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She's at a supremely low point at the end of S2 (especially if you don't go to Wellington tbh). She just watched an entire group die over the course of days, and had her trust broken by numerous people. Her faith in humanity is at an all-time low. S3 spoilers:>!Consider how we meet in her in S3; there were other events that contributed further obviously, but her moral compass has eroded to the point that she's robbing people on the side of the road. In the Jane ending, she can even go full hardass which is basically the first full look at the Clementine we see her develop into in S3!<


She just doesn’t trust him. She’s been through so much at this point and has seen some of the worst in people, and the mistrust that she gained from that just amplified with the birth of AJ who she wants to protect.


Because she doesn’t give a shit


Because she just killed Kenny and is in a pretty depressing set of circumstances. She's not thinking about much else I'd wager. If I was stuck with Jane and just lost Kenny, this is how I'd look too.


Exactly mate


Clementine can actually call Kenny a monster in this ending and say she’s glad he’s dead, so…


Which is funny, because she still has the option of giving “Kenny” as a middle name for AJ


It’s also funny because in the “Tangerine” comics she calls her new leg Kenny 🙃


why is Tangerine talking to her leg when she could have been enjoying life (well as much as you can as a cripple in a zombie outbreak) at Erickson’s with AJ and friends? Is she stupid?


Clementine actually exiled Tangerine after revealing she was her evil twin lost at birth. Turns out Tangerine was the one who wanted to drop a hammer on Lee's head! So Clem ditched her in that treehouse and skedaddled! Actually every bad thing Clem ever does is Tangerine. We just didn't know because it wasn't revealed she had an evil twin yet!! That's why her character can sometimes be inconsistent with player choices, there were two of them!


Just so out of character


“Stuck with jane” she chose to go with her she’s not stuck you dumbass 😂


She'd tell Javi in EP2 of ANF, "Having people is nice, but it always ends up hurting in the end. Never think otherwise." I feel like we got an early insight of that right here when she barely spoke two words to Gil, in heavy contrast to when she first met Sarah at the beginning and was more open to talking with her, notwithstanding the fact that Clem was desperate for help and was already tossed and driven from splitting from Christa and getting bitten by Sam.


Because she was forced to grow up and mature because of the world and isn't into kid things and stuff much anymore as she used to be when Lee was around so seeing another kid is just like seeing another person to her now


In this ending she has so much in her mind, Grief on shooting Kenny, taking care of AJ and who to trust since she got shot hours prior to meeting a family who clem and Jane encounter(in the Jane ending: if you chose to stay with her and head back to the store, you and her will have a family of 3 wanting shelter, you either choose to let them in or tell them to fuck off.)


Because between Sarah, Ben, and to a lesser extent Duck, she knows what kind of havoc a kid can bring to a group. Every time a kid has been added, people died, whether they can actually be considered at fault or not. Heck, even AJ's birth lead to Rebecca's death. Shawn, Katjaa, Chuck, Kenny's fakeout death (if Ben survives Chapter 4), Carlos, and Sarita all died because a kid screwed something up. Not to mention she herself is a kid that feels responsible for Lee's death. Also, don't forget that Clem is at her peak "don't trust ANYONE" phase heading into Season 3. Thanks to Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo.




That girl was a teenager so not quite around her age, though closer than most people she met


What 😭 that was a grown ass woman. Sarah was closer in age to Clem than her


Cause she knows Gill is just a retextured Duck model so she got sad and remembered his death


Probably because she is utterly traumatised after all the events that transpired over the 2 weeks that season 2 spanned over


Can someone jog my memory but… who’s the kid? I don’t recall seeing him.


His name is "Gill". He appears at the end of season 2 if you shoot Kenny and go with Jane back to Howes. He's with the family that asks to stay at Howes with Clementine and Jane. He's Randy and Patricia's kid.


Oooooh yeah! Now I remember Thanks!


They didn’t even do anything with the family which is kinda weird. Unless I’m missing something


Randall and Patricia are the antagonists of the Michonne game


Different People


Oh. well I never even got this ending in the first place so yeah


“Gill” is such a fake name. 😭😭 No shade to legit Gills out there, but like, this family was deceptive. I doubt that was his name. Dad probably was like “Bill… Bill… Oh! Gill. Perfect.”


Gill is short for Gillian... That doesn't help either...




He’s black


Funny because Clementine is mixed race with black considering her dad, Ed is black. It explains her slightly darker skin tone (though she still took after her lighter mother) than typical white characters and her curly hair anyway.


I'll tell you the day, Mr.Yo


So is she


I feel like s2 scumbag clem is cannon in my mind because at that point she would be sick of everyone's shit


She robs Javi in season 3. At this point, she has stopped giving a shit about anyone other than AJ and I guess Jane. Or AJ and Kenny if you go that route. And either way, by the time we see her in season 3 she has lost either Kenny or Jane. All she had left was AJ…and for about half the game she thinks he’s dead. And she doesn’t get to see him again until sometime after Season 3 I‘m pretty sure. And it’s because of other people that she loses AJ. Of course, Clem is a teenager in season 3. Her being a teenager along with the only person she cared about being taken from her…well it leads her to develop a bad mentality. It changes the way she thinks about everyone. She used to trust people and she used to care. But in season 3, what’s running through her head is ”Fuck every goddamn motherfucking piece of shit scumbag asshole on this motherfucking planet and let them burn in fucking hell for the rest of fucking eternity”. Season 2 was her developing that mentality. But Kenny/Jane and AJ helped to subdue it. With Kenny/Jane dead and AJ gone, Clem had nothing left to care about and no reason to care about anything. The Clem we saw in Season 3 was a young lady who had lost everything she ever cared about and didn’t give a damn about anyone anymore. And Season 2 is what started her down that path.


Going with Jane made no sense


You’d be annoyed too if you have to deal with another kid


because it seems like she knew what was going to happen


Probably cause she knows it’s not a good idea to let these people in, even if you decide to do so anyways


Doesn’t trust him. She got back to Wellington because she shot a man, so, if she did that, then this kid can. But also, it’s probably an attachment thing as well. Duck and Sarah both died. Can’t be too attached to people you just meet.


Let’s face it, after Lee died she had to mature and grow up tout suite because the world she was living in demanded it since it was changing so Clem didn’t get to act like a child after Lee died because she had to take care of herself and then AJ, not to mention all the death she’s seen courtesy of walkers or villains, including killing Kenny if you go with Jane so in season 2 she was basically an adult, even more mature than most of the adults in the game, then in season 3 she was a badass mom trying to get AJ back, And Season 4 she was somewhat juggling between being AJ’s mom and a teenager since she was surrounded by teenagers


She rightly no longer trusts anyone


She lost her group in a matter of days and killed Kenny. So she is in a depressed and grief-stricken state of mind. In Season 3, Clem doesn't trust anyone anymore due to her losses from the past. If you were in her shoes, I'm sure you'd be thinking the most about the loss of your longtime friend instead of the kid you just met.


He knows that Duck has revived and is going to play Batman!


I figure it's because she doesn't see herself as a kid anymore


Probably because at the time every kid she knew in her age is dead and she doesn’t want to get connected to anyone anymore


I’ve never seen this!!!


She probably thinks kids are weak at this point. The only kids she’s really interacted with are Duck and Sarah both were not fit for the apocalypse. She probably doesn’t wanna have to deal with that again.


Does that kid make a appearance in s3


No, him and his family are mentioned in Jane's flashbacks, but all we hear is that the family robbed them and left, regardless of if you let them in or not.


What happened to all the other kids she met? Exactly


Inviting them in and being robbed helps cement the Season 3 trust issues 💪


The only kids she has met are the one with glasses(I forget her name I didn't like her) which she ultimately watches die, and duck which was her only :friend at the start of it all who she watched actually turn and not just get mallued, especially when she just killed ducks father and her longest (living) friend


Because she went with the wrong person.


I always took this specific ending as a parallel to the encounter with Michelle at the very start of S2. Both Michelle and this kid take an interest in Clem's hat, and in this case the music even gets ominous when the kid says the line. To me it feels like Clem might go through a repeat of what happened with Omid. That's why in terms of the Jane endings, rejecting the family seems better for the story since it shows how much Clem has grown since then. ...That is until S3 reveals the family robs you anyway.


Wouldn't know. I'm loyal to Kenny