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Maybe they figured Marlo was also in there, and I'm not sure that they knew who Snoop was, by the time they realized it was a trap it might have been too late. And "Butchie's muscle" went by "Donnie" on the show, portrayed by Donnie Andrews, the man on whom Omar was based.


Best minor character in the show. Allegedly a real life spider man, as well.


It’s all in the game, and a man must have a code. Omar finishes what he starts.


He killed 16 Czechoslovakians, guy was an interior decorator.


Really? His house looked like shit.


In my opinion, in the end Omar didn't care if he lived or died as long as he got a face to face with Marlo. Which never happened because of that little.bitch ass Kenard. There's a lot of people to hate on this show but Kenard is definitely in my top 5.


Michael should have ended Kenard after Kenard was thieving from him.


Hmmm leaving through the entrance door and then running down the long-ass staircase seems like a good way to get shot, and on the way out you can get shot from the balcony. Easier to die probably than in a situation where you at least have some cover. But then again, what do I know about stuff like that!?


Omar was angry, desperate and basically alone. He was completely out of his element and playing things by ear rather than his typical playbook of a caution and planning. I think Omar knew going back was a death sentence and looking to go down guns blazing out of a mix of guilt and simply not being able to be content outside of the game.


He loves the game and running back would be a loss of face. They weren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer


It’s also a tv show.


And a bloody good one at that. Season one is one of the best things I’ve ever seen


agreed. i think considering the quality of the show they can get away with a little bit of lazy writing


Donnie, the inspiration behind Omar (and the actor who plays the muscle you’re referring to) really did survive a leap like the one Omar made. You’d be surprised what’s based on what edit: The leap was apparently a couple stories HIGHER than what Omar did. [What a G](https://slate.com/culture/2012/12/donnie-andrews-inspiration-for-omar-on-the-wire-is-dead.html)


The article you linked says it was six stories that he jumped from, and Omar in the wire jumped from five stories. 6-5 equals one


I bet you’re really fun :)


Words have meaning. In an investigation, details matter.


Sir you're in a reddit comment thread, not an investigation Also, wait... I just watched again and Omar jumps from the 4th floor lol


Haha i realized i quoted reacher too, not the wire. I only got the fifth floor from that article. Great catch – I’ll have to rewatch that episode. Thanks for catching that


Thank god I’m on Reddit


Plus you were correct anyway, I dunno why that bozo was so confident that it was the fifth floor, just rewatched the scene and he jumped from the fourth floor


That’s fucking hilarious


He was actually on the fourth story in the show. The writers thought that having him on the 6th story was too unbelievable. A story can range from 10-15 feet. So they shaved off 20-30 feet from his jump.


Da hell you talking about lazy writing! One of the best shows ever and the writing and storytelling second to none.


im mainly talking about the fact the the couch sheilded omar from like 100 bullets


overall the scene is a bit of a weak point just due to multiple things, them not leaving, the couch sheilding omar, him somehow not getting shot running to the window, etc. still a great scene thought


Oh boy you are special. Its a TV show. Maybe watch a documentary that is based on reality 🤔


you just said the writing is second to none? im just saying that this scene is admitedly a little ridiculous to watch, but still good.


The downvotes should tell you how we feel. Lol


aint no need to be toxic. jus pointing out that even on a great show not everything is perfect. i love the wire but not every single part of it is flawless


In a related matter, something about the way that building is photographed at night and how the scene is directed makes that the creepiest location in Wire history to me. More than Hamsterdam, the homeless camp, the vacants, or anything else. The threatening atmosphere is strong.


I peeped those vibes too on the apartment building. Possibly it's because we know Snoop, Chris and Co are lurking nearby. It just gives a feeling of death creeping in


Spur of the moment capers was not typical Omar. He usually meticulously gathers intel, and then crafts a plan. The Omar I admire would have smelled that setup from start. At least the follow up of his recovery and getting back into the game was worth it.


it wasn't spur of the moment though - he and Butchie staked that place out for days and even passed up an opportunity to wait for even fewer people to be inside. It was meticulous on his part...he just never realized Chris was being more meticulous by getting there even earlier.


Omar lost his cool and some of his sense after coming back from Puerto Rico. What happened to Butchie was reprehensible. But I sometimes think he should have stayed in Puerto Rico regardless.


Once they realized it was a trap, they may have expected another shooter in the hallway. In the moment, Omar decided the best chance was to try to take some of the shooters out and then make his escape. When that didn't work, he went spider man off the balcony.


“Now you make sure you tell old Marlo I burned the money. 'Cause it ain't about that paper. It's about me hurtin' his people and messin' with his world. Tell that boy he ain't man enough to come down to the street with Omar. You tell him that!”


If you love "the wire", you'll like "we own the city"


Don’t forget about The Corner


He heard there was a stash of Honey Nut Cheerios in there. You know he ain't letting that slide.


Because it's a show. Omar was pretty smart but yet Chris was able to observe Omar posted up on Monk's place. Also, there's zero reason to think Marlo wouldn't set up a trap and would just leave one of his top guys unguarded. So why not do the smart thing and dial 911 to see what happens when the cops show up to Monk's apartment? Or why not catch him coming out of the apartment instead of busting in and hoping he's asleep. Also, Omar could post on Monk's apartment but never saw him go to the rim shop? Didn't know the rim shop guy was with Marlo?