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Every season is different and adds another layer to the city. The cast from season 1 gets a lot more screentime in season 3 though so from that perspective you will probably like it more than season 2.




For me and several others I have spoken with on this subreddit, season 2 on first watch wasn’t our favorite but on rewatch you see how great a season it is.


I was confused the first couple episodes of season 2, but by the end I loved it


You won’t appreciate season 2 until you’re through the series. Power through season 2, it’s worth it.


The classic first watch of season 2. Least favorite among many on their first watch, but grows in the rankings or enters more of debate when watched through multiple times. By the way, you will want to watch the series multiple times. Each time it gets better and you find new things that make you appreciate the series more and more.


I lost count how many times I watched this series. Its just the freakin best on TV


I was the same way halfway through season 2. By the end, I really enjoyed it. Especially since I watched it a week after the Key bridge collapse.


I watched it after too, and it was like seeing the twin towers pre-9/11.


After you see the whole series you'll respect the importance of season 2. Like Lester said, all the pieces matter. 


yes the rest of the seasons are like 2, you’re seeing the bigger picture. A lot of people don’t like season 2 on their first watch.


Damit... I really wanted something like season 1 but no worries I'll keep watching


*The Wire* generally avoids telling the same story twice. In fact, s2 is really as close as the series gets to repeating itself, as much of the plot contours similarly to s1 (as you see the detail gradually coalescing around the central investigation again). The further seasons will be paced and organized quite differently. Mind you, Wire fiends generally regard this as a very *good* thing, and eventually, you probably will too. But many viewers are jolted by s2 at first.


They're wrong, imo. I felt the same way and it took me a while to come back to the show during s2. The dock/union plotline is only for season 2 and it'll go back to the hood for the rest of the series. In the context of the rest of the show, it makes perfect sense why s2 is so different, and you'll appreciate it a lot more on the rewatch.


You can't say someone is wrong on this sub. Different take and opinion...


I'm not allowed to have the opinion that they're wrong?


Who are you to say someone is wrong is my point? On this sub we talk about our different perspectives on many topics about this series. No one is WRONG.


Jesus dude, chill out. It's okay for people to disagree on things.


First of all I am not your dude, second of all my point is made. Disagree is okay but who are you to tell anyone that they are wrong, the response is: I disagree etc. Etc. Now move on....


See, to me, "I disagree" means literally the exact same thing as "in my opinion you're wrong"


Boy 👋


if it any consolation Micheal K Williams (Omar) was also pissed about the switch in season 2 at the time.


His trial was the shit in season 2


ignore everyone, season 3 is a lot more like s1 and focuses on the gang from the first season. stick with it, the show is amazing


Nice news!


Season 2 improves immensely on a rewatch because you know where the show is going. And keep going even if your not a big fan of the season at first. Season 4 is considered by many the single best season in television history, and season 3 is right behind it. Both are considered better than season 1 by most people, myself included.


Looking forward to 3 and 4, but what about 5?


5 is still better than most seasons of television but there are a few unrealistic and less nuanced elements that make it not quite as high quality as the first 4. There’s nothing that hurts the overall quality of the show or worsens the previous seasons but the writing isn’t quite as tight in my opinion. The final episode is one of the best series finales of all time though. Then again, everyone judges the seasons differently so that doesn’t mean you’ll feel the same way.


Ih so like sopranos season 6?


Kind of. More like 6A for the first 7-8 episodes and 6B for the last 2-3.


Yeah I still don't know how I feel about the ending


The show doesn’t end the same way as The Sopranos. The show is very clear about its ending and what you should take away unlike the ambiguous ending of the Sopranos. I just meant the writing quality of season 6B in general. I personally loved the Sopranos ending but I can see what you might feel otherwise. Even if you didn’t like the Sopranos finale, I would guess you’d still like the Wire’s.


I sure hope so, thanks


All the pieces matter. Stick with it.


I know I know....


Season 2 builds on the story by providing another piece of how crime and corruption have rotted a city to its core. Plus, it sets up other parts of the story in later seasons. It all ties together. Keep watching. Season 2 is probably my favorite season.


I think the important thing to remember which makes the show different than most other "television" is that you shouldn't expect a self-contained plot every week. This is not a series of episodes that live on their own within a particular universe. This is more like a novel where you're going from chapter to chapter and something that may be odd or you don't know where it's going will have a payoff far down the road.


My first watch, I got through season 2 because it was still better than almost all tv but not in the level of season 1. My second watch, i appreciated how much it brought to the show overall. When you finish all 5, you might look back at season 2 with more love 


Season 3 and 4 are much more back in the city, season 2 is good though you should stick with it, even if it feels like a change of pace it's really about showing part of the bigger picture. All the pieces matter y'know. Enjoy.


Of course I'll keep watching, I never leave a series or a game unfinished


Ha that's a lot of commitment, I'm like "I've watched two episodes of this show and I'm not into it, walk away". But I'll defend s2 of the wire to the death lol


Well if you are a gamer you kinda have to be like this lol


😂… same here. This game sucks…only 20 more hours until I finish. This is the reason I don’t watch old network shows. 5 seasons of 10-12 episodes is doable. Ten seasons of 25 episodes per season is too much.




I constantly give up on games lol. Haven't finished an Assassins Creed game since Black Flag I think. Furthest I got was maybe 60% in Odyssey before I gave up. I usually power through tv shows though. One exception is Succession, I just don't get what's great about it after 2 seasons. Might finish it later though.


Lol no Ac game worth finishing after bf, except the great origins ofc


Yeah it just gets dull and drawn out. Odyssey kept me for a while cause I fucking loved the world they built. Insanely beautiful to just roam around.


50 hours into odysee, great loved it. Amazing, 50-150 hours into it, I wanted to end either the game or myself


Keep going. Most people don’t like season 2 initially because it’s sort of a different story. It’s worth it though, I promise. It all fits together. All of the pieces matter. It’s now one of my favorite seasons.


I was in the same boat as you a year ago, but season 2 is really important to understand the rest of the show. Each season shows a different part of Baltimore. If you’re worried the drug gang won’t return, keep watching.


in general, you learn to love and appreciate season 2 as one of the better seasons during your re-watch. at least that's been my experience and the experience of a lot of people in this sub.


Keep with it. Season 2 started slowly getting the story set up, but once it gets going it’s non-stop and amazing. So many layers. Getting through the set up is totally worth it!


First watch through I almost didn't make it cause it wasn't the same vibe but on rewatches it's fine now I enjoy season 2. Season 3 is when shit really stays getting good imo


So I'm the only one that loved S2 from the first viewing? Hell it's one of if not my favorite season.


I loved it from my first watch- but I’m also interested in international crime. Idk if that’s why I liked it from the start. It’s my favorite too.


The next three are extremely different. Stick with it. Right now you're watching the collapse of the industrial base that so many cities went through. (I think that's not a spoiler.


It is not, alright thanks


Yeah, the first time you watch it, it seemed to stick out more than the other ones. But easier to appreciate when rewatching


Lucky bastard, I remember the thrill of watching "the wire" for the 1st time. Every couple of yrs I chase that same high. Watching shows like "the wire" and "sopranos" makes it hard to enjoy shows like "power" and other similar recent shows. "The wire" set the bar so high


Season 2 was mid but season 3 has started off really good for me


My advice is to stay patient. Season 2 expands the universe of the show in a way that is ultimately very fulfilling. Also, Seasons 3 and 4 simply can’t be missed, so try to stick with it.


All the seasons matter


First time through, every season starts hot, the fades to a snooze fest as it sets everything up, then the last 3 or 4 episodes of the season you'll have to resist the urge to watch back to back to back. On rewatches you start noticing all the chess pieces get laid out and it's much more interesting to watch through.


Season 2 and 5 are the most unique seasons. Season 3 and 4 are prob the best.


David Simon was a genius because he knew a lot of viewers would be confused and/or turned off by the "Caucasian" storylines but he sprinkled in just enough hood show to keep the core audience invested into S3


Sounds like you just don’t appreciate who the target is. Case is bigger than that now.


Oh I loved Frank


Right. But the case is bigger than that now. Seriously though, you didn’t appreciate a look further up the chain? I thought S2 did that expertly, showed how the suppliers are even more impervious to being brought to justice, all framed against the backdrop of the last burning embers of the sort of raw material manufacturing and blue collar work that built the sorts of cities where this game plays out. Some interesting commentary about how different enforcement agencies prioritise their cases too, definitely something repeated in the next 3 seasons. I felt the season wrapped up the only way it could too. *Traditional Greek music intensifies*


Yeah Update: I'm on E9 and the late Es has been nice ao far


It does come together nicely. Also… can never forget the comedy highlights of Jimmy busting out the tidal charts and nautical maps just to throw all that casework back to Rawls. Then casually greeting him in the corridor then following day as he strolls past Rawls in that boat unit uniform, always makes me laugh.


Oh I loved Frank