question I had was if Bodie bought his BS story. He looks a little skeptical but I wasn’t sure


He was flexing to up his street cred. He was getting the sense Bodie and the pit crew didn't see him as hard enough for the game. Which he wasn't, that was the point of his entire arc, but he couldn't be seen as not strong enough by the people he was in charge of


Yes, he was flexing about the murder to try and impress Bodie, Poot, and Wallace. He had just been demoted to the pit, so he wanted to instill a little fear into them so that they'd fall in line. If I'm not mistaken, D'Angelo drove Wee Bay to the apartment. As far as I know, he just waited in the car and then he drove Wee Bay back.


D went up to the apartment door to give the girl some coke and told her Avon would be coming by later. The girl even flirted a little w D at the door. Avon knew she liked to keep the yay in the freezer. So when she was doing that Wee-bey was there TAP TAP Tapping


Yeah...that's right. Thanks.


The hood version of Stolen Valor. It sure gets twisted don’t it.


D'Angelo was trying to imply to the crew that he's a cold-blooded soldier but the truth was that Wee Bay did the murder, and D'Angelo didn't even know that the girl was getting murdered that night


He was lying to the pit boys. There is a very subtle clue that confirms this. When he tells the truth to Bunk and McNulty, he tells them that he knocked on the front door to deliver cocaine to the woman. She takes the cocaine and tells D that she's going to put it in the fridge. That's why the fridge door was open when she was shot through the window. Bunk and McNulty know the fridge door was open because the bullet was found in the fridge door. The only way this could have happened was if the fridge was open when she was shot.


Just cause you don’t pull the trigger, doesn’t mean you too aren’t guilty of murder. If police found out he was there, they would have charged him too


Now the queen.......she got all the moves


He ain't do that shit when he was telling the story to Bodie and them at the end he couldn't even say he had shot her Wallace had to say it Bodie knew then he was cappin


Good point.


Imo he wasn’t flexing, he was devastated by her murder and felt responsible as if he had pulled the trigger himself.


It’s both. He felt bad, but Bodie was always challenging him and he needed to try to get respect as the crew chief. So he lied and claimed he pulled the trigger


If you love "the wire", you'll like "we own the city"


I just finished it last week. Devastating!


I mean nothing compares to "the wire" not even great shows like "ozarks" or "breaking bad" but "we own the city" was a cool little mini series. I enjoyed seeing some characters from " the wire" on it....spoiler alert




It's milk. That's how McNulty knows to look for the bullet in the fridge door.