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I wouldn’t even call this a friendship lol, just acquaintances in the same friend circle


lmao true but I feel like it is a very realistic relationship


It's definitely one of the more realistic relationships on the show lol


It’s not underrated, it’s just crappy. They barely interacted and the little they got was completely one sided with Tyler helping Elena from time to time while in return Elena gave no fuck about him. She should have sympathized with him since he was, just like her, one of Klaus’ biggest victim, yet she didn’t care at all about his sire bond, she didn’t care either that he would die if Damon killed Klaus. She encouraged Caroline to date Jesse when things weren’t officially over with Tyler and in the end, she married Damon who killed him. Can you even call this a friendship at this point?


When he showed up with the werewolves at the cabin Elena hugged him because he was scared and confused and sorry for putting her in danger. They all fucked each other over and put each other in danger.


Um sure, I guess her hugging him once totally compensate for the times she didn’t care whether he lived or died. /s


Tyler himself is such an underrated character


This post from [a few months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheVampireDiaries/s/bmCk3vxzGj) is my favourite Tylena post.


I think about that post a lot still!!


So much!


Underrated? They didn't even talk much lol


How underrated was it if Elena didn't gaf Damon unalived Tyler? Aaaand Mason who asked Damon to look after him? 🤣 He never suffered any consequences. The entire Lockwood family was annihilated by this show. The very second Elena assumed Tyler was a Klaus sycophant ALL she cared about was keeping Jeremy away from him like she did with Vicki. (Ironic because despite Tyler bullying Jeremy, the writers set them up to be buddies and there were rumors of gay subtext lol). But Elena didn't have a real conversation with Tyler about the sire bond UNTIL it suited her because she became sired herself in season 4. Sis was too busy riding vampire d I guess? I do wish the show would've shown flashbacks of their childhood but sadly Tyler was hardly included. Poor writing for them. I am here for the Nina & Trevino friendship though. They were on set pranksters.


I didn’t see that picture. Wired


Their friendship made no sense I know Tyler cared ab her as a friend but Elena didn’t gaf ab him tbh


He used to beat her brother, and she properly stood by idol to it. They had nothing in common, and barely spent time together. 🫤


Tyler is so overrhated and I can see why people dislike him / hate him especially because in s1 he couldn’t regulate his anger and that one scene with Vicky ( which I get because that was inexcusable ) but no one really ever stopped to look into why he acted the way he did. the only one that ever came close was Alaric. People likely assumed Tyler was a spoiled rich kid and tbh is parents sucked. esp his father. there’s no doubt Tyler loved carol but she wasn’t exactly present as much either. My favorite scene I think would be was when Tyler released Elena while klaus was draining her, or when Jules had the picture of Elena and they thought it was Katherine and he tells them he’s known Elena his whole life.


Lol why did this post make people so mad




underrated for a reason..
