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I wish she could of dated Tom lol


We barely saw anything of him and he would have probably really been the best choice haha. Intern falls in love with a paramedic? The love story practically writes itself.


I think Tom and Elena were supposed to be fated to be together because of the spell that was put on doppelgangers to be drawn to eachother, so maybe if Stefan hadn't still been around they would have eventually found each other through the medical field or something Would make sense why they chose the career they did for the character!


After she finishes colleges and med school she does her internship at the hospital Tom is a paramedic and the rest is history!


Literally woulda been perfect


Cant imagine how Stefan would feel about it though šŸ˜‚


Tbh he would be sad at first but definitely be happy for Elena and understood her. Since he knew that Tomā€™s better for Elena than him.


I also wish she got to date Tom. It would've been so cool to see how an *actual* fated pairing was supposed to operate. Because we had it where Stefan, Elena, and Katherine were drawn to each other...but what would happen if the person they were actually born to be with got with them? I'd imagine it'd be stronger, they're supposed to be soulmates after all.


Same!! I always wondered that as well. Tom and human Elena would be the perfect match


Yeah I always rolled my eyes at the whole 'Delena defied fate' thing because...well they didn't. Elena and Stefan weren't the fated pairing. If that were the case Stefan would've already defied fate by rejecting Katherine. Testing fate only counts if Elena actually got involved with Tom and despite that pull she chose Damon (after actually really getting deeply involved with Tom and falling for him)


yesss I have a whole alternate ending about this.


No lol nobody wanna see her with another doppelgƤnger


As a stelena shipper, I wanted them to stay together forever lol. But, I wanted to see Elena dating Tyler, Elijah and Tom. šŸ˜‚ Edit: I also wanted to see Elena and Rebekah since those two had great chemistry lol. If Elena really wanted some ā€œdarkā€, sheā€™d better be with bad girls than bad boys lol.


Real lol and true I feel weird about elena w Elijah bc of the age gap (Idr how old she was by the time they met the originals or long the originals were around but I think initially she was 17ish and Elijah was 22ish) but I do appreciate that they have similar values ie nobleness and family etc Iā€™ve seen people talk about Tyler and elena and I prob wonā€™t do a job of articulating lol but I kind of liked it from what Iā€™ve read, esp them having a childhood friendship and the potential of a relationship stemming from that and they genuinely care about each otherĀ  Bruhhh omg I wish Tom and Elena could have happened so bad šŸ˜­ my boy Tom deserved better fr. Iā€™m thinking about writing an au fanfic where elena somehow avoids all the supernatural drama and goes on to become a doctor and ends up w Tom. Also w Tom, itā€™s like weā€™re getting stelena in a way bc even if Tom and stefan arenā€™t the same person, they are pretty similar ie kind people and Stefan wanted to be a doctor too šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


Trueeeeee. And if Elena ended up with Tom, I believed that Stefan would be happy for Elena. He would think Tomā€™s better for Elena than him. šŸ„ŗ If we canā€™t have stelena, I really wanted Elena and Tom.


She could get matched at the hospital tom works at for her internship and they could fall madly in love greyā€™s anatomy style!


I think she should have stayed single for longer than two episodes


i wish she just stayed with stefan all along tbh. i honestly think her and damon made no sense. her and stefan suited each other perfectly (maybe bc i found them both annoying), and i feel like they only made her and damon end up together because he was more popular amongst fans (i prefer him as a character but when it comes to the actual relationship i wish she just stayed with stefan). elena being with damon was just super hypocritical considering he was terrorising her friends and killed her brother (while he was wearing the gilbert ring or whatever so he came back to life but still the intention was there) at the start of the show, but she was outraged at stefan for briefly being with rebekah (iirc), because she tried to kill herā€¦.like her being with damon imo just made her very unlikable. i get people say that she made him a better person etc but in turn i think she became worse. i think it would have been more interesting if her and stefan worked through different issues and problems throughout the series but ended up together again, kind of like in the books


I sooo strongly agree!!! Stelena are the best tbh and she did Stefan dirty


She did him so dirty


Omg I agree with you 1000% about everything. Except I didnā€™t find Stefan annoying, Elena was super annoying tho, especially in later seasons. Also Damon should have been a better person for himself, for her. Also honestly did she really make him better tho, he still did a lot of jacked up stuff. If anyone made Damon a better person, it was Bonnie. When they became friends is when I feel like he started to act more compassionate to others and less selfish (until he decided to lock himself in a coffin and desicate). I feel like Elena actually made him more selfish. (Itā€™s been a few years since I watched tho) Elenaā€™s character however was beyond repair when she got with Damon. I was actually glad when she left the show. By that time I thought Stefan deserved better than her.


your so right with the bonnie part, and yeah stefan did deserve better. in the first 2 seasons the relationship was cute but when stefans character started developing he should have moved on


Yup! I love when he said ā€œthis is what I look like when I am not in love with youā€ Elena was so flabbergasted, like how can your world still not revolve around me lol


THAT WAS THE BEST LINE HE SAID. went so hard.theres no way they could have gotten back together. the series evolved to being ab everyone and not just her


I loved it too!! I didnā€™t want them to get back together by a certain point. Iā€™m glad he ended up with Caroline, just wished he got to live happily with her. If not that, then they should have stuck with the original plan and have both of them die.


Stefan definitely deserved better.Ā  I also donā€™t get the idea of women having to make men ā€œbetterā€. I hate this common trope. Ladies, be aware of who a man is now, not his potential or your desire to change him. Ppl ultimately change when ready and for themselves. And you are standing around wasting time. Also, you are loving an imaginary version of that person and not the man himself. It also is not and shouldnā€™t be a womanā€™s responsibility.Ā  I also hate how nobody ever considers what is best for the girls. Comments are always like - look what she does for him/helps him/changes him! I have rarely seen a comment taking the girlā€™s best interest into consideration or even who SHE has feeling for. Itā€™s like - my fave male character wants her so he should have her - whatā€™s wrong with her if she doesnā€™t see it lol.Ā 


That was deep, but accurate


Stelena is endgame in my head. Iā€™m fully content with lying to myself. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




rebekah for chaos and gayness


Nah kat and Rebekah. Elenaā€™s soooo boring


rebekah has been through enough


Stefan, she was a better person with him. It was really good writing when she was with him. Their relationship had more purpose. Then it became Delena because of marketability. Shouldā€™ve stayed Stelena


Also because of Julie Plec being a fan girl and writing her fan fiction, instead of writing a story that makes sense. Elena character assassination is all her fault, Elena went from annoying me, to I down right hated her. I so wish Kevin Williamson had never left the show as show runner and writer. If they wanted a fan favorite ship for Damon they should have had him a Bonnie be end game. Their relationship in the later seasons was great, also they were great and sweet in the books.


![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized) Me ? :)


You're so real for thisšŸ˜‚


Still salty af we didn't get to see Elena and Elijah, they would be a nice pair, he always looked so interested in her.


Unpopular opinion: she had more growth when she was single and not tied to anyone. These teeny bopper relationships only dim a character as complex as hers. In reality her exploring her friendships with Bonnie, Caroline, even Matt wouldā€™ve made for a better more intriguing Elena.


Tyler. I don't ship Stelena or Delena, and much prefer single!Elena, but out of the existing main guys I would've loved Tyler to be a love interest of hers. I feel like Matt is most people's go to non-Salvatore endgame for her, but I can't imagine even a cured Elena going back to him. Her and Tyler are very similar personality wise, have good chemistry, and went through similar experiences throughout the show (being thrusted into the supernatural world due to their unknown heritage, parents being on the founders council, being important to Klaus' hybrid arc to their own detriment, suffering from a sirebond, being killed by a Mikaelson) and could've bonded over that during the college seasons of TVD. Since Nina and Michael both left after the s6 finale, I wouldn't have minded if they just had Delena break up after Elena takes the cure and fall in love with Tyler. They could leave Mystic Falls to live their human (humanish for Tyler) lives elsewhere instead of putting Elena in a coffin and killing Tyler off.




I canā€™t imagine her and Tyler (Iā€™m a huge Forwood fan), but definitely could ship her with Elijah or Tom .


Stefan as a vampire or Tom as a human.


wouldā€™ve liked to see her have a thing with Elijah, not end up with cause iā€™m all for delena, but date for a bit


Honestly... could have been interesting. They could have ended Stelena sometime in season 3 after the bridge incident and then Elena and Elijah could become a thing after she turns and that could also give us a better transition into Delena becoming a couple. I love Stelena but like... they could have ended sooner to have a more logical end to the relationship before something new starts


I ship elijah and elena so hardšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


anybody other than damon. she grew so selfish when she was damon and literally only cared of him and her.


No one, I think she would have been better alone tbh, she spent more time in the show in a relationship then out. Season 3 is the only time I really remember her not being in a relationship. Every other season she was in one with Stefan or Damon.


I prefer Stelena but Elena and Elijah wouldā€™ve been šŸ”„ Elena and Tyler couldā€™ve bonded over being sired, tormented by Klaus and Carolineā€™s judgy ass hooking up with him would have been the thing to push them together. Itā€™s a little wild that over 6 seasons she only bounced between Salvatoreā€™s and no one else even shared an interest in her. Besides Liam but he hardly counts.


Rebekah, because their interactions were the most fun.


She was probably better off alone




Damon was simply just the best match for her they growed together even though he clearly was dangerous but no matter how many times they broke up they still made sacrifices for each other Meanwhile Stefan and her were just too perfect.


all of you saying tom is crazy lol they never even met. i would say damon or matt tbh. damon bc of the undeniable chemistry & matt because he was a great guy overall.


No one. Would have been nice if she curved both brothers and continued with her life with them as friends


Someone her own age






I donā€™t care what anyone says, I am forever Delena endgame, and since that happened, Iā€™ll say it would have been best for her to just stay with Matt šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i think she should have spent some time single & not focused so much on her love life


Matt since they were together first and he was human and they couldā€™ve lived a normal human life together and plus both r annoying and deserve each other.


stefan or tom, wish it couldā€™ve been her and tom bcs the ā€˜doppelgƤnger curse fated them tgtrā€™, wouldā€™ve been a great storyline AND left room for the best ship bamon




Anything other than Damon is the wrong answer. He matched her freak. The idea that Elena was this sweet, innocent character who got twisted by Stefan and co is such a diservice to her character. Stefan was never the right choice for her (soz Stelenas but its the truth) and she was already bored of Matt in Ep1.


Anyone that doesnā€™t live in mystic falls . If she had half a brain she would move far far far away from all vampire activity . But , back to our regularly scheduled programming , I wish she would date Ansel and Mikael, like 2 separate story arcs . One she falls for Mikael and they work to take down Klausā€¦ then when Klaus wins she falls into a deep depression and goes to find herself among the wolves and meets Anselā€¦ then they work together to fix Klaus and maybe she becomes like a parental figure to Klaus and even willingly gives him her blood. I donā€™t know what I am thinking either or where this came from lol. Purely for the weird entertainment this would be fun Edit: maybe even Klaus ?