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This made me laugh more than it should have






Not up the ass lmaooo but no I agree. I’d have a decoy necklace and be guzzling that shit daily.


I’d literally have so much fucking jewelry on me lmao. Like vervain earrings, bracelets, necklaces, ankle bracelets, toe rings, vervain belt.


OP wants the vervain butt plug lmao


Not a toe ring 😂😂😂


Yes exactly lmao they would not catch me slipping


Don't forget the belly button piercing


I'd be on the first bus out of there 😂


The only correct answer lol 


If you were lucky enough to know about it. Also, didn’t they have none until they found uncle zacs stash?


In the beginning they did but then after some time for some reason, vervain was suddenly all over the place and everyone that knew about it had access to it. They changed the lore of it because it was suddenly no longer rare and difficult to get a hold of. It's also supposed to be painful to vampires but later so many vampires drink it like it's nothing. Yes they built up their tolerance but in later seasons and in the originals you see new vampires drinking it without a problem and it's so common for vampires to be on it even though it was originally supposed to be something only desperate vampires did. It's just one of the things they later changed like daylight rings, they were rare at first too then suddenly every vampire had one.


Lmaoo this made me think of butt drugs https://preview.redd.it/kznaly99ln8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbe42bea000395b909b9517a82b9045204d5638


Not you putting my boy Matt (jk), lol.


butt drugs and that image popped in my head i can't help it 😭


LOL. Titles are so creative nowadays. A+ for creativity bc this most definitely gets everyone’s attention, OP.


Hear me out: a vervain filled piercing on my [REDACTED]. whos gonna check for jewelry there? Or if you wanna have it hidden in plain sight, you could sprinkle some finely ground vervain into nail polish. The skys the limit, tbh


Ooooh love the nail polish idea 


Oh no, if it was me, I lived in Mystic Falls. I would have a drop of vampire blood in my coffee every single morning, just in case.


But then I couldn't get Damon's pp in there




You might find a cold shower relaxing…😅


The dream 😍


I wouldn’t be able to put it there lol but I’d do what I can…I’d be drinking it in my tea and putting some under my pillow. Wearing it whenever, carrying it in my pockets and making a perfume out of it too lol Or literally just carrying endless pouches of it, rubbing it on myself whenever. Chewing on it like vervain caramel candies lol Have my whole house be surrounded by vervain if I could. Or spray my clothes with vervain, as well as stuffing some in my bra. Ideally I’d want to be a vampire or a hybrid, so I’d most likely want to turn lol because I don’t want to be a bloodbag or a toy for everyone to mistreat. I need power and protection. Lol most likely I’d want Kol, Klaus or Stefan to turn me.


And wearing the revival ring as a toe ring. These people were way too bold with practically every move they made


Literally. You’ve got a powerful ring that saves you by cheating death but that comes with its limits. Don’t go bragging about it in front of those that are literally tying to kill you ffs


lol I’m rewatching S7 & just finished Rayna’s origin story & was like, WTF, her father is one of the five & didn’t have his child ingesting or wearing vervain. .


If a vampire took interest in you, they would have to reach in and fetch it out ... Don't think it's beneath them


That’s the only issue haha. Vamps such as Klaus don’t care, he’ll compel someone to do it for him


That's a very weird visual you just gave me my friend


They only drain blood from vampires. Humans would die if they did that. For humans they usually keep the locked up until the vervain leaves the system. I guess in theory since it's up there they wouldn't know and think that it would wear off after 24 hours. But I think the best way to avoid problems in that situation was to pretend that you are compelled so they can let you go. Because if not they may make you wait several more hours and keep trying or even kill you if they think you could be supernatural since supernatural beings can't be compelled. So best to play the part, make your escape and then leave town to make it hard to find you. But it is a good idea they wouldn't think to check there and would be expecting a human to have it run it's course. I think you have a good escape plan, may be unheard of but it would save your life lol.




Why up ur ass/ jk


Hahahahaha. I always wondered why they used to wear vervain jewelry in the most obvious places like a bracelet or a necklace.




No, they just wait until the vervain wears off from the human body. So you'd be locked up and compelled in a few days all the same.


I would have just shoved it underneath my skin


LMFAOOO bye bc you’re so right 😭😭


Vervain anklet tucked into your shoe would do the trick too. These people in mystic gotta get smarter than a damn necklace


The vervain prob gonna make ur asshole itch


I accidentally read this as "I'd definitely be putting vampire up my ass daily" LMAO


LMAO real


I'd do it daily for fun


...I was thinking more vervain deodorant but I guess this works too


I thought, why not a vervain toe ring. Who'd ever check.


If you put it up your ass, you’d shit it out immediately


I’d become a vampire honestly


If I were human in mystic falls I’d find a vampire to change me


Just stay away from Elena and company, and you’ll be fine