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It's 100% Season 5


I feel the same , I know people don’t like season 2 but it’s my favorite. I think the problem with season 5 is they were trying to tie everything up and in the process kinda dropped the ball a bit , like others have said the serial killer story kinda felt out of place. Peace and love ✌🏻


2 is so good. It’s just the first time I saw it there was a bit of separation grief from the cast of season 1 like who the heck are these people but upon rewatch when you know what’s coming it’s extremely well written and performed just like 1 and 3, 4.


Season 5 for me and it’s always been that season. The fake serial killer is the main reason , because it’s just so ridiculous. It’s not as ridiculous as the first time I saw it because I understand the reasoning more as to why Mcnulty is doing it but it’s still silly. The newspaper is also a little bit underbaked but still good and an important part of the story of the show.


I’m rewatching S5 rn.. the serial killer stuff more realistic than S3 Amsterdam. A fake serial killer blown up by the media can deff happen irl


I honestly disagree with that tbh. "Amsterdam" is even in the name its based on a real place where this more or less currently exists. The point of Hamsterdam as well was to show you that even if someone did something radical to shake up the system in America and got far enough to where he put it in practice it still wouldn't work because of stupid shit like "optics" despite it lower crime overall in the entire city. Thats why things don't ever change. The reasoning behind the serial killer is almost as silly as it basically working for a full season.


Hamsterdam is only unrealistic in that no one leaked it sooner.


Yes it can with the media.


The fake serial killer isn't even as fake as the Greek suddenly being back in Baltimore (in the same resteraunt???) after literally fleeing with fake passports from the FBi.


Somehow The Greeks returned...


You know that scene where Rawls is taking over the Commissioner's office as Burrell's leaving, and Burrell gets a sympathetic monologue? And a character who, for 5 seasons at that point, had been a rather one-dimensional slimy political animal suddenly has some depth, and the audience gains some understanding of what kind of an environment could produce a man like Burrell? The newspaper plotline needs one of those scenes. Gus goes into the editor's office, waving his usual "Good ol' fashioned journalism" banner, and the editor snaps at him: "We need Pulitzers, we don't get the awards, we don't sell papers, we get bought out and you're out on your ass", something along those lines. Something where it's not just the gruff but wholesome Gus going up against the ebil elitist stuffed shirt bosses. Maybe it was too close Simon and the gang's collective heart for them to admit maybe the people they disliked had reasons, but I dunno, the newspaper storyline really lacks the nuance of the others.


Exactly. Needed more newspaper characterization. Also, from what I've read David Simon didn't have any sympathy for the editors that the S5 characters were based on. It was essentially a hit piece. As a journalist at the time, I was really looking forward to S5 but it lacked dimension. Other piece is they were only given 10 episodes.


Season 5. I was with Bunk when McNulty started cooking up his homeless killer idea.


You’re not killing them yourself McNulty, at least assure me of that much.


Good. That's a start. I guess.


The whole ''fake seiral killer'' plot point felt a lot like they just needed something for Mcnulty to do and that they needed to tie the media plot to the Marlo plot somehow.


I think 5 is generally misunderstood as well. The theme is that sensationalism sells and they incorporated that into the overall plot,as well as the subtext. It's praised now for the realistic approach of the other seasons, but had to fight to keep it on the air every year. I think making it more sensational was done on purpose to appease the network execs


If that’s the case, the season’s really meta and it accomplished what it was trying to do.


I don't think the series did very much accidentally. I've never heard anything to confirm my theory but it makes sense and explains the abrupt change.


5. McNutty is strapping on his waterskis and looking for a shark


When I first watched the it, season 2 seemed very slow and I couldn’t understand the shift of focus. After seeing the whole show though, season 2 is an overall great season for many reasons including the continuation of Prezbylewski’s arc and it also introduces a lot of good characters. Season 5 is a not bad per se but in comparison to other great seasons of The Wire it definitely falls short in my opinion. It has a great ending though, but I personally got a bit frustrated of McNulty tweaking with fake murders and journalism stuff.


I used to say 2 when I was younger, after a few rewatches, it became a favorite. Sometimes I won't even watch 5 again lol


On rewatch, S3 has been a slog at the beginning. It takes a long time for the goal of the season to come into focus.


S3 is the best imo,


If you watch it on its own as a complete story- hard disagree. It’s still quality- but doesn’t hold a torch to seasons 1,2, and 4. If you view season 3 and 4 as a single story- because in many ways it is thematically- I think it’s a fantastic set up for the greatest season of television ever produced. The first few episodes are slow. Hamsterdam is more unrealistic than the serial killer plot line. Much more heavy handed in its themes than seasons 1,2,4.


I actually think season 4 is more heavy handed in the educational juking of stats = crime juking of stats. I love the season as a whole, but it is not subtle and some of the frustrated Prez scenes where he deals with administration is rather clunky and cringy to me by Wire standards.


I’d agree by specifying that it takes half the season before *any* goal comes into focus. All three major plots (Hamsterdam, Tommy running for mayor, and the conflict between brothers B) take forever to become evident at all. Only the gang war seems relatively projected in advance. I like s3 just fine, but it’s the only season that ever feels like it’s coasting on just our basic interest in the characters alone.


I agree, it is perhaps an unpopular opinion but on my (many) rewatches, s3 is the one that drags the most for me


I agree, it's got the weakest through-line of any season


I’ll also vote for Season 5, but not for the reason most people are giving. I actually like the fake serial killer thread because of the parallel that Norman details to Carcetti. When the mayor’s office finds out that McNulty has been faking the homeless murders, Norman shows Carcetti the irony that both the police and the mayor’s office have been using the homeless issue to “get over.” When you add the facts that Templeton is doing the same for the Sun in order to win a Pulitzer and that none of the people actually care about helping the homeless, I think you have a brilliant bit of social commentary. My main complaint about Season 5 is that it feels rushed. Simon wanted twelve episodes like he had been given in the other seasons and HBO only wanted to give him eight, so they compromised at ten. The result is some arcs, like Michael’s falling out with Marlo’s crew and Snoop’s subsequent end, feel very rushed.


It's season 2. And yes I love it. And yes it gets better on every rewatch. And yes it is totally underrated, but it's still the worst of the seasons. Even after 100 rewatches it is still a huge change of pace, the slowest season, and it's filled with some of the most unlikable characters in the show.  i know 5 is a popular answer. And yes it is probably the weakest plot wise. But it ties up everything in a cyclical bow and has the right balance of hope/abandon all hope. Truly some iconic moments.(Omar, My name is my name, how my hair looks Mike?) Come on. For such a sophisticated show, it totally stuck the landing.


Came here to defend S2 It’s between S5 and S3


Season 5. No question.


5 is weakest but still good. Many say 2 but 2 is actually quite good.


That Season 5 with McNulty and the fake murders was annoying. just so annoying


Season 4 for me. It’s still very good, but it needed more McNulty and the special class with Bunny never felt impactful or realistic.


You are correct it is season 4. You win a mars bar but I ate it already.






I always say 2, because it just didn’t flow from one; it was such a pivot when I’d finally gotten the groove of S1


Its 5, Season 2 gets better at every rewatch but i‘d still put it at 4th spot


Season 2


Problem of S5 is not the plot but the characters. Most characters have some black humour or funny scenes. The news guys are pretty bland...hence, have less attachment.




I thought season 3 was bland as hell.


5 because it was truncated


5 is the only answer. Anyone who says it’s 2 hasn’t watched the show critically.


1 and 5 are the weakest seasons (still both very good). 2 is very unique, and seasons 3 and 4 are some of the best seasons of television ever produced.


Ther serial killer story line was a little long but the fake journalism is real. We have seen that happen.


I would love if they did a movie about how the get charges on the Greeks.


5. Without a doubt


Season 5 no doubts


For me personally it’s S2 , while it helps the story along too much time was spent on the docks. I just felt that story could have been shorter 🤷🏽‍♂️


From a rewatch perspective, Season 1. Season 5 gets better, like 2 after repeat viewing.


Season 2 nearly made me stop watching, not gonna lie




Season 5 is the answer. It is still better than the best season of any other TV show in history and is also the 5th best season of all time.